INFORMATION-EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND SECURITY OF THE MODERN PERSON Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N.

The article presents the author's view on the peculiarities of the formation of the information and educational environment and the safety of the modern person in the information society, which actualizes the innovative development of the model of civil education in the Republic of Belarus.

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УДК 614.8.07/08:614.876

SOKOLOVA Anastasia A.

Universitet Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Civil Protection

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

SOKOLOVA Svetlana N., Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor

Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 9 October 2020


The article presents the author's view on the peculiarities of the formation of the information and educational environment and the safety of the modern person in the information society, which actualizes the innovative development of the model of civil education in the Republic of Belarus.

Keywords: information and educational environment, political singularity, civil education, personal security.


Университет гражданской защиты МЧС Республики Беларусь, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

СОКОЛОВА С.Н., д-р филос. наук, доцент профессор кафедры межкультурных коммуникаций

Полесский государственный университет, г. Пинск, Республика Беларусь


В статье представлен авторский взгляд на особенности формирования информационно-образовательной среды и безопасность современной личности в информационном обществе, что

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.


актуализирует инновационную разработку модели гражданского образования в Республике Беларусь.

Ключевые слова: информационно-образовательная среда, политическая сингулярность, гражданское образование, безопасность личности.

Introduction. The modern format of public relations, multi-vector geopolitical processes, the transmutation of traditional values in the information society expand the boundaries of the civilizational fracture. Intensive digitalization of society, information and telecommunications infrastructure will inevitably transform the existing social reality. The urgency of the problem, according to the authors of the article, is associated with the innovative development of the education system in the information society and the transformation of traditional values, which is dictated by the need for the scientific and pedagogical community to comprehend fundamental issues related to the features of the formation of an information and educational environment, axiological guidelines of a person during a pandemic and hybrid wars. [1].

Focusing on the features of the formation of an information and educational environment, it is necessary to take into account the following:

First, the global socio-political changes taking place today, determined by systemic confrontation in the bipolar world, pandemic and the predominance of distance communication, transform the information and educational environment and personal security, influencing in a special way the formation of a model of civic education in the Republic of Belarus [2, p.5].

In the era of hybrid wars, social reality becomes unstable and especially dangerous for humans. And in a difficult period of world history, traditional values acquire special significance for a person and the survival of a technogenic civilization, as they are a guarantee of stability, the basis of the security of a modern person. And, apparently not by chance, in the kaleidoscope of events occurring under the influence of dangers, threats and crisis phenomena that are gaining strength in society, "... in modern world international relations, information and psychological warfare has become infinite in content and methods" [3, p.91].

Secondly, contradictory social reality in a specific way today affects the security of a modern person, changing (formatting) public consciousness, correcting stereotypes of human behavior (style of thinking in a multicultural society), which, according to the authors of the article, should, in a special way, initiate traditional values and axiological guidelines of modern personality [4, p.9].

Note that the information and educational environment is formed on the basis of educational resources, research-oriented technologies that contribute to a change in the quality of education in the context of informatization (intercultural communication), since it is the environment that accumulates organizational and methodological means, software and hardware for storing and transmitting information.

Thirdly, personal security in a special way actualizes the ambiguous processes of the formation of a model of civil education, since in the Republic of Belarus it is important to pay special attention to the civil-patriotic, political and legal aspect, which will be more effective, according to the authors of the article, only in the process of development of contamination. orientation of the information and educational environment, minimizing "... unfavorable conditions created by the information society" [5, p.11].

Fourth, many researchers share the opinion that the state continues to be the most influential and large-scale subject of influence on the information society (economic, political, social, spiritual spheres), since the interdependence and priority of this basic social institution and the modern information sphere determine its activities. It is the universality of state influence on social relations, including on the security of the individual, as a guarantor of stability, law and order, that accumulate a multidimensional nature in order to minimize the potential for conflict in an information society, which is directly related to the information and psychological aspect of the existence of a


modern personality (traditional values, humanism, dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication).

Main part. The information and educational environment aimed at implementing the model of civic education (social science and educational component) determines the security of the individual and actualizes the traditional values that are transformed in the context of information and psychological warfare and hybrid wars.

