IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 CRISIS ON THE NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Cebotari Svetlana, Budurina-Goreacii Carolina

The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has direct repercussions both globally, regionally and locally. In this context, it should be noted that the Covid- 19 crisis has a direct impact on the Republic of Moldova’s security on political, economic and social dimensions. The many difficulties faced by the Republic of Moldova have affected national security: 2019 - parliamentary elections, followed by unconstitutional coups, 2020 - COVID-19 epidemic.This article aims to highlight the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the security of the Republic of Moldova.

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Cebotari Svetlana, State University of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Budurina-Goreacii Carolina, State University of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

E-mail: svetlana.cebotari@mail.ru

Abstract. The emergence of the Covid -19 pandemic has direct repercussions both globally, regionally and locally. In this context, it should be noted that the Covid-19 crisis has a direct impact on the Republic of Moldova's security on political, economic and social dimensions. The many difficulties faced by the Republic of Moldova have affected national security: 2019 - parliamentary elections, followed by unconstitutional coups, 2020 - COVID-19 epidemic.

This article aims to highlight the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the security of the Republic of Moldova.

Key words: COVID-19 crisis, Republic of Moldova, security, threat.

According to national documents, the threat to the Republic of Moldova's security can be considered an emergency both in times of crisis, in situations of war, and in times of peace of a crisis or pandemic, in this case, the Covid-19 pandemic. The concept of national security usually includes the following components: geopolitical security; politics; military, economic, social, ecological, health security defense; scientific and technical security; information, demographic, cultural, energy security etc. [8]. The basic official documents outlining the scope of national security of the Republic of Moldova are: Constitution of the Republic of Moldova (July 29, 1994), Concept of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova (February 8, 1995), Military Doctrine (June 6, 1995), Law on State Security (October 31, 1995), the Concept of Military Reform (July 26, 2002), the Concept of National Security (May 22, 2008) and the National Security Strategy (July 15, 2011) [9]. Thus, according to the provisions of the Concept of National Security of the Republic of Moldova, the national security system is defined as a set of concepts, strategies, policies, means, regulations and administrative structures of the state, as well as a set of institutions of society which have the aim to protect and promote the national interests of the country [8]. The security of the Republic of Moldova is a component part of world security. The emergence of crises caused by COVID-19 implies the need to strengthen sustainable




partnership relations within the complex system of the information community in order to reduce the risks that threaten national and regional security [7].

The national security of the Republic of Moldova is ensured by state implementation of economic, political, legal, military, organizational system of measures aimed at identifying, preventing and timely suppressing threats to state security. Ensuring national security is possible only in strict compliance with international and national law. The same essential thing is the unity of state policy and the implementation of uniform, comprehensive, efficient and optimal measures by all subjects of state security. The process of ensuring state security is constant and more focused on preventive action in relation to existing threats [12]. At the same time, we observe the global processes of individual threats evolution, which can go from a state of medium probability to a very probable one and can be transformed from nationally, first to regional, and, if no effective neutralization measures have been taken against them, then in global ones. An example of such a threat is the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 crisis is the first crisis of this kind facing all countries, including the Republic of Moldova, where the need for strong governance, the collaborative efforts of all governmental and non-governmental actors and significant resources to test the effectiveness of the response is one of considerable magnitude in maintaining national security. For the Republic of Moldova, COVID-19 is a crisis with long-term security implications. The crisis proves that existing security systems cannot fully protect citizens from an „invisible" threat that crosses borders, affects the economy and changes the old everyday conditions. National security, government policies and economic priorities need to be comprehensively adapted to the new regional and global landscape of complex threats [13].

Moldova's national security is passing through a series of difficulties: 2019 -parliamentary elections, followed by unconstitutional coups, 2020 - COVID-19 pandemics. All these moments highlighted the incapacity of political authorities and society to manage public affairs in a transparent way.

The Republic of Moldova is in a period of general uncertainty regarding the country's security. The social, economic, political and military events that take place at the national, regional and global levels have a deep impact on the level of security and well-being of the country, as well as its citizens. Thus, in addition to this problem, there is the global COVID-19 pandemic [14]. Thus, we can mention that the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the existing vulnerabilities in the Republic of Moldova:

- political, economic and social instability compromised the relationship between government institutions and society and provided new opportunities to legitimize the centralization of power and the value of actions;

- exacerbation of corruption;

- the insufficiency of government actions to support the economy through efficient methods, pro-active actions, these being, on the contrary, only populist measures;

- diminishing human rights, state control over the flow of information under the pretext of controlling misinformation, banning protests, interfering in the electoral process, diminishing the role of civil society;




- the relations between national and local administration are poorly organized, which has affected the efficient management at local level;

- worsening the external image of the Republic of Moldova.

