Научная статья на тему 'Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management'

Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
sustainable forest management / cross-border cooperation in Ukraine / forest resources / sustainable development / устойчивое лесопользование / трансграничное сотрудничество Украины / лесные ресурсы / устойчивое развитие

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — I. A. Dubovich

Attention is paid to the relevance of the studies of cross-border environmental, economic and legal cooperation in the field of forestry. It is emphasized that cross-border cooperation is an instrument designed to facilitate the expansion of interstate cooperation and the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Current problems are considered in the field of protection, use and reproduction of forest resources in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring countries. Analyzed are the concept and essence of the ideas of greening of economy and education. It is determined that for deeper theoretical-methodological and applied research in the field of forestry it is appropriate to apply an interdisciplinary ecological-economic-legal approach at different territorial levels. Presented are the national legislation of Ukraine and international conventions regulating the conditions for cross-border cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources, as well as the procedure for access to environmental information. It is proposed to create joint research centers of sustainable development and to establish a system of cross-border management, control and monitoring in the field of forest use in the border regions of the neighboring countries

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Обращено внимание на актуальность исследования трансграничного эколого-экономического и правового сотрудничества в сфере лесопользования. Акцентировано на том, что трансграничное сотрудничество является инструментом, призванным способствовать расширению межгосударственного сотрудничества и реализации концепции устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены современные проблемы в сфере охраны, использования и воспроизводства лесных ресурсов в приграничных регионах Украины и соседних государств. Проанализированы понятие и сущность экологизации экономики и экологизации образования, направленной на подготовку специалистов для устойчивого развития. Определено, что для более глубоких теоретико-методологических и прикладных исследований в сфере лесопользования целесообразно применять междисциплинарный эколого-экономико-правовой подход на различных территориальных уровнях. Представлено национальное законодательство Украины и международные конвенции, регулирующие условия трансграничного сотрудничества в сфере охраны окружающей среды и использования природных ресурсов, а также порядок доступа к экологической информации. Предложено создать совместные научно-исследовательские центры устойчивого развития и наладить систему трансграничного управления, контроля и мониторинга в сфере лесопользования в приграничный регионах государств-соседей.

Текст научной работы на тему «Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management»




HayKOBMM bíchmk H/lTy yKpa'ii-m Scientific Bulletin of UNFU http://nv.nltu.edu.ua

https://doi.org/10.15421/40270813 Article received 21.10.2017 p. Article accepted 24.11.2017 p. UDC 630*611:340.12.002(477)

ISSN 1994-7836 (print) ISSN 2519-2477 (online)

[^1 Correspondence author I. A. Dubovich iondubovich@nltu.edu.ua

I. A. Dubovich

Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine



Attention is paid to the relevance of the studies of cross-border environmental, economic and legal cooperation in the field of forestry. It is emphasized that cross-border cooperation is an instrument designed to facilitate the expansion of interstate cooperation and the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Current problems are considered in the field of protection, use and reproduction of forest resources in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring countries. Analyzed are the concept and essence of the ideas of greening of economy and education. It is determined that for deeper theoretical-methodological and applied research in the field of forestry it is appropriate to apply an interdisciplinary ecological-economic-legal approach at different territorial levels. Presented are the national legislation of Ukraine and international conventions regulating the conditions for cross-border cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources, as well as the procedure for access to environmental information. It is proposed to create joint research centers of sustainable development and to establish a system of cross-border management, control and monitoring in the field of forest use in the border regions of the neighboring countries.

Keywords: sustainable forest management; cross-border cooperation in Ukraine; forest resources; sustainable development.

Ion Dubovich,

PhD, Associate Professor, Email: ¡ondubovich@nltu.edu.ua Introduction

The protection, use and reproduction of forest resources are among the most relevant environmental and economic problems in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring countries. These problems became especially important at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXI century under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

In our time, when the state policy of Ukraine is aimed at European integration and decentralization of power, when transboundary environmental and economic cooperation in the field of nature resource management, including forest resource use, is one of the important tools in the European integration process and the main mechanism for the practical implementation of European standards, the implementation of the concept of sustainable forest management on the territories adjacent to the border of Ukraine is particularly relevant.

The relevance of transborder cooperation of Ukraine with the neighboring countries in various spheres of human activity was justified by scientists, representatives of civil society organizations and politicians during the Parliamentary hearings on the theme "Transborder cooperation as a factor of European integration processes of Ukraine " (June 8, 2016). It was emphasized that "cross-border cooperation in various forms of inter-territorial cooperation is not only an effective factor of Ukraine's international activity, but also an important tool for the development of regions, cities and territorial communities, especially those that border

with neighboring countries or have established relations with territorial partners in other countries" (Postanova Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy, 2016).

