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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sagot Jack

В рамках реализованных Европейских проектов TEMPUS-TACIS, несколько университетских команд из России получили возможность проанализировать и сравнить несколько ситуаций инклюзии людей с ограниченными возможностями в Португалии, Германии и, в частности, во Франции, где они могли увидеть, как реализуется закон 2005-102 «Закон о равных правах и возможностях, участии и гражданских прав людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья» на уровне школ и высших учебных заведений. Статья призвана напомнить об основных инновациях, применяемых во Франции в 2006 году, и осветить достижения Франции в вопросах школьной, университетской и профессиональной инклюзии. Представлены результаты специальной реформы профессиональной подготовки молодых людей с инвалидностью во Франции. Освящена роль ассоциаций родителей и взрослых лиц с инвалидностью. Затронуты вопросы трудоустройства лиц с инвалидностью и предоставления им защищенных рабочих мест.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Sagot Jack

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УДК 378.4

Establishment of a university network concerned with the inclusion of people with disabilities: a quick update on the evolution in France of inclusion in

school, university and employment

Sagot Jack

Ex-professor at CNEFEI and INSHEA

Researcher associated with the THIM Team, CHART 4004 Laboratory (Human Cognition and ARTificielle), University of Paris8


Within the framework of former European TEMPUS-TACIS projects, several Russian university teams have had the opportunity to analyse comparatively some situations of inclusion of people with disabilities in Portugal, Germany and particularly in France where they have been able to observe the implementation of the law 2005102, «law for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities», at school and higher education level. The article recalls the main innovations discovered in France in 2006 and specifies since then the main French developments in terms of school, university and professional inclusion. The results of specialized vocational training for young people with disabilities in France are discribed. Also raised questions about the role of the associations of parents and/or adults with disabilities. The issues of employment of persons with disabilities and providing them with protected jobs were touched upon.


Cooperation project, children with motor disabilities, with psychic disorders, specific language and learning disorders, cognitive function disorders, hearing function disorders, visual function disorders, autism spectrum disorders, access to the university for people with disabilities, adaptation of the environment, job adaptation, protected

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work structures, indicates the compensation measures, inclusive school, resource teacher, employment trends, vocational training.

A Russian initiative and the beginning of a French-Russian collaboration in relation to disability.

In 1995, Ms Margarita Ivanovna Nikitina, Dean of the Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy at Herzen University in St. Petersburg, contacted the French Embassy in Moscow to establish a collaboration with a French institution for the training of specialist teachers. In December of the same year, the Centre national d'Etudes et de Formation pour l'enfance inadaptée, the CNEFEI, which later became INSHEA, and the Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy jointly organized with German partners an international symposium on the theme of the school integration of young people with disabilities.

For several months, the CNEFEI regularly invited Russian academics to each of the major events it organized, with funding from the French Embassy.

Professional links were forged and the idea of a first European project gradually emerged.

A 1st European project

In March 1998, the CNEFEI submitted an application for funding for a European cooperation project. It was the «Dvigenia» project, which focused on training specialists in the reception of pupils with motor disabilities. This project responded to a need: the St. Petersburg Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy did not yet train such specialists and the Russian defectologists working in the few schools for children with motor disabilities were in fact specialists trained to receive intellectually disabled students. This initial training did not meet the particular needs of children with motor disabilities and introduced a dangerous bias towards pupils with motor deficits, which could sometimes be associated with neuropsychological disorders.

The TEMPUS 2-JEP 10329-97 project (1998-2000) involved 3 higher education

institutions: the National Centre for Studies and Training for Inadequate Childhood in © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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Suresnes, located very close to Paris (France) which was the contractor; the Department of Special Education of the Faculty of Human Motor Science of the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal); the Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy of the Herzen University of St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) which was supported by three teams of specialized motor education centres, the Dynamika School of St Petersburg, one school in Pskov and another in Astrakhan. Based on visits and seminars organised in the Russian Federation, France and Portugal, this project enabled the St. Petersburg team to develop a specific Russian training curriculum for the care of children with motor disabilities and to experiment with it for two years on two groups of female defectologist students who followed ten-day study visits to France and Portugal accompanied by some of their teachers.

A 2nd European project

As «Dvigenia» came to an end, SUDES (Service Universitaire de Développement et d'Education Sociale) led by Michel Feutrie, professor at the University of Lille1, introduced a cooperation project on the theme of «access to higher education for young disabled people» and took the CNEFEI, in the person of the author of the article, as its expert.

The TEMPUS 3-JEP 21057-2000 Project (2001-2003), involved the SUDES of the University of Lille 1 (France) which was the contractor; the CNEFEI of Suresnes-Paris (France) expert and deputy coordinator, two English universities in London (Westminster and North London) and eight universities from different cities in the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Saratov.

The originality of this project was to rely both on a very innovative theme, access to the university for people with disabilities, and also and above all on a very specific and complex organisation based on a very large network of Russian universities. Based on examples from England and France, including the universities of Paris6 and Lille1, and Russia, including the University of Chelyabinsk, which is one of the leading universities in this field, the project made it possible to set up systems to prepare

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students for entry into higher education and to create reception services for disabled students in each of the 7 other Russian partner universities. A 3rd European project

On 11 February 2005, the President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac, promulgated the «Law for equal rights and opportunities for the participation and citizenship of people with disabilities» [1]. As the implementing decrees have not yet been written, they will be written in 2006, France was then offering a remarkable opportunity for Russian partner colleagues to observe, in situ, the implementation of the inclusion of people with disabilities in a European country.

