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təlim texnologiyaları / təlim metodları / pedaqoji biliklər / təhsil / kommuni kativlik / infiormasiya / kompüter / müəllim.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Humay Səfərova

Məqalədə müasir dövrdə interaktivlik, rahatlıq və İKT ilə dəstəklənən iş mühitinin təmin olunmasının günün vacib tələblərindən biri olması təhlil edilir. Qeyd olunur ki, tədris prosesində İKT verilən mövzuları öyrənməyə geniş imkanlar yaradır, çünki o, öyrənənlərə çox modelli kommunikasiya üslubunda fikirlər və məlumatları əldə etməyə, genişləndirməyə, çevir məyə və paylaşmağa imkan verir. Öyrənənlərə öyrənmə resursları, şagird mərkəzli əməkdaş lıq prinsiplərini inkişaf etdirməyə, tənqidi yanaşma, yaradıcı düşüncə və problemlərin həlli bacarıqlarını artırmağa kömək edir. Yenilikçi müəllimlərin yeni təlim metodlarından istifadə etməsi artıq vacib bir məsələ halına gəlmişdir. Məqalədə pedaqoji texnologiyaların dərsin gedişatına hansı müsbət təsirləri göstərdiyi müəyyənləşdirilmişdir.

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Azarbaycan Dovlat Pedaqoji Universiteti, Umumi pedaqogika kafedrasi Baki, Azarbaycan

Annotasiya. Mdqalddd muasir dovrda interaktivlik, rahatliq vd IKT ila dastaklanan i§ muhitinin tamin olunmasinin gunun vacib talablarindan biri olmasi tahlil edilir. Qeyd olunur ki, tadris prosesinda IKT verilan movzulari oyranmaya geni§ imkanlar yaradir, gunki o, oyrananlara gox modelli kommunikasiya uslubunda fikirlar va malumatlari alda etmaya, geni§landirmaya, gevir maya va payla§maga imkan verir. Oyrananlara oyranma resurslari, §agird markazli amakda§ liq prinsiplarini inki§af etdirmaya, tanqidiyana§ma, yaradici du§unca vaproblemlarin halli bacariqlarini artirmaga komak edir. Yenilikgi muallimlarin yeni talim metodlarindan istifada etmasi artiq vacib bir masala halina galmi§dir. Maqalada pedaqoji texnologiyalarin darsin gedi§atina hansi musbat tasirlari gostardiyi muayyanla§dirilmi§dir.

Agar sozlsr: talim texnologiyalari, talim metodlari, pedaqoji biliklar, tahsil, kommuni kativlik, infiormasiya, komputer, muallim.



Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Department of general pedagogy Baku, Azerbaijan

Abstract. In the article, it is analyzed that interactivity, comfort, and providing a wor king environment supported by ICT is one of the important requirements of the day. It is noted that ICT in the teaching process provides ample opportunities for learning given topics, as it allows learners to acquire, expand, transform and share ideas and information in a multi-modal communication style. Learning resources help learners develop principles of student-centered collaboration, critical thinking, creative thin king, and problem-solving skills. It has become an important issue for innovative teachers to use new teaching methods. The article describes the positive effects of pedagogical technologies on the course of the lesson.

Keywords: educational technologies, educational methods, pedagogical knowledge, education, communication, information, computer, teacher.




Азербайджанский Государственный Педагогический Университет, Кафедра общей педагогики

Аннотация. В статье анализируется, что интерактивность, комфорт и обеспечение рабочей среды, поддерживаемой ИКТ, являются одними из важных требований современности. Отмечается, что ИКТ в образовательном процессе предоставляют широкие возможности для изучения заданных тем, поскольку позволяют учащимся приобретать,

расширять, трансформировать и делиться идеями и информацией в мультимодальном стиле общения. Учебные ресурсы помогают учащимся развивать принципы личностно-ориентированного сотрудничества, критического и творческого мышления, а также навыки решения проблем. Для учителей-новаторов стало важным вопросом использование новых методов обучения. В статье описано положительное влияние педагогических технологий на ход урока.

Ключевые слова: образовательные технологии, методы обучения, педагогические знания, образование, общение, информация, компьютер, учитель.


