Научная статья на тему 'Практика применения педагогических технологий в процессе обучения к игре на инструменте Чанг'

Практика применения педагогических технологий в процессе обучения к игре на инструменте Чанг Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Общество и инновации
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Ключевые слова
музыкальное искусство / игровое исполнение / педагогическая технология / мировое музыкальное искусство / композитор / метод. / music art / turnip performance / pedagogical technology / world music art / composer / method.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Хилола Ботирова

В данной статье освещена структура, история создания и практическое руководство по обучению с помощью педагогических технологий узбекского народного инструмента Чанг. Проанализировано произведение узбекской народной песни «Одинокий» и даны методические указания по способам исполнения на духовом инструменте.

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The practice of applying pedagogical technologies in the learning process to playing the Chang instrument

This article highlights the structure of the Uzbek people's musical instrument, its history and practical instructions for teaching using pedagogical technologies. The Uzbek folk tune “Lonely” was analyzed and the methodical instructions of the ways of execution were given in the dusty instrumental.

Текст научной работы на тему «Практика применения педагогических технологий в процессе обучения к игре на инструменте Чанг»

Жамият ва инновациялар -

Общество и инновации -


through time and space

Society and innovations

Journal home page:

https: //inscience.uz/index.php/socinov/index

The practice of applying pedagogical technologies in the learning

process to playing the Chang instrument


Andijan State University


Article history:

Received February 2021

Received in revised form

20 February 2021

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

15 April 2021


music art,

turnip performance,

pedagogical technology,

world music art,

composer, method.


This article highlights the structure of the Uzbek people's

musical instrument, its history and practical instructions for

teaching using pedagogical technologies. The Uzbek folk tune

“Lonely” was analyzed and the methodical instructions of the

ways of execution were given in the dusty instrumental.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Chang cholgusini o‘rgatish jarayonida pedagogik texnalogiyalarni

qo'llash amaliyoti

Kalit so @lar:

musiqa sarrati,

sholg‘u ijrochiligi,

pedagogik texnologiya,

jahon musigqa san’ati,




Mazkur magola o‘zbek xalq cholg‘usi bo‘Imish chang

cholg‘usining tuzilishi, uning tarixi hamda_ pedagogik

texnologiyalar yordamida o‘rgatishning amaliy ko‘rsatmalari

yoritib o‘tilgan. O‘zbek xalq kuyi “Yolg‘iz” asari taxlil qilinib

chang cholg‘usida ijro yo‘llarining metodik ko‘rsatmalari berib


1 Lecturer, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan.

т о

a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Практика применения педагогических технологий в

процессе обучения к игре на инструменте Чанг


Ключевые слова; В данной статье освещена структура, история создания и

музыкальное искусство, практическое руководство по обучению с помощью

игровое исполнение, v

педагогических технологий узбекского народного


технология, инструмента Чанг. Проанализировано произведение

мировое музыкальное узбекской народной песни «Одинокий» и даны

искусство, методические указания по способам исполнения на духовом

композитор, метод. инструменте

Uzbek classical music, a great spiritual and cultural heritage left from ancestors,

experienced a new era in the years of independence. According to the resolution of the

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 7, 2010 N2 222, the state

program on protection, preservation, promotion and use of intangible cultural heritage

objects was adopted in 2010-2020.

In addition, in the Decree No. 3391 of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan

“on measures for further development of the art of the Uzbek national status” dated

November 17, 2017, it is said that the art of national status, an integral part of the cultural

heritage of our people, occupies an important place in our spiritual life with its ancient

history, Preserving it and delivering it to future generations is one of the important tasks.

In the suronic period of the last century, there was not much opportunity to learn

Uzbek classical music and apply it in practice. On the contrary, in classical music, such as

eskiliksarqiti, poisons the thinking ability of a person, unfair baits are poured. After the

long-awaited independence of our country, attention to Uzbek classical music increased. It

began to be looked at by him on a state scale. It should not be an exaggeration to say that

teaching the young generation of our country a wide range of Uzbek classical music, in

particular in the areas of music education of Higher Education, its history, its stages of

development are one of the most necessary tasks in the current age of globalism.