Cross-border cooperation is an instrument designed to promote the expansion of intergovernmental cooperation and the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and includes a number of defined environmental and economic goals.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Some aspects of ecological and economic problems of forest use are reflected in the publications by Ukrainian (G. Gulyk, A. Deyneka, Y. Koval, E. Mishenin, I. Sinya-kevych, I. Soloviy, T. Tunytsya, Yu. Tunytsya, etc.) and foreign scientists (H. Daly, V. S. Keeton, D. Meadows, N. Reymers, D. Farley, etc.). It is followed from the published scientific articles that most of them are aimed at ecolo-gical-and-economic (A. Deyneka, E. Mishenin, I. Synya-kevych, I. Soloviy, T. Tunytsa, Yu. Tunytsa, etc.), environmental and legal (V. Kostytsky, Y. Shemshuchenko, etc.) and economic and legal (G. Gulyk) aspects. We believe that for more thorough theoretical-methodological and applied studies in the field of forestry, it is essential to apply an interdisciplinary ecological-economic-legal approach at various geospatial levels (national, border, interstate, etc.).

The aim of the study is to develop theoretical principles, methodological basis and practical recommendations for the protection, use and reproduction of forest resources in the

^TyBaHHfl 3a flOY: Dubovich I. A. Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of

sustainable forest management. HayKOBUM bíchmk H/ITY YKpaÏHU. 2017. Bun. 27(8). C. 88-91. Citation APA: Dubovich, I. A. (2017). Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 27(8), 88-91. https://doi.org/10.15421/40270813

border regions of Ukraine, in accordance with the scientifically grounded concept of sustainable forest management.


In the current conditions of the European integration process of Ukraine, the issue of cross-border cooperation in the field of forestry is being increasingly addressed. Many important conservation nature areas in terms of biodiversity conservation are located within the boundary regions. In this regard, they subordinate to different ecological, economic, legal and institutional structures. That is why cross-border cooperation in the field of forestry in the border regions is of great interest among many scholars.

Over the past years, the territories of border regions of Ukraine have encountered many serious problems in the field of protection, use and reproduction of forest resources, which are difficult to solve today. These problems, caused by man's irresponsible attitude to forest resources and the intense desire to enrich oneself by all means, have led to depletion of forest resources, large-scale biological losses etc. in many border regions of Ukraine.

Under the current conditions of the development of production and growth of economic activity in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring states, the society is using more and more forest resources and increasing the anthropogenic pressure on the environment.

Taking into account that the trends of forest degradation are likely to deepen on the territories adjacent to Ukraine's border, it is necessary to move to a new, more effective theoretical-methodical and practical ecological-economic and legal system of forest use. The solution of the existing problems of forest use in border regions is possible, in particular, in conditions of proper transborder environmental, economic and legal cooperation, aimed at implementation of the concept of sustainable forest management.

The concept and essence of sustainable forest management were formulated in Helsinki (1993) at the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Fo-rest.Ru, n.d.).

Sustainable forest management means the management and use of forests and forest areas in such a way and with such intensity which ensure their biological diversity, productivity, ability to restore, viability, and the ability to carry out today and in the future its appropriate social, environmental and economic functions at local, national and global levels without compromising other ecosystems (Hulyk, 2013). Practice shows that the current legislative base and principles and criteria of bringing the forestry in line with the principles of sustainable forest management are ineffective today.

Today, the main problems of unsustainable use of forest resources and inefficient efforts towards their conservation in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring countries are caused by the lack of societal understanding of priorities for the environmental conservation and the benefits of sustainable forest management. In this regard, solving complex problems in the forestry sector in the border areas require the formation of a new eco-economic vision, new ethical priority values, and new regulations to provide science-based concept of sustainable forest management.

In our opinion, providing the conditions for sustainable forest management in the border regions of neighboring sta-

tes is possible only by greening the economy and greening of education aimed at training specialists for sustainable development.

Greening the economy is considered to mean the process of implementation and realization of the appropriate ecological-economic system, which ensures the optimal quality of the environment, efficient use, protection and reproduction of natural resources, as well as environmental safety at all levels (local, national, transborder and global).

It should be noted that the problems of greening of the economy in the border regions of Ukraine are left unattended by the top government echelons, although in the agreements signed between Ukraine and the neighboring states (for example, Articles 290, 292, 296, 338, 360, 362, 363, 364, 379, 411, 414 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union), the need to protect the environment and others is emphasized.

In our opinion, greening of education is a purposeful educational process of pupils' and students' training for the formation of their proper ecological, economic, ecological, political, environmental and legal ideology and professional competence in accordance with the requirements of the concept of sustainable development.