The term "pedagogical technology" has been used in the education system since the second half of the 20th century. The word technology is derived from the Greek тёууц, techne - "art, skill", logos - science. Pedagogical activity requires pedagogical skills from the teacher. Pedagogical mastery refers to the teaching method that every teacher uses most often. These methods serve to make training more effective, but not all people who work as teachers have the same level of pedagogical mastery, and some of them may not even have it at all. Studies show that a teacher with long-term teaching experience has certain difficulties in conducting such a lesson effectively. Traditional teaching methods used for many years can no longer ensure quality in education. So, according to the requirements of the time, the methods used in the lesson should be further modernized and the use of modern technologies should be included in the training process. It was determined that the quality indicators of teachers teaching with active teaching methods are higher than the indicators of teachers teaching with traditional teaching methods. Main part

In accordance with the concept of modernization of Azerbaijani education, the main task in training teachers is the formation of competent personnel with the appropriate profile and level, responsible, competent, competitive in the labor market, who know modern information and pedagogical technologies, and have the ability of professional and social mobility.

"American professor Lee Shulman states in his research that how you teach is more important than what you teach recently" [Hasanov A., 2000]. Thus, teachers who use traditional teaching methods face difficulties in attracting students' attention and giving them full information. Lee Shulman points out that a teacher should acquire pedagogical knowledge, regardless of what subject he teaches. Since 1986, according to the program designed by Shulman, modern technologies have been used in the training process. With this, the transition from traditional training methods to modern training methods began in the organization of training. According to him, a teacher should acquire three main types of knowledge: basic knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge.

Basic knowledge is scientific knowledge related to the subject taught by the teacher.

Pedagogical knowledge is the new teaching methods needed to teach students the knowledge that the teacher has. The teacher should study the subject to be taught in advance and plan the lesson. He should determine in advance what methods will be used. It should be noted that passing all subjects with the same method has a negative effect on the quality of the lesson. So, even if you use new teaching methods, the constant use of the same method can lead to the distraction of learners and decrease the quality of the lesson [Shulman L.S., 1986].

Technological knowledge is the skills necessary for the teacher to teach pedagogical knowledge to students. These skills include the use of modern learning technologies. Until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, traditional teaching methods were used in the teaching process. At that time, the only source from which the student could get new knowledge was the teacher. Therefore, it was not difficult to attract the student's attention to new knowledge. When we look around, we witness that everything is changing rapidly. Traditional teaching methods were based on memory, and the student tried to grasp new knowledge only by recording what he heard. Now, students, in addition to listening to the teacher, but also watching video materials on the subject,

engrave new information into the brain with their eye memory. As it can be seen, the listed knowledge are related contents. According to Shulman, teachers who have this knowledge and skills can achieve a more efficient organization of the lesson.

According to Shulman's theory, the teacher should cooperate with the student in the learning process. Thus, new knowledge should be relevant to the student's interest and, if necessary, the new topic should be explored together, but then Mishra and Kohler [Shulman L.S., 1986] put forward a new theory. Although this theory was formed on the basis of Shulma's ideas, the research here began to deepen a little. According to their theory, teachers should also cooperate with each other. Research shows that experienced teachers face difficulties in acquiring technological knowledge, which prevents them from being successful in teaching in the modern age. In their research, Mishra and Kohler noted that all subject teachers should collaborate with computer science teachers and use their help in their ICT-related challenges.

If the innovative teacher wants to be successful in the learning process, he should engage in more academic activities, plan it before the lesson and design an individual program for students who need special attention and have certain difficulties in understanding the subject [Matthew J. Koehler and Punya Mishra 8, p. . 82]. According to Conaway, the teacher is an important factor in liking the subject. The teacher's motivational skills increase the student's desire to learn. The pedagogue-teacher should program the methods he considers successful and create more learning resources for the learners. The more and different styles of knowledge a student acquires while acquiring information, the more their interest will increase.

Starting from the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, computers entered the training process, and the basis of information and communication technologies was laid in training. On the basis of computer training, programmed training using computers came to the fore. When we say information and communication technologies, it is meant that the work is done through groups and that natural communication between the subjects is established, and in these conditions, different didactic materials and movement algorithms are used.

As we mentioned earlier, the use of computers and other technological tools during the course of the lesson attracts more attention of students, and students can easily get any information from the Internet. The use of ICT in the classroom allows to develop students' communication skills, increase the intensity of teaching work, develop cognitive activity, involve passive students in learning activities, inculcate in them cooperative habits, and obtain new, previously unavailable materials for the educational process. According to a number of scientists, in the future, students and pupils will have the ability to acquire knowledge independently without the participation of the teacher [Voogt, Almekinders, van den Akker & Moonen, 2005]. To confirm or deny this idea, the teacher-scientists decided to conduct an interesting research, and the students in the group were divided into two groups. Conditions were created for one group of students to use only Internet resources, while other students were trained with traditional training methods. Different results were obtained in the groups. Thus, although the students who learned with the traditional teaching method understood the topics, they did not have the ability to solve the problem outside of the teacher, and they needed the help of the teacher in every difficulty they encountered. In the second group, when difficulties arise, students discuss with each other, organize group work, search for the necessary material together, and share new information with each other, but they could not fully solve the problematic topic. From these studies, we can come to the conclusion that it is impossible to imagine the learning process without a teacher, but organizing group work and giving the student the opportunity to work independently leads to a better result.

