Научная статья на тему 'Исследование экстралингвистической и лингвистической классификации терминосистемы в геологии (на основе английских и узбекских терминов)'

Исследование экстралингвистической и лингвистической классификации терминосистемы в геологии (на основе английских и узбекских терминов) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
термины / геология / терминологическая система / классификация / экстралингвистические и лингвистические факторы. / terms / geology / terminological system / classification / extralinguistic and linguistic factors.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Лола Рихсиева

В статье анализируются особенности терминологической системы в области геологии. В частности, особенности, связанные с такими факторами, как экстралингвистические и лингвистические, которые являются основными аспектами терминологической сферы. В статье исследуется классификация терминов с учетом двух факторов, позволяющая выявить основные компоненты терминологической системы в геологии.

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Investigating of extralinguistic and linguistic classification of terminological system in geology (on the materials of English and Uzbek terms in the sphere of geology)

The article analyzes the peculiarities of terminological system in the sphere of geology. In particular, features related to factors such as extralinguistic and linguistic as the main aspects of terminological area. The article studies the classification of terms taking an account of these two factors to disclose the pivotal components of terminological system in geology.

Текст научной работы на тему «Исследование экстралингвистической и лингвистической классификации терминосистемы в геологии (на основе английских и узбекских терминов)»

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Investigating of extralinguistic and linguistic classification of

terminological system in geology (on the materials of English and

Uzbek terms in the sphere of geology)


Uzbek State World Languages University


Article history: The article analyzes the peculiarities of terminological system

Received February 2021 in the sphere of geology. In particular, features related to factors

Received in revised form such as extralinguistic and linguistic as the main aspects of

20 February 2021 terminological area. The article studies the classification of terms

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

taking an account of these two factors to disclose the pivotal

components of terminological system in geology.

15 April 2021

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

Keywords: This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

terms, (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)


terminological system,


extralinguistic and

linguistic factors.

Геология терминосистемасидаги экстралингвистик Ba

лингвистик таснифлашининг тадкики (геология сохасидаги

инглиз ва узбек тилларидаги терминлар асосида)


Калит сузлар: Маколада геология сохасидаги терминосистеманинг

терминлар, Узига хос хусусиятлари тахлил килинган. Хусусан,


экстралингвистика ва лингвистика каби омиллар

терминологик тизим, vu vo

тасниф, терминологик майдоннинг асосий жихатлари эканлиги

экстралингвистик баён этилган. Маколада геология терминосистемасининг

ва лингвистик мухим компонентларини очиб бериш учун айнан шу


икки омиллар хисобга олинган холда терминларнинг

таснифланишини устида тадкикот олиб борилган.

1 Senior lecturer, the Department of English translation theory and practice, Uzbek State World Languages University,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: lola.rihsieva@ mail.ru.


Ц Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Исследование экстралингвистической и лингвистической

классификации терминосистемы в геологии (на основе

английских и узбекских терминов)


Ключевые слова; В статье анализируются особенности терминологической

термины, системы в области геологии. В частности, особенности,

ерминологическая связанные стакими факторами, как экстралингвистические и

система, лингвистические, которые являются основными аспектами

классификация, терминологической сферы. В статье исследуется

экстралингвистические классификация терминов с учетом двух факторов,

и лингвистические позволяющая ВЫЯВИТЬ основные компоненты

факторы. терминологической системы в геологии.


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the increased interest of

modern linguistics to the problems of word nomination in the geological sphere, the

definition of ways of forming the lexical composition of geological terminology. Both in

theoretical and practical importance, the problem of English and Uzbek geological

terminology in a comparative aspect has not become an object of special study by linguists.

The study of geological terminology is also essential for aspects of linguistics, reflecting the

structural, semantic and grammatical features of geological terms, including such sections

as lexicology, lexicography, stylistics. Geological terminology is one of the components of

the vocabulary due to the peculiarities of the structural, semantic, word-formation and

stylistic nature, differs from other terminological systems and occupies a special place in

the language system.Terminological issues were applied in linguists’ research works such

as G.O. Vinokur, A.S. Gerd, V.M. Leychik, D.S. Lotte, K. Kageura, D. Sageder, S. Jacobson,

Sh. Abdullaeva G.Abdurahmonov, S.A. Azizov, X.D. Paluanova, D.X. Kadirbekova,

0.S. Akhmedov. Although there is a lot of research done in the field of terminology, there

are also some unexplored problems related to the nature of the term, the study and

solution of which implies a new approach to modern linguistic trends.


V.M. Leychik stated that there are three approaches to the study of terminological

systems. The first approach is a logical approach, which allows us to distinguish the terms

that define the basic and complex concepts of the system [3]. Through this approach, terms

are defined by a theory that is the basis of a system of objects and concepts in a particular

field. The second approach is the linguistic approach, which shows how terms are

expressed in the system as lexical units as semantics and structures. Terms can have

different structures, and only their semantically close proximity to each other ensures that

they are integrated into system. The third approach combines the first and second

approaches which demonstrates the relationship between the term and the terminological

system, indicating its place in the terminological system. According to the formation of

terminological system which involves the following components: a) ensuring the existence

of a general conceptual system relevant to the sphere, b) showing the connection of a


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

specific field of knowledge with other specific disciplines or fields, c) having a very clear

theory which describes the sphere and classifies the terms; g) the existence of a special

language developed in terminography. In our opinion, the problems of terminology and

terminological system remain relevant today. There is also much debate among scholars

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about the meaning of the term and its function and we disclose the peculiarities of

geological terms in its terminological system.