With the hindsight of all the experience accumulated over the years and the need for evolution for Russian institutions and places of university education, it seemed logical and legitimate to us in March 2005 to propose to our partners the TEMPUS project 3 JEP 26171-2005 (2006-2010) «Inclusive and multi-handicap school» comprising a consortium of 3 European and 4 Russian Federation higher education institutions.

This TEMPUS 3 project involved For the European Union:

the Institut National supérieur de formation et de recherche sur le handicap et les enseignements adaptés, INSHEA [2], Suresnes-Paris (France), the contractor, who was in fact the former CNEFEI of Suresnes.

the Department of Inclusive Education of the Faculty of Human Motor Science, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal,

the Rehabilitation Training Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy at Humbolt University in Berlin, Germany

For the Russian Federation:

The Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy of the State Pedagogical University «Herzen» in St. Petersburg,

the Child Development Institute of the State Pedagogical University «Lomonosov» in Arkhangelsk,

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The Department of Special Education, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Astrakhan State University

and the Institute of Social Rehabilitation, ISR, of the Novosibirsk State Technical University.

The project focused on comparative observation of Inclusion in France, Portugal and Germany and the implementation of preliminary steps towards inclusion in the huge regions surrounding these four major universities in the Russian Federation.

The implementation of Inclusion in France in 2006

The social inclusion of people with disabilities gradually passes through school, higher and/or vocational training and finally employment, three of the major stages in the life of every individual. Inclusive education is fundamental, it is it that will condition inclusion in higher education, which in turn will lead to professional integration. Each step will allow both to measure the evolution of the previous step and to better prepare the next step.

With the 1st Tempus 3 project, Russian university teams had already met the beginnings of university integration in Paris, Lille, London and Chelyabinsk.

At the end of2003, a small delegation from the Novosibirsk SRI, led by Gennady Sergeyevich Ptushkin, was able to visit and observe in Paris and in Lille for a few days at a time;

companies welcoming visually impaired or motor impaired workers into the mainstreamprofessional integration. These companies thus met the employment obligation set by a French law promulgated in 1987;

but also protected work structures, the «Centre d'Aide par le travail», the CATs, which offered work to people with disabilities unable to work in an ordinary working environment, and whose working capacity is less than one-third that of a normal worker. In these establishments, the salary received by disabled workers, most often mentally handicapped or mentally disturbed, is equivalent to a percentage of the SMIC (minimum interprofessional growth wage), with the State paying the supplement (a share equal to a maximum of 55 %).

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In addition to a salary, WCBs also provided a status and identity as workers that gave people with disabilities a better social integration.

A little later, in 2006, with the second Tempus project3, Russian university teams in France met the decisive stage in the implementation of the new 2005-102 law on which all future French societal inclusion would henceforth be based, and only the Novosibirsk SRI team had an observation of school, university and professional inclusion in France.

Law 2005-102 was based on 5 fundamental concepts, the right to education and citizenship of persons with disabilities, non-discrimination of societal responses, compensation, accessibility, and parental competence:

compensation is the set of measures that will make it possible to compensate for the incapacities of a person with a disability by means of specific assistance.

Accessibility is the general transformation or adaptation of the environment that will allow the disabled person to be in the midst of others, it is accessibility to premises, accessibility to knowledge, accessibility to culture, and access to all forms of social exchange.

With this law, the French administration offers guidelines and assistance... but only parents of disabled children or disabled adults themselves decide to accept or refuse them... it was a great novelty!

It was a profound paradigm shift. With this law, the schooling of a disabled child in a specialized institution became an exception, schooling in the neighbourhood school was now the rule for all children. For training and employment, it was the ordinary economic sector that was given priority and favoured by specific aid. However, it was planned to maintain a suitable work sector for certain disabled workers, mainly people with intellectual or psychological disorders.

This law presented several major innovations:

An official definition of disability: Art. L. 114 «Any limitation of activity or restriction of participation in society suffered by a person in his environment due to a substantial, lasting or permanent impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a multiple disability or a disabling health disorder © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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constitutes a disability within the meaning of this Act. «This was important because previously there was no official definition of disability, and only a committee of experts decided on the basis of a file whether a person was disabled or not».

The Departmental House of Disabled Persons, the MDPH [3]. The aim was to gather all the information and assistance (school, training, employment) in a single point of contact and in a single place.

The reference class: For the school, depending on their age, each child was offered a reference class in a school near their home where they were supposed to be fully integrated into the school. However, he could be enrolled in primary school in a School Integration Class, a CLIS [4] located in another neighbourhood school or in secondary school in an Inclusion Pedagogical Unit, a College IPU [5]. These two structures made it possible to share school time either on a specialized beach with disabled students with the same deficit or on his reference class where the student with a disability is among non-disabled students. Thus, in principle, the reference class could be temporarily different from the host class.

A Pedagogical School Project for each disabled pupil, the PPS [6], which will be imposed on his school and which will be regularly adapted to his curriculum and needs.

A referent teacher. Each disabled pupil will be regularly monitored by a specialized teacher who will be his or her referent. It is he who will organize throughout the student's curriculum the meetings of the School Monitoring Team, the SSE [7], responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of the PPS. These meetings, which will take place at least once a year, will bring together the family, the referent teacher, the disabled student's teachers, health personnel and, where applicable, social services personnel.

Human assistance if necessary to compensate the student. The disbled pupil may have an Auxiliary of School Life, an AVS, [8] who will accompany him partially or more rarely in totality over the school time

Adapted teaching materials. To compensate for their disabilities, disabled pupil will be able to benefit from free computer equipment [8], a computer for example with © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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specific softwares. These state-funded educational materials could and can still cost several thousand euros, as is the case, for example, for the equipment of a blind pupil.