The organization of group work in the classroom is a part of the active learning method, but active learning methods and educational technologies cannot be equated. The use of pedagogical technologies is based on active learning methods. Zenfira Asgarova, a teacher of Azerbaijani language and literature at Taraqqi technical-humanitarian high school named after I. Hajiyev in Baku, identified the following features of active learning methods: 1. students' active learning position;

2. independence and freedom of thinking;

3. cooperation and interaction in the group;

4. creative application of knowledge to achieve vital goals" [Asgarova Z., 2010].

As we know, increasing the quality of education somehow serves the political, economic, and social development of that country. For this purpose, the government of Azerbaijan has established cooperation with developed countries such as the USA, England, Japan, China, Germany, Russia, and the Netherlands, and with organizations such as the World Bank and UNICEF. The Education Reform Program has been implemented in Azerbaijan since 1999, and this project is aimed at the implementation of measures to improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process. In the training process, information technologies create conditions for acquiring knowledge from a distance, close, from various sources without leaving the classroom. It is not accidental that for the first time the concept of pedagogical technology was related to the application of technical tools in training. Later, according to the characteristics given by the Japanese scientist and educator T. Sakomoto, pedagogical technology began to be imagined in the form of applying systematic thinking tools to pedagogy.

Students should be able to gather information, select, analyze, expand, transform, and present information in active learning paradigms. Teachers must be able to create a new, flexible and open learning environment with interactive, experiential and multimedia-based delivery systems.

Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, which are factors that hold students' attention for a long time. In addition, the presentation allows the teacher to independently design the teaching material based on the characteristics of a certain class and subject, which makes it possible to build the lesson with maximum educational efficiency.

A teacher with ICT competence should not only try to use information technologies in his work, but should also be able to design and model information and teaching activities.

Competence is a set of interrelated personality traits (skills, abilities, knowledge, methods of action, etc.) determined in relation to a number of certain processes and objects, necessary for productive, high-quality activity in relation to them.

Competence is the fact that a person has appropriate powers that reflect his personal attitude to the object of his activity. A competency-based approach is an outcome-oriented approach to education. Here, the result is not the amount of information received, but the ability of a person to act in various problematic situations.

The formation of ICT competence requires the following:

- having information about the didactic possibilities of information and communication technologies and the operation of a personal computer;

- the ability to use methodological tools for the preparation of didactic and visual materials using the Microsoft Office program;

- use of digital educational resources and the Internet in the process of pedagogical activity;

- creation of positive motivation during the use of information technologies [Miriyev A., 2016].

Due to the new regulation on certification, if a teacher does not have a personal computer, he cannot be certified in the first or higher category. It is recommended that he/she improve the level of ICT competence in the following ways:

- to participate in various seminars on the use of ICT in educational practice;

- to participate in online forums, professional competitions and teachers' pedagogical councils;

- to provide access to Internet resources and a collection of digital educational resources;

- to use various tools and digital technologies when preparing for lessons - presentation preparation programs, image processing programs, text editors, table processors, etc.;

- to develop and test their own projects on the use of modern information technologies;

- To form a bank of training tasks that will be implemented through the active use of ICT.

Thanks to the use of new information and communication technologies, the activity of the teacher is greatly facilitated, for example:

- can store various documents (reports, class notes, planning, etc.);

- can prepare various didactic materials using a computer;

- from interactive boards, multimedia projectors, electronic journals, etc. for the teacher. opens the opportunity to learn, has ideas about the didactic possibilities of information and communication technologies and the operation of a personal computer;

- has the ability to use methodological bases for the preparation of didactic and visual materials using the Microsoft Office program;

- uses digital educational resources and the Internet in the process of pedagogical activity;

- creation of positive motivation during the use of information technologies.

Of course, it does not follow that now the lessons should be conducted entirely using the computer and the presentation of all teaching materials should be entrusted to it. ICT can never replace the live words of the teacher. It is not correct to build the entire teaching process on ICT.

As a result of the study of the issue of classification of methods, we present the main result -the classification of the methods of using ICT in the educational process, which helps to structure the considered component of the didactic structure.

