Научная статья на тему 'Этнические и возрастные концепции на материалах на русском, английском и узбекском языках'

Этнические и возрастные концепции на материалах на русском, английском и узбекском языках Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
этничность и возраст / женское / мужское / старое / молодое / пословицы / аксиологизация / географический фактор / антропологический тип / этническая идентичность / язык / мимика / жесты / этнические стереотипы / антропологические особенности / сравнительный анализ. / the concepts of ethnicity and age / feminine / masculine / old / young / proverbs / axiologization / geographic factor / anthropological type / ethnic identity / language / facial expressions / gestures / ethnic stereotypes / anthropological features / comparative analysis.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Диёра Шарофова

Эффективность межкультурной коммуникации напрямую зависит от знания особенностей культурных картин мира коммуникантов. В работе исследуются такие компоненты картины мира, как этнические и возрастные концепции. В частности, в таких материалах, как пословицы, литературные произведения, рассматриваются и дифференцируются понятия возраста и национальности. В статье освещаются возрастные и этнические различия, отражающие весь образ жизни узбекско-русских народов. В частности, ярко отражается пестрота взглядов узбеков, русских и британцев на возраст, а также пестрота цветов в этнических взглядах. Культурное отношение к узбекской русской и английской национальности может различаться в нескольких смыслах, это самая широкая тема для поиска и анализа различий, но в статье дана основная часть разнообразия.

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Ethnic and age concepts in Russian, English and Uzbek materials

The effectiveness of intercultural communication directly depends on the knowledge of the peculiarities of the cultural pictures of the world of the communicants. This work examines such components of the pictures of the world as ethnic and age concepts. Especially, in materials such as proverbs, literal works are considered and differentiated the concepts of age and ethnicity. This article highlights the age and ethnic differences that reflect the entire way of life of the Uzbek-Russian peoples. In particular, the diversity of views of the Uzbek, Russian and British peoples on age, as well as the diversity of colors in ethnic views is clearly reflected. The cultural attitude towards of Uzbek Russian and English ethnicity may differ in several meanings, this the widest topic to search and analyze differences, but in the article the main part of variety is given.

Текст научной работы на тему «Этнические и возрастные концепции на материалах на русском, английском и узбекском языках»


through time and space


i yaar

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Society and innovations

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Ethnic and age concepts in Russian, English and Uzbek materials


Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages



Article history:

Received February 2021

Received in revised form

20 February 2021

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

15 April 2021


the concepts of ethnicity and








geographic factor,

anthropological type,

ethnic identity,


facial expressions,


ethnic stereotypes,

anthropological features,

comparative analysis.

The effectiveness of intercultural communication directly

depends on the knowledge of the peculiarities of the cultural

pictures of the world of the communicants. This work examines

such components of the pictures of the world as ethnic and age

concepts. Especially, in materials such as proverbs, literal works

are considered and differentiated the concepts of age and

ethnicity. This article highlights the age and ethnic differences

that reflect the entire way of life of the Uzbek-Russian peoples. In

particular, the diversity of views of the Uzbek, Russian and

British peoples on age, as well as the diversity of colors in ethnic

views is clearly reflected. The cultural attitude towards of Uzbek

Russian and English ethnicity may differ in several meanings,

this the widest topic to search and analyze differences, but in the

article the main part of variety is given.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Rus, ingliz va o‘zbek materiallarida etnik va yosh tushunchalari


Kalit solar:

etnik va yosh,







geografik omil,

Madaniyatlararo muloqot samaradorligi to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri

kommunikatorlar dunyosining madaniy rasmlarining o‘ziga

xos xususiyatlarini bilishga bog‘liq. Ushbu asarda dunyo

rasmlarining etnik va yosh tushunchalari kabi tarkibiy qismlari

ko‘rib chiqilgan. Ayniqsa, magollar kabi materiallarda so‘zma-

so‘z asarlar yosh va etnik tushunchalarni hisobga olgan va

farqlangan. Ushbu magqolada o‘zbek-rus xalqlarining butun hayot

tarzini aks ettiruvchi yosh va etnik tafovutlar yoritilgan. Xususan,

1 Assistant lecturer, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

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iu Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

antropologik tip, o‘zbek, rus va ingliz xalqlarining yoshga bo'lgan qarashlarining

etnik o’ziga xoslik, xilma-xilligi, etnik qarashlardagi ranglarning xilma-xilligi aniq

til, ‘ . : . . . .

aks etgan. O‘zbek rus va ingliz etniklariga nisbatan madaniy

mimika, . И .

imo-ishoralar, munosabat bir nechta ma’nolarda farq qilishi mumkin, bu

etnik stereotiplar, farqlarni izlash va tahlil qilish uchun eng keng mavzu, ammo

antropologik xususiyatlar, magolada xilma-xillikning asosiy qismi berilgan.

qiyosiy tahlil.