The comparative analysis of the inclusion situation in France, Portugal and Germany (in the Land of Berlin) enabled the teams from the four major universities to set up some local preparatory steps for school and university inclusion in their region.

In France, these university teams had been able to observe the implementation of inclusion, but how had it evolved? This was a question that came up regularly during our discussions and has never ceased to be asked since.

Evolution of inclusion in France at school and university since 2006

At school today

Some digital data

In 2004, just before the implementation of the 2005-102 Act, we had 133,838 disabled students included in schools. Ten years later, in 2014, there were 252,285.

In 2017, 321,476 pupils with disabilities were enrolled among the ordinary pupils, 181,158 in primary education and 140,318 in secondary school + high school

Since the application of the law, it has been observed that the increase is regular 5 to 6 %/year in the 1st degree and 9 to 10 %/year in the 2nd degree (middle school/high school)!

The main changes

In parallel with the increase in enrolment, the system set up for reception at the School has evolved considerably since 2006, thanks in particular to the application of Law 2013-595 [9] of 8 July 2013, «Orientation and Programming Law for the Refoundation of the Republic School». This law is the first to explicitly promote the principle of inclusive education for all children without distinction. To set up this schooling, the law recalls the need to increase human support when necessary (significant increase in funding for the position of School Life Assistant) and the importance of relying on computer tools to better take into account the particular needs of students.

It specifies the necessary cooperation between the medico-social and education sectors, with the signing of agreements between the Regional Health Agencies and the © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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National Education Department, to ensure the fluidity and coherence of pupils path, to organise shared schooling, cursus development, exchanges of practices and joint training.

Thus, at present, the student which is now recognized as in «disabled situation»:

is enrolled in elementary, middle or high school [10];

either permanently in his reference class with or without additional human assistance, Accompanying Students with Disabilities, AESH ex AVS, [11] and possibly with adapted teaching materials (computer tools made available free of charge);

or with the temporary support of a system for inclusive education, Unité localisée d'inclusion scolaire [12], ULIS-Ecole, ULIS-Collège and some ULIS-Lycée In this case, disabled students are grouped together at certain times with a specialized support teacher according to their academic needs (most often related to their cognitive, sensory and motor disorders) and the rest of the time they are in their reference class.

Medical and social personnel (psychologists, psychomotor therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, etc.) from the Special Education and Home Care Service, SESSAD [13], here the school is considered as the extension of the home, intervene in the student's living environment to ensure the care necessary for his or her academic inclusion and to develop his or her autonomy;

or, the student in a more severe situation of disability is enrolled in the Teaching Unit [14] of a specialized Institute (more and more often outsourced to a local school, or college).

The Departmental House of Disabled Persons, the MDPH has retained its financial prerogatives but more and more decisions are taken as close as possible to the institutions through the meetings of the School Monitoring Team, the ESS, then these decisions are validated (or not) by the MDPH.

The Accompanying Persons of Students with Disabilities, the AESH, formerly called AVS, receive a training of several tens of hours and can be titularized... We are therefore witnessing a professionalization of the function.

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Referring teachers are following more and more files (probably too many... often more than 200!) and are working harder and harder to carry out individualized follow-up and ensure that each student's PPS is applied.

Adapted teaching materials (computers/tablets & software) are increasingly in demand and used, but funding has difficulty keeping up with ever-increasing demands.

The most fundamental development is the transformation of specialized vocational training.

The initial training, which separated the training content between adaptation (children with learning difficulties) and disability and was organised by options, i.e. by the typology of the disorders, no longer corresponded to the needs of teachers or the reality of the pupils. The distribution by option also did not address all the disorders identified at school, including autism and specific oral or written language disorders, nor the reality of students' needs.

Finally, while year after year, more and more children with disabilities were enrolled in schools and colleges, it was also noted that the increase was now more significant in the second level (in 2015/2016 compared to the previous year, + 5.7 % in the first level and + 9.6 % in the second level). Pupils with disabilities now had to follow courses in secondary schools. Secondary school teachers should therefore be able to be in charge of the ULIS in colleges or in the high schools in the same way as primary school specialist teachers.

Thus, since the beginning of the 2017 academic year, the new certification is unique for school, college and high school teachers, with entry through schooling mechanisms and no longer through types of disorders. It is the Certificate of Teaching Competence in Inclusive Education Practices, CAPPEI [15].

The objectives of this reform are to meet the needs of the rise of ULIS in the second degree, to standardize specialized training in the first and second degree and to bring this training into line with the laws of 2005 and the 2013 orientation law.

This reform gives a wider perspective to teachers who can now apply for all specialized positions, including secondary school teachers, not just those in their specialization option. The idea is that the training year should provide the essential © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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transversal elements to identify and take into account most of the pupils' needs, with additional training to be continued thereafter as part of the continuing training. Specialized vocational training is designed to be both:

on a 300-hour training course that will lead to the passing, in the year of training, to the CAPPEI exam;

and on national initiative training modules (100 hours) organised at academic or national level to be followed within 5 years of obtaining the exam. The training programme is structured around 3 blocks:

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a 144-hour core curriculum covering ethical and societal issues (18h), the legislative and regulatory framework (18h), knowledge of partners (18h), relationships with families (18h), special educational needs and pedagogical responses (48h) and the role and mission of the resource person (24h);

two in-depth modules (2x52h) to be chosen in the following themes: High academic difficulty module 1, High academic difficulty module 2, High difficulty understanding school expectations, Psychic disorders, Specific language and learning disorders, Cognitive function disorders, Hearing function disorders (1) and (2), Visual function disorders (1) and (2), Autism spectrum disorders (1) and (2), Motor function disorders and disabling diseases (1) and (2)

and a job adaptation module that is dependent on the exercise facility. This training can only be prepared by being an teacher in activity.

