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through time and space
The influence of teaching media in learning English language
Saodatkhan KHODJAEVA 1!
Uzbek State University of World Languages
Article history: This article is devoted to the study of the issue of teaching
Received February 2021 media in learning language. The use of mass media to teach
Received in revised form language in authentic context represents a double challenge for
20 February 2021 language teachers. Teaching media is one of important part in
accepted be varch 2021 delivering the subject. Especially for the students as second
15 April 2021 language learners. Teacher needs to have media as strategy to
attract the students to learn English in order to reach the goal of
Keywords: teaching learning.
influence, 2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.
teaching media,
English language teaching,
media literacy.
This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)
Чет тилни укитишда Оммавий ахборот воситаларининг
Калит сузлар: Ушбу макола инглиз тилини Урганишда оммавий
таъсир, ахборот воситаларини Укитиш масалаларини урганишга
hiatus ring китиш, багишланган. Инглиз тилини укитиш учун оммавий ахборот
медиа саводхонлик. воситаларидан фойдаланиш филологларга учун икки
томонлама муаммо тугдиради. Оммавий ахборот
воситалари инглиз тилини иккинчи THA сифатида
Урганаётган талабалар учун Укитишнинг мухим кисми
хисобланади. Шу сабабли оммавий ахборот воситалари
Укитувчига талабаларни инглиз тилини Урганишга жалб
килиш ва укув максадига эришиш стратегияси сифатида
мухим ахамиятга эга.
1 senior lecturer, Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
т о
a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
Влияние средств массовой информации в преподавании
английского языка
Ключевые слова; Данная статья посвящена исследованию проблемы
Влияние, преподавания средств массовой информации при изучении
обучающие медиа, >
преподавание английского языка. Использование СМИ для обучения в
английского языка, аутентичном контексте представляет собой двойную задачу
медиа грамотность. для филологов. Обучающие СМИ - одна из важных
составляющих преподавания предмета, особенно для
студентов, изучающих английский как второй язык.
Преподавателю необходимы средства массовой информации в
качестве стратегии для привлечения студентов к изучению
английского языка и для достижения цели обучения.
The media, if used in the educational setting will complement the teaching-learning
process. It will make the English language teaching better and more effective, and will also
‘enhance the students’ ability to understand and experiment with the language.
Generally, teaching media mean all tools, which may be used by teacher to deliver
teaching material to students in teaching learning process to reach certain learning goals.
The term media was first used to describe newspapers more than two centuries ago.
Today media has many different connotations. For instance, there are mass media, print
media, visual media and teaching media. While media can take on many different forms,
the purpose of all media is universally the same - media is a channel of communication.
Media literacy is typically defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
produce communication in a variety of forms (The Module “Oral and written speech” -
Media in English) incorporated into the practical course of ELT defines media very broadly,
including books, newspapers, magazines, videos, movies, recorded music, and everything
available via the Internet. Special emphasis, though, is to be put on multimedia.
According to the suggested approach, the module is designed to develop students’
skills to interpret mass media messages as well as awareness of the reasons and methods
of how these messages are often mispresented, misinterpreted, and, as a result, might
become instruments for manipulating the audience.
In this paper we examined how with the Module designed within the present
project, students may have a better understanding of the mass media information, if the
syllabus, methods of teaching and support materials in the media-oriented ELT classroom
could enhance their critical thinking and media literacy.
While the use of media in the language class is still something of a novelty, it’s worth
pointing out that the application of traditional communicative teaching techniques to the
students’ media literacy development can, with a bit of imagination, flexibility, and bias
towards mass media evaluation, critical analysis and interpretation, pay handsome
returns. The teaching strategy proposed and used within the project follows the classical
model of previewing, while viewing and after-viewing activities.
Developing students’ media literacy through integrating English and mass media
resources (multimedia form) into the English classroom is a challenging, demanding task
for the language teacher who must possess interdisciplinary knowledge and keep
developing it alongside with the students. Both the teacher and the students have to fully
Ц Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
understand that media literacy is essential for successful cross-cultural communication. In
this article, we propose that integrating mass media into the ELT classroom by means of
the Module Oral and written speech - “Media in English incorporated into the practical
course of ELT is a noteworthy form of weaving students” media literacy development.
