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Ключевые слова
социолингвистика / дискурс / письменная коммуникация / немецкоязычное письмо-прошение 19 века / институциональность / персональность / адресат / адресант / sociolinguistics / discourse / written communication / German-language letter-petition of the 19th century / institutionality / personality / addressee / addresser

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — С.Н. Сибирякова, И.В. Пьянзина

В настоящей статье предпринята попытка анализа дискурса немецкоязычных писем-прошений 19 века с точки зрения прагмаи социолингвистической парадигм. Изучение языка как социального явления невозможно без учета институциональных статусов и ролей, ведь именно они конституируют индивида как социальное существо. Институциональный дискурс являет собой представительское общение, где доминируют статусно-ролевые, а не личностно ориентированные смыслы. Однако следует заметить, что институциональный дискурс в чистом виде встречается сравнительно редко. В реальном общении дискурсы могут «мутировать» в смежные, степень присутствия личностных смыслов может варьироваться в зависимости от типа дискурса и ситуации общения. Вопрос о «чистоте дискурса», соотношении его личностных и институциональных компонентов представляет, на наш взгляд, несомненный исследовательский интерес и является одной из ключевых проблем данной работы.

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The article analyses the discourse of 19th-century German-language letters in terms of the practical and social linguistic paradigm. The language study as a social phenomenon is impossible without taking into account institutional statuses and roles, since it is these that constitute the individual as a social being. Institutional discourse is representative communication, dominated by status-role rather than personaloriented meanings. It should be noted, however, that institutional discourse in its pure form is relatively rare. In real communication, discourses can “mutate” into adjacent ones, the degree of presence of personal meanings can vary depending on the type of discourse and the communication situation. The question of “purity of discourse”, the relationship of its personal and institutional components is, in the authors’ opinion, a clear research interest and is one of the key problems of this work.


With those addressed to S. Tikhanovskaya: simple housewife, runaway Belaru-sian housewife, housewife and the wife of an arrested blogger, cookmaid, "admitted to the elections to make fun of", dark horse, "IQ of an orangutan", venal doll, got banged on the head by a dusty bag, sad aunt, a sort of she-Napoleon, 'madam naivety'.

It is noteworthy that, if A. Lukashenko as an object of negative evaluations is identified in the coordinate system as a manager "whose personality was developed in the Soviet era", a politician "whose time in power is counted for more than one decade", most of the negative evaluations addressed to S. Tikhanovskaya are built according to the parameter of a person "with a minimum level of knowledge, claiming to be a leader."

There are also examples of wordplay and ironic word formation in addressing their opponents. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the evaluations are realised by conceptual metaphors and multilevel means of pejoration: for example, lukashi, lukashists, stabilists, zastobils (Lukashenko's supporters for stability), 'cosmonauts' (OMON-men in helmets), grant-eaters-journalists, amers supporters of US policy), gayrops (supporters of EU policy).

The study of the media topos 'Belarus: Presidential Elections' revealed a whole layer of texts, including those creolised, related to active popular word-creation in a humorous form of protest agitation - memes, anecdotes, posters. Compare, for example: "Am I alone here for free?", "Agent of Holland', "Pay the Witcher", "Are Czech puppeteers here?", "Alejandro, Lady The Hague is waiting for you", "Sasha, you are fired!", "I, we = 97%","We'll melt rubber hoses into condoms"," It's all so bad that even introverts

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came out"," I'm not a drug addict, I'm an artist', "Please, a cheeseburger, a little potato and a new president for me", "I learned that I have a huge family", "What do you mean, 'broke your arm'? You walked by yourself', "Don't hit the men, I'm not married yet", "Should I help you in a paddy wagon?", "A new voting system has been developed. Those who vote for Lukashenko go to the president website. Those who vote against him go to the kgb website. There they will be explained how to access the president website"," The elections showed that Lukashenko had only a few decades left to rule"," Only freedom is needed, we can do without money","Lukashenko, go away!"," Death to cannibals!", "You fool, no one can kill me","For change!"