Этнические и возрастные концепции на материалах

на русском, английском и узбекском языках


Ключевые слова; Эффективность межкультурной коммуникации напрямую

этничность и возраст, зависит от знания особенностей культурных картин мира


мужское коммуникантов. В работе исследуются такие компоненты

старое, картины мира, как этнические и возрастные концепции. В

молодое, частности, в таких материалах, как пословицы, литературные

пословицы, произведения, рассматриваются и дифференцируются


понятия возраста и национальности. В статье освещаются

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географический фактор,

раф ф р возрастные и этнические различия, отражающие весь образ

антропологический ТИП,

этническая идентичность, жизни узбекско-русских народов. В частности, ярко

язык, отражается пестрота взглядов узбеков, русских и британцев

мимика, на возраст, а также пестрота цветов в этнических взглядах.


Культурное отношение к узбекской русской и английской

этнические стереотипы,

национальности может различаться в нескольких смыслах,

антропологические vo

особенности, это самая широкая тема для поиска и анализа различий, но в

сравнительный анализ. статье дана основная часть разнообразия.

In fact, conceptualization is carried out using binary oppositions, which makes it

possible to structure the idea of objective reality in consciousness. The concepts under

consideration are based on such oppositions as “us” - “alien”, “masculine” - “feminine”,

“old” - “young”. In addition, one of the components of the concept is evaluativeness,

thus, the dichotomy “good” - “bad” is imposed on the aforementioned oppositions.

Axiologization varies in different social communities, therefore, in each culture, the

members of the considered oppositions are labeled differently.

The object of the study of concepts is the terminological layer of the language, since the

life experience of an ethnic community is recorded in folklore. Analysis of these concepts in

termins makes it possible to reconstruct certain aspects of the paremiological picture of the

world, but it must be remembered that the results of the work are limited to this.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there are antonymous proverbs,

which is not a disadvantage, but on the contrary characterizes any phenomenon from

different sides.

The analyzed material showed that the language is inherent in the fixation of

deviations from the norm, so, for example, in the proverbs about age there is a lot of

reasoning about youth and old age, but there is almost no direct judgment about maturity,

negative traits that are denied in themselves prevail in the characteristics of other ethnic


Analysis of ethnic, gender and age paremias of the Russian, Uzbek languages and

English allowed us to draw the following conclusions: 1.The concept of ethnicity is


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

expressed through the separation of oneself from others, is embodied in the duality

“we” — “not us”, “ours” — “alien”. The scope of this concept includes the following

components: geographic factor, anthropological type, ethnic identity, language, facial

expressions, gestures, ethnonymy, religion, family type, ethnic stereotypes.

In the paremias of the studied communities, ethnic self-awareness is expressed in

an assessment of one’s own and another’s, a manifestation of love for the native side, and

Americans are proud of their country, call for loyalty to the country, regardless of whether

it is right or not. Tatars say that a person feels stronger in his native land, they believe in

the invincibility, eternity of the existence of their people. Russians speak of their country

as a female image, an image of a mother giving birth to heroes, this is associated with the

cult of the Mother of God in Orthodoxy.

Russians, in spite of patriotism, note that travel, comparison of different traditions

has a positive effect on a person, an intelligent person can live everywhere, you just need

to follow the established way of the country in which you live.

Anthropological features are reflected in judgments about the appearance of their

people and ridiculing the differences between representatives of other ethnic

communities, and their characteristics act as a norm, dominant, and assessment criterion.

Russian proverbs about language contain the traditional axiological character of the

opposition “ours” - “alien”, they note a negative attitude towards a foreign language as

something incomprehensible and hostile. In the Uzbek picture of the world, its own

language is assessed positively, we have not noted any paramounts about the languages of

other ethnic groups.

