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support technology / students with disabilities / technical university

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Oreshkina Olga Alekseevna, Volkov Aleksandr Anatolevich

Support technology for students with disabilities studying science at technical university in inclusion.

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(jj II < fill i il^ji; Jfl "TH -1 ©HT 1 - t_W JT |T1 I r^g) SUPPORT TECHNOLOGY FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES STUDYING SCIENCE AT TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN INCLUSION Oreshkina Olga Alekseevna, Volkov Aleksandr Anatolevich, Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education "Bauman Moscow State Technical University " (National Research University), Moscow E-mail: Olga_Oreshkina@yahoo.com

Abstract. Support technology for students with disabilities studying science at technical university in inclusion.

Key words: support technology, students with disabilities, technical university.

Under Art. 5 p. 5 of the Federal Law On Education in the Russian Federation [1], Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF from 9.11.2015 №1309 "On approval of the procedure for provision of accessibility conditions for disabled persons to objects and services in the sphere of education" defines the direction of the support for disabled persons in overcoming the barriers restricting their ability to get educational services. In this regard, maintenance and support for such students obtaining higher education is one of the most topical social tasks, defined by the Instruction of the Government of the Russian Federation from 13.07.2015 №OG- P12 - 4621 "On preparation of action plan on maintenance of young disabled persons obtaining professional education and employment."

A student with disabilities - disabled young person - is a young person aged 18 to 35, suffering from permanent health conditions caused by diseases and injury consequences, resulting in the restriction of the main life activities [2], including learning limitations [3]. Learning limitations of disabled students, including those with hearing impairment, are shown in a consistent academic decline trend in digestion of school Chemistry course, defined by the results of annual testing of the students embarking on a


study of the university Chemistry course, and, consequently, it increases the difficulties in studying Chemistry at university. The "Chemistry" discipline is an important component of engineering education, taught in most of the university program tracks.

The aim of this work is to define the main difficulties of disabled students (suffering from hearing impairment) studying the university Chemistry course and suggest tested solution technologies.

The analysis of problematic situations arising during the study of Chemistry showed that the main difficulties that both disabled students specifically and students in general experience are connected with the understanding of the text learning materials due to the semantic specificity of the modern Chemistry language that includes special symbology, terminology and nomenclature. Symbology uses chemical symbols, formulas and equations; mathematical symbols, formulas and equations; physical quantities and equations, which appears to be of great difficulty for students to comprehend. Disabled students often fail to match the names of the elements in the Mendeleev's periodic table given in the Russian language with their symbology in case there is no Latin equivalents specified: «O» - oxygen; «C» - carbon; they fail to determine the elements' symbols and signs of (physical and chemical) quantities in formulas without context explanations («H» - hydrogen or «H» - enthalpy, «S» - sulphur or «S» - entropy); they make no reckoning of dimensions of a quantity when carrying out calculations. The difficulties concerning the usage of formulas are exacerbated by the differentiation of symbols for the same quantities in formulas in different Chemistry learning materials (A=pAV; W=P pAV); the mismatch of the symbols for the same quantities in calculating formulas in physics and chemistry under common and related subject-matter and etc.

The intensive development of the modern Chemistry conditioned the emergence of numerous chemical terms and concepts, and at the same time made many linguistic-related problems actual. One of these problems is the need to adjust new scientific terminology to educational content; unify scientific concepts and terms under common approaches in national chemical terminology systems. Due to the complexity, overload and ambiguity of the conceptual framework of the modern chemistry, the study of terminology and nomenclature without such profound linguistic work is problematic for all students, especially for those with disabilities. The "Project for special requirements to the federal state standards of basic education for hearing-impaired children and children with delayed hearing loss under the conditions of inclusive education" [4] emphasizes the connection between successful learning of natural science subjects - chemistry and physics - and comprehension of the learning (written and verbal) texts.

The special requirement to the acquisition of Chemistry content knowledge is the provision of adjusted texts, the schematization of learning materials given to the students with hearing impairment in accordance with their individual abilities. This requirement is to be taken into account when Chemistry is taught to hearing-impaired students in higher education institutions, since the problems that disabled students face when studying



Chemistry in an engineering university are worsened by their individual characteristics. Hearing impairment (primary defect) can cause speech disorder (secondary defect) and communication dysfunction [5], and, as a result of ill-timed or inadequate psychological and pedagogical therapy, it can also cause significant social disorders [6]. Eventually, the inclusion conditions show psychological peculiarities of hearing-impaired students [7]: absent or individually peculiar verbal perception; restricted word stock, reading and writing skills; restricted level of student's cognition during the learning process and the cognitive capability in general. The main deviations (defects) from the norm in the process of knowledge acquisition and their causes are considered in details in the work [8]. The restrictions of such kind need to be compensated and developed in a parallel manner with no damage to the process of the university Chemistry course study Thus, the support technology and methodological techniques become topical. In Bauman Moscow State Technical University such support is provided within technological disciplinary modules based on information and communication learning technology (ICT), giving students an opportunity to enter the common educational and socio-cultural environment of the higher education institution.

