INNOVATIVE WAYS OF IMPOROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN DISTANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
English / foreign language teaching / text / translation / teacher.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sitora Makhamatovna Nazarova

In Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to teaching a foreign language in a pedagogical university. The study of a foreign language is considered as a kind of strategy that involves the formation of future teachers' competence, the expansion of their horizons, the formation of the ability to navigate and actively exist in the world of information. The article considers English as a means of global communication. The analysis of language education at the Pedagogical University is carried out. The activity of the teacher in the English lesson is important for the student.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230



In Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to teaching a foreign language in a pedagogical university. The study of a foreign language is considered as a kind of strategy that involves the formation of future teachers' competence, the expansion of their horizons, the formation of the ability to navigate and actively exist in the world of information. The article considers English as a means of global communication. The analysis of language education at the Pedagogical University is carried out. The activity of the teacher in the English lesson is important for the student.

Keywords: English, foreign language teaching, text, translation, teacher.


The issue of using electronic resources and the Internet in the educational process is not new, since with the onset of the 21st century, the role of Internet technologies in education has noticeably increased. Such a continuous and rapid development of Internet technologies, information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT), their use in the education system and the ongoing informatization of all spheres of human life, thanks to their capabilities, made it possible to quickly transfer the entire learning process to a distance format. Numerous studies over several years prove that the introduction of new information Internet technologies into the education system increases the efficiency of the educational process, makes English lessons more productive and effective.


In other words, DL involves teaching and monitoring the assimilation of material using the Internet computer network, as well as the use of on-line and off-line technologies. DL has a number of specific features and is characterized by: remoteness of the subjects of the educational process and sources of information; a set of modern technologies that ensure the interaction between the student and the teacher; a combination of on-line and off-line technologies; the predominance of independent educational activities of students. The problem of learning English through DL is very acute in view of the specifics of this subject area. For this reason, it is necessary to

Sitora Makhamatovna Nazarova

Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

organize DL in such a way that it is built taking into account all the features characteristic of this discipline. The main specificity of learning foreign languages in general is the mastery of communicative competence by students, that is, language proficiency as a means of intercultural communication and communication, a tool for understanding the world and independently acquiring new knowledge about it, etc. [4].

The methods and means of teaching used in distance learning can ensure the qualitative achievement of the necessary goals during an English lesson if there is the necessary material and technical base for this, and the teacher will have the opportunity to choose the organizational side of learning, for example, the form of the lesson. Social networks and blogs have firmly taken their place in the field of educational services [6, p. 263]. During non-contact periods of training, classes can take the form of: chat classes (via chat technologies, can be conducted synchronously, for example, using Viber, WhatsApp, Vkontakte); web classes (they are distance lessons, business games, laboratory classes, etc., which are held on specialized educational web forums; they can be conducted asynchronously); teleconferencing (mailing list using e-mail), etc. The DL process in English may also include the following components: digital interactive educational platforms (for example, Google class; Russian e-school; Uchi.ru; Yandex textbook); interactive applications and programs (for example, PlayPosit; Quizizz; Flippity, Learningapps, Wordwall, Quizlet; Google forms, ClassMarker). One of the first technological aides to education was the lantern slide (e.g., the Linnebach lantern), which was used in the 19th century in chautauqua classes and lyceum schools for adults and in traveling public-lecture tent shows throughout the world to project images on any convenient surface; such visual aides proved particularly useful in educating semiliterate audiences. By the start of the 20th century, learning theories had begun concentrating on visual approaches to instruction, in contrast to the oral recitation practices that still dominated traditional classrooms. The first significant technological innovation was made by the American inventor Thomas Edison, who devised the tinfoil phonograph in 1877. This device made possible the first language laboratories (facilities equipped with audio or audiovisual devices for use in language learning). After World War I, university-owned radio stations became commonplace in the United States, with more than 200 such stations broadcasting recorded educational programs by 1936.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, great attention is paid to the training of teaching staff. In this regard, the issues of improving the training of personnel are acute. An important role in the competence of students is played by the integration of the Internet into the educational process [1]. A huge selection of authentic materials that can be used in an adapted or original form depending on the level of language proficiency is one of

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the main advantages of the Internet, which allows students to perceive the language as a means of intercultural interaction as a way of their inclusion in the active dialogue of cultures. [2]. For these purposes, various educational and information sites, thematic web forums are suitable [1]. The development of information retrieval skills in the foreign language segment of the Internet will contribute to the expansion of students' cultural knowledge [3]. The development of the sociocultural competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language involves the achievement by them of a certain level of formation of both prepared and unprepared speech [3]. Mastering the speech formulas of business communication, the formation of the ability to structure one's speech, language means with the situation of communication - all these tasks should be solved in teaching foreign language communication to students of a pedagogical university. [3]. For the systematic formation of students' competence, it is important to take into account psychological, methodological and linguistic factors [4]. From a psychological point of view, the formation of competence presupposes the presence of stable motivation, the necessary personal qualities. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive independence of students in the learning process through a system of adequate technologies. [five]. The discipline "Foreign language" has a great cultural potential, which, in our opinion, can be realized through the use of various forms of educational and extracurricular work with students with a small number of classes allocated for its study in an agricultural university. [2]. Language is a reflection of culture; it fixes changes in its conceptual system. It is necessary to equip students with knowledge of the linguistic features of a foreign language, to develop their ability to interpret and translate them. The basis of the model of teaching foreign language activity of a student is the mastery of linguocultural concepts that make up the psychological and national sphere. The main means of sociocultural education is a foreign text [3]. In the classroom in a foreign language in a pedagogical university, both special, or professionally directed, and cognitive texts of a cultural orientation are used. The practice of using such texts shows that it is precisely this specificity that often does not allow students to understand them and prevents adequate translation into their native language. With such contacts of students with a foreign culture, barriers associated with communication arise. The student often does not understand the meaning of the elements of the source text. Therefore, the study of a foreign language should be accompanied by familiarization with the culture and customs of the environment in which this language functions. It is necessary to form students' intercultural competence based on the comparison of foreign language culture with their native one. Practice shows that equivalent vocabulary does not cause difficulties for students. The situation is different with vocabulary due to the lack of linguistic and cultural knowledge. In the

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

process of learning to translate, it is the culturological factor that makes it difficult to understand texts of a different linguocultural community. Observations of the educational activities of students of the Pedagogical University indicate the need to conduct training in translation activities based on the formation of their cultural and linguistic base in the field of intercultural communication.


It should be noted that future specialists, teachers, immersing themselves in the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, become part of a complex system of cultural communication. The study of a foreign language by students of an agricultural university can be called a kind of sociocultural strategy that involves the creation of such communicative situations in the classroom that would ensure the formation of their sociocultural competence. Expanding the horizons of students by means of a foreign language contributes to the formation of their ability to navigate and actively exist in the world of information, increases educational and cognitive motivation. Thus, the implementation of the educational approach in teaching a foreign language deserves special attention among a wide range of problems of modern education.


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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


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