Научная статья на тему '“green” economy in the public administration mechanism of sustainable development of regions of Ukraine'

“green” economy in the public administration mechanism of sustainable development of regions of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
state regional policy / public administration mechanism / sustainable development / “green” economy / державна регіональна політика / механізм державного управління / сталий розвиток / “зелена” економіка

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Vakulenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

The research substantiate the functional role of the “green” economy at the present stage of regional development as a mechanism capable of ensuring the implementation of the transition to a sustainable ecological and economic development of territories by balancing the various dynamics of a number of regional environments; It is established that the essential feature soft he “green” economy that are capable of ensuring that the specified function of the mechanism of state governance for the sustainable development of the region are fulfilled are the following: efficient use of natural resources, conservation and increase of natural capital, reduction of pollution, low carbon missions, prevention of loss of ecosystem services and Biodiversity, income growth hand employment. It is specified that the “green” economy involves increasing the value of natural goods and services, energy efficiency, and orientation towards social needs of the population. A new model of the regional economy will provide great opportunities for rational consumption of energy, land, fore stand water resources, while welfare and quality of life of the population will increase. It is proved that the regions should act as initiators of the transition from technological development to a new “green” course, as they have a certain autonomy and initiative in ensuring regional ecological and economic policy. In order to successfully promote the concept of a “green” economy in Ukraine, it is necessary to look for instruments for the transition to it with in a specific region. Formation of a new way of development of Ukraine is possible only with the participation of all regions of the state, by consolidating their efforts. One of the ways of realizing the model of consolidated “green” territorial development is the intensification of cooperation processes, interpreted much wider than the cooperation of territorial communities — its actors should be more powerful formations, which today exist in the form of administrative districts.

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Обґрунтовано функціональну роль “зеленої” економіки на сучасному етапі регіонального розвитку, як механізму, що спроможний забезпечити реалізацію переходу до моделі сталого еколого-економічного розвитку територій шляхом збалансування різних динамік ряду середовищ регіону. Встановлено, що суттєвими рисами “зеленої” економіки, які спроможні забезпечити виконання нею вказаної функції механізму державного управління сталим розвитком регіону, є: ефективне використання природних ресурсів, збереження та збільшення природного капіталу, зменшення забруднення, низькі вуглецеві викиди, запобігання втрати екосистемних послуг і біорізноманіття, зростання доходів і зайнятості. Уточнено, що “зелена” економіка передбачає підвищення цінності природних благ і послуг, енергоефективність, орієнтацію на соціальні потреби населення. Нова модель регіональної економіки буде надавати великі можливості для раціонального споживання енергетичних, земельних, лісових, водних ресурсів, при цьому буде покращуватись добробут і якість життя населення. Доведено, що суб’єктами ініціювання та здійснення переходу від техногенного економічного розвитку до нового “зеленого” курсу мають виступати регіони, оскільки володіють певною самостійністю і ініціативністю в забезпеченні регіональної еколого-економічної політики. Для успішного просування концепції “зеленої” економіки в Україні необхідний пошук інструментів переходу до неї в межах конкретного регіону. Формування нового шляху розвитку України можливе лише за участі всіх регіонів держави, шляхом консолідації їх зусиль. Одним із шляхів реалізації моделі консолідованого “зеленого” територіального розвитку вбачається активізація процесів співробітництва, витлумаченого значно ширше, ніж співробітництво територіальних громад — суб’єктами його мають виступати більш потужні утворення, які сьогодні існують у формі адміністративних районів.