Thus, using the example of the considered media topos 'Belarus: Presidential Elections', we can state that the semantic-cognitive field of publications, interactive communication in the Russian Internet space is a paradigm of the mental polarity of opinions, points of view, evaluations of current events; it is formed in accordance with the actualization of the most important classifying culturological category 'own-alien'; it is one of the main dominants of the national mass consciousness of Russians and is in demand for further study of the features of modern social communication in the Russian segment of the Internet; it affects the mass audience and manifests itself in the estimated maximalism of the addressee and the respondent; it is characterised by rejection/denial of another point of view, accusation against the opponents and their discrediting expressed in most cases by linguistic means of pejoration; it determines a certain informational worldview, which affects the consciousness of the mass audience and serves as a kind of communicative mode and guideline for Russians.

1. Анненкова И.В. Медиадискурс XXI века. Лингвофилософский аспект языка СМИ. Москва, 2011.

2. Shatalova L., Shatalova N., Zelenova O., Arzumanova R., Maslova I. Pejoration representation means in modern Russian media texts. 5th internationalmultidisciplinaryscientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2018 conference proceedings. Vienna: Hofburg Congress Centre, 2018: 375 - 383.

3. Вольф Е.М. Функциональная семантика оценки. Москва: Наука, 1985.

4. Стернин И.А. Современный публицистический дискурс и общественные факторы. Человек в коммуникации. Волгоград, 2006.

5. Сметанина С.И. Медиа-текст в системе культуры. Динамические процессы в языке и стиле журналистики конца XX века. Санкт-Петербург, 2002: 5 - 12.

6. Завершинская Н.А. Оппозиция «своего» и «чужого» в современной культуре. Вестник Новгородского государственного университета. 2004; № 27: 41 - 47.

7. Паршина О.Н. Концепт «Чужой» в реализации тактики дистанцирования (на материале политического дискурса). Филологические науки. 200; №3: 85 - 94.

8. Карасик В.И. Язык социального статуса. Москва, 2002.

9. Демидов О.В. Толерантность и интолерантность в публичном дискурсе. Военно-научный вестник. Челябинск: 2015: 179 - 182.

10. Blackmore D. Relevance and Linguistic Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

11. Chilton P. Analysing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge, 2004.

12. Заворотищева Н.С. Инвективы в современной разговорной речи. Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Москва: 2010.

13. Шаталова Н.С., Шаталова Л.С. Текст современной российской прессы развлекательного типа: модель, структура, языковые средства. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2019; № 5 (78): 444 - 446.

14. Шаталова Н.С., Шаталова Л.С. Средства объективации исторического контекста в военной прозе: факт, документ, вымысел. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2019; № 1 (74): 494 - 497.


1. Annenkova I.V. Mediadiskurs XXI veka. Lingvofilosofskijaspektyazyka SMI. Moskva, 2011.

2. Shatalova L., Shatalova N., Zelenova O., Arzumanova R., Maslova I. Pejoration representation means in modern Russian media texts. 5th international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2018 conference proceedings. Vienna: Hofburg Congress Centre, 2018: 375 - 383.

3. Vol'f E.M. Funkcional'naya semantika ocenki. Moskva: Nauka, 1985.

4. Sternin I.A. Sovremennyj publicisticheskij diskurs i obschestvennye faktory. Chelovek v kommunikacii. Volgograd, 2006.

5. Smetanina S.I. Media-tekst v sisteme kul'tury. Dinamicheskie processy vyazyke istile zhurnalistikikonca XX veka. Sankt-Peterburg, 2002: 5 - 12.

6. Zavershinskaya N.A. Oppoziciya «svoego» i «chuzhogo» v sovremennoj kul'ture. Vestnik Novgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2004; № 27: 41 - 47.

7. Parshina O.N. Koncept «Chuzhoj» v realizacii taktiki distancirovaniya (na materiale politicheskogo diskursa). Filologicheskie nauki. 200; №3: 85 - 94.

8. Karasik V.I. Yazyksocial'nogo statusa. Moskva, 2002.

9. Demidov O.V. Tolerantnost' i intolerantnost' v publichnom diskurse. Voenno-nauchnyj vestnik. Chelyabinsk: 2015: 179 - 182.

10. Blackmore D. Relevance and Linguistic Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

11. Chilton P. Analysing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge, 2004.

12. Zavorotischeva N.S. Invektivy vsovremennojrazgovornojrechi. Dissertaciya ... kandidata filologicheskih nauk. Moskva: 2010.

