Научная статья на тему 'Обучение рисованию обнаженного мужского тела с передней стороны с карандашным рисунком'

Обучение рисованию обнаженного мужского тела с передней стороны с карандашным рисунком Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Общество и инновации
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Ключевые слова
тело / карандаш / гипс / человек / расположение / пространственность / целостность / тень – свет / пространственная перспектива / тон / искусство. / body / pencil / plaster / man / arrangement / spatiality / integrity / shadow –light / spatial perspective / tone / art

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Чори Садатов

В настоящее время ведутся исследования по разработке теоретической и методологической основы для преподавания науки каллиграфии, нового научно обоснованного способа, формы, содержания и методов, и это актуальная проблема. Процесс рисования человеческого тела выполняется поэтапно. Конечно, используются академические операции рисования. Это проявляется в переходе от простого к сложному.

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Teaching to draw a nude male body from the front with a pencil drawing

At present, research is underway to develop a theoretical and methodological basis for teaching the science of calligraphy, a new scientifically based way, form, content and methods, and it is a topical issue. The process of drawing a human body is done step by step. Of course, academic drawing operations are used. It is revealed through the transition from simple to complex.

Текст научной работы на тему «Обучение рисованию обнаженного мужского тела с передней стороны с карандашным рисунком»

Жамият ва инновациялар -

Общество и инновации -


through time and space

Society and innovations

Journal home page:

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Teaching to draw a nude male body from the front with a pencil



Termez State University



Article history:

Received February 2021

Received in revised form

20 February 2021

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

15 April 2021









shadow - light,

spatial perspective,



At present, research is underway to develop a theoretical and

methodological basis for teaching the science of calligraphy, a new

scientifically based way, form, content and methods, and it is a topical

issue. The process of drawing a human body is done step by step. Of

course, academic drawing operations are used,

It is revealed through the transition from simple to complex.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access artide under the Attribution 40 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Qalam tasvirda erkak kishining libossiz qomatini old tomonidan

chizib o‘rganish


Kalit so Г: Hozirgi kunda xattotlik fanini o‘qitishning nazariy va uslubiy

tana, asoslarini, yangi ilmiy asoslangan usul, shakli, mazmuni va usullarini

en ishlab chiqish bo‘yicha izlanishlar olib borilmoqda va bu dolzarb

odam, muammodir. Inson tanasini chizish jarayoni bosqichma-bosqich

joylashish, amalga oshiriladi. Albatta, akademik rasm operatsiyalari qo‘laniladi.

fazoviylik, Bu oddiydan murakkabga o'tishda o‘zini namoyon qiladi.


soya - yorugik,

fazoviy istiqbol,



1 Senior Lecturer, Department of National Crafts and Ceramics, Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: Aziza01011996@gmail.com.

т о

a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Обучение рисованию обнаженного мужского тела с

передней стороны с карандашным рисунком


Ключевые слова: В настоящее время ведутся исследования по

тело, разработке теоретической и методологической основы для


ИПС преподавания науки каллиграфии, нового научно

человек, обоснованного способа, формы, содержания и методов, и это

расположение, актуальная проблема. Процесс рисования человеческого

пространственность, тела выполняется поэтапно. Конечно, используются

целостность, академические операции рисования. Это проявляется в

тень - свет,

переходе от простого к сложному.





The comprehensive development of the younger generation is a key criterion of

educational institutions. Today's reforms being carried out in our country also require the

formation of a mature, aesthetically rich worldview of young people, the formation of high

spirituality and creative thinking. In this regard, we need to know the role and practical

significance of the teaching of the subject of pen in higher education.

Currently, research is underway to develop a theoretical and methodological basis

for teaching the science of pen, a new scientifically based way, form, content and methods,

and it is a topical issue. Without sufficient knowledge and skills in pencil drawing, a student

will not be able to master composition, painting, drawing, sculpture, folk arts and other

specialties at a high level.

