Научная статья на тему 'Экспортный контроль как мера защиты внутреннего рынка'

Экспортный контроль как мера защиты внутреннего рынка Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
федеральная таможенная служба / экспортный контроль / федеральная служба по техническому и экспортному контролю / подконтрольные товары / товары двойного назначения / Federal Customs Service / export control / Federal Service for Technical and Export Control / controlled goods / dual-use goods

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Я.Ю. Прозорская, В.Г. Немченко, В.В. Шарухина

Целью данной научной статьи является оценка эффективности проведения экспортного контроля. В статье изучены сущность и основные цели экспортного контроля, рассмотрены перечни подконтрольных товаров, выявлены способы защиты внутреннего рынка и определены дальнейшие перспективы развития экспортного контроля.

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Export Control as a Measure to Protect Domestic Market

The purpose of this paper is to estimate the efficiency of export control. The paper discusses definition and the main objectives of export control, considers the lists of controlled goods, the ways of protecting the domestic market are identified. Its further prospects for the development of export control are specified.

Текст научной работы на тему «Экспортный контроль как мера защиты внутреннего рынка»

УДК 339.543.5

DOI 10.24412/cl-36450-2023-4-63-67


Экспортный контроль как мера защиты внутреннего рынка

Целью данной научной статьи является оценка эффективности проведения экспортного контроля. В статье изучены сущность и основные цели экспортного контроля, рассмотрены перечни подконтрольных товаров, выявлены способы защиты внутреннего рынка и определены дальнейшие перспективы развития экспортного контроля. Ключевые слова: федеральная таможенная служба, экспортный контроль, федеральная служба по техническому и экспортному контролю, подконтрольные товары, товары двойного назначения.

Ya. Yu. PROZORSKAYA, V G. NEMCHENKO, V. V. SHARUKHINA Export Control as a Measure to Protect Domestic Market

The purpose of this paper is to estimate the efficiency of export control. The paper discusses definition and the main objectives of export control, considers the lists of controlled goods, the ways of protecting the domestic market are identified. Its further prospects for the development of export control are specified.

Keywords: Federal Customs Service, export control, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, controlled goods, dual-use goods.

Nowadays due to the increasing number of conflicts between different countries there have been created a lot of weaponry production facilities. In the absence of necessary equipment, traders (or participants of foreign economic activities) try to illegally transport controlled goods across the customs border.

In this regard, the customs administration exercise control over all goods crossing the customs border. They also carry out full customs control and customs operations in relation to goods subject to export control in order to ensure the economic and national security of the country.

The goal of this paper is to estimate the efficiency of export control. At present due to social and political instability in many countries the effectiveness of regulating the flows of goods that can be involved in production of military equipment plays an important role. Therefore, the export control is one of the ways to regulate the movement of goods across the customs border. It is also a restrictive measure to control international trade.

ПРОЗОРСКАЯ Яна Юрьевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Владивостокского филиала Российской таможенной академии.

НЕМЧЕНКО Валерия Геннадьевна, студент факультета таможенного дела Владивостокского филиала Российской таможенной академии.

ШАРУХИНА Виктория Владимировна, студент факультета таможенного дела Владивостокского филиала Российской таможенной академии.

The movement of controlled goods is regulated by national laws. Federal Law No. 183 states that export control is a range of measures by which trade in goods used in the production of various types of weapons, including mass destruction, military equipment and for the performance of territorial acts [2].

The main objectives of export control are as follows:

- the protection of the state interests;

- the compliance with the requirements of the international treaties to control the movement of dual-use goods and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

- combating global terrorism.

The export control is carried out over controlled goods. In accordance with the Federal Law 183-FZ the controlled goods are raw materials, equipment, production and scientific and technical information, results of intellectual activity that can be used fully or partially to create military equipment, as well as goods posing a great threat to life and health of citizens [2].

National laws establish groups of goods subject to export controls:

1. Dual-use goods are products that are used for general industrial purposes but can be used in the creation of military equipment.

2. Military goods include military equipment, weapons, results of intellectual activity and military technical information.

3. Civilian weapons are weapons used by citizens of our country for self-defense, for cultural and educational purposes, as well as sports equipment.

Export control is applied to certain categories of goods that are identified and fixed by the Government of the Russian Federation in special lists.

These lists include chemicals, nuclear material, microorganisms, dual-use goods that can be used for creating weapons and military equipment [4].

It should be noted, that goods subject to export control are a rather narrow group of controls. Some types of goods, having a similar structure, but differing in the purpose of their application, may be included or excluded from this list. In order to understand this category of goods in more detail it is necessary to highlight specific cases of movement of dual-use goods.

Thus, in February 2021 Novosibirsk customs officers identified the fact of illegal export of dual-use goods without a necessary license. This product was 260 kg of aluminum rods, which are necessary for the manufacture of weapons and are included in the list of controlled goods [3].

In addition, the Siberian Operational Customs opened a criminal case against the export of parts for aircraft equipment without necessary permits from the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) of Russia. The cost of equipment exceeded 71 thousand US dollars. In 2021 (in 2020 - 4 cases) the customs authorities of Siberia initiated 11 cases on the illegal export [3].

Furthermore, in August 2022, Novorossiysk customs officers detected the fact of illegal export of armored double-glazed windows outside the Russian Federation, which protect against arms fire. This product is controlled goods [3].

Therefore, the illegal movement of dual-use products provides three types of responsibility. It can be represented in the form of imposing penalties, deprivation of the right to take part in foreign economic activity or criminal prosecution for violations of existing rules and regulations.

When traders move controlled goods across the customs border, the customs administrations perform customs operations and exercise customs control in order to protect the domestic market of the country.