A classification of ICT use methods by the teacher can be established. The basis of this is professional activity:

-use of ICT for teaching material presentation;

- use of ICT for the preparation of didactic teaching materials;

- use of ICT for the preparation of electronic educational materials;

- use of ICT for monitoring and diagnostics;

- use of ICT for correction of students' development;

- use of ICT for development forecasting;

- use of ICT to manage students' educational and cognitive activities;

- use of ICT for systematization of information about students;

- methods of using ICT in documentation, etc.

Today, informatization is considered as one of the main ways of modernizing the education system. This is related not only to the development of engineering and technology, but above all to the changes that occur as a result of the development of the information society, where information and the skills to work with it become the main value. Accordingly, "...one of the main tasks of the modern education system is the development of projects and programs that contribute to the formation of personality in modern society. The main goal of the pedagogical collective is to create conditions for the discovery and development of each child's abilities, the formation of a personality that has solid basic knowledge and can adapt to modern life conditions"[Curriculum Vitae, John Yinger, page 28. http://dergipark.gov.tr/download /article-file/91133].Informatization of education should be considered one of the important means of achieving this goal. This refers to the solution of a number of successive tasks that determine the stages of the modernization process: technical equipment, creation of didactic tools, development of new teaching technologies, etc.

The development of information technologies and telecommunications facilities creates the basis for the implementation of scientific and educational programs at a qualitatively new level. "The creation of high-speed telecommunication networks and the development of real-time technologies allow to realize models of distributed educational environment built on remote access technologies to information resources and computer communication" [Shulman L.S., 1986].

Despite the lack of telecommunication resources, these technologies are already firmly established in the practice of educational institutions. E-mail, which was seen as a significant advance in the development of communication technologies ten years ago, has been replaced by online technologies. "Unique laboratory, experimental and computing complexes were obtained thanks to automation tools and computer technologies for remote control" [Hasanov A., 2000].

The advantages of these technologies are obvious. They allow to combine the material and computational resources of educational and scientific centers to solve complex problems, to attract leading experts and to create scientific laboratories in different locations, to organize online access to

shared resources, to organize joint computing and laboratory experiments, to implement joint scientific projects and educational programs.

"An important quality of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) is their versatility, they can be the basis for organizing any activity related to information exchange, creating a common information space [Ahmadov B.A., Rzayev A.Q., 1983].

Information technologies are created as a means of solving the contradiction between the ever-increasing amount of knowledge collected on the one hand and the scope and scope of their social use on the other hand. Thus, the dual role of ICT emerges: on the one hand, it is a tool for turning knowledge into information resources of society, and on the other hand, it is a means of turning them into social information technologies. Conclusion

In the 20th century, it is not enough for teachers to have only basic knowledge, they must acquire the skills of using technologies along with pedagogical knowledge and be able to use them in the course of training.

A modern teacher should have the basic qualities necessary for solving educational problems with the help of general purpose information and communication tools. The teacher must master special resources and technologies, that is, he must have subject-oriented ICT competence designed according to the requirements of the content of a certain subject and able to implement them in educational activities.

The application of information technologies in the activities of teachers is an inevitable factor in modern times. The teacher's professionalism is a synthesis of skills that includes psychological-pedagogical, subject-methodical and ICT components. ICT can be used at all stages of the learning process - when explaining new material, repeating, monitoring, etc.

The computer is just a tool, and its use should not replace the teacher or the textbook, on the contrary, it should help to achieve the tasks and goals in the lesson, that is, it should fundamentally change the essence of the pedagogical activity. Consequently, the main methodological challenge of teaching is the transition from explaining the material well to showing it in the best possible way.

Mastering a large volume of information - knowledge through active dialogue on the computer is more interesting and effective for the student than memorizing textbook pages. Thanks to training programs, the child can imitate real processes, which means not only to see the results and causes, but also to understand their meaning.

Relevance of the article. The successful use of ICT in education greatly simplifies the educational process, makes it dynamic and flexible. The addition of a computer to the teacher-student-textbook teaching model helps to organize the teaching process according to individual programs, the child's interest in the lesson and allows to stimulate desire. Lessons conducted with computers and ICT tools are very interesting and memorable for children. Multimedia tools, automated educational systems, computer educational programs, animated graphics, colorful illustrations have a positive effect on the cognitive activity of children, and as a result, the quality of the results shown by students in Olympiads and various intellectual competitions increases significantly. This is one of the factors that determine that the studied topic is extremely relevant.

Scientific novelty of the article. The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the important conditions in the globalized world. The scientific novelty of the article is that in modern times, the educational process can be conducted remotely and online, and here it is necessary to know how to use not only different slides and materials, but also different programs.

Practical importance of the article. The article can be used as a source by teachers who use information and communication technologies in pedagogical activities, master's and doctoral students conducting research on this topic, and researchers.


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