Teaching in the Section of General Adapted Education, SEGPA [16] or in the Regional Adapted Education Establishment, EREA [17], Working in a Network of Specialised Aids for Students with School Difficulties, RASED [18] - mainly pedagogical aid and working in Rased - mainly relational aid, Coordinate an Ulis, Teach in the EU, Teach in a prison or in a closed educational centre, Teach as a referent teacher of schooling for disabled students, or secretary of a departmental guidance committee for adapted teaching.

The certification is carried out through a 3-hour examination including 3 tests: a teaching sequence in a classroom followed by an interview with the jury (1h 30mn);

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the presentation and defence of a file on professional practice (1 hour);

a sequence on the role and mission of the candidate as a resource person for the

inclusive school based on documents presented and supported for 30 minutes........this

is the great novelty!

The proposed organisation makes it possible to combine the new training with a Master's degree. The model of the training is designed with the aim of matching with ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) credits.

With this training, it is a question of being able to respond to requests concerning the establishment of an inclusive school that concerns all students and all teachers. The «resource teacher» mission is highly valued. This means in principle that any specialised teacher must be able to respond to requests concerning the needs of pupils covered by the MDPH or not, even pupils who are neither disabled nor sick, and questions from their non-specialised colleagues on how to identify needs when obstacles arise in children with learning difficulties, which partners to contact, which adaptation tools to use, which appropriate supports to use for a given child but also and above all to start thinking and organising their class and their school so that all pupils progress.

Compared to previous training:

with fewer hours of targeted training on disorders and their consequences, the specialist teacher working in the first degree will be less expert on a disorder but he will have a more systemic vision and in particular a better knowledge of the partners to contact and the way to collaborate with them, and he will also be able to co-intervene with his colleagues at the school;

with more hours of training, secondary school teachers will be able to respond more easily to the needs of their adolescent students.

The Cappei has already been in operation for 2 years (2017-2018 and 20182019!). With a relatively limited training time, the great difficulty of this new exam is its double focus on posture, which requires both that the teacher focus on the needs of his own students but also on the needs outside his classroom, on the role of resource teacher able to help other teachers to make inclusive school work.

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In Higher Education

Here again since 2006, the conditions of access to higher education have changed considerably both quantitatively and qualitatively, mainly after the signing of two «University-Handicap» Charters, one in 2007 and the other in 2012 and under the action of the promulgation of the law of 22 July 2013.

Currently all French universities, metropolitan France and overseas departments have a «Disability & Health» support service capable of welcoming and accompanying disabled or sick students.

Census of students with disabilities

In each higher education institution, students who have declared themselves disabled and who have made themselves known to the head of the «Disability - Student Health» department and the university medical service are listed annually by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation MESRI-DGESIP [19].

During their training course, the situation of disability of these students requires the implementation of adaptation and/or compensation measures falling within the competence of the institution and/or the MDPH or a health institution or service. These measures may relate to one or more aspects of the student's life (Courses, Practical Work, Supervised Work, internships, sports activities, accommodation, catering...).

For higher education courses given in high schools (Higher Technician Section and Preparatory Classes for higher education), only students who benefit from a personalised schooling project (PPS) are included.

The census of students with disabilities or a disabling disease is anonymous, taking into account the year of birth, gender, curriculum, nature of the disability or disorder, educational background and curriculum. The survey indicates the compensation measures put in place to allow the student to continue his or her studies.

At the end of 2017-2018, there were 28,528 officially registered disabled or sick students in higher education. However, this number is below reality because many of them do not wish to report to the «Handicap & Santé» service, believing that they do not need any special accommodations.

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In this summary article, we will focus on only two elements, the type of institution chosen and the evolution of the deficits of the students received. Readers wishing to explore this topic in greater depth should consult the annual survey, which is in fact always very comprehensive [20].

Table 1 - Engineering schools outside universities, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), DGESIP [21]

Senior Universities University Engineering All Other

Technician excluding engineering schools Engineering Schools

Section and engineers schools outside Schools

Preparatory universities

classes for



General 16,6 % 78,2% 1,7% 2,6% 4,3% 0,9%


Disabled 0,9% 91,2% 1,7% 2,2% 3,9% 0,5%


This table clearly shows that students with disabilities prefer the university (93%) over other types of institutions.

Results of the 2018 census of the DGESIP survey

Figure 1 - Evolution of the population of students with disabilities [20]

Between the

promulgation of the 2005102 law and today, the number of employees has increased by a factor of 4.3

Since 2012, the number of employees has been steadily increasing by 15% each year.

Table 2 - Evolution of the rate of disabled students in higher education

(total) and at university

X 1,5 X 2,2

Rates 2005 2007 2012 2017

/ Total student population 0,3 % 0,4% 0,6% 1,3%

/ Universitary student population 0,4% 0,5% 0,8% 1,6%

There has been a significant increase in university attendance by students with disabilities over the past 5 years.

Педагогические исследования. 2021. Выпуск 1 Figure 2 - Evolution of the distribution of the categories identified in 2010

and 2018

Visual disorders +6%/year

Hearing disorders +8%/y.

Motor disorders +10%/y.

Cognitive disorders 34 %/y. Students with Autism


Disorders, from 2016 : +40 %/an

Psychic disorders +17 %/y.

