GUARANTEED GREEN ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Hashimova S.N.

The article highlights the essence of the UN Concept of Sustainable Development, the impact of climate change and global threats on the Uzbek economy. Particular attention is paid to the essence, the main problems and tasks of the transition to a "green economy".

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Hashimova S.N., Ph.D. associate professor Tashkent State Technical University


Abstract: The article highlights the essence of the UN Concept of Sustainable Development, the impact of climate change and global threats on the Uzbek economy. Particular attention is paid to the essence, the main problems and tasks of the transition to a "green economy".

Keywords: sustainable development, environmental, economic, social issues, global green economy, renewable energy, resource conservation, strategy.

On September 25, 2015, the World Community and the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution entitled "Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030: Global Transformation."

"The Sustainable Development Concept seeks to strike a balance between social needs, the economy and environmental opportunities to ensure the sustainability of society and the quality of human life."

It should be noted that the spread of ideas of sustainable development is driven by environmental, social and economic problems that threaten humanity and its future generations. Including:

Use of environmentally harmful technologies in the use of natural resources;

The depletion of forest areas on the planet; climate change in the world; the widening economic gap between the countries of the world; exacerbation of water and food shortages; environmental, political and other conflicts in the world.

Overcoming the global consequences of the Aral Sea catastrophe in Uzbekistan, the problems of climate change, evaporative gases and air pollution in the region, the transboundary river flow and the decline in biodiversity are declining. began to have an effect. It is estimated that by the end of the century, climate change could cause 20 percent of the world's gross domestic product to suffer economically. The Central Asian region, in particular, is prone to negative effects associated with the process. Therefore, it is very important for the Central Asian states to work together to find a comprehensive solution to the global threat. [1].

The instability of the traditional model of development is paving the way for the search for a new concept of economic transformation. The transition from the traditional model of economic growth to the "green economy" is a global trend that determines the stability not only of the individual national economy, but of the entire planet. Today, the "green economy" is the goal of many countries and an important tool for solving global environmental problems.

The concept of "green economy" has been defined differently by foreign and local scholars.

The "green" economy is based on saving energy and resources, reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere, transport using clean energy, alternative energy sources, organic agriculture, eco-development (with minimal impact on the environment).

This, in turn, will allow the economy to grow without harming the environment and maintain the ecological well-being of the population, increase the efficiency of production by conserving and increasing natural capital, reduce emissions of toxic substances and carbon, increase biodiversity and diversify. The green economy is characterized by the prudent and rational use of both primary and secondary resources, in which a society accustomed to traditional consumption becomes a society that consumes responsibly. The "green economy" model normalizes human activity and the interaction of nature [2].

According to Professor M. Pardaev, the "green economy" is a separate economic system, the main purpose of which is to preserve the ecology of the planet, as well as to develop all sectors of the economy. Thus, the "green economy" means the development of the economy associated with the development and provision of services while preserving the resources necessary for human life and health, the environment and ecology as a whole. [3].

According to Professor A. Isadjonov. The "green economy" should be the driving force of tomorrow's economy and the economic development of the XXI century.

The theory of green economy is based on three axioms: - the sphere of influence cannot be continuously expanded in a confined space; - in a situation where resources are limited, it is impossible to meet the growing needs; "Everything on earth is interconnected." [4]

The figure shows the structure of the green economy


Ecosystem (Natural capital) Purpose: to ensure environmental sustainability Economy (Physical capital) Purpose: To increase the efficiency of resource use Society Abundance (Human capital) Purpose: To reduce inequality and increase overall accountability

The United Nations recommends that states spend at least 1 percent of their gross domestic product on developing a "green economy." While the figure is less than 1 percent in the United States, Sweden, Italy and other economically developed countries, it is 3 percent in Korea. [1]

Work on the development of a "green economy" in Uzbekistan began in 2020. This was facilitated in 2019 by the approval of the "Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the transition to a green economy in 2019-2030."

This strategy envisages reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the country by increasing energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy sources, increasing resource efficiency and crop yields, and reducing land degradation.

To solve the existing problems, the process of economic development in all sectors of the economy requires the development of low-carbon and resource-saving, the introduction of efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, as well as the transfer of energy from sustainable agriculture to agriculture. required.

At the same time, the transition to a "green" economy in the long run should be based on the following key principles:

compliance with national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development; rational use of resources, sustainable consumption and production;

inclusion of ecological and social criteria in the system of economic accounting; sustainability of the use of "green" tools and approaches to achieve the goals of socio-economic development; Achieving existing macroeconomic goals by increasing competitiveness in key sectors and improving performance, creating "green" jobs, and increasing population growth;

Today, Uzbekistan, along with many other countries, has adopted the Paris Agreement to respond comprehensively to the growing global threats posed by climate change. In the process of accelerating industrialization, rapid population growth and significant growth of the economy's need for resources, it is not only our country that is activating the principles of the "green economy". Rather, it provides opportunities for the sustainable development of the entire region.

The most important tasks to be solved in the transition to a green economy in Uzbekistan

1. The main component of the "green economy" is the creation and use of renewable energy sources. In this regard, Uzbekistan has a high level of competence. According to the calculations of international financial institutions, the country's annual reserves of counter-energy (especially solar energy) are equal to 270 million tons of conventional fuel equivalent. This is three times more than our real need. Uzbekistan also loses at least 4.5 percent of its GDP annually to oil, gas and coal.

2. World experience shows that the introduction of "green technologies" in various sectors of the economy will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the population, which will improve urban life, reduce infant mortality and increase life expectancy.

3. Development of innovative products by improving the existing equipment at industrial enterprises, creating new ones, reducing costs.

4. Introduce green investment by creating opportunities for consumers and entrepreneurs on the basis of improving the institutional framework in the fields of energy, tourism, science and technology.

5. Training of qualified personnel in the field of green economy.

Implementation of these strategically important tasks will lead to a sharp

reduction in carbon consumption in the country in the next decade, the

introduction of environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies in all sectors of the economy, and the widespread use of renewable and efficient energy sources.


1. "Green growth" from the traditional economy. www.yuz.uz

2.Navstrechu zelenoy ekonomike. Puti k ustoychivomu razvitiyu i iskoreneniyu bednosti obobshchayushchiy doklad dlya predstaviteley vlastnykh struktura Alleviation Is a General Report for Representatives of Power Structures]. Available at: http://old.ecocongress. info / 5_congr / docs / doklad.pdf (accessed: 30.11. 2017)

3.What is a green economy? Discussion, Financial and economic newspaper. № 14 (1053), June 11, 2021.

4.Isadjanov AA "Features of the green economy and factors of development/Economy and education.2020 № 1

5.How will the Green Economy Strategy of Uzbekistan be implemented?

6. https://www.uzanalytics.com

7. On approval of the strategy of transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the "green" economy for 2019-2030. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. RP-4477 of October 4, 2019. //Lex.Uz.

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