Upon arrival of goods on the customs territory the declarant submits a declaration for controlled goods. Then the customs officer checks the submitted declaration by applying one of the forms of the customs control - in particular, checking of customs and other documents and information necessary to establish the absence of grounds for non-registration [1].

What is more when controlled goods are moved, risk management system is in operation. For this reason, before registering a goods declaration customs officers carry out customs inspection and examination using technical equipment for customs control. It helps to ensure control over the compliance with the customs legislation and to identify export control violations. The data in figure 1 indicates the percentage of the effectiveness of customs examination from 2018 to 2021 years [4].

60 -56,7

50 40 30 20 10 0

2018 2019 2020 2021

Fig. 1. Dynamics of customs examination of controlled goods in the last four years

Based on the statistics presented in the figure we can say that the customs inspection carried out with the help of the risk management system has reached a high level (56.7 %), indicating that every second customs inspection of export control goods is effective.

Besides, one of the measures ensuring customs control based on a risk management system is X-ray equipment. Thus, Vladivostok Customs apply a special Mobile Inspection System (MIS). The table shows the results of the use of MIS as part of customs inspections of controlled goods [3].


27,8 28,2

Results of MIS implementation in the Vladivostok Customs (2019-2021)

Indicators 2019 2020 2021

Number of inspections with MIS 19300 13750 17000

Effectiveness of inspections with MIS 1450 912 1103

Effectiveness of inspections with MIS, % 7,5 6,6 6,3

In addition, after the release of controlled goods for sale on the domestic market, the customs administrations together with FSTEC carry out either regular or irregular customs checks once a year to monitor the compliance with the export control legislation. Figure 2 illustrates the dynamics of the total number of audits conducted by FSTEC of Russia and FCS of Russia for 2017-2022 years.





0 m mn ■

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

| | Regular Irregular

Fig. 2. Number of customs checks conducted by FSTEC of Russia and the FCS of Russia

in the last five years

Based on the data research, the customs administrations, in cooperation with FSTEC, mostly carry out regular customs checks, which are in large excess over irregular ones.

Nowadays in a constantly changing external environment the customs control system should involve modern techniques. The effectiveness of the actions of the customs service determines whether it will be possible to prevent the illegal export of controlled goods and technologies. It is necessary to highlight the prospects for the development of export control in order to maintain its production:

Firstly, the procedure for export of controlled goods from the customs territory of the EAEU cannot be effective without a uniform information database, which provides an opportunity to download licenses of the FSTEC of Russia into an electronic system. The exclusion of paper media is one of the goals of the customs authorities which is fixed in the Development Strategy of the Federal Customs Service of Russia until 2030. The system of interdepartmental cooperation of all federal agencies that play a role in the export control system will allow solving issues as quickly as possible, sharing available data and documents. This should result in reducing the amount of time spent on the release of dual-use products.

Secondly, the lists of controlled goods are constantly being updated. The creation of a systematic tool for taking into account the opinions of foreign trade participants regarding the inclusion or exclusion of certain types of goods will allow considering the efficiency of innovations.

Finally, an important element in improving the effectiveness of customs control over the movement of products will be the development and further maintenance of databases of risk goods and cover goods, as well as offenders of export control.

These actions meet the main goal of the Federal Customs Service of Russia until 2030, in particular, the formation of a qualitatively new, full of artificial intelligence, quickly reconfigurable, informationally connected with other government agencies and partners, a smart customs service that will be efficient for the state.

To sum up, it was established that export control takes a significant place in the system of prohibitions and restrictions on foreign trade in goods and plays an important role in protecting the domestic market of the country. The positive role of the export control system is to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, because it is one of the most important factors in maintaining international stability, and as a result a key element of the national security policy of any country. Customs control of controlled

goods requires special attention to prevent violations of prohibitions and restrictions on foreign economic activity. Modern information technologies together with the risk management system help to simplify and at the same time increase the efficiency of customs control.


1. Exporting dual-use items. URL: https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/help-export-ers-and-importers/exporting-dual-use-items_en (accessed: 24.11.2023).

2. Federal Law № 183-FZ «On Export Controls» dated 10.07.1999. URL: http:// www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/14157 (accessed: 24.11.2023).

3. Official website of the Federal Customs Service. URL: https://customs.gov.ru (accessed: 24.11.2023).

4. Official website of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control. URL: http://fstec.ru (accessed: 24.11.2023).

5. Russian export control of dual-use items. URL: https://insightplus.bakermc-kenzie.com/bm/attachment_dw.action (accessed: 24.11.2023).

УДК 339.543.5

Б01 10.24412/с1-36450-2023-4-67-72 В. А. СЕРГЕЕВ

Таможенный контроль товаров, подлежащих обязательной маркировке

В статье рассматриваются этапы внедрения маркировки товаров средствами установленной идентификации, приводится основная нормативно-правовая база при проверке таможенной службы маркировки товаров. Ответственность за отсутствие маркировки товаров контрольными (идентификационными) знаками или иными средствами идентификации установлена Кодексом об административных правонарушениях РФ, Уголовным кодексом РФ. Представлены предложения по компетенции таможенных органов при выявлении товаров с отсутствием маркировки средствами установленной идентификации.

Ключевые слова: маркировка товаров, таможенный контроль, таможенный контроль после выпуска товаров, мобильная группа.

СЕРГЕЕВ Владислав Александрович, аспирант кафедры таможенных операций и таможенного контроля Российской таможенной академии.

Научный руководитель - Зыков Андрей Алексеевич, канд. экон. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры таможенных операций и таможенного контроля Российской таможенной академии.

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