Текст научной работы на тему «“green” economy in the public administration mechanism of sustainable development of regions of Ukraine»

UDC: 351.332

Vakulenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych,

Candidate of Sciences of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Regional Administration, Local Self-Government and Urban Management of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, 20, Str. Eugene Pottier, tel.: (050) 352 44 94, e-mail: vmvakulenko@ gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-7097-6944

Вакуленко Володимир Миколайович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, завiдувач кафедри регюнального управлтня, мкцевого самоврядування та управлтня мгстом Нацгональног акаде-мп державного управлтня при Президен-товг Украгни, 03057, м. Кигв, вул. Ежена Потье, 20, тел.: (050) 352 44 94, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-7097-6944

Вакуленко Владимир Николаевич,

кандидат наук государственного управления, доцент, заведующий кафедрой регионального управления, местного самоуправления и управления городом Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Ежена Потье, 20, тел.: (050) 352 44 94, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-7097-6944


Abstract. The research substantiate the functional role of the "green" economy at the present stage of regional development as a mechanism capable of ensuring the implementation of the transition to a sustainable ecological and economic development of territories by balancing the various dynamics of a number of regional environments; It is established that the essential feature soft he "green" economy that are capable of ensuring that the specified function of the mechanism of state governance for the sustainable development of the region are fulfilled are the following: efficient use of natural resources, conservation and increase of natural cap-

ital, reduction of pollution, low carbon missions, prevention of loss of ecosystem services and Biodiversity, income growth hand employment. It is specified that the "green" economy involves increasing the value of natural goods and services, energy efficiency, and orientation towards social needs of the population. A new model of the regional economy will provide great opportunities for rational consumption of energy, land, fore stand water resources, while welfare and quality of life of the population will increase. It is proved that the regions should act as initiators of the transition from technological development to a new "green" course, as they have a certain autonomy and initiative in ensuring regional ecological and economic policy. In order to successfully promote the concept of a "green" economy in Ukraine, it is necessary to look for instruments for the transition to it with in a specific region. Formation of a new way of development of Ukraine is possible only with the participation of all regions of the state, by consolidating their efforts. One of the ways of realizing the model of consolidated "green" territorial development is the intensification of cooperation processes, interpreted much wider than the cooperation of territorial communities — its actors should be more powerful formations, which today exist in the form of administrative districts.

Keywords: state regional policy, public administration mechanism, sustainable development, "green" economy.


Анотащя. Обгрунтовано функщональну роль "зелено!'" економши на сучасному етат регюнального розвитку, як мехашзму, що спроможний забезпечити реалiзацiю переходу до моделi сталого еколого-економiчного розвитку територш шляхом збалансування рiзних динамш ряду середо-вищ репону. Встановлено, що сугтевими рисами "зелено!'" економши, як спроможш забезпечити виконання нею вказано! функцп мехашзму державного управлшня сталим розвитком репону, е: ефективне використан-ня природних ресурав, збереження та збшьшення природного кашталу, зменшення забруднення, низьк вуглецевi викиди, запобтання втрати еко-системних послуг i бiорiзноманiття, зростання доходiв i зайнятосл. Уточнено, що "зелена" економша передбачае шдвищення щнносп природних благ i послуг, енергоефектившсть, орiентацiю на сощальш потреби насе-лення. Нова модель регюнально! економши буде надавати велик можли-вост для ращонального споживання енергетичних, земельних, люових, водних ресурав, при цьому буде покращуватись добробут i яюсть життя населення. Доведено, що суб'ектами шщшвання та здшснення переходу ввд техногенного економiчного розвитку до нового "зеленого" курсу ма-ють виступати регiони, осюльки володiють певною самостiйнiстю i шщ-ативнiстю в забезпеченнi регiональноï еколого-економiчноï полiтики. Для успiшного просування концепци "зелено!" економiки в Укра'íнi необхiдний пошук iнструментiв переходу до не! в межах конкретного репону. Форму-вання нового шляху розвитку Украши можливе лише за участ вах регiонiв

держави, шляхом консолщаци 1х зусиль. Одним iз шляхiв реалiзащl моде-лi консолiдованого "зеленого" територiального розвитку вбачаеться акти-вiзацiя процесiв спiвробiтництва, витлумаченого значно ширше, нiж сшв-роб^ництво територiальних громад — суб'ектами його мають виступати бiльш потужнi утворення, яю сьогоднi iснують у формi адмiнiстративних районiв.

Ключовi слова: державна регюнальна полiтика, механiзм державного управлшня, сталий розвиток, "зелена" економiка.


