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Ключевые слова
children with special educational needs / correctional education / development of inclusive education / дети с особыми образовательными потребностями / коррекционное образование / развитие инклюзивного образования.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Djumaeva, Guzal Azizovna

The concept of "children with disabilities" covers the category of persons whose life activity is characterized by any restrictions or lack of ability to carry out activities in a way or within the framework considered normal for a person of this age. Numerous difficulties can have both a biological, mental, social nature, and a complex nature, manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity. Their overcoming is facilitated by the processes of rehabilitation and social education, which took their proper place in the system of correctional pedagogy only at the end of the XIX century.

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Понятие «дети с ограниченными возможностями» охватывает категорию лиц, жизнедеятельность которых характеризуется какими-либо ограничениями или неспособностью осуществлять деятельность в том виде или в рамках, которые считаются нормальными для человека этого возраста. Многочисленные трудности могут иметь как биологический, психический, социальный характер, так и сложный характер, проявляться разной степени тяжести. Их преодолению способствуют процессы реабилитации и социального воспитания, занявшие достойное место в системе коррекционной педагогики только в конце XIX века.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences (~) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423



Djumaeva Guzal Azizovna an English teacher of Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Uzbekistan

Abstract: The concept of "children with disabilities" covers the category of persons whose life activity is characterized by any restrictions or lack of ability to carry out activities in a way or within the framework considered normal for a person of this age. Numerous difficulties can have both a biological, mental, social nature, and a complex nature, manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity. Their overcoming is facilitated by the processes of rehabilitation and social education, which took their proper place in the system of correctional pedagogy only at the end of the XIX century.

Keywords: children with special educational needs, correctional education, development of inclusive education

Аннотация: Понятие «дети с ограниченными возможностями» охватывает категорию лиц, жизнедеятельность которых характеризуется какими-либо ограничениями или неспособностью осуществлять деятельность в том виде или в рамках, которые считаются нормальными для человека этого возраста. Многочисленные трудности могут иметь как биологический, психический, социальный характер, так и сложный характер, проявляться разной степени тяжести. Их преодолению способствуют процессы реабилитации и социального воспитания, занявшие достойное место в системе коррекционной педагогики только в конце XIX века.

Ключевые слова: дети с особыми образовательными потребностями, коррекционное образование, развитие инклюзивного образования.


The development of modern society in Uzbekistan and the processes of integration and globalization into the world community sharply raise the issue of ensuring social protection of the country's citizens, and especially those who need it more, in particular, these are children with special educational needs.

The relevance of the problem of organizing inclusive education is primarily due

to the fact that the number of children in need of correctional education is steadily

growing. But despite this, 92.0% of children with disabilities study in special

educational institutions, or do not receive education at all. Therefore, the goal is the

purpose of the article is to search for technologies to activate the development of


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inclusive education through the use of statistical data and the results of practical research in the field. The relevance of the work is that the issue of the correct organization of inclusive education is an important task at the state level.

Although the family is the main environment for development and the formation of a person, but it is not the only one, a disabled child needs to communicate with other members of society, he should not be confined only to the home environment. Today, it is necessary to move away from the inter-natal and special forms of education and move to inclusive education. This is primarily due to the fact that children who are not prepared for life in society leave boarding schools. Graduates of special institutions have a low level of socialization and social adaptation. They are characterized by: inability to partially apply the acquired knowledge and skills; insufficiently developed independence; low level of readiness to fulfill public obligations; unpreparedness to participate in public life; insufficient preparation for life and work in a team; inability to behave in conflict situations; narrow variability of behavior. [1, c. 43]

All this causes concern about the future life of children and thoughts about the need for changes in education children with special problems. Inclusive educational institutions are becoming an alternative to modern boarding schools. Inclusion (lat.)-inclusion, introduction, attachments. Integration (Latin) - combining parts into a whole. [3, p. 30]