The formation of terminological system based on the classification scheme assist to

distinguish term-specific features in the system. The basis of all classifications is the various

individual characteristics of the terms - content (composition), formal, functional, linguistic

and non-linguistic [2]. The first classification of geological terms in English and Uzbek is the

content of terms, so the terms are divided into practical or concrete (by observation) and

theoretical (abstract) terms. Practical terms are used to name real phenomena and objects:

госк$ (тог жинслари) тарта (магма- оловли суюк масса), сгуя (кристалл еки

шаффоф минерал), Шорепез5 (литогенез- тог жинсларини хосил килувчи жараён)

and theoretical terms are used to name abstract concepts. Abstracts are concepts that

describe the properties of objects and cannot exist independently without these objects:

“Mohs hardness” (diamond) - “Моос шкаласи бУйича каттиклик” (олмос), “оге” питега5

(gold, copper) - “маъданли” минераллар (олтин, мис).

The second classification of terms is carried out by distribution in specific directions, in

other words by science or field. This list of industries or industries can be generalized in the

following types: science, engineering, and manufacturing. \n the field of science, a specific

group of terms is defined and called scientific terminology. This group is divided into classes

related to the fields of science at different stages of scientific and technological development.

For example, in geology, terms related to the mathematical sciences: геометрик

градийент(2еотейу)таш у ш the geodesy of geology, terms related to the natural and

scientific sciences: ecliptic plane - sx7“nTHKa TeKHc/IHTH, Earth ellipsoid or Earth spheroid -

Ер эллипсоиди (аягопоту); те ВаНае- металл галогени, оксид, сулфидлар тату

темир сулфиди Ее5 (спет/5йу); слуида-бир томонлама, пироксен - икки томонлама,

калцит - уч томонламаталенит - куб буйлаб, сфалерит-олти томонлама;

poM6cumon(physics), terms related to the social епсез: геосинклинал Улкалар[4]-

XapakaTyanr XVAAVA (geography) are widely applied.

The third classification of terms is based on linguistically specific features that help to

distinguish polysemantic terms from monosemantic terms that have two or more meanings

within a single terminological system according to their semantic structure [6]. For example,

when the word coal (TrourKYmup)is used as a term in the sphere of geology, in the process of

translation in petrography - arocK( Tor »xHHCcH), in mining- aYmineral (@oHAaH Kazuma);

Also included in this classification are synonymy and units that represent indicators of

elements and measurements. For example, syngony or symmetry of crystals -

кристалларнинг сингонияси ёки CHMMe€TDHACH, ABHH шакли €KH КУРИНИШИ

(синонимия); тартаЧс - магматик ва театогр$т- метаморфизм жараёнлари,

density of rocks and weight of minerals - 8/ст (тог жинсларнинг зичлик ва маъданли

MHHepa/ViapHHHT OFHpPJIMK Yaron 6HpsHrH), light energy unit - j/sec (épyrauk Hyp

энергиясининг харакат тезлигининг даражаси), mineral hardness unit Mohs hardness -


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

“Mooc mkaacH 6¥HuIa KAaTTHK THK’ |1], parameters units of measurement extension = e -

KeHTafitma; unit of traction = pascal (Pa) - (TopTum кучи YTI0B G6Hp/IHTH), as well as

indicators of chemical elements Au, Fe, C, S - (@7THH, TEMHDP, OJIMOG, OJITHHTYIYPT).

In the next fourth classification, geological terms are classified according to a very

different structure. The defined terms are divided into cognate, derivative, complex,

abbreviated structure: caldera, exogenous, endogenous, endomorphic, endomorphism,

brittle-ductile iron, GPS, GNSS.[5]Sometimes the terms can be found in poly lexeme

terms of more than 3 or even 4 words: plate collusion-induced tectonic - (TexTronuK

плиталарнинг тукнашуви).

The process of absorption of terms is a complex phenomenon and is closely linked

with linguistic and extralinguistic factors such as polysemantic, synonymy, division of

terms related to their content and subdivision in specific fields. The following classification

schemes of terms facilitate to clarify the components of terminological system in geology.

Geological terms

Extralingustic factors

practical (concrete terms)

theoretical (absract terms)

subdivision of terms in specific fields

Tab 1. The classification scheme of extralinguistic factors

Geological terms

Linguistic factors


synonymy and units of elements and measurements.


Tab 2. The classification scheme of linguistic factors


In the process of investigating of English and Uzbek geological terms revealed the

following extralinguistic features as existence concepts and description of this field,

namely geology and also relation to other disciplines such as geometry, astronomy,

geography, chemistry, physics. The findings of modern research on different

terminological systems prove that there is no difference between terminology and

common language. It is emphasized that the terminology system follows the same rules

and laws as language units for general purposes. The investigation defines the process of

creating terms should be continuous and terminological system should be ready to

introduce linguistic elements. The transparent description, methods of classification based

on extra linguistic and linguistic factors assist to expand and improve the process such as

developing and clarifying the terminological system and knowledge in general.



Ш] 5чепсе Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


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