13. Shatalova N.S., Shatalova L.S. Tekst sovremennoj rossijskoj pressy razvlekatel'nogo tipa: model', struktura, yazykovye sredstva. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2019; № 5 (78): 444 - 446.

14. Shatalova N.S., Shatalova L.S. Sredstva ob'ektivacii istoricheskogo konteksta v voennoj proze: fakt, dokument, vymysel. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2019; № 1 (74): 494 - 497.

Статья поступила в редакцию 03.04.21

УДК 811.112.2

Sibiryakova S.N., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: sibirykova80@mail.ru

Pyanzina I.V., senior lecturer, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: piv_irina2004@mail.ru

INSTITUTIONALITY AND PERSONALITY OF THE LETTER OF PETITION FROM THE STANDPOINT OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF GERMAN-LANGUAGE LETTERS OF PETITION OF THE 19TH CENTURY). The article analyses the discourse of 19th-century German-language letters in terms of the practical and social linguistic paradigm. The language study as a social phenomenon is impossible without taking into account institutional statuses and roles, since it is these that constitute the individual as a social being. Institutional discourse is representative communication, dominated by status-role rather than personal-oriented meanings. It should be noted, however, that institutional discourse in its pure form is relatively rare. In real communication, discourses can "mutate" into adjacent ones, the degree of presence of personal meanings can vary depending on the type of discourse and the communication situation. The question of "purity of discourse", the relationship of its personal and institutional components is, in the authors' opinion, a clear research interest and is one of the key problems of this work.

Key words: sociolinguistics, discourse, written communication, German-language letter-petition of the 19th century, institutionality, personality, addressee, addresser.

С.Н. Сибирякова, канд. филол. наук, доц., Алтайский государственный университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: sibirykova80@mail.ru

И.В. Пьянзина, доц., Алтайский государственный университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: piv_irina2004@mail.ru


В настоящей статье предпринята попытка анализа дискурса немецкоязычных писем-прошений 19 века с точки зрения прагма- и социолингвистической парадигм. Изучение языка как социального явления невозможно без учета институциональных статусов и ролей, ведь именно они конституируют индивида как социальное существо. Институциональный дискурс являет собой представительское общение, где доминируют статусно-ролевые, а не личностно ориентированные смыслы. Однако следует заметить, что институциональный дискурс в чистом виде встречается сравнительно редко. В реальном общении дискурсы могут «мутировать» в смежные, степень присутствия личностных смыслов может варьироваться в зависимости от типа дискурса и ситуации общения. Вопрос о «чистоте дискурса», соотношении его личностных и институциональных компонентов представляет, на наш взгляд, несомненный исследовательский интерес и является одной из ключевых проблем данной работы.

Ключевые слова: социолингвистика, дискурс, письменная коммуникация, немецкоязычное письмо-прошение 19 века, институциональность, персональность, адресат, адресант.

Everyone knows the change of priorities in modern linguistics. It is linked to the paradigm of focusing on the anthropocentric aspect, and it determines the need for studies in which linguistic analysis itself is combined with communicative and pragmatic analyses, which include consideration of the communication situation characteristics, and accounting for such parameters as the situation, time and place of text creation, the subject and purpose of communication, social, ethnic, individual characteristics of participants in speech communication, role and personal relations between the addressee and the addresser [1]. The scientific novelty of this study is to consider historical texts from the point of view of a new pragmatic and sociolinguistic paradigm, by analyzing a number of extra-linguistic categories, the most important of which are the addressee and addresser factor, the tasks and objectives of communication, as well as the strategies and tactics of speech behavior of communication partners [1].

The relevance of the work is to analyze the little-studied original texts of German-language letters of petition of the 19th century and to consider them from the standpoint of sociolinguistic categories, such as institutionality and personality. The material of this study includes the original texts of German-language pleading letters of the 19th century, collected in the following publications "Denn das Schreiben gehört nicht zu meiner täglichen Beschäftigung": Der Alltag kleiner Leute in Bittschriften, Briefen und Berichten aus dem 19. Jahrhundert (S. Grosse, M. Grimberg, Th. Hölscher, J. Karweick); «Bis vor die Stufen des Throns. Bittschriften und Beschwerden von Bergleuten im Zeitalter der Industrialisierung" (K. Tenfelde, H. Trischler), as well as German-language letter books of the late 18th-mid-19th centuries.