More often, the terms "integration" and "inclusion" are used by teachers as synonyms.[1, p. 42] But currently, in the field of education, there is understanding the differences between them. Inclusion, in contrast to integration, considers not only disability. It covers all forms of diversity and assumes that all students, as a rule, relate to towards the mass education system.[6, p. 57]

Inclusive education is an education based on the ideas of an adaptive school, which takes into account the individual characteristics of each subject, as well as a strategy of joint education of all children, which allows equalizing the starting conditions for each child to receive education. Inclusive education is defined as the process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs by organizing their education in general educational institutions based on the use of personality-oriented teaching methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the educational and cognitive activity of such children. [4, p. 189]

The term "children with special needs" refers to children whose education requires additional resources, whose educational needs go beyond limits of certain

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standards. This broad concept covers both gifted children and children with disabilities of psychophysical development, with limited health opportunities, disabled people, children from different socially vulnerable groups (homeless, orphans) etc.[4, p. 188]

Depending on the type of violation, there are categories of children: with hearing and visual impairments, with intellectual disabilities; with mental retardation, with speech disorders; with disorders of the musculoskeletal system; with complex the structure of disorders (mentally retarded, blind or deaf, deaf blind, etc.); with emotional and volitional disorders and children with autism. Scientists distinguish the following types of educational integration:

1. Combined, fully functional integration — inclusive education (children (1-2 students) take part in the educational process on an equal basis, study in regular classes, receiving constant educational assistance).

2. Partial functional integration (children (1-2 students each) attend separate classes).

3. Temporary, social integration — integrated education (children study in a special class, sometimes they team up with healthy peers to conduct extracurricular activities).

The decision on the choice of the type of integration is made by the administration individually, taking into account the complexity of the violations in the development of children and the presence of an appropriate educational environment in the school. [2, p .56]

There are certain requirements for an inclusive developing environment: it must be interesting, initiate the child's activities, create conditions for more complete communication, interaction of children, to carry out the full adaptation of the child to real life and socialization, as well as to be multi-functional, to be built on a systematic principle, take into account the specifics of the child's development, use multi-level and multi-profile materials. [5, p. 90]

Given the current economic situation and the consequences of the global financial crisis, as well as the specifics of the political situation in the country, a hundred-it to celebrate the fact that the organization of inclusive education involves lower costs on the creation and maintenance of an inclusive General education and pre-schools than creating a complex system of different types is very impressive-teens, specializing in the field of education specific groups of children. [6, c. 58]



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Thus, it is worth noting that the inclusive education has a number of advantages, despite all the difficulties and specifics of the technology of its organization.The absence of isolation in a closed environment of children with the same problems contributes to the improvement of cognitive, motor, speech, social and emotional development of children due to purposeful communication with more capable peers. Inclusive education involves conducting training based on the strong qualities, abilities and interests of children, providing opportunities for children with special educational needs to live together with parents, to establish friendly relations with healthy peers and take part in social life, as well as the opportunity for healthy children to learn to perceive naturally, to sympathize, to be tolerant, to establish friendly relations with those with whom fate has dealt harsher.

The technology of organizing inclusive education also involves the formation of the ability of teachers of inclusive classes to perceive children more holistically, to better understand the individual characteristics of students, to master various pedagogical methods of children's development taking into account their individuality. For parents, it is assumed that they will receive prompt pedagogical support and, at the same time, the continuity of the emotional connection with the child is provided.

The educational organization in which I work has entered into inclusion with full awareness and readiness. A number of preparatory measures were carried out: material conditions (ramps) were prepared, a lot of special devices), and most importantly-the training of teachers who understand the full value they are trained to work with "special" children and are ready to help them adapt to the society of ordinary children.

An important condition for the organization of the educational process for children with disabilities in our complex is a teacher. It does not matter what the child's diagnosis or disability is. It is important to treat him with respect, and give him the opportunity to learn and socialize. All teachers of our complex use technologies of different-level training and a differentiated approach.