There are various media learning strategies that could be useful for enhancing the
learning process. Practical examples portraying the applicability of media sources in
learning are:
¥ Film clips - which could serve as a means of depicting rare and uncommonly seen events
У $0185
Y Podcast of a lecture
¥Y Or newspaper article.
It is noteworthy that students can also be more creative with their own learning.
As an example, student video projects can provide an excellent and highly rewarding
learning experience.
Media can be used in direct instruction, active learning teaching strategies and
student projects.
Existing media resources can be used within lectures to stimulate interest in and
develop knowledge of the material being taught. This traditional approach is teacher-
centric, and information is pushed to the learner. Media allows the instructor to facilitate
the transfer of expert knowledge to novice learners. Given the tremendous rate of
technological change, instructors face an ongoing challenge in choosing the most effective
media platform to reach their students. Instructors can also create their own media to
effectively and efficiently convey knowledge. The quality of teaching media should meet
the determined standard. For instance, if a picture is used as the teaching media, the
picture should be very clear otherwise it cannot help A teaching media should suit the
students intelligence level because it will successfully help them understand the material.
A teaching media for students with high intelligence must be different from what is
used for low-achiever students. If the intelligent students are given a low level teaching
media, they will not develop because they will find it too easy and if the low-achiever
students are given a very difficult teaching media, they will get nothing at all, the students
to understand the material.
Before deciding to use the teaching media in classroom, teacher should select the
appropriate media used to assist him in teaching language to the students.
A teacher should consider the appropriateness media to the material, the
affordability to be made or financed, the availability of hardware to facilitate the teaching
media, the easiness of using the teaching media, the quality of the teaching media, the
suitability to the students’ needs and intelligence level.
There are many ways to identify and classify teaching media based on the physical
characteristics, nature, complexity, or control of using. However, we can classify teaching
media into three classification based on its physical characteristics. Teachers should use
teaching media for language learning because it motivates students and offers a different
mode of presentation. A teaching media should suit the students intelligence level because
it will successfully help them understand the material. The selection of instructional media
should be in line with the standards of competence and indicators set is basically an
extension of communication skills that require a detailed process, systematic and specific.
Generally, designing a teaching media can be done by doing these following steps:
Ц Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз
Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
1. Identifying what the students need. In designing a teaching media, it should be based
on what the students need. So that is why the teacher should try to identify what the students
need so that the teaching media will function well. A teaching media can also be designed
based on the curriculum so that it help the student to master what they are tasked to.
2. Determining instructional objective. The teacher should determine the objective
to achieve by using a teaching media. This is made based on what the students need. A
standard should also be made as the instructional objective. Instructional objective can be
in the form of behavior that the students are expected to have.
3, Determining the material. The teacher should then determine which parts of the
material that will be included. This contains the materials that will be given to the students.
4. Start composing the teaching media. After the materials that will be included have
been decided, a teaching media can then be composed based on those materials. The
teacher can also write a script about which material to teach first and which material to
teach later on and with what way.
The function of learning media for students:
e Improve learning and learner motivation,
e Provide and improve learner learning variations,
e Provide subject matter structure and facilitate learners to learn,
e Provide the core information, subjects systematically so as to facilitate learning in
e Stimulate learners to be more focus,
e Create the conditions and situations of learning without pressure, and Learners
can understand the subject matter presented systematically teaching through the medium
of learning.
Language teaching media are very important to help students acquire new concepts
of, the skills and language competences. There are many kinds of media which can be used
by the teachers in the teaching learning process, but the teacher should be selective when
he is choosing kinds of media.
1. Potter J.W. (2004). Theory of Media Literacy: A cognitive approach. London: Sage.
2. Romiszowski A.J. 2008. The Selection and use of Instructional Media. London.
3. Savu E. (2014). The “intercultural teacher” - a new response to the teaching
career. Procedia - Social and behavioral Sciences, 128, 11 - 116.
4. Silverblatt A. (2001). Media literacy: Keys to interpreting media messages
(2nd ed.). Westport.