From the standpoint of sociolinguistics, there are two main types of discourse: personal (personality-oriented) and institutional. In the first case, the speaker acts as a person in all the richness of his inner world, in the second case-as a representative of a certain social institution.

According to Karasik V.l., one of the varieties of personal discourse is everyday communication that occurs between well acquainted people and is reduced to maintaining contact and solving everyday problems. The peculiarity of everyday communication is that it is dialogical in nature, proceeds in a dotted line, the participants of such communication know each other well and therefore they communicate at a reduced distance. This is a conversation about the obvious and easily understood things. The peculiarity of everyday discourse is also the desire to compress the transmitted information as much as possible, to reach a special abbreviated code of communication, when people read each other's mind, the communicative situation is self-evident, and therefore only the diverse evaluative-modal emotional qualification of what is happening is relevant [2].

The actualizers of everyday communication are such elements of colloquial speech as: spontaneity, situational conditionality, pronounced subjective color, violation of the logic and structural design of the utterance, the presence of reduced, slang and dialect-colored vocabulary, specific, characteristic of colloquial speech, syntax, including such features as: parcellation, repetitions, syntactic idioms, deviations from two-part structure, zero verb, reduction of the sentence structure of different word order, etc.

The contrast between personal and institutional discourse is rather conditional, the main difference between these two types of discourse is the different social status of the participants in communication.

The system-forming feature of the institutional discourse is the status, representative function of a person. Institutional discourse is a specialized cliched type of communication between people who may not know each other, but must communicate in accordance with the norms of this society.

An important observation about the institutional nature of discourse was made by J. Swales, who introduced the concept of the «discursive community» and defined it as socio-rhetorical institutional groups united by a commonality of communicative objectives. Members of a discursive community do not form a language community, they can be distantly removed from each other, belong to different ethnic groups. However, they have knowledge of special terminology, and the general level of awareness in a certain selected area of communication is quite high. Moreover, the members of the discursive community are well aware of the peculiarities of genre information and the

mechanisms of its exchange [3, p. 9]. How communicative objectives are presented belongs to the whole community, not to individuals.

Thus, the institutional discourse represents communication within the given framework of status-role relations and is distinguished on the basis of two system-forming features: objectives and participants of communication.

V.S. Grigorieva, analyzing the types of speech activity, argues that, in fact, all types of speaking can be reduced to four classes, depending on the macrointension of the speaker. A person makes verbal acts either to inform someone of anything, or to influence the other person, to compel him or her to do or not do any verbal or non-verbal acts, or to express his or her state of affairs and emotional relations, or to establish, maintain contact, end a conversation. These types of communication are presented in informational, argumentative, expressive, and social-ritual discourses, respectively. The main purpose of informational communication is the message, the transmission of information. Argumentative communication is communication between individuals or an individual and an audience with a clear focus on influencing and controlling the consciousness of the perceivers of speech by the speaker in order to make possible changes in the world view of the addressee or addresser and establish a consensus between the speaker and the listener or listeners. Expressive communication is characterized by the transfer of feelings, assessments, views, attitudes involved in communication. Social and ritual communication is aimed at maintaining the norms and customs of socio-cultural behavior [4].

The leading function of the impact of the 19th-century pleading letters we study allows us to refer them to a discourse that calls for action, in our terminology, to the appellative type of discourse. The characteristic features of the appellative discourse are the single function of inducing the addressee to perform a certain action. From the point of view of pragmalinguistics, motivation is an illocutionary force that embodies the objective aspect of communication. The motivational power is realized by the speaker/ writer with the orientation of a general and listening/reading foundation of knowledge about the world and the system of accepted norms of speech in a given linguistic cultural community. Motivation reflects, on the one hand, the will of the speaker, and on the other - the motivation of the addressee to the named action. As J.R. Searle wrote, the urge "is an attempt to... on the part of the speaker... from very modest to very aggressive... to get the listener to do something " [5, p. 182]. Related to the above facts is the ambiguity of the prompting situation, which includes the subject of the speech action of the prompting (speaking/writing) and the subject of the desired action (listening/reading). By naming a certain act, the speaker tends to exert more or less perseverance in influencing the addressee to become its performer. The implementation of a causative action means that the speaker has achieved the expected perlocative effect. Motivational speech acts have the effect of "offensive" (or, on the contrary, non-offensive) by virtue of action (or abstinence from action) on the part of the listener of the new state of affairs.