The "Cognitive technology of support for the Chemistry vocation-related subject", "Technology of accessibility and barrier-free environment" modules are being developed and implemented in the Center for Complex Rehabilitation of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (HERMC) with the aim to compensate the restricted abilities of disabled students by means of integrative, cognitive and information and communication technologies, contributing to the formation of special cognitive competencies. The competencies provide the efficiency and quality increase of principle educational program learning by means of reduced workload and establishment of equal conditions.

The "Cognitive technology of support for the Chemistry vocation-related subject" module is taught along with the Chemistry course, developed and provided by the "Chemistry" chair, with the organisation of "cooperative learning" as a form of support for disabled students in inclusion. Some models of "cooperative learning" implementation are given in the work [9].

The program of maintenance for the "Chemistry" subject by means of cognitive technologies is created with consideration of educational requirements of Bauman Moscow State Technical University as National Research University of Technology to the results of the adjusted principle educational program learning of the higher education institution. The program is peculiar in the cross-disciplinary character of its content, - technological content, - which is as follows.

The technologies of terminology competency formation are extremely important for disabled students studying in higher education institution. The peculiarities of the Chemistry definitions include highly abstract concepts; complexity of definitions and ambiguity of their rendering; polysemy of terms and concepts; great amount of



synonyms, and etc. Students face problems with the comprehension of the terms, searching for information by key words, its analysis and interpretation, and etc.

The technologies of terminology competency formation base on the technology of glossography [10], which includes the subject-related terms as a quantity restricted, in a certain manner selected and organised total of terminological units:

- Selection of key words, unfamiliar words, unclear words;

- Glossography process - definition of the terms:

a) Making an alphabetically listed terminology;

b) Precise wording of the term in the nominative case;

c) Formation of the content part giving insight to the meaning of the term through the search of its definition in open information sources supported by the graphic presentation;

d) Obligatory provision of the context example where the term is used.

- Glossary can include not only separate words (terms), but also collocations and phrases.

The project activities technology based on the algorithm presentation of the problematic task solution provides the formation of the project thinking competency, project activity. Having this competency, disabled students can get lacking knowledge from various sources themselves, and they learn how to apply it to learning and professional tasks solutions; they form communication skills while working in a group, and develop research skills.

Special feature of project technology is the axiological problem of students, which requires integrated knowledge and search-based solutions. The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills. The project technology supposes: stated problem, topicality of expected results; students' individual work; structuring of the project content with stage results statement; implementation of research methods. It includes search, selection, systematisation of the information on the object, its analysis and synthesis; presentation to the audience.

The technology of research activity competency formation is the key one in the aspect of creative work formation, independent decision-making and etc. It is fulfilled in individual and group learning research and project research activities of the students. Supported by the "Technology of accessibility and barrier-free environment" module, disabled students study ICT of project-cognitive learning by means of individual and group multimedia projects on the Chemistry subject-related themes [11]. Such projects become a mean of illustrative learning with the element of barrier -free didactics.

By technology of information competency formation and verbal reasoning training (on the material of the Chemistry discipline) we mean.

1. Technology of information compression and expansion, i.e. transformation of information from one form into another; viz.: from text into table form, chemical and


mathematical formulas, charts and diagrams; verbalization of table material; transformation of chemical and mathematical formulas into text.

2. Information technology of data collection and analysis (including the Internet technologies), applied to information search for individual creative tasks; preparation of laboratory-based works; academic and research work. Disabled students master skills of implementation of the information received from various sources in order to overcome learning, communication and professional activity limitations; self-control skills and adjustment of their behaviour according to the situation.

3. E-learning (Definition by the UNESCO experts: "E-learning - learning through the Internet and multimedia") should be mentioned in the context of technology of information competency formation. Digital information search is an important solution of educational environment accessibility for disabled students in higher education institutions. ICT serves as their work tool. E-learning, in relation to the Chemistry discipline support, includes e-learning materials, virtual laboratory practicums, relevant educational services and technologies. In HERMC, under the Moscow Department for Education task, e-learning resources were developed - laboratory works on chemistry and physics for disabled students on the platform of Apple iPad.

The projects analysed and considered the Special requirements to the provision of the content for educational resources on chemistry and physics for disabled students of various nosologies [4]. Thus, the accessibility of learning texts for deaf and hearing-impaired students is increased by means of schemes, tables, illustrative material and etc., "description of symbols by words (in writing, verbally, if needed/wished by gestures)". The content should not cause struggle or be difficult to perceive. In order to reach this purpose, the educational resources should include multiple ways of information representation [12]; multiple ways of learning activity fulfillment and inclusion of students to the learning process, i.e. various means of information acquisition and educational resources management. These requirements are important to hearing-impaired students, students with other health conditions and all students in general.

