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Ключевые слова
economic security / small business / systematic analysis / business entities / security threat / extortion. / экономическая безопасность / малый бизнес / систематический анализ / субъекты предпринимательства / угроза безопасности / вымогательство.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ermatov A.A.

The sustainable development of small business and private entrepreneurship, which is considered an im-portant driver of the republic’s economy, is closely linked to its economic security. In this regard, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of the state support of small business and private entrepreneurship, its eco-nomic security. The research, opinions and attitudes of foreign and domestic scholars on this issue have been studied in detail, and the differences between them, as well as common views, have been compared. As a result, a number of conclusions have been drawn and specific recommendations have been made as to the specifics of economic security.

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Устойчивое развитие малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства, которое считается важ-ным драйвером экономики республики, тесно связано с ее экономической безопасностью. В связи с этим в статье анализируются вопросы государственной поддержки малого бизнеса и частного предприни-мательства, его экономической безопасности. Подробно изучены исследования, мнения и позиции зару-бежных и отечественных ученых по данному вопросу, проведено сравнение различий между ними, а также общих взглядов. В результате сделан ряд выводов и даны конкретные рекомендации по особенно-стям экономической безопасности.




УДК 3 33 338 338.2

Эрматов А. А. Кандидат экономических наук, доцент Андижанский машиностроительный институт

Андижан, Узбекистан Р01: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-24111-29-32 ОСОБЕННОСТИ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ МАЛОГО БИЗНЕСА


Ermatov A.A.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Andijan Machine-Building Institute Andijan, Uzbekistan




The sustainable development of small business and private entrepreneurship, which is considered an important driver of the republic's economy, is closely linked to its economic security. In this regard, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of the state support of small business and private entrepreneurship, its economic security. The research, opinions and attitudes of foreign and domestic scholars on this issue have been studied in detail, and the differences between them, as well as common views, have been compared. As a result, a number of conclusions have been drawn and specific recommendations have been made as to the specifics of economic security.


Устойчивое развитие малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства, которое считается важным драйвером экономики республики, тесно связано с ее экономической безопасностью. В связи с этим в статье анализируются вопросы государственной поддержки малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства, его экономической безопасности. Подробно изучены исследования, мнения и позиции зарубежных и отечественных ученых по данному вопросу, проведено сравнение различий между ними, а также общих взглядов. В результате сделан ряд выводов и даны конкретные рекомендации по особенностям экономической безопасности.

Keywords: economic security, small business, systematic analysis, business entities, security threat, extortion.

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, малый бизнес, систематический анализ, субъекты предпринимательства, угроза безопасности, вымогательство.


A significant driver of the economy of this sphere is being held in our country on the days of the impact of large-scale opportunities in the field of small business and private entrepreneurship in new Uzbekistan. It is known that with the priority of future and implemented economic reforms that ensure the beginning of the economy of any country, public services of small business and private entrepreneurship can be provided. Since the time when our country managed to achieve independence, in turn, the establishment of the ultimately targeted market, the designation of the construction of society, all small business and private entrepre-neurship have been provided with one of the important

aspects of the development of the national economy, timely, economic development. Various active readings taking place in the same economic economy are inextricably linked with the beginning of small business and private entrepreneurship. Being aware of the economic development of our republic in the near future, small business and private entrepreneurship has become the priority sphere of economic development of our state. In comparison, in 2000, 31.0 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was accounted for by small business and private entrepreneur-ship, and by 2020 this figure was 53.9 percent, indicating the continuation of the small business and private entrepreneurship sector [1] (See Figure)










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In 2000-2020, the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the country's GDP (in percent)

The subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship are the primary economic entities that aim to receive profit on the basis of self-management of their activities, financing, self-reimbursement of their expenses. Two-thirds of the newly created jobs in the world are made up for their contribution to small business and private entrepreneurship. 68 percent of the total created jobs in the most developed twenty states in the World account for the contribution of small business and private entrepreneurship [2, 37-b]. If we look at statistics, we can see that 73.8 percent of the employed population in 2020 corresponds to the same sector contribution [1]. From this point of view, as a result

of the development of small business and private entrepreneurship in the country, one of the biggest problems of the state can be a solution to the issue of creating a place of work and ensuring decent employment for its people.