The art of music consists of the following: the art of composing, composing,

composing only music, without being able to influence the art and emotion that affects the

sense of the listener by playing music. Both of them-the art of Applied Music, called. But

the theoretical study of cases of Nags, needles and composing music, without affecting the

sense of hearing, is called the art of theoretical music!.

It should be noted that the process of distance learning can also be established even

if buguni is based on the traditions of teacher-shogird in the conditions of pandemics. In

this process, too, the culture of execution has not ceased without a doubt, but we would

not exaggerate if we say that the reader has created another opportunity for young people

to work independently on their own. Speaking about the performance of the instrument,

we will need first of all practical skills in improving this playing skill. Therefore, in order

for the performer to catch up with a mature musician, he will have to work tirelessly on

himself and show his practical skills in performing exercises and exercises.

At the same time, the reforms carried out require us to search for them in

accordance with the modern demand. By taking a scientific approach to this process, the

1 Zakirjon Oripov Eastern musical source (X-XI centuries) 104b.


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a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

creation of literature and teaching aids in accordance with the standards of the world is

becoming one of the current issues. Teacher-teacher traditions in teaching continue

uninterrupted. The materials of our prepared graduation qualification work can be used

by students, young teachers of educational institutions as a scientific and methodological


The student, possessing pedagogical knowledge and skills, must first of all know the

methodological foundations of pedagogical science, the knunities and factors of individual

development, the essence, status and functions of the national program of Personnel


The need for the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the “national

program of training of personnel” has been repeated many times and the need to bring

them to the educational institutions has been justified. Scientists of our republic's

recognition seek to create pedagogical technologies based on science, adapted to the socio-

pedagogical conditions of our region and promote them in educational practice. Among

these are J. Gyldoshev, S.A. Usmonov, N.S. Sayidahyedov, R. Zire lost in Test match the

names of the victims of such educational processes as Yuldoshev have the name

alohdahrmat and attention.

What is the essence of the term “pedagogical technology”? “Technology” is a Greek

word, and “techne” means skill, art, logos-understanding, learning.

On the basis of the combination of words “pedagogical technology” lay the concepts

“technology”, “technological process”. These concepts are understood as the sequence of

work to be done in order to obtain ready-made maholot in the argli industry technical hjjat

in HK, and in education a complex of methodological activities in science2.

It is one of the most difficult problems of pedagogy to convey the influence of music, its

essence fully into the minds of the reader youth. The music teacher should formulate the

following qualities in the lessons of Music Culture: Friendship, patriotism, loyalty, kindness,

diligence, initiative, etc. In order to formulate the above-mentioned qualities in children, the

musical leader must perform a number of tasks:

1) to teach students to love and understand music; 2) formation of artistic and

aesthetic tastes of students; 3) development of musical ability in students; 4) to expand

students’ knowledge and understanding of music such as music education, music history,

music literature, singing. To formulate the listed qualities, it is necessary first of all to pass

the lessons of a music teacher at a high professional level. In order to get the expected

results from the lesson, it is desirable to adhere to the principles of training in training. The

teacher of music (head) should develop various interesting methods of educational and

educational actions that he and his students perform during the training. To do this, the

music teacher should know the following things:

If we raise love for the motherland, loyalty to the profession, pure faith and

humanity in the hearts of every young person, they will have the ability to sort out through

international information systems those who do not receive information that contradicts

our way of thinking, customs, national values without criticism and serve the future of our

country. To do this, we must nurture a stable ideological immunity in our youth.

Each musician’s mastering of a musical work is unique, and everyone approaches

this process in his own way. But the process of working on musical works has a common

side for all that has been formed over the years. You can basically do this in three steps.

2Omonov H.The T., Khujaev N.The X., MadyarovaS.The A., Eshchonov E. It's him. Textbook" pedagogical

technologies and pedagogical skills". The T., 2012y 8b.