Visceral disorders


Speech and

language disorders +23 %

Several disorder +25


While overall there is a steady increase of +15% in the number of disabled

students in all categories:

There is a slight increase in the «classic» categories, visual disorders +6 %,

hearing disorders +8 % and motor disorders +10 %.

On the other hand, there was a strong increase in the category «several associated

disorders» +25 % and that of language and speech disorders (dys students).

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Since 2016, a new category has emerged with a very strong growth rate of +34 %/year, namely autism spectrum disorders.

As a result, more and more students with disabilities are entering university and their profiles are changing. Whereas at the beginning, integration in higher education institutions was mainly of interest to students with motor or visual disabilities, today, with inclusion, all deficits are concerned, excluding of course intellectual retardation.

The choice of university over another higher education institution can be explained by:

support more adapted to the specific needs offered by the «Disability & Health Assistance» service;

disabled students who are better informed of their rights, no longer hesitate to come forward to the staff of the «Disability & Health Assistance» service and ask for compensation assistance;

school policies piloted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation to develop staff awareness and training, thus contributing to a more effective identification of students who need support to avoid dropping out because of the difficulties they encounter because of their disability.

Thus, the increasing influx of secondary school students, particularly since the start of the 2005-2006 academic year, and the opportunity now offered to pursue longer and more numerous accompanied studies, testify to the progress made in school and university inclusion.

Employment trends for people with disabilities

In France, there is a protected and state-subsidised employment sector constituted by the Etablissements et Services d'Aide par le travail, ESATs, and Adapted Enterprises, EAs, and the ordinary sector exposed to economic hazards and driven by the market.

Vocational training for young people with disabilities

In addition to general training schemes (in a training centre or vocational school), a young person with a disability can enter an apprenticeship to obtain a qualification and benefit from special accommodations. He can also benefit from training in a pre© 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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orientation centre if he encounters difficulties in orientation. Finally, for an older person, he or she may benefit from a rehabilitation contract if he or she has become unable to exercise his or her profession, or learn a new trade.

Overall, the level of education and training of people with disabilities is relatively low.

Figure 3 - Level of education and training of people with disabilities ( gender


** 1st diploma of compulsory education or no diploma at all

The National Union for the Integration of Disabled Workers stated in 2010, «Out of 1.8 million people, 83 % have a level below the baccalaureate. And half of them are over 50 years old.». This is one of the main difficulties in enforcing the employment obligation and that explains the high unemployment rate for people with disabilities: 20%, double the national average.

It is therefore necessary to strengthen school and university inclusion in order to significantly increase the level of qualification of people with disabilities who will enter the labour market.

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The Employment Obligation of Disabled Workers

With a view to creating sustainable and economically viable jobs, three laws have played a major roleI in employment:

The Act No. 75-534 of 30 June 1975 or «Orientation Act for Disabled Persons». It was she who set up for the first time in France a real disability policy by establishing the principle of maintaining the disabled person in an ordinary working and living environment whenever possible. It was she who created specific services such as the allowance for disabled adults, the AAH [22], a guarantee of minimum resources to integrate socially and who strongly developed the «Centres d'aide par le travail» in the protected sector.

The Act No. 87-517, which introduced an Employment Obligation for Disabled Workers, the OETH [23]. In all companies with more than 20 employees, 6 % of the total workforce, must be reserved to disabled worker with the possibility of fulfilling this obligation by paying a contribution to the Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion Professionnelle de travailleurs Handicapés, the AGEFIPH [24] or by giving work to the protected sector that indirectly employs and pays disabled workers.

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The Act No. 2005-102 which reaffirmed and strengthened the 1987 OETH system. It creates the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons into the Public Service, the FIPHFP [25] similar to the AGEFIPH of the private sector, It creates at the MDPH the Commission on the Rights and Autonomy of Disabled Persons the CDAPH [26], It imposes equal treatment and insists on the principle of non-discrimination in employment. This law now allows companies to meet part of their employment obligation by mobilising the protected and adapted sector through subcontracting activities, services, provision or own production.

Persons admitted to ESATs could, according to their abilities and in order to allow their evolution towards the ordinary working environment, be made available to a company in order to carry out an activity outside the establishment, while remaining officially attached to their ESAT. By using the Etablissement et Services d'Aide par le Travail, ESAT [27], or the Entreprises Adaptées (EA), the companies subject to the Act could thus meet their Employment Obligation for Disabled Workers (OETH) and © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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thereby reduce their contribution to the AGEFIPH. However, the law of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one's professional future provides for a reform that will be applicable from 1 January 2020. Until then, companies and principals could fulfil their employment obligation up to a maximum of 50 % by entrusting, in particular, the provision of services and subcontracting to the sheltered and adapted labour sector [28]. However, this new law limits this possibility with a priority objective: to promote direct employment in ordinary companies. As of next year, the employer will therefore now have almost only two options: either it will respect the employment rate for disabled workers (6 %) [29], or it will pay a contribution to the AGEFIPH (for the private sector) or the FIPHFP (for the public sector) Some digital data

End of 2015, 10 years after the 2005 law

36.5 % of people with disabilities were employed,

45.5 % were in vocational integration

19 % were unemployed (double the number of people without disabilities) The average employment rate is currently 3.3 % in the private sector, whereas it should be 6 % (This sector must therefore make significant efforts!) and it is 5.3 % in the public sector (the quota is therefore almost reached!) Adapted responses

For people with disabilities front in employment, it is necessary not only to access employment but also to maintain themself in employment.