Such technologies allow the teacher to clearly differentiate the educational material, vary the pace, forms and the methods of its presentation to students, and apply a flexible knowledge assessment system. Thus, depending on the success of the child, the teacher can give tasks that are different in volume, with the inclusion of tasks for "special" children for the formation of mental operations and creative abilities.


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As an English teacher, I actively use team building techniques in my lessons. For example, I divide the class into groups of 4 people, then each group member makes a list of 5-10 items on a given topic. Then, within the group, they find the number of matches that are entered in a special template. The next stage of the work is the creation of a logo-type of the team, its name and the announcement of the results on the research topic. Each participant of the micro group has its own role and area of responsibility at this stage of the lesson, such tasks contribute to creating a situation of success for the child, and allows the teacher to enter into rapport, adjustment and management with the teachers. Thus, in 10 minutes I conduct phonetic exercises, warm-up, lead to independent.

I receive 4-5 group projects on the current topic and manage to complete my homework. At the same time, children with disabilities are fully involved in the learning process, regardless of the diagnosis, but, of course, taking into account individual abilities. In addition to team building, there is another pedagogical find when teaching hard-of-hearing children. The technology of "silent cinema". I turn on a 5-minute video without sound and stand with my back to the screen, then ask the children to tell about its contents. This allows you to work out the use of various grammatical tenses in English, and all children find themselves in equal conditions. The method of teaching rhythm in visually impaired children can be widely used.

This is a rhythmic representation of the language, in which the rhythms of the spoken English language and the rhythms of traditional American jazz or Uzbek folk songs are combined into a single whole. Almost any grammatical rule can be put on the rhythm and sung. It is funny when conducting a test work to observe how students tap the rhythm of a particular rule or nod their heads to the beat. By when teaching visually impaired and hearing-impaired children, I also use tables (tablets) for drawing with sand in my practice. Sand is a very light plastic material that allows grammatical structures and sentences to "come to life" under the skillful hands of a teacher in the eyes of a child. The contrast of LED lighting and sand allows you to create vivid visual images in the child's memory. The ability of "special" children to be creative is surprising. Psychologists say that some children with disabilities, due to their diagnosis, cannot draw and reason on free topics, because their worldview is low. But with each drawing, I was more and more surprised. The students helped themselves. I have to invent and draw phonetic and grammatical fairy tales!

Theater pedagogy in inclusive education is an integral part of learning. The 5-minute task "Ladies and Gentlemen" promotes concentration of attention, the development of spontaneous speech and socialization skills, creates a favorable

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atmosphere and microclimate in the classroom. The boys put on their hats, and in the role of gentlemen they pay compliments for girls. Young ladies learn polite answers and the rules of etiquette. Parents of "ordinary" children are of course afraid, that with mixed education of healthy children with children with disabilities, less attention will be paid to healthy children, the level of education of healthy children will decrease, discipline will worsen. Individual programs and modern teaching methods allow us to optimize the learning process and eliminate the fears of parents.

Children with disabilities are children to whom fate has sent difficult tests. Sympathy is not enough, it is necessary to develop their capabilities. Inclusion is not about pity, not about compassion. Inclusion is the recognition of the individuality of each child and the building of a society without a bias towards the successful and unsuccessful, capable and incapable. To succeed, we must make children believe in themselves!

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4. Sabirova Zh. N., Zhandauova G. Sh. Inclusive education- access to education for children with special needs / / Actual problems of modern science in the 21st century. -2015. - No. 1. - pp. 188-190.

5. Shengalts E. V. Innovations in education: inclusive education of children with disabilities and disabled children / / Social work-a phenomenon of a civilized society. - 2015. - No. 1. - p. 90.

6. Yaudarova N. Yu. Organization of educational activities with children with special educational needs in inclusive education // Trends in science and education in the modern world. - 2015. - № 7 (7). - Pp. 56-58.

7. Information on the number of children with disabilities (HIA). - [Electronic resource]: Statistics of inclusive and special education. -Access mode: http://federalbook.ru/files/FSO-SREDNEE/Soderzhanie/SO-3/V/Statistika.pdf (Accessed: 11.06.2017)/




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