Virtual laboratory-based works are not limited in time; the preparation or fulfillment can be carried out in extracurricular time, in individual manner with comfortable speed, they can be re-done multiple times. They provide the opportunity to support home learners and learner who are temporarily unable to visit the educational institution for health reasons. The project planning principles of virtual laboratory works on chemistry for hearing-impaired students are presented in the work [13].

E-technologies form the following skills: individual work with e-learning materials using a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone and etc.; getting consultation and evaluation from a distant teacher, carrying out joint virtual learning activity as a part of user community; using distant learning aids, including web-



The technology of operational (logico-algorithmic) thinking skills formation [14] includes the fulfillment of the tasks: by ready algorithm; by familiar algorithm (dynamic acquisition of situation); by self-made algorithm of the solution based on information structuring; by means of composition of several possible algorithms with the selection of the most preferable one. As a result, the skills expressed in a corresponding competency are formed. They are implemented in the fulfillment of laboratory works, home works, individual learning project research tasks and other.

The technology of short-term and long-term memory development by means of terms, definitions and tasks solutions algorithms speak-through is an extremely important cognitive technology for hearing-impaired students, because it provides for the development of their oral-aural function.

The efficiency of cognitive technologies implementation is promoted by the organisation and pedagogical support for the "Chemistry" discipline in the form of "cooperative learning" developed in Bauman Moscow State Technical University for the purpose of the "Chemistry" discipline supported by the order of the Government of the RF. It is carried out by the joint efforts of two teachers - subject teacher of the Chemistry chair, giving Chemistry course lectures to the HERMC students, and rehabilitation teacher of the Disabled people rehabilitation chair (HERMC). The cornerstone of the cooperation success is the rehabilitation teacher's knowledge of the Chemistry course content and peculiarities of the HERMC students. Rehabilitation teacher, with consent of the Chemistry teacher, visits all classes of the latter, with the HERMC students - lectures, laboratory-based works, controlled individual works, and monitors the activity of the HERMC students, noting the problematic situations of each of them. At the own classes and individual consultations, the rehabilitation teacher works on the solution of the noted problems of the disabled students, suggesting them the technologies aimed at the formation of the corresponding cognitive competencies:

Terminology competency, including the vocabulary expansion technology and formation of the conceptual framework. Competency of project thinking and project activity, including the skills of: orientation in the content of the subject-related sphere; individual acquisition and accumulation of necessary knowledge from various knowledge areas by means of various sources; implementation of the knowledge in professional and learning tasks solving; rational work planning; communication in group work. Research activity competency, including creative work skills, individual decision-making, out-of-the-box thinking, power of observance, imagination. Information competency as an integrative component of disabled person's knowledge, skills and abilities on search, analysis, selection, processing, transmission and storing of the necessary information with the help of informational means [15]. Information competency is indissolubly related to the knowledge and skills of work with information based on the new ICT, solving of academic and professional tasks by


means of these technologies, including the transformation of information from one form into another (information compression and expansion).

Competency of operational (logico-algorithmic) thinking, including the skills of: working by ready solution algorithm, implementation of a familiar algorithm to solve new tasks; making of a new solution algorithm based on the information structuring; composition of several possible solution algorithms with the selection of the most preferable one based on individual search for new information. Competency of short-term and long-term memory and oral-aural function development, including the use of concepts, definitions, solutions algorithms speak-through.

The learning of programs for the Chemistry course and the course of maintenance of the Chemistry discipline by means of cognitive technologies is completed with a final conference-lesson of hearing-impaired students with teachers and heads of the Chemistry chair and HERMC, where students present their individual multimedia projects on the subjects of the chemistry course, fulfilled with the implementation of the HERMC technologies.

Thus, in order to support disabled students studying the "Chemistry" natural science discipline in Bauman Moscow State Technical University under the conditions of inclusion, the organisation and pedagogical support is being implemented in their learning process in the format of "cooperative learning", which allows discovering students' specific problems and developing a corresponding solution technology. The cognitive technologies suggested to the students promote the formation of the cognitive competencies, together developing special competency of a disabled student - readiness to constantly overcome their restricting peculiarities by learning and implementing special methods, technologies and means.

The competencies encourage disabled students to develop meta-subject skills -responsibility, orderliness, self-control of behaviour, cooperativeness, leadership. Meta -subject skills increase efficiency and quality of the basic educational program learning by disabled students, due to workload reduction and development of equaling conditions. These are the basic skills composing the cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University educational standard to the bachelors' training with the consideration of the requirements to university graduates from employers of the industry, vocation-related enterprises and scientific communities of the Moscow region.


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