Аннотация. Обосновано функциональную роль "зеленой" экономики на современном этапе регионального развития, как механизма, который способен обеспечить реализацию перехода к модели устойчивого эколо-го-экономического развития территорий путем сбалансирования различных динамик ряда сред региона. Установлено, что существенными чертами "зеленой" экономики, которые способны обеспечить выполнение ею указанной функции механизма государственного управления устойчивым развитием региона, являются: эффективное использование природных ресурсов, сохранение и увеличение природного капитала, уменьшение загрязнения, низкие углеродные выбросы, предотвращения потери экосис-темных услуг и биоразнообразия, рост доходов и занятости. Уточнено, что "зеленая" экономика предполагает повышение ценности природных благ и услуг, энергоэффективность, ориентацию на социальные нужды населения. Новая модель региональной экономики будет предоставлять большие возможности для рационального потребления энергетических, земельных, лесных, водных ресурсов, при этом будет повышаться благосостояние и качество жизни населения. Доказано, что субъектами инициирования и осуществления перехода от техногенного экономического развития к новому "зеленому" курсу должны выступать регионы, так как обладают определенной самостоятельностью и инициативностью в обеспечении региональной эколого-экономической политики. Для успешного продвижения концепции "зеленой" экономики в Украине необходим поиск инструментов перехода к ней в пределах конкретного региона. Формирование нового пути развития Украины возможно только при участии всех регионов страны, путем консолидации их усилий. Одним из путей реализации модели консолидированного "зеленого" территориального развития является активизация процессов сотрудничества, понимаемого значительно шире, чем сотрудничество территориальных общин — субъектами его должны выступать более мощные образования, которые сегодня существуют в форме административных районов.

Ключевые слова: государственная региональная политика, механизм государственного управления, устойчивое развитие, "зеленая" экономика.

Target setting. As noted in the State Strategy for Regional Development, "For today, the development of Ukraine and its regions is influenced by the geopolitical and internal challenges of growing openness of the economy, requires changes in the approaches to the strategic development of the regions of Ukraine and the definition of the goals of the state policy of regional development for the future" [1]. At the same time, the powerful processes of European integration, which continue in Ukraine, when implementing the state regional policy prompt to take into account the fact that at the state and interstate levels, efforts to develop a new model of economic development have intensified. Considerable attention, especially from foreign experts, is devoted to the development of the renewed concept of environmentally safe and socially fair economic growth through the gradual formation on the basis of structural reforms of a new type of economy [2].

It should be noted that in Ukraine, the opportunities of the "green" economy at the regional level are not realized (we are talking about the concentration of resources, the use of natural potential, etc.), scientifically grounded approaches in this direction are practically absent, excluding individual works. Considering the significance of such a phenomenon as the "green" economy for the processes of ensuring sustainable regional development, we consider it expedient to investigate its specificity and potential in terms of the science of Public Management and Administration.

Analysis of basic research and publication. The problem of the "green

economy" is partly studied in the writings of domestic and foreign scientists, mainly economists and environmentalists. It is worth pointing out the fundamental works of O. V. Baluieva [3], B. V. Burkinsky and T. P. Galushkina [4], V. G. Potapenko [5] and other scientists. They have developed a powerful layer of research devoted to specific aspects of the green economy — national security, green business, and the like. At the same time, the issue of the essential properties of the "green" economy in the context of sustainable ecological and economic development of the regions has not yet been the subject of special research.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the essential characteristics of the "green" economy in the mechanism of state management of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine.

The statement of basic materials. Let's consider the possible influence of the "green" economy on achieving sustainable ecological and economic development of the regions. It should be noted that in the State Strategy of Regional Development the main principles of state regional policy are "lean and efficient use of energy, material, natural and other resources to meet the needs of the current generation, taking into account the interests of future generations", which directly demonstrates the construction of a state regional policy taking into account the principle of sustainable development. At the same time, the same document speaks of "an increase in technological and environmental risks, an increase in the level of energy intensity and material intensity of production" [1]. Thus, there is a scientific and practical task of

searching for tools for the transition of regional development management in the immediate implementation of the principles of sustainable development. This factor, which will allow the introduction of sustainable development, is, in our opinion, a "green" economy.