The main participants in the institutional discourse are the representatives of the institute and the people who address them. Describing the addressee factor of German-language letters of petition of the 19th century, it should be said that the addressees of these letters were mainly representatives of the highest authorities: burgomasters, landrats (chairmen of the district council), representatives of various public institutions and departments, as well as the emperor or Empress, letters of petition to which were called Immediatgesuche "petitions to the highest name" [6, p. 25]. The authors of such letters, as a rule, were representatives of the lower strata of society: the poor, the unemployed, widows, single women, large families, elderly people who were in need due to illness or war, workers, small officials and merchants [1].

Thus, the rigidly defined social framework of correspondents indicates that the German-language letters of petitions of the 19th century belong to the institutional type of discourse. In addition, the institutional nature of the studied letters is also indicated by their standard compositional structure and a clear internal structure of the letter. It is the cliched nature of communication that fundamentally distinguishes institutional discourse from personal discourse. If other types of letters in certain situations are characterized by deviations from the standard compositional structure of the letter, the authors of German-language letters of petition of the 19th century, as a rule, adhered to the classical scheme of writing a letter. However, this pattern is not observed in all

analyzed letters that allows us to classify them as a group of letters with a "semi-rigid" structural organization.

It should be noted that each part in the structure of the letters we study performs a certain function assigned to it. Salutatio contains an address to the addressee. There is the most frequent use of addresses in a high-sounding and solemn manner to accompany the title in the studied letters. The function of captatio benevolentiae is to clearly state the purpose of writing a letter. Narratio contains the justification of the request, a description of the circumstances that make it necessary for a person to seek help. Petitio is actually a request. Until the end of the 19th century, a rather vague formulation of the request itself prevailed in the letters of request that we studied because of the overwhelming fear of people of the possibility of refusing their request. It used to sound like um etwas Zulange, i.e. it was about some increase in the salary or monetary maintenance of the applicants. The final part of the conclusio petition letters includes, in addition to the addressee's signature, the place and date of writing of the letter (which could also be indicated at the beginning of the letter before the appeal), a number of specific elements characteristic of this type of letter in the specified historical era.

Having thus referred the studied letters to the institutional type of discourse, we can, however, confidently assert that each type of institutional discourse is characterized by its own measure of the relationship between the status and personal components. Any communication has a multidimensional, score-based character, and therefore the allocation of communication types in a particular speech action is a convention. The complete elimination of personality in institutional communication turns participants into dummies. The German-language letters of petition of the 19th century, despite the predominance of institutional features, are also characterized by a number of elements inherent in the personality-oriented type of discourse. Thus, the subjective coloring that is natural for colloquial speech is also an integral feature of the studied letters, since their addressers do not just objectively state something or talk about something indifferently, but present everything from their point of view, revealing the interest and participation of their "I" in everything they talk about. For example, in the studied letters, the subjective color of the narrative is explicated through emotive vocabulary that contributes to changing the emotional background of the addressee, appealing, in particular, to the feeling of his compassion through the use of a wide range of evaluative markers, describing, for example, the physical ailments of the petitioner and/or his family members: Meine einzige Tochter ist sehr leidend; die geringste Bewegung unsägliche Schmerzen verursacht; ich bin kränklich, gelähmt, sehr harthörig, und mehr als halb taub; and the extent of their plight: meiner größten Noth; in diesen elende Zustand; mit einer schweren Krankheit; ich sitze ganz geschlagen mit den Kin-

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dern; in diesse bedrängten Umständen; Eine arme Witwe; meine arme Kinder; die äuserste Notwendigkeit; So bin ich Majestät eine arme, arme Wittwe geworden. The last example is characterized by reduplication - an emotional repetition of the adjective. The most common meaning for repeated categories is amplification, intensity, to emphasize the idea of excess, and the form of the word is exaggerated. Repetition has an emotional and expressive meaning, because a repeated word is always more expressive than the previous one and creates the effect of gradation, emotional pumping.