To this end, within a company or administration, workers with the «Recognition of the status of disabled worker», the RQTH [30] (to be requested from the CDAPH of the MDPH [31], may have facilited workstation facilities financed by the AGEFIPH or the FIPHFP and worked time use facilities with their employer.

Laws 2015-990 and 2016-60 for growth, activity and equal economic opportunities have introduced measures to promote employment through integration contracts, the use of posted disabled workers and periods of work experience.

Педагогические исследования. 2021. Выпуск 1

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified and adopted by France in 2010, now requires all signatory states to respect minimum standards of rights related to training and employment.

To conclude the part on employment

Although the number of unemployed disabled people is still high in France, overall professional integration is still a reality for many of them. A very recent survey by the «Inspirience» agency, which was preparing the «Salon Handicap, Emploi et Achats responsables» organised on 28 May 2019 (Le Figaro 16/05/2019), shows the satisfaction of the people surveyed: 86% of the disabled workers surveyed feel «integrated», 78% have requested the RQTH and 66 % have obtained it. Half of them explained that they had declared their disability in order to benefit from equipment to adapt their workstations, work schedules and rhythms.

In fact, it is large companies that recruit disabled workers for the most qualified jobs because the level of education is decisive for finding a job.


In France, we have reliable and precise statistics, but the most effective indicator of how the evolution of inclusion works remains the growth in the number of students and disabled workers. For the latter, the current rate is insufficient, at least in the private sector, which is why the French State has tightened the OETH system.

Undeniably we are on the way to inclusion, which is more a horizon than a completion. It will take time, a lot of effort, to always be able to explain on a daily basis the need to welcome disabled students as much as possible to the local school, college, high school and university.

For the Russian Federation, as in most parts of the world today, it is at school that everything is played out, so allow me to make a few recommendations:

The first step towards inclusion is inclusive education which taking into account the special educational needs of all children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability and marginalization, inclusive education aims to ensure equal educational rights and opportunities for all and at the same time for each person. Every student has the right to schooling and the closer this schooling comes to the ordinary system, the © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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better you will make social inclusion happen, it is an ethical principle that must not be subordinated to the economy, it is above all a political choice;

The role of associations of parents and/or adults with disabilities is essential, it is the driving force behind the institutions and it is the associations that can and must bring up the needs and arbitrate the political decisions taken;

All actions are important, from the smallest to the most important. The role of universities is fundamental. The Faculty of Corrective Pedagogy of Herzen University in St. Petersburg and the Social Institute of Rehabilitation of the Novosibirsk State Technical University or the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, which have been involved for more than fifteen years in the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities, have played and still play a very important role that they must continue and develop.

But in addition to this, the Russian Federation will need to strongly mobilize political authorities to establish a coherent set of federal laws that will ensure rights and resources for people with disabilities and legally build inclusion because there will come a time when laws will have to impose what is ethically right.


1. Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000809647 &categorieLien=id (date of request: 22.10.2020).

2. INSHEA, (National Institute of Higher Education and Research in the Field of Teaching Disabled People and Issues of Adapted Learning) [Electronic resource]. URL: www.inshea.fr (date of request: 03.02.2021).

3. Departmental home for people with disabilities (MDPH) [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.cnsa.fr/recherche-et-innovation/resultats-de-recherche/le-fonctionnement-des-mdph-un-guichet-unique-a-entrees-multiples (date of request: 22.10.2020).

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4. Mechanism of adaptation and integration of primary school students (School integration class), interdepartmental circular letter-Official Bulletin of the French Republic No. 19 of May 9, 2002 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/botexte/bo020409/MENE0201158C.htm (date of request: 22.10.2020).

5. Pedagogical requirements for integration, circular letter No. 2001-035 of February 21, 2001 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://dcalin.fr/textoff/upi_2001.html (date of request: 22.10.2020).

6. Pedagogical project of school education [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.integrascol.fr/pps-projet-personnalise-de-scolarization/ (date of request: 03.02.2020).

7. Working Group on the Study of School education. Circular letter 2006126 of 17.08.2006 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/bo/2006/32/MENE0602187C.htm (date of request: 17.09.2020).

8. Auxiliary mechanism of school education and adapted pedagogical material [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/bo/2006/31/MENE0601960C.htm (date of request: 17.09.2020).

9. Law No. 2013-595 of July 8, 2013. The law setting out the general principles of drawing up programs for the re-establishment of schools in the French Republic [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid29462/la-refondation-de-l-ecole-de-la-republique.html,

https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=J0RFTEXT000027677984 &categorieLien=id (date of request: 03.02.2020).

10. The new adapted training course [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel.html?cid_bo=105511 (date of request: 17.09.2020).

11. Circular letter No. 2014-083 of July 8, 2014 Conditions for the selection

and employment of persons accompanying students with disabilities. Official Bulletin © 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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of the French Republic No. 28 of July 10, 2014 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education. gouv.fr/pid25535/bulletin officiel. html?cid_bo=80953 (date of request: 17.09.2020).

12. Local units for school inclusion, a mechanism for school education of students with disabilities in primary and secondary schools. Circular letter No. 2015129 of 21.08.2015 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel. html?cid_bo=91826 (date of request: 17.09.2020).

13. Special Education and Home Care Services, [Electronic resource]. URL: http://scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr/page75.htm (date of request: 17.09.2020).

14. Educational program in a special institution [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.enfant-different.org/services-et-etablissements/unites-enseignement-en-etablissement-specialise (date of request: 17.09.2020).

15. Circular letter concerning special professional education and certificate of professional training for inclusive education practices No. 2017-026 dated 14.02.2017 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel. html?cid_bo=113028 (date of request: 17.09.2020).