In Ukraine, the need and prerequisites for greening the economy, greening of education through the training for sustainable development is included in a number of regulations:

• Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Protection" (dated 26.06.1991) (Zakon Ukrainy, 1991);

• The Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the Period until 2020" (dated December 21, 2010) (Zakon Ukrainy, 2010);

• Decree of the Presidential of Ukraine-On 2020 Sustainable Development Strategy (January 12, 2015) (Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy, 2015);

• The outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20) "The Future We Want" (Rio de Janeiro, 13-22 June 2012) (Rio+20, 2012);

• Ukraine's voluntary commitments at Rio + 20 summit on greening the education (Rio de Janeiro, 13-22 June 2012) (Tunytsya, et al., 2015);

• Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021" (June 25, 2013) (Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy, 2013);

• An Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 (New York, September 25, 2015) (UNESCO, 1992);

• Framework for Action "Education-2030" (UNESCO, November 05, 2015) (Tunytsya, et al., 2015);

• Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "On Greening of Higher Education of Ukraine in order to prepare specialists for sustainable development" (dated November 27, 2015) (Kolehiia MON rozhli-anula pytannia, 2009) and others.

Today Ukraine has to make a lot of environmental and economic efforts aimed to establish effective cross-border cooperation on sustainable forest management in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring countries. This is due to the necessity of closer cross-border cooperation in terms of European integration.

According to scientists, the process of formation of an effective system of sustainable forest management should be carried out on the basis of a synergistic approach (Hulyk, 2013; Daly & Farley, 2003), which consists in the interdisciplinary integrated application of the ecological, economic and legal mechanism of forest management. The absence of

such a mechanism complicates the implementation of sustainable forest management in the border regions of Ukraine and adjacent states.

Given that Ukraine is a forest-deficient country (its forest cover is 15.7 % (Hulyk, 2013; Deili, 2002), while an optimum forest cover is 20 % (Ukaz prezydenta Ukrainy, 2008; Zakon Ukrainy, 2004)), then appropriate science-based action programs should be developed to ensure the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable forest management in all regions of Ukraine, including border areas.

Since under the influence of anthropogenic (illegal logging, fire, damage, etc.) and natural (windbreaks, hurricanes, heavy snowfalls, etc.) factors in Ukraine significant areas of forests are lost, then in the nearest future it will be difficult to achieve optimal forest cover (Costanza, Daly & Bartholomew, 1991).

Taking into account that the border territories of neighboring states have many common features in the natural-geographical aspect, the issue of cross-border ecological, economic and legal cooperation in the field of sustainable forest management is particularly important and relevant.

The main legal acts in Ukraine that regulate the conditions for cross-border cooperation in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources, as well as the procedure for access to environmental information, are the Constitution of Ukraine (dated 28.06.1996), the Laws of Ukraine "On Transboundary Cooperation" (dated 24.06.2004), "On Environmental Protection" (dated 25.06.1991), "On Information" (dated 02.10.1992) and other laws, as well as various international conventions (Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Geneva, 1979); Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Toxic Wastes and Their Disposal (Basel, Switzerland, 1989); Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (Helsinki, Finland, 1992), Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki, 1992) and other agreements that regulate transborder relations in this area (Dubovich, 2008; Dubovich, 2015).

It should be noted that nowadays, there is not always an appropriate access to complete and reliable information on the state and use of forest resources on the territories adjacent to the borders of neighboring countries. In this regard, it is necessary to develop an effective system of cross-border management and control in the field of natural resources protection (forest, water, land, etc.). This will allow solving a number of interstate ecological, economic and legal problems in the field of forestry (Tunytsya, 2006).

It follows from the mentioned above that solution of the existing problems related to the effective use, reproduction and protection of forest resources in the border regions is possible, in particular under the conditions of wide and active ecological, economic and legal cross-border cooperation (Uhoda, 2011).

Today the issues of sustainable forest management in the regions adjacent to the border of Ukraine and adjacent states are not sufficiently explored. That is why, at the present stage, the acquisition of complete and reliable information on the ecological and economic condition of forest resources in these regions becomes increasingly important and relevant.

In order to ensure the appropriate protection, use and reproduction of forest resources on the territories adjacent to the borders of neighboring states, it is advisable to estab-

lish joint research centers for sustainable development and to establish a system for cross-border management, control and monitoring in the field of forestry that takes into account the interests of neighboring countries and complies with the principles of sustainable development.


1. The main environmental and economic problems of cross-border cooperation in the field of forestry between Ukraine and neighboring countries are associated with the lack of understanding by the society of priorities in preserving the natural environment and the benefits of sustainable forest management.

2. The transition to sustainable forest management in the border regions of Ukraine and neighboring states is impossible without greening of the economy and greening of education in order to prepare specialists for sustainable development.

3. Solving current environmental and economic problems of forest use at a transborder level between Ukraine and neighboring countries requires an appropriate level of ecological, economic and legal knowledge and corresponding ecological and economic competence of the population.

