Научная статья на тему ' Модель повышения эффективности раздела дифференциальных уравнений в ВУЗах'

Модель повышения эффективности раздела дифференциальных уравнений в ВУЗах Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
дифференциальное уравнение / case-study / информационные технологии / приложение / maple / блиц-опросник / brain-ring. / differential equation / case study / information technology / practical guide / maple / blitz survey / brain-ring.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Суюнджон Халиков

В данной статье представлена модель повышения эффективности преподавания на кафедре дифференциальных уравнений в высших учебных заведениях и даны предложения и рекомендации по ее использованию.

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Model of increasing the efficiency of the differential equations section in higher educational institutions

This article presents a model for increasing the effectiveness of teaching the department of differential equations in higher education institutions and offers suggestions and recommendations for its use.

Текст научной работы на тему « Модель повышения эффективности раздела дифференциальных уравнений в ВУЗах»

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Model of increasing the efficiency of the differential equations

section in higher educational institutions

Suyunjon KHALIKOV 1

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


Article history: This article presents a model for increasing the effectiveness

Received February 2021 of teaching the department of differential equations in

Received in revised form higher education institutions and offers suggestions and

20 February 2021 recommendations for its use.

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

15 April 2021


differential equation,

case study,

information technology,

practical guide,


blitz survey,


2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Oliy o’quv yurtlarda differensial tenglamalar bo'limining

samaradorligini oshirish modeli


Kalit so Zlar: Ushbu magolada oliy ta’lim muassasalarida differensial

cifferensal tenglama, tenglamalar bo‘limini o‘qitish samaradorligini oshirish modeli


axborot texnologiyalari,

amaliy dastur,


blits so‘rov,


keltirilgan va undan foydalanishga oid taklif va tavsiyalar berib


1 Basic doctoral student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Navoi, Uzbekistan.


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Модель повышения эффективности раздела

дифференциальных уравнений в ВУЗах


Ключевые слова: В данной статье представлена модель

дифференциальное повышения эффективности преподавания на кафедре

case-study, дифференциальных уравнений в высших учебных заведениях

информационные и даны предложения и рекомендации по ее использованию.







Improving the methods of teaching mathematics in higher education today,

increasing the effectiveness of teaching on the basis of modern innovative technologies,

using the potential of didactic materials on the subject. Therefore, in order to form

students’ mathematical thinking and develop their creative thinking in higher education

institutions, it is necessary to use a variety of methods to prove theorems in a variety of

ways, non-standard, logical, practical examples and problems.


Improving the effectiveness of teaching the subject through the study of information

and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics in higher education

institutions. Researches can be mentioned by scientists such as D.N. Ashurova,

J.B. Ergashev, D. Mahmudova, G.A. Artikova, I.Sh. Laktaeva, N.M. Mukhitdinova, M. Tojiev,

р. Уипизоуа, G.N.Goibnazarov, M.S. Berdibayev, A.J.Khurramov, 7Z.Kh. Siddikov,

Г.Р. Martirosya, F.K.Matsur, 0O.A.Aryukova, J.M. Nurmukhamedova, _I.I. Bondarenko,

A.A. Ermakova, I.V. Kuznetsova, Zh.L Zaitseva, F.A. Ikhsanova, A.S. Bezruchko,

M.M. Minshin, L.V. Juk, Brad Rankin, Fernando Reggianini, Hong Yuan, Christopher T.

Stripling, and Elizabeth Ackerman-Hicks.

The analysis of the research shows that in our country, in the Commonwealth of

Independent States and abroad, pedagogical research work on the application of

information technology tools and modern educational technologies in the teaching of

mathematics, “Mathematics”, “Algebra” research has been conducted to improve the

teaching methods of “Mathematics Teaching Methods” and “Mathematical Analysis”.

At the same time, although the research was carried out by scientists such as

D. Mahmudova, E.O. Sharipov, P.M. Aslanov, Y.N. Bibikov, I.S. Novikova, N.V. Sycheva,

L.P. Kuzmina on the methodology of teaching the department of differential equations in

our country and the Commonwealth of Independent States, examples and methods of

solving problems on it, in their research lectures and practical training in the teaching of

the department of differential equations, as well as in the organization of independent

learning, specialization in the organization of information technology and information

technology is not studied. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate a number of problems in

the use of information and communication technologies and teaching technologies, in


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

particular, the use of CASE-STUDY technology in the teaching of differential equations in

higher education institutions.


Creating challenging situations for students in the teaching of mathematics,

especially in the department of "Differential Equations" on the basis of teaching

technologies in higher education institutions, it is important to express different opinions,

analyze, synthesize, compare and generalize the problem in different situations, as well as

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to identify general, specific, typical cases, to draw conclusions. At the same time, it is

necessary to create a learning environment in which the teacher is able to ask specific

questions, ask questions about the situation, the solution of tasks. This can be done with

the use of modern information technology tools and teaching technologies [1]. Therefore,

as part of the study, we developed a model for increasing the effectiveness of teaching in

the section “Differential Equations” using modern information technology tools and

teaching technologies, including Case-Study technology (see Figure 1).

Today, due to the improvement of the computer and its practical programs, it is

necessary to use the tools of information technology to increase the effectiveness of

teaching subjects in the field of mathematics, in particular, lectures on the topic of

“Differential Equations”. One of such methods is the use of multimedia practical manuals

and mathematical practical packages in the course of computer science and information

technology in the teaching of “Differential Equations” [2]. Improving the mechanism of

using computer practical programs and mathematical practical packages in the teaching of

“Differential Equations” is explained by the development of students’ creative thinking and

the formation of competence [3]. Practical programs and mathematical practical packages

play an important role in solving examples and problems of differential equations and

analyzing their solutions, because the proof of theorems on differential equations is

visualized in the teaching of examples and problem solving [4]. Through such practical

manuals and mathematical practical packages, it is possible to effectively convey topics to

students in the section “Differential Equations” [5]. Therefore, it is recommended to use

the method of demonstration and practical training in the organization of lectures in the

section “Differential Equations”. It is recommended to use e-learning resources

(e-textbooks, e-learning materials), presentation programs and mathematical practical

packages when using the demonstration teaching method.

