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Ключевые слова
eksperimental psixologiya / tarixiy asoslar / metodologik prinsiplar / psixologiya tarixi / ilmiy yondashuvlar / psixologik tadqiqotlar. / экспериментальная психология / исторические основы / методологические принципы / история психологии / научные подходы / психологические исследования.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — O.M.Qodirova

kirish qismida, eksperimental psixologiyani shakllanishining tarixiy konteksti va uning fan sifatida o‘ziga xos jihatlari ta’kidlanadi. shuningdek, tadqiqotning dolzarbligi va uning nazariy asoslari taqdim etiladi.

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во введении подчеркивается исторический контекст становления экспериментальной психологии и ее уникальные аспекты как науки. также представлена актуальность исследования и его теоретические основы.


Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal INTER EDUCATION & GLOBAL STUDY ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №7

Original paper


© O.M.Qodirova1®

1Mirzo Ulug'bek nomidagi O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti, Toshkent, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: kirish qismida, eksperimental psixologiyani shakllanishining tarixiy konteksti va uning fan sifatida o'ziga xos jihatlari ta'kidlanadi. shuningdek, tadqiqotning dolzarbligi va uning nazariy asoslari taqdim etiladi.

MAQSAD: maqolaning asosiy maqsadi eksperimental psixologiyani rivojlanishining tarixiy va metodologik asoslarini chuqurroq tushunish va bu sohaning hozirgi zamonaviy amaliyotlarga ta'sirini ko'rib chiqishdir.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqotda ishlatilgan usullar, tarixiy hujjatlar, olimlar asarlarining tahlili, va soha bo'yicha olib borilgan ilmiy ishlar haqida ma'lumot beriladi. tadqiqot metodologiyasi va qo'llanilgan tahlil usullari tavsifi kiritiladi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: eksperimental psixologiyani rivojlanishidagi tarixiy voqealar va metodologik yondashuvlar muhokama qilinadi. sohadagi asosiy yutuqlar va hozirgi zamon talablari asosida qanday metodik prinsiplar ishlab chiqilgani tahlil qilinadi.

XULOSA: maqola yakunida, eksperimental psixologiyani rivojlanishining ilmiy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida xulosalar keltiriladi va kelajakdagi tadqiqotlar uchun yo'naltirilgan tavsiyalar beriladi.

Kalit so'zlar: eksperimental psixologiya, tarixiy asoslar, metodologik prinsiplar, psixologiya tarixi, ilmiy yondashuvlar, psixologik tadqiqotlar.

Iqtibos uchun: Qodirova O.M Ekspermental psixologiyani rivojlanishi: tarixiy asoslari va metodolik prinsiplari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №7. B.319-325.


© O.M. Кодировав

1 Национальный университет Узбекистана Узбекистан

имени Мирзо Улугбека, Ташкент,


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: во введении подчеркивается исторический контекст становления экспериментальной психологии и ее уникальные аспекты как науки. также представлена актуальность исследования и его теоретические основы.

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 7

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №7

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


ЦЕЛЬ: основная цель статьи - углубить понимание исторических и методологических основ развития экспериментальной психологии и рассмотреть влияние этой области на актуальные современные практики.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: даны сведения о методах, использованных в исследовании, исторических документах, анализе трудов ученых и научных работах, выполненных в данной области. включено описание методологии исследования и использованных методов анализа.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: обсуждаются исторические события и методологические подходы в развитии экспериментальной психологии. Анализируется, какие методические принципы были разработаны, исходя из основных достижений в области и требований современности.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: в конце статьи сделаны выводы о научной и практической значимости развития экспериментальной психологии и даны рекомендации для дальнейших исследований.

Ключевые слова: экспериментальная психология, исторические основы, методологические принципы, история психологии, научные подходы, психологические исследования.

Для цитирования: Крдирова O.M. Развитие экспериментальной психологии: исторические основания и методологические принципы // Inter education & global study. 2024. №7. С. 319-325.


© Ozoda M. Qodirova1®

1Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: in the introduction, the historical context of the formation of experimental psychology and its unique aspects as a science are emphasized. also the relevance of the research and its theoretical foundations are presented.

AIM: the main purpose of the article is to deepen the understanding of the historical and methodological foundations of the development of experimental psychology and to consider the impact of this field on current modern practices.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: methods used in the research, historical documents, analysis of works of scientists, and scientific works carried out in the field are given information. a description of the research methodology and used analysis methods is included.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: historical events and methodological approaches in the development of experimental psychology are discussed. It is analyzed what

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 7


methodical principles have been developed based on the main achievements in the field and the requirements of the present time.