16. Adapted General Education Department [Electronic resource]. URL: https://eduscol.education.fr/cid46765/sections-d-enseignement-general-et-professionnel-adapte.html (date of request: 03.02.2020).

17. Regional Adapted Education Establishment [Electronic resource]. URL: https://eduscol.education.fr/cid46766/les-etablissements-regionaux-d-enseignement-adapte.html (date of request: 17.09.2020).

18. Network of Specialized Aid for Students with Educational Difficulties [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/cid24444/les-reseaux-d-


(date of request: 17.09.2020).

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20. Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation - Main Directorate of Higher Education and Employment [Electronic resource]. URL: https://publication.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/eesr/FR/ (date of request: 22.10.2020).

21. Population Census 2016-2017 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://cache.media.enseignementsup-

recherche.gouv.fr/file/Etudiants_handicapes/31/0/Recensement_2016-2017_1061310. pdf (date of request: 22.10.2020).

22. Allowance for disabled adults [Electronic resource]. URL: https://handicap.gouv.fr/les-aides-et-les-prestations/prestations/article/allocation-aux-adultes-handicapes-aah (date of request: 22.10.2020).

23. The Disabled Worker Employment Obligation [Electronic resource]. URL:

http://www.handiplace.org/pageinfo.php?type=2&page=627 (date of request:


24. From a protected / adapted environment to a normal environment. Assistance to the Association of Fund Management for the Integration of People with Disabilities [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.handipole.org/spip.php?article1497 (date of request: 22.10.2020).

25. Funds for inclusion of people with disabilities in public funds [Electronic resource]. URL: https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/employi/employi-et-handicap/fiphfp (date of request: 22.10.2020).

26. Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of People with Disabilities [Electronic resource]. URL: http://scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr/page231.htm (date of request: 22.10.2020).

27. Establishments or support services through work [Electronic resource]. URL: https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/droit-du-travail/handicap-et-travail/article/les-etablissements-ou-services-d-aide-par-le-travail (date of request: 22.10.2020).

28. Institutions or assistance services at work or in a normal environment: is the subcontractor at risk? [Electronic resource]. URL: https://emploi.handicap.fr/a-andicat-esat-reforme-11126.php (date of request: 22.10.2020).

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29. The employment of disabled people in France: The ordinary environment [Electronic resource]. URL: https://documentation.ehesp.fr/wp-

content/uploads/2017/11/DQ Emploi-Handicap 20171123.pdf (date of request: 22.10.2020).

30. Recognition of the qualification of an employee with disabilities - The National Insurance Fund of Autonomy [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.cnsa.fr/documentation/cnsa_fiche_facilealire_rqth. pdf (date of request: 22.10.2020).

31. Recognition of the qualification of an employee with disabilities and the Commission on the Rights of Autonomy of People with Disabilities - The Departmental Center for Social Assistance to People with Disabilities [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mdph33.fr/la_reconnaissance_de_la_qualite_de_travailleur_handicape_rq th.html (date of request: 22.10.2020).

Создание университетской сети по вопросам инклюзии людей с ограниченными возможностями: краткий обзор актуальной информации о развитии инклюзии в школе, университете и при трудоустройстве

Саго Жак

Бывший преподаватель CNEFEI (Национального центра исследования и образования детей-инвалидов) и 1ШИЕЛ(Национального института высшего образования и исследований в области обучения инвалидов и вопросах адаптированного обучения)

Ассоциированный научный сотрудник THIM Team (Технологии, инвалиды, точки соприкосновения, методы работы), Лаборатории CHART 4004 (Когнитивные способности человека и Искусственные средства), Университет Париж 8


В рамках реализованных Европейских проектов TEMPUS-TACIS, несколько университетских команд из России получили возможность проанализировать и сравнить несколько ситуаций инклюзии людей с ограниченными возможностями в Португалии, Германии и, в частности, во Франции, где они могли увидеть, как реализуется закон 2005-102 «Закон о равных правах и возможностях, участии и гражданских прав людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья» на уровне школ и высших учебных заведений. Статья призвана напомнить об основных инновациях, применяемых во Франции в 2006 году, и осветить достижения Франции в вопросах школьной, университетской и профессиональной инклюзии. Представлены результаты специальной реформы профессиональной подготовки молодых людей с инвалидностью во Франции. Освящена роль ассоциаций родителей и взрослых лиц с инвалидностью. Затронуты вопросы трудоустройства лиц с инвалидностью и предоставления им защищенных рабочих мест.

Ключевые слова

Проект сотрудничества, дети с двигательными нарушениями, с психическими расстройствами, специфическими языковыми и обучающими расстройствами, нарушениями когнитивной функции, нарушениями функции слуха, нарушениями зрительной функции, расстройствами аутистического спектра, доступ в университет для людей с ограниченными возможностями, адаптация окружающей среды, адаптация к труду, защищенные рабочие места, меры компенсации, инклюзивная школа, ресурсный учитель, тенденции занятости, профессиональное обучение.


1. Закон № 2005-102 от 11 февраля 2005 г. за равенство прав и возможностей, участия и гражданства людей с ограниченными возможностями [Электронный ресурс]. URL:

https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000809647 &categorieLien=id (дата обращения: 22.10.2020).

2. INSHEA (Национальный институт высшего образования и исследований в области обучения инвалидов и вопросах адаптированного обучения) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.inshea.fr (дата обращения: 03.02.2021).

