DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / innovation activity / industry / enterprise / efficiency. / инновация / инновационная деятельность / предпринимательство / предприятие / эффективность.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Saidova Mavludaxon Jumaboevna

В статье рассматривается что своевременное внедрение современных инновационных технологий с широким использованием научно-технических достижений в нашей стране является важным условием стремительного развития предприятий.

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The article considers the introduction of modern innovation technologies in our country with the wide-spread use of scientific and technical achievements is an important condition for the rapid development of enterprises.


«етуушшим-шишаи» жш / economic sciences


УДК 33.338.338.2

Саидова Мавлудахон Жумабаевна

ассистент кафедры «Организация промышленного производства» Андижанский машиностроительный институт. Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-15138-79-81 РАЗВИТИЕ ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ

Saidova Mavludaxon Jumaboevna

Assistant department "Organization of industrial Production". Andijan machine-building institute. Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan



В статье рассматривается что своевременное внедрение современных инновационных технологий с широким использованием научно-технических достижений в нашей стране является важным условием стремительного развития предприятий. Abstract:

The article considers the introduction of modern innovation technologies in our country with the widespread use of scientific and technical achievements is an important condition for the rapid development of enterprises.

Ключевые слова: инновация, инновационная деятельность, предпринимательство, предприятие, эффективность.

Key words: innovation, innovation activity, industry, enterprise, efficiency.

Creating a solid foundation for the growth of the republic's economy, strengthening the country's position in the international division of labor, maintaining macroeconomic and financial balance requires finding new solutions in the economy. The development of innovative activities of enterprises is an effective prospect in finding such solutions. The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2021 emphasizes that the rapid introduction of modern innovative technologies in the economy, social and other spheres with the widespread use of scientific and technical achievements is an important condition for the rapid development of the Republic of Uzbekistan [1] .

Based on international analysis, experts say that innovation and innovation activity play a key role in solving the country's recovery tasks and ensuring the dynamic stability of economic development. This is due to the fact that the enterprise's innovative activity is the continuous technical and technological renewal of the production base, the establishment of modern technological enterprises, efficient use of natural resources, the development of competitive products, effective access to world markets for goods and services. is a factor. Therefore, in our country, special attention is paid to the formation and development of innovative activities in enterprises, which are a guarantee of development. In particular, measures are being taken to create the necessary legal framework and conditions for innovative activities, to ensure effective cooperation between government agencies and manufacturers and innovative scientists.

The development of innovative activities of enterprises in our country is clo sely linked with the development of small business and private entrepreneurship. It is through the development of this sector that a social stratum is being formed in our country, which is interested in social and economic stability and is an active driving force for development and democratic change.

The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 sets clear directions for reducing state participation in the economy and opening the way for the private sector. In order to support entrepreneurship in the regions, it is planned to create 200 new industrial zones and develop a system of business incubators [2]. In accordance with this strategy, it is necessary to widely introduce innovations in the economy, to develop cooperation between industrial enterprises and scientific institutions. Development of technologies for the production of innovative products in the districts that are being transformed into innovative zones, which are up to 50% cheaper than existing analogues and create quality, value added 2-3 times higher than the cost of raw materials, including a total of 195 projects worth 165.9 billion soums. intended to be implemented [2].

Entrepreneurship development, legal protection of business is one of the main directions of the ongoing reforms in our country. In recent years, the sector has grown rapidly and has become a leading force in providing employment and well-being.

In recent years, in a number of developing countries based on modern market economies, large enterprises have abandoned many of the previous functions performed by their internal divisions and transferred these functions to small enterprises. It is for these reasons that the number of large industrial enterprises is



declining and the number of small enterprises is growing. This process ensures that the market economy is dynamic, dynamic, responsive to innovations, and rapidly adapting to market demand and change. Accordingly, one of the most important factors in increasing the level of competitiveness of Uzbekistan with foreign enterprises is the creation of favorable conditions for the creation of a whole network of small enterprises, the combination of such enterprises to create a competitive market environment further expands the opportunities for the development of innovative activities.

This means that special attention should be paid to the development of small business and private entrepre-neurship in the regions of the country, which will support new innovations and initiatives, on the basis of which will ensure economic development. Therefore, the leaders of small businesses and private entrepre-neurship in the regions should be encouraged to introduce the latest innovations in science and technology into production.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Resolution of M. Mirziyoyev No. PQ-3777 of June 8, 2018 "On the implementation of the program" Every family is an entrepreneur "" Wide popularization of entrepre-neurship, handicrafts, home-based and other types of entrepreneurship, a stable source of income for each family It aims to create the conditions for unemployment and eliminate unemployment. According to the program, starting from June 10, 2018, the implementation of the regional program "Every family is an entrepreneur" in the districts and cities of Andijan region is planned [3]. For the purpose of financing the tasks provided for in the regional program, the State Committee for Investments of the Republic of Uzbekistan will attract $ 200 million from credit lines of foreign financial institutions. It is planned to allocate funds in the amount of USD. The program mainly includes measures to encourage the breeding of pedigree cattle, goats and rabbits among the population and the establishment of industrial livestock clusters with the involvement of large entrepreneurs.

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 7, 2019 No PP-4231 "On additional measures for the broad involvement of the population in entrepreneurship and the development of family business in the regions" identified further directions of these systemic reforms . [4].

As of January 1, 2022, the number of family businesses registered as legal entities in Andijan region is 592, of which 558 or 94.3% are operating [5]. This represents an average increase of 19.4% in the number of state-registered and operating entities compared to the same period last year.

