FEATURES OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mirzaxolov N.T.

The development of cognitive activity is one of the leading tasks of education modernization. The standard establishes requirements for personal educational results, "including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity." This article discusses the features of cognitive activity in the educational process.

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UDK 784

Mirzaxolov N.T. lecturer

Namangan State University



Abstract: The development of cognitive activity is one of the leading tasks of education modernization. The standard establishes requirements for personal educational results, "including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity." This article discusses the features of cognitive activity in the educational process.

Key words: cognition, cognitive activity, learning process, activity, need, teenager

Cognition in its most general form can be interpreted as human activity to acquire knowledge about the world around him, about man himself, about the relationship between man and nature, man and society, etc. Various sciences study cognition, but the theory of knowledge, or epistemology, arose in philosophy at the earliest stage of its development. Epistemology studies the nature of human cognition, the forms and patterns of transition from superficial knowledge (ideas, opinions) about the world to essential, deep knowledge. Gnoseology is also interested in ways of achieving truth knowledge, as well as its criteria.

From the point of view of epistemology, cognition can be represented as a complex and contradictory process, in which two types are traditionally distinguished: sensory and rational cognition. Both varieties are closely related and each of them has its own forms.

Human cognition of the objective world begins with the help of the senses. Interacting with certain objects, we get sensations, perceptions and ideas.

The results of the received sensory data are recorded and processed in our consciousness at the stage of rational cognition with the help of concepts, judgments and inferences. The stage of rational cognition is usually called abstract thinking. The process of cognition is closely related to the practical activity of a person. Practice is the basis, foundation, basis of the cognitive process and, at the same time, the criterion of the truth of its results.

The diagram of the structure of the process of cognition, given below, is rather conventional, since it does not represent, for example, intuition - direct comprehension of the truth without conscious preliminary cognitive activity. However, on the whole, the diagram gives a correct idea of the fundamental forms of the cognitive process.

In the history of philosophy, there were different points of view on the role

of the sensible and the rational in cognition. Sensualists exaggerated the importance for the knowledge of sensory forms. Rationalists, on the contrary, gave priority in cognition to forms of abstract thinking. In fact, in real human consciousness, the sensible is permeated by the rational, and the rational - by the sensual.

One of the most important questions of philosophy is the question of the knowability of the world.

In an attempt to answer the question "Is the world knowable?" three main tendencies were clearly identified: optimism, skepticism and agnosticism.

If optimists assert the fundamental cognizability of the world, the fundamental possibility of obtaining reliable knowledge about the world, then representatives of agnosticism argue that knowledge about the world obtained by a person through sensory or rational experience does not provide grounds for saying what the world really is. In other words, agnostics believe that our knowledge does not provide reliable information about the reality around us. They deny the very possibility of obtaining this kind of knowledge.

Representatives of skepticism take, as it were, an intermediate position: without denying the fundamental possibility of knowing the objective world, they express doubts that all knowledge about this world is reliable.

In many ways, the problem of the reliability of our knowledge about the world is determined by the answer to the fundamental question of epistemology "What is truth?"

There are different interpretations of the concept of "truth". For some, truth is the correspondence of knowledge to reality. For others, truth is what is confirmed by experience. For still others, truth is a kind of agreement, convention. For the fourth, truth is a property of self-consistency of knowledge. For the fifth, it is assessed in terms of the usefulness of the knowledge gained, in terms of the effectiveness of its use in practice.

The classical concept of truth is related to the first definition. It arose in ancient times and is shared by both materialists and idealists, both dialecticians and metaphysicians, both theologians and atheists.

The modern interpretation of truth, which most philosophers adhere to, is as follows:

• Reality is understood as an objective reality that exists outside and independently of our consciousness.

• The concept of "reality" includes in the area of its objective meaning and subjective reality, which means the possibility of cognition and spiritual reality.

• Cognition, together with its results and the object of knowledge, is inextricably linked with the practical activity of a person. Through practice, the object of cognition is set, in practice, the results of cognition are realized.

• Is the truth an endless process associated with the transition? from incomplete knowledge to more complete knowledge.

There are the concepts of "objective truth", "relative truth" and "absolute

truth", which from different sides characterize knowledge about an object.

obtaining this knowledge; 2) knowledge, depending on certain conditions, place and time of their acquisition.

Relativists absolutize the role of relative truth, claiming that all truth is relative. Dogmatists ignore the concreteness of truth, arguing that it does not depend on the conditions in which knowledge is formed. But there is no abstract truth. Truth is always concrete.

There are various forms of truth, which are divided depending on the nature of the cognized object, on the type of objective reality, the degree of completeness of mastering the object, etc. The criterion of the truth of our knowledge about the world is social and historical practice, understood as a set of purposeful material activities aimed at transforming the reality around a person.


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"Экономика и социум" №11(78) 2020



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