Therefore, it is important to organize lessons in a methodologically correct way on

the basis of modern pedagogical technologies. Pencil is the basis of all forms of fine art.

Regardless of which type of fine art the artist creates, it is based on pencil drawing. This

word expresses his observations, his research on the compositions of great works, first

with the first lines in a pencil. Drawings serve as an auxiliary source for the artist in

creating a work of art [1].

The pencil drawing can also be an independently completed work of art. Dream,

sangina, pastel, sauce, many paintings created in pencil have been exhibited in various art

museums and exhibitions around the world.

Pencil drawing lessons are necessary not only for the future artist, but also for

people in various professions in the development of visual, perceptual, perceptual, hand,

mind and sensory organs.

It is known that the process of drawing a human body is carried out step by step.

Of course, academic drawing operations are used. It is revealed through the transition from

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simple to complex. The human figure is a much more complex task for students who are now

learning to draw it. Reading the theoretical part of this field is a factor in improving the quality

of the tasks to be drawn for the exercises. Because not only for years, but also for centuries,

the secrets of academic drawing have been revealed, researched and improved.



(f)science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

о им ace Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

From this it is known that unique, undeniable principles, rules and regulations have

emerged. Adherence to them is a great factor that helps learners in particular [1. 2. 3].

a) determine the compositional location of the image, the general nature of the

shape of the body, as well as the proportions of the parts and the overall shape;

b) linear-constructive description of the body, revealing the peculiarities of its

anatomical structure;

c) detailed drawing of the form by solving color relationships;

d) Disclosure of material properties and generalization of the conclusion of the

work The first stage. Composite placement of the image on the surface of the paper,

determining the general nature and proportions of the frame.

Before starting to draw a step-by-step picture, it is necessary to observe nature from

all sides and determine its characteristic features, choose the most interesting point and

imagine what the picture will look like from this point. To do this, draw a series of

compositional pencil lines from different points and choose the most suitable from these

points [4. 5].



(f)science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

о им ace Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

This is because it is necessary to imagine what the picture will look like. To do this,

draw a series of compositional pencil lines from different points and choose the most

suitable from these points. This is done so that the image can suddenly cool down from the

selected location during processing. The picture below shows the frontal lobe of the human

body. The parts are given in a step-by-step drawing mode.

When working on the human body, the midline of the head is first taken into account,

and the position of the head is determined by the oval shape, which determines the degree

of rotation and movement of the head. At this stage of the work, the educator focuses on

the proportions of the upper, middle, and lower parts of the figure that affect the figurative

nature of the figure. it is necessary to explain the differences between the proportions of

young child figures. Once the height of the head and the location of the pelvic girdle are

determined relative to the height of the whole figure, the direction of the lumbar bones is

drawn with light lines.

The final step is to solve the material and summarize the work. This phase of the

work is the most difficult and time consuming. At the same time, the student must complete

the task, show how he mastered the material, as well as his creative potential. The

expressiveness of the picture is further enhanced when the reader is able to reveal the

material side of nature in a way. The work done in the last stage should be summarized.

Here it is necessary to check the condition of the image frequently.


The conclusion of the work begins with the verification of the proportions of the

figure, the nature of the shape, the reliability of the volume expression, and the correctness

of the tinting ratios. First of all, it is necessary to check the compatibility of ramming.



Ш] 5чепсе Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


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2. Jumaniyazov Sh.R., Haitov E.X. “Chizma tasvir”. Textbook. For 1st year students.

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3, Abdullayev N.X. “Drawing”. Study guide. Economics - Finance, T.: 2010. - Р. 80.

2 copies.

4. Oripova M. “Drawing of gypsum shapes”. Methodical manual. Chashma print,

T.: 2011. - P. 72. 5 copies.

5. Tashmurodov M. “Chizma tasvir”. Study guide. Noshir, T.: 2012. - P. 124. 5 copies.


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