Elements of personal discourse are also present at the syntactic level of the language design of petitions. In the letters under study, there are, for example, such features characteristic of everyday discourse as: pseudo-subordinate sentences or the phenomenon of" separatization", which consists in splitting a complex sentence into two units: Wenn je eine bürgerliche Familie der hiesigen Stadt der Gegenstand des Mitleids und Erbarmens hat genannt werden können. So sind wir arme und unglücke Leuthe es gewiß. The adverb je, the modal adverb gewiß in this sentence are also markers of everyday discourse and, performing an influencing function, contribute to a more vivid manifestation of the feelings and experiences of the writer.

Examples of syntactic inclusions of a personal nature are also emotional repetitions within one replica, as in the following example, characterizing the addresser, explicitly appealing to the compassion and pity of the recipient of the letter: So bin ich Majestät eine arme, arme Wittwe geworden ...; verbless sentences or as an emotionally-expressed reaction to the addressee's own emotionally-colored question: Stehe ich nicht etwa fest zu Kaiser und Reich? Und stets für Kaiser u. Reich.; or as a vivid emotional continuation of the statement contained in the previous sentence: Und sollten hunderttausend Teufel mich hiervon abhalten wollen, wie schon bereits der versuch gemacht-sie vermögen's nicht!!! Nie, und nimmer. The expressive ac-tualizers of personal discourse in this sentence are the emotionally rich substantive phrase hunderttausend Teufel, which is atypical for the official business type of communication, as well as graphic means in the form of three exclamation marks at the end of the sentence and the reduced form of the personal pronoun es, indicated by an apostrophe.

Thus, the discourse of German-language letters of petitions of the 19th century is, in fact, an institutional type of discourse, since it proceeds within the specified framework of status-role relations, which, however, does not exclude the presence in it of a number of elements of a personality-oriented type of discourse, which, in combination with the first, contribute to the realization of the main intention of the authors of the studied letters, which consists in encouraging the addressee to perform a certain action, namely, to implement the explicitly expressed the addresser's request in the letter.

1. Сибирякова С.Н. Реализация коммуникативной стратегии в структуре писем-прошений (на материале немецкоязычных писем-прошений XIX века). Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Барнаул, 2010.

2. Карасик В.И. Язык социального статуса. Москва: ИТДГК «Гнозис», 2002.

3. Swales M.Jh., Long M.H., Richards J.C. Genre Analysis. English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge Applied Linguistics, 1990.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 04.04.21

УДК 811.111

Shchebelskaya E.G., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, St. Petersburg branch n.a. V. Bobkov "Russian Customs Academy" (St. Petersburg, Russia),

E-mail: shebelskaya1@rambler.ru

Grudina M.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, St. Petersburg branch n.a. V. Bobkov"Russian Customs Academy" (St. Petersburg, Russia),

E-mail: gruma@yandex.ru

THE STAGE CHARACTER OF COMMUNICATIVE TACTICS IN THE ENGLISH-LANGUAGE DISCOURSE OF THE JUDGE. This article discusses some features of the English-language discourse of the judge, the consideration of which from the viewpoint of the system-activity approach allows to identify a number of its system components. These components are inextricably linked with the verbal influence of the judge on other subjects of law in the courtroom, and also reflect the activity-based nature of the speech interaction of all participants at each stage of the court trial. This approach to the study of the problem of communicative tactics in the English-language discourse of the judge contributes to characterizing their metacommunicative features, including the identification of the most stereotypical of them. The set of standard statements of a judge proposed by the authors, and which are created on the basis of the most repetitive communicative tactics, can serve for teachers of foreign languages as a linguistic and methodological basis for teaching the law students about judicial discourse in non-linguistic universities, the development of their gradual awareness of the compositional elements of the court session scenario, and the mastery of cliched status-role statements in the dialogical English-language speech of a judge and other participants in the court proceedings.

Key words: discourse of judge, communicative strategy, communicative tactic, criminal trial, foreign language in field of law.

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