CONCLUSION: at the end of the article, conclusions are drawn about the scientific and practical significance of the development of experimental psychology and recommendations for future research are given.

Key words: experimental psychology, historical foundations, methodological principles, history of psychology, scientific approaches, psychological research.

Experimental psychology began to take shape in the early twentieth century,

driven by the need to meet the fundamental requirements of psychology as a science. A science must have its own subject of study, methodology, and terminology. The primary goal of experimental psychology was to apply the scientific method to psychology. The German psychologist and physiologist Wilhelm Wundt is considered the founder of experimental psychology; he established the first scientific psychological school in the world. As the field developed, experimental psychology broadened its focus. Initially centered on psychophysiological experiments and proper experimental design, it evolved into a scientific discipline that aims to generalize research methods across all areas of psychology, with experimentation being just one of many methods. Today, experimental psychology not only classifies research methods but also studies and enhances their effectiveness. Despite significant progress, the field is still evolving, and there is no universally accepted viewpoint on the role and potential of experimentation in scientific research. Prominent scientists who have contributed to the development of experimental psychology through the use of experimental methods include physiologists (e.g., Binet, Pavlov, Sechenov), physicists (e.g., Bouger, Weber, Fechner, Helmholtz), and doctors (e.g., Bekhterev). Their influence primarily stemmed from their research experience in other scientific fields. Behaviorists have also played a significant role in shaping experimental psychology, influencing many of its aspects. A notable feature of experimental psychology is its historical reliance on mathematical methods, with Francis Galton being a key figure in introducing mathematics into psychology. Currently, experimental psychology is applied in various areas, such as occupational psychology, to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of changes or innovations. Significant achievements have been made in psychophysiology and the study of emotions and perception. However, the impact of experimental psychology on fundamental psychology remains limited and contested, and the boundaries of experimental methods in psychology continue to be debated.

The origins of experimental psychology can be traced back to the late 19th century with pioneers like Wilhelm Wundt and William James, who laid the groundwork

For citation: Ozoda M. Qodirova (2024) The development of experimental psychology: historical foundations and methodological principles, Inter education & global study, (7), pp. 319-325. (In English).


for scientific approaches in psychology. Behaviorism: Early 20th-century theories, notably those by John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, emphasized observable behaviors and the role of environmental stimuli in shaping behavior. Cognitivism: This perspective emerged in the mid-20th century, focusing on internal mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving. Key figures include Jean Piaget and Ulric Neisser. Neuroscientific Approaches: Advances in neuroimaging and neuropsychology have provided insights into the brain mechanisms underlying psychological processes. Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920): Often regarded as the "father of experimental psychology," Wundt established the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in 1879. His work laid the foundation for psychology as an experimental and scientific discipline. Wundt focused on introspection, a method where trained observers reported their conscious experiences in response to stimuli. He aimed to analyze the structure of consciousness, known as structuralism. William James (1842-1910): James was a prominent figure in functionalism, a school of thought that emphasized the purpose of mental processes in adapting to the environment. His work bridged the gap between philosophy and experimental psychology. His book "The Principles of Psychology" (1890) explored various aspects of human cognition and behavior, including attention, consciousness, and emotion. His functionalist approach influenced many areas of psychology. John B. Watson (1878-1958): Watson is known for founding behaviorism, which emphasizes observable behavior over introspection. He argued that behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner without considering internal mental states. Watson's famous "Little Albert" experiment demonstrated that emotional responses could be conditioned in humans. This work highlighted the role of environmental stimuli in shaping behavior. B.F. Skinner (1904-1990): Skinner further developed behaviorism with his research on operant conditioning. He introduced concepts such as reinforcement, punishment, and schedules of reinforcement. Skinner's experiments with pigeons and rats in Skinner boxes (operant conditioning chambers) demonstrated how behavior can be shaped through rewards and punishments. His work has had a lasting impact on education, therapy, and behavior modification.

