было одной из актуальных проблем российского образования.
Принцип вариативности, провозглашенный в российском образовании, даёт возможность средним учебным заведениям выбирать любую модель педагогического процесса, включая авторские. В этих условиях преподавателю иностранного языка предоставлена определенная свобода творчества, свобода выбора инновационных моделей, технологий обучения, без которых немыслим современный образовательный процесс.
Инновационные явления, порождающие специфику деятельности педагога в современных условиях, обуславливают переход от знаний парадигмы педагогического процесса к личности, от
«сообщающих» - к интерактивным методам обучения.
В условиях постоянно меняющихся реалий современного общества и его активного развития иностранные языки обуславливают актуальность сегодняшней жизни.
1. Бим Н.М. Обучение иностранным языкам: поиск новых путей // ИЯШ - 1989 г.- №1
2. Булкин А.П. Изучение иностранных языков в России. Социокультурный аспект - ИЯШ -2008 г. - №6
Pavlovych L.,
MD, PhD, Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology
Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi
Kamyshna I.,
MD, PhD, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil
Bakaliuk T.
Prof., DSc, PhD, MD, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil
Objective. The article is sanctified to the problem of perfection of organization of independent work of students, determination of ways of the methodical providing of the marked process. Keywords: independent work of students
One of directions of harmonization of educational activity from the European educational requirements there is the individualization of education on the basis of perfection of structure of curricula, optimization of the educational loading, introduction of the integral system of preparation of specialists after individual curricula, and perfection of organization of independent and individual work of students.
For upgrading of professional preparation of specialists rational and effective organization of independent work of students is needed in higher educational establishments. Independent work is the basis of any education, the form of organization of studies, and means of capture thorough knowledge and skills. In modern terms, the actual is remained by the necessity of improvement of technology of organization of independent work, grant to her more
The complication of organization of independent work consists in a variety and ambiguousness of her essence. In accordance with Statute about the organization of educational process in higher educational establishments [1] "independent work of the student is the basic means of capture educational material in time, free of obligatory lessons", lectures, practical, seminar, individual employments, and consultations, belong to that. Many scientists assert at the same time, that the basic criterion of independent work is her implementation without mediocre participation of teachers in lessons or at home.
Audience work of students consists in the lecture educating, implementation of laboratory and realization of practical employments, participating in discussions or in the discussions of different scientific questions during the seminar engaging in and other
Extra audience work is less regulated unlike an audience, therefore there are some difficulties in her organization, guidance, and control. Foremost it is related to that students can independently organize work on the mastering of educational material of this discipline not always.
With the purpose of development and realization of creative and professional capabilities for students, increase of objectivity of estimation of knowledge, the introduction of healthy competition in educating, the teachers of department bring over students to participating in scientific student conferences, scientific researches of the department. Preparation for the performances at conferences, work with scientific literature allows the student to use all in the process of educating gain knowledge and skills, helps to purchase confidence in the forces, to know the possibilities, promote the professional level of knowledge, t. Of e. Assists development of own self-appraisal. Such form of activity forms for a student creative activity in the decision of certain problems. On the understanding of the essence of independent work efficiency of all educational processes depends on Institution of higher learning, and first of all the robot of teacher, that plans her, controls
and estimates. In the conditions of audience work, it is very difficult to organize the independent that or other job processing every student. We consider, therefore, that it is expedient to define an independent prosecution as the work of a student of the capture of discipline in time.
Independent work of students is a very difficult process, during that such questions, that is important for every participant of the educational process - teachers, students, and auxiliary personnel, must be decided.
1 the normative and methodical providing of independent work of students;
2 forms of independent work of students;
3 terms and forms of presentation of results of independent work of students;
4 forms of control of every type of independent work of students;
5 criteria of evaluation of results of independent work of students.
The first question decides by means of development of internal university standard - Statute about the organization of independent and individually-consultative work, that does not "mean the unitization of going near her realization, but gives internal legitimacy to this type of educational work, allows to work out her conception and to promote the responsibility of institution of higher learning for quality of preparation of specialists" [2].
The methodical providing of CPC is conducted on the basis of complex, purposeful approach embodiment of that is the creation of HaBHa^bHO-MeTOgHHHHx complexes of disciplines. At the same time, students suffer from the absence of the methodical providing of independent work. In accordance with Methodical recommendations from the development of HMK^, "methodical recommendations are to the students as separate editions or on electronic transmitters that must be on a department or in a library in a sufficient amount" [3]. Therefore, deem it wise to promote the responsibility of auxiliary personnel of departments and libraries in the organization of distribution of methodical materials among students.
During the organization of independent work, it is necessary to take into account the variety of her kinds and forms. The choice of form of independent work depends on many factors and is fixed on a teacher.
In any case at choice forms of independent work a betweenness influences, firstly, by the audience and independent work, secondly, presence of corresponding methodical recommendations, experience and pedagogical mastery of teacher. It is necessary to remember at the choice of forms of independent work, that her primary objective consists in the receipt of thorough knowledge from discipline.
The most widespread forms of independent work from registration disciplines are writing of reports, lectures; study of normative documents; the decision of tasks or implementation of exercises; business games; decisions of tests, which can be considered also the form of current control of knowledge of students.
The forms of independent work, that are used by a teacher for teaching discipline, are fixed to them in the fifth division of executable code. However, for the
achievement of transparency and clearness of actions of all participants of the educational process, it is expedient to work out the card of independent work of students from discipline, that is studied, after the forms of studies, that gets to the students at the beginning of the study.
Planning of forms and types of independent work needs realization of systematic, effective, exact, adequate control of knowledge of students. Using that or other forms of control, a teacher must remember, that the not order of implementation of independent work, but the level of knowledge and skills of the students got at the implementation of independent work, is controlled.
An order and criteria of evaluation of success, in turn, depend on the correlation of current and final control, audience and independent work, level, volume, and complication of control tasks. At the decision of this question principles of objectivity, transparency, publicity must be realized, equal terms for all students. In this case, the role of the teacher changes from in-formatively-control to consultative-coordinating.
Conclusion. The improvement of the organization of the educational process is impossible without an understanding of the essence of independent work of students as form of organization of studies that needs the corresponding normative providing - development of Statute about the organization of independent and individually-consultative work.
Intensification of the educational process takes place by filling qualitatively new maintenance of independent work of students, pin work of students with a teacher and increase of the level of awareness of students on questions educational activity.
Realization of the offered recommendations to the organization of independent work will allow promoting her efficiency due to initiative and responsibility of participants of the educational process.
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