In the corpus of American proverbs, religion is spoken of as a moral law, morality

that keeps people from doing bad things, in Russian folklore it speaks more about God than

about religion. God is a moral principle, an all-seeing eye. The Uzbek people equate the

opinion of the people with the voice of God.

Non-verbal communicative signs of an ethnic community have not been recorded

paremiologically. In our opinion, this is due to the essence of facial expressions and

gestures, their complementarity in relation to verbosity.

Ethnic auto- and hetero-stereotypes containing judgments about the national

character of their people, as well as their neighbors, entered the proverbial fund. Paremias

reflect evaluative opinions about the moral, physical and mental characteristics inherent

in both their own and other ethnic communities. Typical for ethno-stereotypes is the ease

of generalization when it comes to the characteristics of a particular ethnic group.

Stereotypes are tenacious and stable, as they exist in the collective consciousness.

The paremiological fund containing ethnic stereotypes in the Russian language

is richer than in English. The Uzbek national character includes the following qualities -

kindness, hospitality, breadth of soul, seriousness, pride, straightforwardness, endurance.

Americans are proud of their country, claiming that their main occupation is

business. In the American character, the following qualities are noted - patriotism,

religiosity, practicality, pride.

Heterostereotypes embrace those nations with which the studied ethnic

communities contacted in the historical process. American statements about other peoples

are neutral and include knowledge of geography and history. Russians speak directly,

emotionally, endowing others with personal characteristics. Americans speak out about

Indians, Italians, Germans, French, Russians, Arabs, Eskimos, Jews. Uzbek proverbs reflect


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

kindness, hospitality, breadth of soul. Thus, characteristics are given to their special

qualities of the Uzbek people. Uzbeks and Americans alike note the cunning of Italians and

the practicality of the Germans.

To Americans, the French appear to be stupid, while in Russians the image of a

Frenchman is endowed with cowardice, agility, and talkativeness.

2. The next concept involved in social identity is the age concept. Since ancient times,

this concept has expressed the archetypes of stairs or travel, that is, the change of any

stages in a person’s life.

Comparative analysis of the concept “age” in the paremias of three different-system

languages showed that the attitude to age among Russians, Tatars and Americans is largely

the same.

In the pictures of the world of different ethnic communities, the following age stages

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are distinguished - childhood, youth, old age. Maturity is not separately distinguished,

therefore all proverbs can be reduced to the binary opposition “youth” - “old age”. So, in

the American picture of the world, it is noted that age is an objective natural phenomenon

that cannot be hidden, but each stage of life has its own advantages.

The attitude of Uzbeks Americans and Russians towards the younger generation is

mostly similar. This age is assessed as follows: children bring not only joy, but also


This is the period of life when knowledge is laid, character is formed, the life

experience of adults is passed on to children. The Tatar Paremiology Foundation advises

to monitor the mental development of the child. Russian and Tatar proverbs describe a

child's playfulness, American proverbs - carelessness. In the paremias of the three

languages, the inexperience, the ingenuousness of the child is called, which makes him

speak the truth. In all languages, it is recommended to punish children, and this is done by

the father.

In all the studied pictures of the world, youth is assessed positively, as a golden,

unique time. The dichotomy “youth-oldness” is expressed in life in the confrontation of

generations, “the conflict of fathers and children”, which is reflected in American and

Russian proverbs.

All three languages emphasize the flexibility, learning and vulnerability of young

people. Conversely, old people are credited with life experience, wisdom, but also

conservatism in judgments and the inability to change.

Also, there are a number of paremias in the Russian, Uzbek languages and English,

in which the idea is expressed that the mind is not always inherent in old age, therefore

old people are often compared with small children.

Russians and Americans have an idea of the dependence of old age on how you

spend your younger years. According to Americans, people get worse with old age - they

are talkative and live on memories of the past.

We found remarkable attitudes towards love in old age in all three languages. It is

condemned by society, considered sinful, although Americans recognize that an old man

can love more than a young one.

Uzbeks, Russians and Americans consider grief, not years, to be the main cause of

aging. Suffering changes people. Everyone recognizes that old age is not a joy, since many


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

diseases appear with age, this is the final stage of life, which will surely be followed by


In all cultures, there is a call to respect elders, it is based on the fact that all people

age. For a woman, age-related changes are unbearable, so she hides her age. Both Russians

and Americans believe that a woman becomes grumpy by old age.


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