At the current time, the generally recognized definition of a "green" economy has not been worked out either by domestic or foreign experts from public administration. One of the first fundamental studies focused on the problems of a "green" economy was the work of famous English economists D. Pierce, A. Markand, E. Barbieri "Green Economy Project" [6]. The concept of "green" growth since 2008 begins to be involved in the conceptual documents and terminology of international organizations as a key term for the further development of mankind and individual countries. In international documents, the terms "green" economy, "green" industry, "green" markets, "green" employment and other terms with the adjective "green" are beginning to be widely used. Popular in scientific and practical circles is the theme associated with "green" innovations, which mean new technologies with minimal impact on the environment [7].

In the treatment of "green" growth, S. Bobylev identifies two approaches:

• in the framework of a broad approach, the need to ecologize virtually the entire economy and the entire socio-economic development is considered;

• with a narrow approach, we mean the development of only those industries and activities that are directly related to the environmentalization of the economy, the development of "green"

markets at the global and national levels [8].

In our opinion, the approach deserves attention, according to which it is necessary to single out the third approach, besides the national and sectoral, regional. After all, it is known that the regions are characterized by the relative closeness of a number of subsystems (for example, the State Strategy of Regional Development points out the need to "ensure the sustainable development of water supply and sanitation systems" [1]). In addition, decentralization processes at the regional level include the implementation of key specific life-support functions. Therefore, in the future we will proceed from the need to introduce a "green" economy primarily in terms of regional policy.

The problem of "green economy" is considered in Ukrainian science, mainly in the framework of economy, geography, ecology. The works of O. Balu-ieva are significant works in which she proposed scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of the organizational and legal basis for "green building", developed a conceptual national model for the development of the "green economy" [3]. From the point of view of B. V. Burkinsky and T. P. Galush-kina, the development of a "green" (ecologically-oriented) economy is a modern paradigm of transformational shifts in Ukraine [4]. S. I. Doroguntzov examines the problems of environmental protection in the context of globalization challenges, using the imperative of a "green" economy [9]. V. G. Potapen-ko developed theoretical-methodological, scientific-methodical and practical bases, formed the concept of transformation of the nature management sys-

tem of Ukraine within the framework of the green economy as a new stage in the development of environmental and economic relations and a spatially-sectoral paradigm, the main element of which is the mechanism for implementing the principles of sustainable development, ensuring the harmonization of criteria for economic efficiency, social stability and environmental security. Mentioned author has perfected the essential component of the concept of "green" economics", which is proposed to be interpreted as an economy, based on the conditions of sustainable development, which is carried out by means of ecological transformation ("greening") of industries and the formation of new "green" sectors of the economy based on the forecast of the formation of the sixth innovation wave of "green" technologies in the context of the evolution of economic structures [5]. The organizational and economic scenario of ensuring the system-wide ecologiza-tion of regional development with adherence to the principles of market regulation and self-regulation of regional economic systems was developed by A. V. Yatskov [10].

It is believed that the theory of the "green" economy is based on three precepts: it is impossible to infinitely expand the sphere of influence in a limited space; you cannot demand the satisfaction of infinitely growing needs in the conditions of limited resources; everything on the Earth's surface is interconnected [11].

The concept of the "green" economy involves solving various crises: financial, economic, food, climate, fuel, water, as well as the crisis of biological diversity. The strategy of the Eu-

ropean Community's transition to a "green" economy by 2050 indicates that such an economy should be identified with the system, integrates ecosystems (natural capital), the economy (physical capital) and society. In recent decades, economic growth has been achieved primarily through the use of natural resources. Humanity did not allow reserves to recover, but allowed ecosystems to degrade and disappear [12; 6].

The lack of interest in the "green" economy in the circle of researchers and, consequently, its uncertainty in strategic documents of state regional policy can lead to a delay in the path to sustainable, environmentally safe and socially responsible long-term development, with a corresponding decline in the well-being of present and future generations, and degradation of the regions.