The „balanced policy" promoted intensively is, in fact, often one-sided, and promotes an anti-European message, even if aid and support during the crisis came from the EU (which is also the most important economic partner) and two-sided, from European countries [6].

The crisis caused by COVID-19 has an impact on the national security of the Republic of Moldova. From this perspective, information security is directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and this leads to misinformation in the media and social networks, information aimed at creating panic or other negative emotions, reducing the quality and volume of information provided by journalists, identification of legal gaps and organizations in the functioning of information systems, vulnerabilities in information about the human rights system of individuals, economic agents and / or government agencies with subsequent attacks, which pose a direct threat to national security.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the virtual space in the Republic of Moldova was flooded with misinformation and conspiracy theories [10] about COVID-19. Heavily spoken false narratives include:

- NATO / USA created a biological weapon;

- world elites want to reduce the world's population;

- the pandemic will lead to the disintegration of NATO / EU;

- the USA wants to establish a world hegemony under the umbrella of the pandemic;

- COVID-19 does not exist or is a simple flu;

- through vaccination it is aimed to be introduced chips into humans so that they can be controlled;

- 5G technology has spread the COVID-19 pandemic.

Under these conditions, more and more types of security threats are accompanying the growing role of the media in expanding the information process [1]. In this context, it is appropriate to assess the risks and dangers of various exaggerations, including the transformation of the political field from a social superstructure with its main function of guiding society into politics: only able to manipulate, excite and incite public feelings, not having a real control over the strategic evolution of the social body, being completely sterile in proposing, convincing and implementing policies for the common good, but limiting itself only to provoke various camps and social groups to conflict, ignite public opinion, contributing decisively to the final destabilization of society.

Preventing and countering threats to the security of the Republic of Moldova is an approach in which the Intelligence and Security Service (ISS) cooperates with special services and partner structures at the regional and international level. After 1991, with the establishment of the institution, the evolution of ISS cooperation relations experienced a positive dynamic, taking various forms: exchange of





information and expertise, participation in profile events and conducting joint operations with external partners [11].

The Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova certifies that anonymous administrators of these „fake news" sites are interested in designing subversive activities in the information space, capable, during the COVID-19 crisis, to affect the national security of the Republic of Moldova with challenges: social hatred, mass disorder and undermines the national security of the state - facts that fall under the incidence of art. 1, (a) of Law no. 54-XV of 21.02.2003 [15] on counteracting extremist activity.

Based on the findings, in order to eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the realization of state security threats, in accordance with the provisions of the Concept of Information Security of the Republic of Moldova [16], Law no. 753 on the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova [17], the ISS leadership ordered several executory measures regarding the removal of the causes and conditions that contribute to the realization of state security threats.

Thus, among the mandatory indications are:

- canceling the providers of electronic communications networks and services of the access of Internet users from the Republic of Moldova to false news sites during the state of emergency;

- informing the providers of electronic communications networks and services (Internet access services) of this enforceable indication and the list of sites that distribute false news;

- ANRCETI shall inform all providers of electronic communications networks and services, public authorities with responsibilities in the field concerned of the list of sites generating false news and shall monitor the implementation of this indications;

- warning the providers of electronic communications networks and services, the public authorities with attributions in the field of electronic communications that the non-execution of the indications will entail the application of sanctions according to the Contravention Code [2].

Geopolitical security is a direct factor that jeopardizes the national security of the Republic of Moldova. The intensity of geopolitical security in the context of the COVID-19 crisis is of particular importance, namely the deterioration of relations with neighboring states, international and regional organizations, attempts to block passenger and freight traffic, partial or complete refusal of entities to fulfill their obligations under bilateral agreements, tangential actions for national security [5].

National security is directly affected also by the political sector, which is disrupted by the emergence of the pandemic crisis, the complication of the internal political situation, the lack of political consensus, the activation of political opposition, massive critics concerning the effectiveness of the measures taken by the parliament, government and the president, attempts to promote people with criminal or corrupt ties to power, strengthening separatist sentiments in the regions of the Republic of Moldova

In conclusion, we can say that the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted several gaps present in the security systems and critical infrastructures in the Republic of Moldova




and beyond. At the same time, it highlighted the growing importance of online spaces and their cybersecurity, along with the importance of artificial intelligence. These newly discovered challenges must deal with balancing the requirements of state security, public health and the economy, without exacerbating existing threats to human freedoms and rights [4]. Through the presence of many unresolved issues in all areas, the Republic of Moldova is exposed to a real threat from the perspective of national security, which, with the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, these problems have become very pronounced in all areas of state activity.


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