4. Cross-border cooperation in the field of protection, use and reproduction of forest resources is one of the important components of transborder environmental, economic-legal cooperation of Ukraine in the European integration process.

5. Effective management and control in the field of forest management in the adjacent to the border regions is impossible without the joint efforts of the neighboring states and the introduction of strategic action programs and mechanisms for their implementation.

6. Creation of joint cross-border research centers for sustainable development of Ukraine and neighboring countries would make it possible to effectively use the scientific potential of the border regions of Ukraine and the neighboring countries regarding the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable forest management in the regions adjacent to the border on the principles of democratization and decentralization of power.


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Hulyk, H. S. (2013). Synerhetyka intehralnoho zastosuvannia ekono-miko-pravovykh instrumentiv formuvannia systemy staloho liso-korystuvannia. Abstract of candidate dissertation for economic sci-

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Zakon Ukrainy. (1991). Pro okhoronu navkolyshnoho pryrodnoho se-redovyshcha (vid 25.06.1991 r.). Retrieved from: http://www.ra-da.gov.ua.http://www.rada.gov. [in Ukrainian].

I. А. Д'y6oei4

Нацюнальний лкотехтчний утверситет Украши, м. Львiв, Украта


Звернено увагу на актуальнiсть дослщження транскордонного eK0n0r0-eK0H0Mi4H0r0 i правового ствробпництва у сфе-pi лiсокористування. Акцептовано на тому, що транскордонне ствробпництво е iнструментом, покликаним сприяти розши-ренню мiждеpжавноi спiвпpацi та реалгзацп концепцii сталого розвитку. Розглянуто сучаст проблеми у сфеpi охорони, ви-користання i вдаворення лiсових ресурав у прикордонних pегiонах Укpаiни та суадтх держав. Пpоаналiзовано поняття та суттсть екологiзацii економiки та еколопзацп освiти, спpямованоi на пiдготовку фахiвцiв для сталого розвитку. Визначено, що для Грунтовтших теоpетико-методологiчних i прикладних дослiджень у сфеpi лiсокоpистування доцшьно застосовувати мiждисциплiнаpний еколого-економiко-пpавовий пiдхiд на ргзних теpитоpiальних piвнях. Подано нацюнальне законодав-ство Укpаiни та мiжнаpоднi конвенцii, яш регулюють умови транскордонного ствробпництва у сфеpi охорони довкшля й використання природних pесуpсiв, а також порядок доступу до екологiчноi iнфоpмацii. Запропоновано створити спiльнi на-уково-дослiднi центри сталого розвитку та налагодити систему транскордонного упpавлiння, контролю i монiтоpингу у сфе-pi лiсокоpистування у прикордонних pегiонах держав-сусщв.

Kmwei слова: стале лгсокористування; транскордонне ствробпництво Украши; лiсовi ресурси; сталий розвиток.

И. А. Дубович

Национальный лесотехнический университет Украины, г. Львов, Украина


Обращено внимание на актуальность исследования трансграничного эколого-экономического и правового сотрудничества в сфере лесопользования. Акцентировано на том, что трансграничное сотрудничество является инструментом, призванным способствовать расширению межгосударственного сотрудничества и реализации концепции устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены современные проблемы в сфере охраны, использования и воспроизводства лесных ресурсов в приграничных регионах Украины и соседних государств. Проанализированы понятие и сущность экологизации экономики и экологизации образования, направленной на подготовку специалистов для устойчивого развития. Определено, что для более глубоких теоретико-методологических и прикладных исследований в сфере лесопользования целесообразно применять междисциплинарный эколого-экономико-правовой подход на различных территориальных уровнях. Представлено национальное законодательство Украины и международные конвенции, регулирующие условия трансграничного сотрудничества в сфере охраны окружающей среды и использования природных ресурсов, а также порядок доступа к экологической информации. Предложено создать совместные научно-исследовательские центры устойчивого развития и наладить систему трансграничного управления, контроля и мониторинга в сфере лесопользования в приграничный регионах государств-соседей.

Ключевые слова устойчивое лесопользование; трансграничное сотрудничество Украины; лесные ресурсы; устойчивое развитие.

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Tunytsya, Yu. Yu., Adamovskyi, M. H., Borys, M. M., Kraievskyi, S. N., & Mahazynshchykova, I. P. (2015). Ekolohizatsiia osvity yak kliuchovyi faktor pidhotovky fakhivtsiv dlia staloho rozvytku. Scientific Bulletin of the UNFU, 25(10), 348-356. [in Ukrainian].

Uhoda. (2011). Uhoda pro Asotsiatsiiu mizh Ukrainoiu, z odniiei sto-rony, ta Yevropeiskym Soiuzom, yevropeiskym spivtovarystvom z atomnoi enerhii i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoi sto-

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