The formation of a "green" economy implies the following actions that can be implemented within the framework of the state regional policy:

• improving the structure of taxes and payments that take into account negative environmental externalities due to environmental pollution, ineffective use of the region's limited natural resources, etc.;

• improving the functioning of regional food markets as a prerequisite for the effective operation of price signals in order to reduce negative externalities and to stimulate innovation, including by creating interregional clusters;

• the use of regulatory tools, standards and other measures to neutralize information gaps, measurement gaps and behavioral errors as a complement to price signals;

• the development of a set of framework conditions for the formation of a "green" infrastructure of the regions, which is especially important for network infrastructure sectors;

• taking into account the role of technological progress in supporting "green" growth and sustainable development of the regions;

• the realization of regional social policy for obtaining synergetic effects and minimizing possible contradictions between social, economic and environmental goals, including revision of labor market policies towards a more "green" structure of the regional economy.

The basic conceptual document in the field of the "green" economy is UNEP publication "Towards a green economy: ways to sustainable development and eradicate poverty" [2]. The main provisions and conclusions of the report, which are important to take into account in the formation of the mechanism of public administration sustainable development of the region, is:

1. The recognition of the value of natural capital as a source of social welfare. Natural assets are important components of natural capital at the ecosystem level, incl. — regional.

2. The need to invest in natural capital. The inflow of investments in natural assets will improve the level and quality of life of people. To study the global effects of the transition of the world economy to the "green" rails, a simulation was conducted to analyze the impact on the macro-economy of an annual investment of 2 % of the world's gross product in the coming decades for the purpose of "greening" the economy and for the purpose of normal development. Considering the significant potential

for the cost reduction and the importance of climate change issues in world politics, it was decided that about half of the investments in "green" technologies should be aimed at improving energy efficiency, in particular, in communal services, transport and industry, and on the development of alternative energy sources . The rest of the investment it is advisable to carry out the improvement of the utilization of industrial and household waste in public transport infrastructure. It should be pointed out the emergence of relevant trends in several regions of Ukraine.

3. Reducing inequality and overcoming poverty. A key feature of the "green" economy is the creation of equal opportunities for economic development and poverty reduction, which have not yet been eliminated without destroying the natural assets of both regions and the country as a whole.

4. Creature workplaces and ensuring social justice. The transition to a "green" economy will create as many workplaces as the "brown" economy. This conclusion is very relevant for individual regions of Ukraine, especially taking into account the trends of internal displacement of the population.

5. Use of energy sources and technologies with low carbon emissions. The energy sector produces 2/3 of greenhouse gas emissions. The current energy system is based on fossil fuels and leads to climate change. "Greening" the energy sector requires a shift from investments in carbon-based energy sources to investments in the clean energy, as well as the increased energy efficiency. It should be emphasized the existence of a number of state programs that promote the develop-

ment of "green" energy in the regions of Ukraine.

6. The efficient use of resources and energy. The main task, when a society begins to live in conditions of limited resources and carbon emissions, is to completely eliminate the dependence of economic growth on the consumption of materials and energy resources. For Ukraine, this problem is aggravated by the external aggression and the need to protect sovereignty.

The concept of "green" growth emphasize the importance of integrating environmental and economic regional policies in order to identify new potential sources of economic growth without creating "unstable" loads on the quantity and quality of natural resources. The transition to a green economy requires a wide range of measures, including economic instruments (taxes, subsidies, emissions trading schemes), government regulation (standard setting), and non-economic measures (voluntary initiatives, provision of information), which are collectively reflected in the documents of the state regional policy.

The main principles of the "green" economy, which should be implemented in the management of regional development in the context of the implementation of the mechanism for public management of sustainable development of the region are the following:

• Equality and justice both within a single generation, and between generations;

• Compliance with the principles of sustainable regional development;

• Application of the precautionary principle with respect to potential impacts on society and the environment of the region;

• Adequate consideration of natural and social regional capital;

• Sustainable and efficient use of regional resources, consumption and production;

• Contribution to the achievement of the existing macroeconomic goals through the creation of "green" workplaces, eradicating poverty, increasing competitiveness and ensuring growth in the sectors of the regional economy.

