THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Raximbayeva D.

Resume: The article examines the role of philosophy in the formation and development of personality.

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UDK 101

Raximbayeva D., candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences Namangan State University


Resume: The article examines the role of philosophy in the formation and development of personality.

Key words: science, philosophy, personality, worldview, being

Each person perceives the world differently, and observing the same situation, they draw different conclusions, absolutely different in the nature of thought, although the source material is the same, but the aspirations and life experience (scientific base and practical skills) are different for everyone.

These differences lead to the separation of the whole as a whole, that is, without destroying the basic, take only what is necessary to achieve the result, in the most simple form at times. Each action in a specific situation may not agree with the opinion of a colleague, a contradiction arises of how to act in a given situation, and a lot of such contradictions lead to development based on the stage passed (resolved contradictions), the formation of a person's personal characteristics, temperament, sense of life.

But where do these contradictions come from, because they often arise in very close people, whether this is not a selfish manifestation of the desire to be the first, the best, or is it a person's "gift" to develop more consciously.

"The contradictions in the renewal of philosophical consciousness not only reflects the contradictions in the renewal of the life of the people. She is an integral element of this life, one of its movers. "

A worldview is, in my opinion, an individual way of understanding an issue, formed on the basis of experience in solving those problematic, questionable situations with which you dealt, in the environment of which you grew up, mainly at the level of domestic problems, more practical, and not problems of society - the highest goals of the universe.

Worldview is a system of generalized feelings and intuitive ideas and theoretical views on the surrounding world and the place of a person in it, on the multilateral relationship of a person to the world, to himself and to other people, a system of not always conscious life attitudes of a person, a certain social group, their beliefs, ideals, socio-political, moral, aesthetic and religious principles of knowledge and evaluations.

The object of the worldview is the world as a whole. The subject of worldview is the relationship between the natural world and the human world (in ancient Greece, the macrocosm and the microcosm).

A worldview is impossible without a body of knowledge about nature, society, person. Worldview is not a simple body of knowledge, not a sum of sciences; it differs from the sum of the sciences in that it puts in the center of its attention the question of the relationship between the world outlook as such and such a rational part of the universe as people.

According to Rubinstein, a worldview is an indicator of a person's maturity. To characterize the worldview, the proportional ratio of knowledge, beliefs, beliefs, hopes, moods, norms, ideals is important. Does it not follow from this conclusion about personality as about harmony of interaction of two opposites in each component of life?

Here is the structure of its worldview, some of its main components identified in philosophy: cognitive, value-normative, moral-role and practical.

The cognitive component is based on generalized knowledge.

It includes a specific scientific and universal picture of the world. Any knowledge forms an ideological framework. Understanding worldview is always associated with philosophical views. Any philosophy is a worldview, but not every worldview is philosophical. Philosophy is a theory of the worldview, it theoretically solves certain problems. For knowledge to acquire a worldview meaning, it must be evaluated, that is, illuminated by the rays of our attitude to it.

The value-normative component includes values, ideals, norms, beliefs. The main purpose of this component in the fact that a person would rely not only on generalized knowledge, but also could be guided by social ideals.

Value is a property of an object that satisfies the needs of people in the system. At the top of the value hierarchy is absolute value. In the religious worldview, this is God.

There is a binding moment in these values. The norms are the a means that connects the value-significant for a person with his practical behavior, predetermines his actions in a certain direction, for his life, survival in society, and not oppression.

For norms, knowledge, values to be realized in practical actions and actions, it is necessary to transform into personal views, beliefs, ideals. Developing mental attitudes for the ability to act. The formation of this attitude is carried out in the emotional-volitional component.

As you can see in this work, philosophy has long been occupied with the problem of cognition of a person and of course such as a person. The very search for and awareness of the role of philosophy in the development and formation of personality prompts us to rethink and understand life positions once again, which shows the breadth of the problem itself for each of us, or why is it actually a problem? This is already a problem-question, the purpose of which is to maintain and more and more kindle the fire of knowledge in us. But knowing, at the same

time, not to approach the answer, but to see it more clearly, its versatility and beauty of the riddle, and thereby perhaps move away from it as a solution, but at the same time increasingly strives for its solution, trying to merge with it into a single whole, to experience it in oneself.

Personality does not have a brief definition, it is diverse and, in my opinion, is not just an ideal, but rather a striving for one throughout the entire life of an individual. Philosophy plays the role of a guide on this path, showing the doors that only we ourselves have the right to open, and we see behind them only what we want to see. Although, of course, philosophy is a powerful tool for cognizing the knowable, not everyone can consciously use it, this requires enormous not only mental, but also mental costs and, of course, a long conscious work by the person on himself. In modern society, there is a huge potential for self-improvement, development, which gives reason to believe that humanity is not yet ready to leave the world arena, as a species that is the most scientifically developed, but not in life, and will make up for the loss of the past. And philosophy is designed to help us in this. To help us rise above ourselves, to understand life not by the standards of the physical essence, but with the conscious balance of the spiritual principle. Enter into resonance with nature, the diversity of life around us.

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