The application of the system of management of innovative activities of enterprises, the formation of relationships in different conditions, its network and regional characteristics are becoming more and more obvious. It is necessary to study these processes of the innovation management system, to study the peculiarities of the formation of relationships. In our opinion, revealing the features of the formation of the enterprise on the basis of these conditions, showing it the instructions for

effective operation in market conditions using an innovative approach requires special scientific research. There is also a need to study and generalize the initial experience of implementing innovation management systems at the macro and micro levels in our national economy.

The mechanism of organization, formation and regulation of management of innovative activity of the enterprise consists of a set of characteristics of the behavior of a particular business entity and is very unique. These include the market position of the business entity, its potential, the characteristics of the services provided, etc. Accordingly, the same development strategy does not apply to everyone. At the same time, it is possible and necessary to establish, implement a number of general principles in the organization of the management system of innovative activities. In this regard, we believe that the full implementation of the mechanism of organization of innovative activities of enterprises on the basis of management system is necessary to study in practice the state of its organization and development, research and analysis based on the current situation.

In the current situation, the importance of finding solutions to the theoretical problems that underlie the formation of innovation management systems in enterprises determines the direction and topic of research in a clear direction. In the context of Uzbekistan, it is scientifically based to establish a system of management of innovative activities of its various enterprises, to reveal the characteristics of the formation of enterprises based on the environment, as well as to improve and effectively use this mechanism through analysis of practice. It is necessary to develop proposals.

We believe that the scientific purpose of this research should be to:

1. To study the main directions of enterprise development that meet market requirements.

2. To study the specifics of improving the management system of innovative activities of enterprises and develop scientific and practical recommendations.

Depending on the purpose of the research, it is advisable to do the following in the research:

- to study the theory of innovation management of modern enterprises;

- To study the basics of the formation of the management system of enterprises of Uzbekistan;

- study of issues of information support of the enterprise management system;

- Creation of innovation infrastructure - to determine that it is the economic basis for the formation of innovative activities;

- Carrying out an analysis of the level of formation of the management system of innovation in enterprises in practice;

- Analysis of the state of development factors and conditions of innovation management; identification of key areas of enterprise development that meet market requirements;

- The use of innovative management in the development of export activities of enterprises.

The object of research is the study of innovative activities of enterprises of a particular administrative-

«етуушщум-шушау» #шшш1 2022 а economic sciences


territorial unit, in our research the study of innovative activities of enterprises of Andijan region, as well as the system of innovative infrastructure, production and market sphere scientific research.

The results of the research provide specific recommendations for conducting and improving a comprehensive systematic research on the current state and development of the national economy, in particular, the economy of Andijan region, and the organization of management of industrial enterprises in the context of economic reforms.

The study of improving the management system of innovative activities of enterprises has theoretical and scientific significance. It reveals the theoretical, methodological, scientific basis of management, conducts research on scientific solutions for the development of this science in Uzbekistan.


1. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Uzbekistan in 2019-2021

Decree No. PF-5544 "On approval of the Strategy of innovative development of the Republic" // National

Database of Legislation, September 22, 2018, No. 06/18/5544/1951)

2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-60 "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" // National Database of Legislation, 28.01.2022, 01/28/60/547.)

3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3777 "On the implementation of the program" Every family is an entrepreneur ".// National Database of Legislation, 08.06.2018, 07/18 / 3777/1325.)

4. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4231 "On additional measures for the broad involvement of the population in entrepre-neurship and the development of family business in the regions" // National Database of Legislation, 09.03. 2019, 07/19/4231/2724)

5. Andijan regional statistical report for 2021. //www.andstat.uz.

УДК: 338.2

Халилов Нурулло Хамидиллаевич Сафина Нафиса Талгатовна Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Узбекистан РР!: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-15138-81-83 СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВОМ НА ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯХ ЛЁГКОЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ УЗБЕКИСТАН

Khalilov Nurullo Khamidillayevich Safina Nafisa Talgatovna

Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan




В данной статье рассматриваются современные проблемы управления качеством на предприятиях лёгкой промышленности в Республике Узбекистан, а также возможные способы их решения.


This article discusses modern problems of quality management at light industry enterprises in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as possible ways to solve them.

Ключевые слова: качество, система менеджмента качества, проблемы, лёгкая промышленность, политика в области качества, маркетинг, квалифицированные кадры.

Key words: quality, quality management system, problems, light industry, quality policy, marketing, qualified personnel.

Лёгкая промышленность Узбекистана является одной из ведущих и динамично развивающих отраслей. Она играет существенную роль в решении государственных задач и отвечает жизненно важным интересам многих регионов. Содействует гармоничному развитию регионов, обеспечению занятости населения и улучшению его благосостояния, оказывает помощь в становлении и развития малого и частного бизнеса. Важнейшим направлением наших внутренних резервов и возможностей стало поэтапное увеличение глубины переработки

отечественных сырьевых ресурсов, а также расширение объемов и номенклатуры производства продукции с высокой добавленной стоимостью [3].

К концу 2021 года текстильные предприятия переработали в общей сложности 1 млн 5 тысяч тонн хлопкового волокна. Объем промышленного производства составил 31,8 трлн сумов (темп роста - 140,7 процента), в том числе 19 видов товаров народного потребления на 8 трлн сумов (133 процента). В частности, по объемам производства пряжи - 747 тысяч тонн (рост - 118,6 процента), трикотажного полотна - 175 тысяч тонн (146,3), чулочно-носочных изделий - 293,1 млн пар (114),

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