The problem of environmental protection occupies an important place in ensuring the economic stability of the state. At present, active development and implementation of resource-saving technologies in regions are necessary to ensure national environmental safety.

In the materials of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Declaration on Low- and Non-waste Technology and Reutiliza-tion and Recycling of Wastes, adopted in Geneva, Switzerland in 1979. Such technologies are defined as the practical application of knowledge, methods and means to ensure, within the framework of human needs, the most rational use of natural resources and protect the environment. In this way, the use of low-waste technologies contributes to the solution of the task of forming not only effective and rational use of natural raw materials and products of its processing, but also solving problems of protecting the environment from various types of pollution and waste. The main directions of development of non-waste technologies that should be implemented in the processes of implementing state regional policy are:

1. The creation of drainless technological systems for various purposes, based on existing and prospective

methods of purification and re-sequential use of normatively treated effluents.

2. The development and introduction of regional systems for the processing of industrial wastes and solid domestic wastes as sources of secondary material resources.

3. The development of technological processes for obtaining traditional for a particular region types of products in fundamentally new ways, in which the maximum possible transfer of matter and energy to the finished product is achieved.

4. The development and creation of territorial-industrial complexes with as a complete closed structure of material flows and production wastes within them.

The importance of resource efficiency is a consequence of the above principle of sustainable and efficient use of resources, consumption and production. The European Environment Agency (EEA) in 2011 prepared a report "Europe's environment — (An Assessment of Assessments") [13], the priority theme of which is the "green" economy. The report noted that the transition to a "green" economy depends on the solution of two equally important tasks:

• The maintenance of the structure and functions of ecosystems (the ability of ecosystems to self-repair)

• The development of approaches that allows to reduce the use of resources in production and consumption, as well as to reduce the corresponding impact on the environment (resource efficiency)

In a more concrete sense, the resource efficiency involves ensuring the desired increase in production with lower human, natural and financial

resources. The formation of a "green" regional economy involves the modernization of the production and technological apparatus in the areas of the modern economy of the region and the application of innovative management approaches and is an essential stimulus for the development of innovation processes in regional development in different sectors.

In recent years, the term low-carbon-economy has been widely used. In the world this direction over the past few years has developed rapidly. So, in 2014, the share of renewable energy in the world's electricity production reached 9 %. Among individual countries, it should be noted Germany, which for several years reached a share of 28 % [14]. The indicator of mutual influence, which tends to zero, the decrease in the rates and volumes of exchange of resources and energy between systems is evidence of the realization of the system's striving for equilibrium. This principle of system theory can be fully applied to regional systems and interactions between them. Thus, the need for large volumes of oil and gas will significantly decrease. B. M. Porfiriev in his scientific studies substantiates the relationship between the "green" growth of the economy and the development of alternative energy [15]. There is a need to develop incentive measures to intensify the establishment of renewable energy in the regions of Ukraine.

It should be noted that for the management of regional development, the concept of a "green" economy does not replace the concept of sustainable development. The achievement of sus-tainability is almost entirely dependent on the formation of a "correct econo-

my" [2]. According to A.A. Ignatieva, the "green" economy is a practical approach to achieve sustainable development [16].

At the international level, when discussing economic development strategies, the attention is focused on the permissible degree of government intervention in the economy. Most of specialists and organizations associated with the theme of the "green" economy, note that the role of the state is key in eliminating the imbalance caused by the free market and previous experience in regulating the economy. The state should create all conditions and opportunities for business and society with a view to transition to "greening" the regional economy.

The main tasks of the state regional policy in this aspect, which is implemented through the appropriate mechanism of public administration of sustainable development, should be:

• The modification of national accounts systems for the integration of environmental, social and economic indicators in assessing the progress of each region and performing a comparative analysis of their dynamics;

• Reforming the tax policy by changing the tax regime, eliminating "dirty" subsidies, implementing a "green" policy of public procurement, and directly supporting the "green" sectors in each region;

• The development of regional infrastructure, including public transport;

• The development of long-term strategies and spatial planning through adequate and appropriate development models.