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ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Objective approach:

The first step is to get acquainted with the piece of music and form a performance

plan. Then an executive plan is formed. The implementation plan is as follows.

a. the genre to which the work belongs (simple melody, rhapsody, poem, romance,

march, waltz, dance, etc.);

b. determine the tone of the work;

c.its form (one-part, multi-part, sonata, suite, rondo, variation, canon, fugue,

invention, etc.);

d. the appearance and character of the parts (cheerful, sad, heroic, humorous, etc.);

e. a brief description of the period in which it was written, the melody and harmonic

language, style and work of the composer;

f. traditions formed during the performance of this work.

Subjective approach

a. student’s performance temperament (tendency to play lyrical, romantic, sad,

melancholic works);

Ь. the student’s figurative thinking and creative imagination;

c. the student’s attitude to the author of the work (interest in him, knowledge of him,


It is also important that the teacher’s approach to the study of the new work, the

focus of the teacher and the student on the same goal.

The second stage is the most important stage, aimed at the implementation of the

execution plan of the work. In this, the text of the melody is determined, the main

performing and artistic means are considered. Because with the help of the same tools, the

content and image of the work is revealed. When working on musical works, the melody

composition and the sentences in it, periodicals, climbs (culminates), parts of the melody

and other base points are clearly defined. Which of them will be the leader or Assistant

depends on the character and functions of the music. Also, the technical sadalanma of the

work, complex and difficult areas are determined and studied without errors, from the

particularity to the generality and from the generality to the particularity, with a note in


In this process, it is recommended to conduct a critical assessment, slow movement

of difficult areas, having heard of their performance. It can be of great help, especially if

you play technically complex pieces by means of various barcodes and articulations.

No matter how hard you work on small pieces in the carp, it is worthwhile to

remember when the work is a whole hyech, and sometimes it is desirable that the whole

is blown and enriched with imagination. During the whole execution, the concept of norm

should be the focus of attention of the teacher and shogird.

The third stage is the final stage of working on a musical work, which consists in

memorizing the work with an in-depth study of its artistic goals, its parts, many voices of

Се г’ divider, determining the ultimate results of the artistic task and “assembling” the

studied parts into one whole and improving the performance expression. Bunda

fortepiano is a stage that carries out a general whole execution, while the accompaniment,

especially with the cocky, feels deep in each other.

At this stage, the teacher should know the work in depth, not try to lighten it in some

difficult place. That Is, G.G. It is of great importance that, as Neygauz said, “adapt the reader

to the melody, and not to the melody to the reader”. Because some teachers remove (copy)

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о Sinan aoe Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

a certain complex part or passage of the work if the reader does not have disorders,

without exaggeration or the same part they sing or play. Such execution can not be called

the execution of a whole work in full.

In the process of memorizing the work, all kinds of musical memory: hearing, sight,

intuition-movement, logic and memorization “from the heart” are activated.

In order for the note to be more reliable after memorization, it is desirable to see a

ring from the text of the note, to hear the magnetic recording of the work and to store it in

memory with a critical evaluation, to see a ring without being moved to another tone

(composition). True-the work is strengthened in memory by testing playback from an

unexpected location.

Mastering of musical works is based on the above principles and stages, regardless

of what the form of the work will be.

It is effective to learn and apply the following methods in the study of powder

powder cholera into practice. It is known to all of us that we come to the educational

process using the method that has become a tradition. In this regard, the use of pedagogical

technologies gives the results of the samrali. Teacher-shogird traditions have not lost their

status even today, but in this process, the transition from pedagogical technologies to

interactive techniques is yanaham giving its effect.

The case of the structure of the dust mite is as follows, it belongs to the type of

complex mites.

















In this regard, the teaching of our national musical instruments from the methods of

“smart attack” and “cluster” in teaching to the student is effective. Methods are much more,

but the use of each method in its place gives its own positive effect on the explanation of

the subject and the delivery to the listener. When carrying out a lesson with a pupil, It is

most expedient to use simple and strenuous ways first of all.



Ш5аепсе Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

Seog sin Spar Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415



| ]

dust quilt ВЕ ТТ.