Experimental psychology employs a variety of methods to investigate and understand psychological phenomena. These methods are designed to ensure that research findings are reliable, valid, and can be replicated. Here's a detailed overview of the key methods used in experimental psychology:

1. Experimental Design:

a. Between-Subjects Design - Participants are randomly assigned to different groups, each experiencing a different condition or treatment. This design helps to isolate the effect of the independent variable (IV) on the dependent variable (DV). Comparing the effects of two different teaching methods on student performance, where one group uses Method A and another uses Method B.

b. Within-Subjects Design - The same participants are exposed to all conditions or treatments. This design controls for individual differences since each participant acts as

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №7

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


their own control. Testing the effect of different types of feedback on learning where each participant receives all types of feedback at different times.

c. Mixed-Design - Combines elements of both between-subjects and within-subjects designs. It allows researchers to examine both individual differences and repeated measures. Studying the impact of two different interventions (between-subjects) on performance over multiple time points (within-subjects).

2. Experimental Variables

a. Independent Variable (IV) - The variable that is manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effect on the dependent variable. The type of training program (e.g., cognitive vs. physical training) in an experiment examining its effects on memory.

b. Dependent Variable (DV) - The outcome measure that is observed and measured to assess the impact of the independent variable. Memory recall performance measured through a test after undergoing different training programs.

c. Control Variables - Variables that are kept constant to ensure that any observed effects are due to the manipulation of the independent variable rather than other factors. Keeping the time of day, testing environment, and participant age constant across all experimental conditions.

3. Data Collection Methods

a. Laboratory Experiments - Conducted in a controlled environment where researchers can precisely manipulate variables and measure outcomes. High control over extraneous variables, precise measurement. May lack ecological validity due to artificial setting.

b. Field Experiments - Conducted in natural settings rather than controlled environments. Researchers manipulate variables in real-world situations. Higher ecological validity, more generalizable findings. Less control over extraneous variables, potential for confounding factors.

c. Quasi-Experiments - Similar to true experiments but lacks random assignment to conditions. Often used when random assignment is impractical or unethical. Useful for studying variables that cannot be manipulated experimentally. Lower internal validity due to potential confounding variables.

4. Measurement Techniques

a. Surveys and Questionnaires - Collect data through self-report instruments designed to assess attitudes, behaviors, or psychological traits. Can gather data from large samples, relatively easy to administer. Risk of self-report biases, limited depth of data.

b. Behavioral Observations - Directly observing and recording participants' behavior in various settings. Provides data on actual behavior rather than self-reported data. Observer bias, limited control over the observation environment.

c. Physiological Measurements - Assess physiological responses such as heart rate, brain activity (e.g., EEG, fMRI), or galvanic skin response. Provides objective data

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 7


on physiological correlates of psychological processes. Can be expensive and require specialized equipment.

By utilizing these methods, experimental psychologists can systematically investigate psychological phenomena, ensuring that their findings are both reliable and valid. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and the choice of method often depends on the research question and practical considerations.

Since the inception of experimental psychology, there have been debates regarding the use of experiments in the field. Two contrasting views exist: one argues that experiments are either impossible or unacceptable in psychology, while the other maintains that psychology cannot be considered a science without experiments. Critics of experimental methods in psychology argue that:

- Psychological research topics are inherently complex.

- Psychological subjects are unstable, complicating the principle of verification.

- The subject-experimenter interaction can compromise the scientific purity of


- Individual uniqueness makes generalizing psychological measurements and experiments difficult.

- Psychological phenomena are difficult to predict.

Proponents of experiments argue that they reveal the fundamental aspects of psychological phenomena. Experiments are viewed as attempts to reconstruct simplified versions of reality where essential features can be modeled and manipulated. The goal is to evaluate the theoretical principles underlying psychological phenomena. A compromise view suggests that there are different levels of mental organization, ranging from physiological to individual levels. The natural-scientific method is most effective at the physiological level and becomes less effective at higher levels of mental organization, while the hermeneutic method gains strength at the individual level.

Ethical considerations are crucial in psychological research. Researchers must:

- Obtain informed consent from participants, clearly explaining the study's purpose, tasks, and their role, enabling them to make an informed decision about participation.

- Protect participants from harm and discomfort.

- Ensure the confidentiality of participant information.

- Provide a thorough explanation of the study's content and results after its completion.


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Qodirova Ozoda Musajon qizi, talaba, [Кадирова Озода Мусахон кизи,

студентка], [Ozoda M.Qodirova, student]; manzil: 100174, Toshkent shahar, Olmazor tumani, Universitet ko'chasi, 4-uy [адрес: 100174, город Ташкент, Алмазарский район, улица Университетская, дом 4], [address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house]

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