The growth of incomes and employment in the green economy is ensured

through public and private investments aimed at increasing the energy efficiency, reducing the negative consequences of economic activity and increasing the species diversity and productivity of the biosphere in the interests of the entire population, especially the poorest of its strata. The society will have to abandon the consumer attitude to nature and increasingly engage in its reproduction. Progress in the "green" economy ceases to be simply a function of the extraction of mineral raw materials due to the closure of regional production cycles, that is, the dependence of the economy on external conditions decreases. The regional innovation activity, which guarantees the ecological safety of innovations, becomes a factor of primary importance. Scientific organizations and business circles should be guided by the search for all kinds of reserves, replacing the physical energy with knowledge. The state's financial policy is designed, with the help of pricing, taxation and other mechanisms, to ensure the introduction and dissemination of "green" innovations in regional development processes.

When interpreting the concept of "sustainable ecological and economic development of the region" as "development, which is balanced in relation to the axis of realization of the current and future material and spiritual needs of the human regional community, "that is", the realization of the human essence, there arises the task of finding mechanisms capable of correlating several speakers: 1) existing, the real dynamics of the ecological and economic environment of the region; 2) the optimal change in its characteristics; 3) the forecasted state of the region's ecologi-

cal and economic development. In other words, we are talking about the formation of a toolkit that will allow balancing the dynamic characteristics of several environments that are in a state of permanent development and whose systems are in a state of interaction. It should be noted that for conventional data/designation OSI dynamic systems, vision interchange between matter and energy, has its principal properties which can be described as positive or negative for single/multiple media balance. Given that the present stage of development is characterized by significant consumption of resources/ energy from the external environment, and as a peculiar exchange of systems, the system of "human community and its processes of existence" "drops the accumulated entropy" (L. Gumilyov), causing pollution of the environment.

This methodological approach makes it possible to narrow the above-mentioned range of searches to the development of anti-entropic mechanisms and approaches to reducing volumes and reducing the rate of interchange between the "environment-humanity" systems (the first option) and the conceptual change in the nature of such interchange, in which the "environment" would matter/energy, they can be used for existence and development (second option).

As the analysis demonstrates, the conceptual approach of the "green" regional economy "meets these requirements to the full, the main function of the economy is to ensure such a specific balance of a number of dynamic systems and processes occurring in the region and are determinative for the existence of the population that is usually cha-

racterized as "sustainable ecological and economic development of the region".

To promote the concept of a "green" economy successfully in Ukraine, it is necessary to find tools for transition to it within a particular region. Formation of a new path of development of Ukraine is possible only with the participation of all regions of the country, by consolidating their efforts. One of the ways to implement the model of consolidated "green" territorial development is the activation of cooperation processes, understand much broader than the cooperation of territorial communities — its subjects should be more powerful entities that today exist in the form of administrative districts.

Prospects for further research are related to the study of theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of practical recommendations for the promotion of sustainable ecological and economic development of the region.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the functional role of the "green" economy is substantiated at the present stage of regional development as a mechanism, it is able to ensure the implementation of the transition to a model of sustainable ecological and economic development of the territories by balancing various dynamics of a number of regional environments; it has been established that the essential features of the green economy that are able to ensure that it fulfills this function of the public administration mechanism for the sustainable development of the region are: the effective use of natural resources, the preservation and growth of natural capital, the reduction of pollution, low carbon emissions, the pre-

vention of loss of ecosystem services and biodiversity, income and employment growth. It is clarified, the "green" economy is in front of the natural value of natural goods and services, energy security, oriation on the social consumption of the population. The new model of the regional economy will be great for the rationalization of energetic, land, forest, water resources, with the help of which the good and the life of the population. It has been proved that regions should act as subjects of initiation and the implementation of the transition from technogenic economic development to a new "green" course, since they have a certain independence and initiative in providing the regional environmental and economic policy.

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