3. Ведомственный дом для людей с ограниченными возможностями (MDPH) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.cnsa.fr/recherche-et-innovation/resultats-de-recherche/le-fonctionnement-des-mdph-un-guichet-unique-a-entrees-multiples (дата обращения 22.10.2020).

4. Механизм адаптации и интеграции школьников начальных классов (Класс школьной интеграции), межведомственное циркулярное письмо -Официальный бюллетень Французской Республики № 19 от 9 мая 2002 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/botexte/bo020409/MENE0201158C.htm (дата обращения: 22.10.2020).

5. Педагогические требования к интеграции, циркулярное письмо № 2001-035 от 21 февраля 2001 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://dcalin.fr/textoff/upi_2001.html (дата обращения: 22.10.2020).

6. Педагогический проект школьного обучения [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.integrascol.fr/pps-projet-personnalise-de-scolarisation/ (дата обращения: 03.02.2020).

7. Рабочая группа по изучению школьного обучения. Циркулярное письмо 2006-126 от 17.08.2006 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/bo/2006/32/MENE0602187C.htm (дата обращения:

https://www.education.gouv.fr/bo/2006/31/ME 17.09.2020).

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9. Закон № 2013-595 от 8 июля 2013 г. Закон, излагающий общие принципы составления программ для повторного учреждения Школы во Французской Республике [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid29462/la-refondation-de-l-ecole-de-la-republique.html,

https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027677984 &categorieLien=id (дата обращения: 03.02.2020).

10. Новый курс адаптированного обучения [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin officiel.html?cid bo=105511 (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

11. Циркулярное письмо № 2014-083 от 8 июля 2014 г. Условия отбора и принятия на работу лиц, сопровождающих учеников с ограниченными возможностями. Официальный бюллетень Французской Республики № 28 от 10 июля 2014 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid25535/bulletin officiel.html?cid bo=80953 (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

12. Локальные подразделения для школьной инклюзии, механизм школьного обучения учеников с ограниченными возможностями в начальной и средней школе. Циркулярное письмо № 2015-129 от 21.08.2015 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel.html?cid_bo=91826 (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

13. Служба специального образования и услуг по предоставлению ухода на дому [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr/page75.htm (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

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14. Образовательная программа в специальном учреждении [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.enfant-different.org/services-et-etablissements/unites-enseignement-en-etablissement-specialise (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

15. Циркулярное письмо относительно специального профессионального образования и свидетельства о профессиональной подготовке к практикам инклюзивного обучения № 2017-026 от 14.02.2017 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin officiel.html?cid bo=113028 (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

16. Отдел общего адаптированного образования [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://eduscol.education.fr/cid46765/sections-d-enseignement-general-et-professionnel-adapte.html (дата обращения: 03.02.2020).

17. Региональное учреждение адаптированногобразования [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://eduscol.education.fr/cid46766/les-etablissements-regionaux-d-enseignement-adapte.html (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

18. Сеть по оказанию специализированной помощи неуспевающим ученикам [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.education.gouv.fr/cid24444/les-reseaux-d-aides-specialisees-aux-eleves-en-difficulte-rased.html (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

19. Статистические отметки и отчеты. Образование, обучение, исследование, 2017 г. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://cache.media.education.gouv.fr/file/2017/07/7/depp-RERS-2017 902077.pdf (дата обращения: 17.09.2020).

20. Министерство высшего образования, исследований и инноваций -Главное управление высшего образования и трудоустройства [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://publication.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/eesr/FR/ (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

21. Перепись населения 2016-2017 гг. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://cache.media.enseignementsup-

recherche.gouv.fr/file/Etudiants_handicapes/31/0/Recensement_2016-2017 1061310.pdf (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

22. Денежные выплаты для подростков с ограниченными

возможностями [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://handicap.gouv.fr/les-aides-et-© 2020-2021 Педагогические исследования Все права защищены

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les-prestations/prestations/article/allocation-aux-adultes-handicapes-aah (дата

обращения: 22.20.2020).

23. Обязательство по трудоустройству работника с ограниченными возможностями [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.handiplace.org/pageinfo.php?type=2&page=627 (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

24. Из защищенной/адаптированной среды в обычную среду. Помощь Ассоциации управления фондами для интеграции людей-инвалидов [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.handipole.org/spip.php?article1497 (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

25. Фонды для включения людей с ограниченными возможностями в общественные фонды [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/emploi/emploi-et-handicap/fiphfp (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

26. Комиссия по правам и автономии людей с ограниченными возможностями [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://scolaritepartenariat.chez-alice.fr/page231.htm (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

27. Учреждения или службы по оказанию помощи на работе [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://travail-emploi. gouv. fr/droit-du-travail/handicap-et-travail/article/les-etablissements-ou-services-d-aide-par-le-travail (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

28. Учреждения или службы по оказанию помощи на работе или в обычной среде: в опасности ли субподряд? [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://emploi.handicap.fr/a-andicat-esat-reforme-11126.php (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

29. Трудоустройство людей с ограниченными возможностями во Франции: обычная среда [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://documentation.ehesp.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/DO_Emploi-Handicap_20171123.pdf (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

30. Признание квалификации работника с ограниченными возможностями - Национальная касса страхования автономии [Электронный

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ресурс]. URL: https://www.cnsa.fr/documentation/cnsa fiche facilealire rqth.pdf (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

31. Признание квалификации работника с ограниченными возможностями и Комиссия по правам автономии людей с ограниченными возможностями - Департаментский центр социальной помощи людям с ограниченными возможностями [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.mdph33.fr/la reconnaissance de la qualite de travailleur handicape rq th.html (дата обращения: 22.20.2020).

Дата размещения: 16.06.2021 г.

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