MARKETING RESEARCH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
marketing research / KPI performance indicators / company management / sales / motives / potential / marketing exploration / social research

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — N. Kh. Meyliyev, Z. F. Valieva, S. I. Khalilova, K. D. Valieva

The article provides criteria for conducting marketing research to ensure the promotion of goods, a comparative analysis of various types of quantitative assessment of marketing activities is carried out.

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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


N. Kh. Meyliyev

Department of ^international marketing», YEOJU Technical Institute

Z. F. Valieva

PhD, Assistant Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

S. I. Khalilova

III year student of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry

K. D. Valieva

Department of ^international marketing», YEOJU Technical Institute


The article provides criteria for conducting marketing research to ensure the promotion of goods, a comparative analysis of various types of quantitative assessment of marketing activities is carried out.

Keywords: marketing research, KPI performance indicators, company management, sales, motives, potential, marketing exploration, social research,

The need for marketing research is due to the expansion of production and the emergence of new technologies in all areas of production and circulation of goods and services. In the scientific literature, as well as in practice, a variety of concepts related to the content of marketing research are used: market, sales, motives, potential, marketing exploration, social research, etc. Marketing research in Anglo-American literature was often associated with the concept of "information or informational, intelligence system" [1].

H. Meffert interprets marketing research as a type of information (intelligence) amplifier that supports enterprise management, especially management, marketing management, in solving various problems. There are other approaches to defining the concept and content of marketing research. Marketing specialist H. Weiss examines "motive research." He believes that market research, depending on the purpose of the study, can be quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research allows you to establish numerical values of market parameters and its main characteristics. Qualitative market research consists of identifying certain motives for certain market behavior.

The result of marketing research is the generation of marketing information for making decisions in the field of interaction between subjects of the marketing system, which would ensure the quantity and quality of commodity and service transactions required by the market, while complying with the requirements of the main factors of the external environment and consumer [1].

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

It was possible to understand how effectively marketing research was mainly in two ways - economic and statistical, conducting complex mathematical calculations or empirical, that is, to test in practice - wether the study helped or not. To date, there is no common approach developed to assess the effectiveness of marketing research. This makes it difficult to estimate the effectiveness of these costs.

The need to develop a unified approach to assessing the effectiveness of marketing research is also due to the need for an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of all marketing activities, which includes marketing research.

The lack of a unified integrated approach in assessing the effectiveness of marketing research so far is a consequence of a number of factors related to the specifics of marketing research [2]

Marketing research - is not a tool for financial profit, which means that the result of this activity cannot be directly expressed in financial indicators.

• There is a time delay between the receipt of information and the implementation of decisions made on their basis.

• Difficulty in identifying the result resulting from marketing research among a number of other factors.

• Indirect impact of marketing research on the company's final results.

The main difficulty of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing research is to determine the value of the information obtained from these studies.

Quantitative measures of the value of information were considered in the works of scientists A.A. Kharkevich and M.M. Bongard, who established the connection between pragmatic information and quantitative measures of value with the concept of goal and targeted behavior. An approach to determine the value of information using game theory and decision theory is also correlated with research. In this case, the value of the information can be determined as the difference between the result of decisions made using this information and without it. In this case, the Solution Tree method is used. Deterministic methods are also proposed, according to which the value of information from conducting studies is defined as the difference between the estimate of the costs associated with error as a result of the lack of research (additional information) and cost.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for marketing measure progress towards your rategic marketing goals. Focusing on the right metrics and selecting the most appropriate marketing KPIs for your business is essential to the success of your marketing strategy. All good marketing KPIs are directly related to business growth. Using a structural and functional approach, we will consider the process of evaluating the performance of marketing research. We will define the KPI performance criteria for

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

each of the components of the marketing research process (problem and goal identification, plan development, implementation, processing and presentation of results). Using these KPI criteria, you can determine how each stage affects the overall impact of marketing research. Table 1 shows the dedicated KPIs corresponding to each stage of the marketing research process.

Table 1

KPI performance indicators - for each stage of the marketing research process

1. Marketing Research Process Phase KPI CriteriaI

2. Problem identification, goal definition and task setting. A clear definition of the problem and the objectives of the study, excluding any other interpretation.

3. Develop a study plan and select methods to use. Correctness of selected methodology and research plan

4. Implementation of research plan, data collection and analysis. Validity, reliability and representativeness of the collected data, which depends on the professionalism of the researcher.

5. Processing and presentation of the results. Structured data and convincing to bring marketing research results to management. Personal qualities of the researcher

Using the interval scaling method, you can enter a scale of expert assessments for each of the selected KPIs (from 1 to 3), where 1 is the least developed criterion, 2 is the average degree of study and 3 means that the criterion is the most developed. The criteria set by the expert survey is summed up. Depending on Rp's comprehensive marketing research performance, you can determine the impact of the company's entire marketing research process.

In connection with the fact that market research is carried out to solve a certain problem and within the framework of the original goal, compliance with the latter is a prerequisite for the use of the information obtained. Compliance of the collected information with the designated purpose will help to determine the range of tasks for which it is expedient to use this data.

Using the method of interval scaling, it is possible to determine the score and weight of each criterion with the help of expert assessments. The effectiveness of the conducted marketing research will be calculated according to the following formula:

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

Rr =

where Rp - effectiveness of the market research process;

ki - expert assessment of each of the four criteria with an interval scale from 1 to 3, reflecting the quality of performance of each of the criteria (1 - lowest value, 2 - average, 3 - highest); wi - criterion weight.

The criteria established by expert survey are summarized and depending on Rp-value the effectiveness of the marketing research is determined. The criterion Rp can take values from 1 to 15, which corresponds to the following indicators:

- 1 to 5 - market research conducted with low effectiveness;

- 6 to 10 - marketing research was conducted with an average level of effectiveness;

- 11 to 15 - marketing research was conducted with a high level of performance. Using the indicator of data effectiveness it is possible to estimate the results of the conducted research and to determine their ability to influence making effective managerial decisions.

Marketing activity as one of the main functions of company management should provide steady, competitive position of one or another subject of marketing system at the market of goods and services taking into account conditions of internal and external environment. Nowadays the use of systems of information and analytical support of marketing activity of the company becomes a necessary condition for increasing flexibility and efficiency of corporate management system. The results of the market research have indirect influence on the management process because the economic efficiency reflects how profitable the research is, while the effectiveness shows whether the objectives set by the market research have been achieved.

The latter is based on the fact that the behavior of people and their attitude to something can be expressed using numerical quantities. Quantitative studies are usually identified with the conduct of various surveys based on the use of structured closed-type surveys, which are answered by a large number of the respondents. The peculiarities of such studies are: the clearly defined format of the collected data and the sources of its collection, the processing of the collected data is carried out using ordered procedures, mainly quantitative in nature. The purpose of quantitative studies is to obtain and analyze reliable data to be comprehensively statistical processed. Quantitative studies make it possible to verify the validity of the consumer opinions identified during the qualitative studies. They are conduct through surveys using statistical sampling methods, observations and experiments [3].

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230


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