At the same time, it is recommended to use Case-Study technology in solving

examples and problems in practical classes in the section “Differential Equations”. It

teaches students to work independently and make independent decisions by creating

challenging situations. As a result, students develop the competence to solve examples and

problems on differential equations.

In addition to the organization of lectures and workshops on the section

“Differential Equations”, attention should be paid to independent learning. This is because

more hours are devoted to independent study than lectures and practical classes.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the form of organization of independent learning in

the section “Differential Equations”. In improving the mechanism of independent learning

on differential equations, the use of information resource centers and science circles is

considered expedient. In information resource centers, it is advisable to use computer

diagnostic and computational software for self-assessment of students. That is, it is



Ш Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Налим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

necessary to use computer diagnostic software tools (problem-solving software, non-

standard tests and crossword puzzles). In the circles, it is recommended to use the method

of oral teaching, i.e. explanation, blitz survey, Brain-Ring game technology. Students will

also be taught examples and problem-solving techniques to help them think creatively and

develop their competencies [6].

Objective: To increase the effectiveness of teaching “Differential

Equations” in higher education

—> Forms of training

Lecture > Practice > Independent

+ 3 + }

[ Forms of training | Information Circles


у у + т J

Exhibition Practica || Colloquial Internet 1. Elective,

| у sources Mathematician

- Examples and у | Brain-Ring. Blitz

Teaching problem solving Shower, question,

aids with the help of flash light, Computer || 2. The Olympics.

т case-study Brain Ring diagnostic || 3. Examples and

technology and problem solving

1 : for creative

calculation hinki

1. E-learning resources. 2. Presentation пебиснов || 108

|| programs. 3. Mathematical practical 4. Tasks aimed at


r ¥ ~| competence.

1. Practical programs that solve mathematical problems. 2.

Non-standard tests 3. Crosswords <

\ у

Outcome: The effectiveness of teaching “Differential Equations”

in higher education will increase

Blitz survey - game technology is aimed at teaching students to organize the

sequence of actions, to think logically and creatively, to choose the right information. This

technology is aimed at directing students to independent thinking in solving the problem.

Brain-Ring game technology is the development of students’ knowledge and

creative abilities, the ability to think independently and develop intellectual abilities. This

game technology creates the following opportunities: broadens students’ worldview in

mathematics; teaches students to prove, explain and defend their ideas; contributes to the

development of cognitive interest in the subject; develops the ability and skills to work in


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

a team; forms a sense of collectivism and healthy competition; development of initiative

and activity; encourages perseverance to achieve goals.

It is advisable to conduct the brain-ring as a repetition and generalization lesson or

control lesson. In this case, it is taught in the classroom by a professor on a specific topic.


Experimental work was carried out to determine the level of effectiveness of the

model of training efficiency (shown in Figure 1), developed in the framework of the study,

that is, the section “Differential Equations”. Experimental work was conducted among

students of pedagogical higher education institutions in the field of "Methods of teaching

mathematics." Using the Student-Fischer criterion, we conduct a mathematical-statistical

analysis of the level of efficiency of experimental work. Using this criterion, the formulas

4 4 у?

ХУ их, р, УХ

for the appropriate mean values, п scattering coefficients, itl

variance of the standard deviation, ‘” = VP, > and reliable deviationsé,, == of the

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= Lay . =,

estimates were used for the sample vn . According to the results of the

calculation, the average mastering rate of the experimental group was higher than that of

the control group, i.e increased by 8%.


Applying the use of computer mathematical packages to increase the effectiveness

of teaching science subjects in the department “Differential Equations” will significantly

improve the quality of mathematical training of specialists. This is usually achieved by

significantly reducing the amount of time spent learning simple and homogeneous

examples and problem-solving techniques.

Based on the results of our research, we came to the conclusion that it is expedient

to use the Maple mathematical practical package in the numerical solution of examples and

problems on differential equations in the conduct of lectures. It is known that the solution

of differential equations is not always obvious, so it is important to develop methods for

solving approximate equations and to use the capabilities of mathematical packages in this

regard. In the approximate solution of the differential equation, that is, in finding a solution

that satisfies the initial or other condition, the question arises as to how to obtain clarity

before the student to obtain the graph of the solution sought.

It is possible to solve problems on differential equations using the Maple mathematical

practical package. The use of the Maple Mathematical Practical Package significantly reduces

the process of students solving high-order differential equations. Also, the Maple

Mathematical Practice Package allows you to solve a typical class of problems using motion-

appropriate procedures. Such procedures are reflected in the reference book of the Maple

mathematical practice package. The Maple Mathematical Practice Package is an effective tool

for graphically representing the results of differential equations. This is especially true when

solving practical problems in lectures or practical classes.

It can be concluded that when using the Maple Mathematical Practical Package,

there is no need to separate the approximate and analytical solutions of differential



Ш] 5чепсе Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations

а Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

equations. The solution in the Maple Mathematical Practice Package, that is, the

visualization of the results of the calculations, is quite diverse, and students get rid of

redundant calculations and significantly reduce the time. As a result, differential equations

create an opportunity to analyze the properties of their solutions, to develop creative

activity and creative thinking.


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