WT tem t= [ера Тат]

earplugs movements

trump ca rd

Teaching students the structure of the dust setting in this case creates convenience

for enrichment of the effect rather than speaking in a text case, as well as very easy to learn.




=o © ©

6 6


One of the processes in which the importance of execution should be given is a work

pseudonym. Each performer, having mastered the work, first of all, is interested in his

khajmi and rhythm. It remains to study the tone of the melody in the duration of the work

and analyze it. Being a Uzbek folk tune “Lonely” also brings a place in the hearts of listeners

with its musical tone and pleasant sound of the ear. Analyzing the text of a note in the study

of a work with students can bring a bit of a tedious situation, so it would be worthwhile if

we fodalansak from the cluster method.

First of all, we need to get acquainted with who is the creator of this masterpiece. It

is necessary to be able to look at the period in which this work is written, what it is called,

and what it is written.

Known to all of us, the tone of our Uzbek folk tunes and the proportionality of the

lads feed all of us with the same pleasant sound.



fiScience Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

The study of the creativity of the composer in the analysis of the work is one of the

main places in the study of the inner essence of the work. In the study of the creativity of

the composer, a simple text can also be learned to read, but the study of the table, that is,

in the case of the chronological card, plays an important role in keeping in mind some facts,


If we consider this process based on the table.

From 1948 year Teacher in the class of instrumentation and reading ways ofthe

Tashkent Conservatory (at the Faculty of Uzbek folk instruments).

From 1963 year Teacher

From 1964 year Associate professor in the composition class

Yearof 1968 Art figure serving in Uzbekistan

18 September 2000 year | died

In 1957 year Ballet:(In the Morning Tashkent).

In 1952 year Musical dramas: welcome (G.WithSabitov, Tashkent.

In 1953 year Indelible lights (D. With Zakirov, Tashkent).

In 1953 year Toxir and Zukhra (G. With Sabitov, T. Tunes by Jalilov, Tashkent,)

In 1954 year Girl with blond hair (G. With Sabitov, Tashkent,)

As we can see in this process mtan in both but Tabular text in one while Tabular text

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in one. The result shows that it is convenient to study the creativity of the composer

studied on the basis of the table, and it is easy to remember his years.

Therefore, it would not be exaggerating if we say that the application of pedagogical

technologies today opens up more and more extensive ways to increase the educational

process and the researcher in the field of science.

As we have studied the work of the composer above while studying his work alone,

the study of the work as a tactic is one of the main tasks for the perfect winding of the work.

His work alone contains 86 tactics and is among the works of great form. The main

essence of the work is that despite the fact that the work is written in a minor tonality, it

leads the listener to a state of flooding. Simple visible rhythmic manifestations in the work

will help to easily learn the work. A smart attack on the teaching of the work to the reader.

The task stated by the teacher during the study of a HarTakt requires sensitivity and

foresight by the student.

In the performance of the sixteen notes in the aasr, this is not speed in the game

requires precision and execution of the execution skill in its own way. The ligo and ligature

in the work is influenced by the melody from the vocal Kuchansadalanmasindan. The

intelligent approach of the teacher in mastering this process by the reader leads the reader

to the rapid mastering of the work. This process is called a smart attack.

It is convenient to use the clever attack method both in lecturing and in practical

lessons. This method involves all the students in the audience in one zone and makes them


A holistic topic, a set of questions that is given to the reader-students from a part of

it or from a selected problem, is prepared in advance by the teacher, gives a good result at


The method of mental attack can last 5-10 minutes, depending on the solution to the

problem posed. In this, neither the intervention of the teacher nor others on the answers

given by the pupil-student, any comments are allowed, and the results are not evaluated,



fiScience Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

рим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

points are not awarded. This rule is often automatically violated by the teacher, that is, the

student-pupil quickly expresses his attitude to the wrong thought expressed by him and

corrects it. This situation will stop the student-students from thinking, undermining the

clever attack method used in the lesson. The goal: to achieve that the student-student

express his / her opinion if he / she is wrong. The correct or incorrect nature of the

opinions expressed after the teacher generalization becomes known to each student.