Let us recall that civil education is a synthesis of philosophy, ethics, law, economics, political science, psychology and sociology, which, being the basic components of the information and educational environment (development of educational standards), is an important factor affecting personal safety. It is civil education that is aimed at the formation of socially oriented characteristics of students (citizenship, patriotism, tolerance, humanism, security), which can and should be implemented in integration curricula (a set of humanitarian, technical and legal aspects). And in this context, the main element of the information and educational environment is the ratio of the most adapted (congruent) interdisciplinary model, which is perceived by the scientific and pedagogical community, in one case, as one-order concepts of "civil education", and in the other, as mutually exclusive scientific definitions.

While updating the issues related to the educational information environment in this article, it is necessary to pay attention to two aspects:

- dominance of the positive and creative orientation of the information and educational environment with an emphasis on the social science and educational component and the priority of humanitarian disciplines (philosophy, economics, law, ethics, political science, cultural studies);

- purposeful formation (education and upbringing) of a citizen-patriot in the process of implementing the model of civic education, which is directly related to the security of a modern person.

The information society in the era of hybrid wars is becoming especially unstable, which means that humanism and traditional values are acquiring special resonance today, since they are

the guarantee of peace, stability, and security of a modern person.

The range of modern scientific polemics regarding the lack of citizenship and patriotism in the information society is very wide.

The transformation of traditional values, taking place today due to the priority of the intensive development of the market, the prevalence of extreme manifestations of rationalism, hedonism in public relations, as well as axiological eclecticism, the use of aggressive communicative practices (information violence) by the media, characterizing the political singularity, which quite clearly reflects the unstable (borderline) state of the political system, when the activity of political subjects (elites) is constantly increasing and the devaluation of values becomes especially destructive and repetitive, reducing the level of personal security.

A feature of the formation of the information and educational environment in the information society, according to the authors of the article, is the use of innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies that provide planning, monitoring of the educational process (creation, search, collection, analysis, processing, storage, provision of information), and also provide remote interaction of educational, cultural and health care institutions. The dominance of an integrated approach of the social and humanitarian orientation in the formation of the information and educational environment, as well as the focus of the education system of the Republic of Belarus on the realization of the axiological potential of the modern personality characterizes the integrative and humanitarian orientation of civil education, which, according to the authors of the article, is objectively connected with the transformation of traditional values, and also with geopolitical processes, anthropological crisis and hybrid wars [7, p.48].

As a result, destructive social interactions and multidirectional eclecticism of the «infosphere», demonstrating, on the one hand, the multidimensionality of the integration processes of different states, and, on the other hand, the kaleidoscope of the network (virtual) «infosphere», linguistic semantics, in a special way actualize the security of the individual. Public relations include financial, economic, socio-political, sociocultural specifics and are characterized by bias, aggressive media pressure


(information violence), which is natural for a society that is experiencing an anthropological crisis.

Today, a person's worldview is purposefully transformed by modern media, myths of various formats, changing the coordinate system of public consciousness, as a result of which there is a devaluation of humanistic principles, a change in the value orientations of the individual. And, apparently, the time has come to initiate a more active process of introducing the model of civic education in the Republic of Belarus on the basis of socio-cultural cooperation and emphasis on the humanistic aspects of intercultural communication.

Conclusion. Summarizing, it can be argued that in the era of hybrid wars, the fundamental factor ensuring the security of the individual is, as a rule, the information and educational environment (civic education), which affects the axiological reflection of a person, the formation of traditional values [8, p.50], since the use in the information society "... computers, tablets, smartphones has become an integral part of life" [9, p.36].

As a result, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that the modern scientific and pedagogical community in the Republic of Belarus needs to propose an innovative idea that "... can become a humanitarian oriented strategy for the gradual development of the ongoing modernization in order to gradually contribute to the formation of such a way of life for mankind, which would correspond the trinity of fundamental values of technogenic civilization "[10, p.12].

The information and educational environment and the safety of the modern personality must be considered in conjunction with the transformation of traditional values, the multicultural aspect of the existing social reality, orienting a person to ensure the safety of the natural and cultural environment [11, p.71], as well as aimed at developing not only a competency-based approach, but also at forming a model of civil education in the Republic of Belarus.


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Статья поступила 9 октября 2020 г.

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