Students ' thinking is put on the right path and encouraged by the teacher. From

time to time, thoughts are summarized. Once thoughts on the solution of the problem are

formed, it is summarized for the last time and comes to a clear idea. After that, the students

themselves compare their proposals, understand the correct and erroneous thoughts and

evaluate themselves. But it is not allowed for the teacher to evaluate or reproach them.

In order to further strengthen the acquired knowledge and formulate the ability to

work independently in students, the processes that the teacher trainer must carry out in

order to give homework and prepare for the performance of homework.

Procedure: The Home task is assigned for the purpose of further strengthening the

acquired knowledge of the student and forming the ability to work independently in them.

1. The task to be given to the House should be clear. Such:

— questions are clear;

- where to find answers to these questions;

- itis desirable that the literature is clearly indicated.

2. The form of performance is also dictated to be precise:

— preparing a synopsis;

— таке а synopsis;

- solving the issue;

- develop an event;

— management decision makingetc. the G.

The method of “attack of the mind” is a method through which one finds free

thoughts and comments expressed by the educators in a richness of problems and comes

to a certain solution through them. There are both written and verbal forms of the method

of “attack of the mind”. On the question posed by the educator in the form of an oral, each

of the educators verbally expresses his opinion. Educators clearly and briefly describe

their answers. In its written form, the educators write their answers to the question posed

on paper cards in a short and all-Corinthian way. The answers are tightened on the

whiteboard (with the help of magnets) on the “pinbord” whiteboard (with the help of

needles). In the written form of the “smart attack” method, there is an opportunity to group

the answers by a certain number of characters. This method gives the individual a free,

creative and non-standard mindset when viewed positively and positively.

When using the “smart attack” method, there will be an opportunity to attract all

those who receive training. In particular, a culture of communication and discussion is

formed in the educational community. In educators, the skill of expressing their opinion

not only in oral form, but also in writing, logical and systematic thinking develops conics.

Lack of appreciation of expressed opinions leads to the formation of various Goyas in

education recipients. This method serves to develop creative thinking in educators. The

method of “attack of the mind” is carried out according to the goal poured out by the




fiScience Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

This method is carried out in the introductory part of the lesson, when the

determination of the beginner's knowledge of the educators is poured into the goal.

Repeating a topic or linking a topic to the next topic is done in the utish section to a

new topic.

3. The preparation of the topic is carried out in the section on the topic sung, the

preparation of the lesson.

Basic Rules in the seizure of the method of “smart attack”:

Expressed opinions-Goyasare not discussed and evaluated.

What kind of opinion expressed are Goyas, they are taken into account even if they

are not Hatto permissions.

Each educational recipient must participate.

Advantages of the “smart attack” method

the lack of evaluation of results leads to the birth of different opinions in educators;

all those who receive training will participate;

ideas are visualized;

there will be an opportunity to assess the initial knowledge of the educators;

in education recipients are interested in the subject.

At the end of the summary, we can say that musical activity is an integral part of all

our educational work, and its role in the harmonic development of young people is great.

Therefore, at present, many creative communities are being established in our country in

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a large number of music schools, schools and extracurricular children, cultural whitening

institutions, in the presence of production organizations. In this regard, the role of national

music in the spiritual harmonious upbringing of young people is of particular importance.

Because the role of our national music is of particular importance for the young

people of ayin, because the National Music Art also has a role in the preservation of the

values inherent in our national minentality. It is known that the art of national music

contributes to the further development of sincerity and mutual affection among young

people. On the floor of the content and essence of musical education lies the perfect human

upbringing of a harmonious generation. It is natural, of course, to put the question of what

should be the social qualities of educators in the implementation of the process of

continuous musical education.

Pedagogical technology is the optimal organization of training processes. The choice

of instructional materials, the change in form and size, adapted to the strength, mastering

characteristics of the re-developed pupil or student, also affects educational technology.

Pedagogical technology, in turn, is a system of development and improvement of

educational processes, the content of education, methods and tools, based on the object of

education and diagnostic purposes, that is, the educational process that embodies the

innovations of Science and technology.


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Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

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