The experience of countries with developed economies shows that small business and private entrepre-neurship constitute the basis of the economic security system, the need to protect the vital interests of business entities. In general, the potential threats to economic security for both small business and private business activities can be as follows:


The potential threats to economic security for small business


PHYSICAL SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL Unlawful acts by criminal structures

Violation of the established order of information, which is a trade secret An unhealthy psychological environment in the community Unfair competition

Unlawful actions against the property of the entrepreneur Corruption and bribery Mutual fraud between business entities

Instability of business entities Economic risks Threats to information security

Conflicts between employees and management Failure to comply with contractual obligations, etc.


Literature review

Scientists of the sphere have described the economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship in different ways. In particular, scientists O.Arefiyeva and T.Kuzenko defines the concept of economic security as the state of effective use of the resources of the enterprise, as well as the Prevention of external and internal threats, the possibility of long-term survival in the market and ensuring sustainable development due to the market potential [4, 24-27-b].

A major scientist known in the field of economic security in the Russian Federation and the European Union, professor of economic security and business management R.Smelik says, however, about the economic security of small business and private business activities "...a situation of effective use of resources to prevent problems and threats and ensure its sustainable operation" [5, 3 3 -b].

According to Doctor of Economics, Professor H.Abulkasimov, "Economic security of entrepreneurial activity is a system of measures of legal, organizational,



economic, financial, socio-economic and engineeringtechnical nature of vital economic interests created by the business entity. It is a state of protection from dangers" [3, p. 102]. From this we can conclude that the economic security of small business and private entre-preneurship is significantly affected by the legal and economic relations, organizational ties, material and intellectual resources of the enterprise, including its sus-tainability, financial stability, commercial success, effective scientific and technical development is guaranteed.

It is clear that the economic security of a small business entity is based on the effective operation of a business service that is able to prevent security problems and threats. If challenges and threats are not fully addressed, economic security will need to effectively address the damage and minimize its negative consequences. Sources of threats to economic security can be the conscious or unconscious actions of individuals, organizations, public authorities, international organizations, and competing businesses.

Materials and methods

It should be noted that this article uses a number of scientific methods by the authors, in particular, systematic analysis and synthesis, comparison and discussion.

In general, there are various economic threats to small business and private entrepreneurship. Potential or real actions of legal entities and individuals that adversely affect the business activities, lead to the suspension of its activities or may lead to economic losses, also threaten the economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship is described. Threats to the economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship are manifested in the form of illegal actions.

Improper and illegal interference of state and regulatory bodies, officials in business activities, poor business environment, corruption, theft of material and personal wealth by non-employees, industrial espionage, illegal and unfair actions of competitors, organized Extortion by criminal groups, racketeering are examples of external threats; Examples of internal threats are low qualifications, their irresponsibility, ineffectiveness of ongoing review (audit) [6, p.13].

The most important threats to the economic security of businesses are economic espionage and intelligence. Experts estimate that private firms in the United States spend more than $ 1.5 billion a year on economic intelligence. Japanese corporations, on the other hand, gain 40 percent of the information about other countries' technical achievements through espionage [7, p.257]. In this way, competitors secretly try to get information about each other's market strategies, deals, production plans. By stealing confidential information, documents, copying, eavesdropping on communication channels, bribing relevant personnel, threatening them, accessing computers, networks and systems, and other methods, carry out espionage activities [8, pp.13-17].

Analysis and results

Today, small business and private entrepreneur-ship need to avoid a number of threats in order to adapt to the dynamic changes in the economy, politics and

society. In a market economy, small business and private entrepreneurship as an open system need to create a new unique force that requires innovative approaches and development in an unstable dynamic external environment, as well as serious competition. The specific level of economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship contributes to the social and economic development of the country.

In general, the economic interests of small business and private entrepreneurship are protected in the context of increasing competition for profitable business, satisfaction of demand, living and development in the presence of different needs. It is also important for the success of the entrepreneur to know the market situation, benefit from it, use valuable information based on market requirements, has intellectual potential and technology, information about the competitor's plan and technological secrets, and so on closely related to the factors.

In practice, entrepreneurs patent their scientific innovations to protect trade secrets from commercial espionage and transparency, to obtain copyright, to identify information that is a trade secret in a business entity, to form a list of employees working with documents, to monitor their activities. regular control, strict definition and control of the order of work with information and data in business activities, establishment of the order of storage of commercial data and information, controlled reproduction and destruction of documents under the supervision of special personnel q will also be required to train staff in document handling and protection, conduct training, provide guidance, recommendations, make daily notes, and perform similar practical activities.

Among the threats to the economic interests of small business and private entrepreneurship are commercial crimes and extortion. The crime was committed on the basis of shortcomings in the legislation, the financial system, the complexity and multi-level nature of trade and economic relations, ignorance, irresponsibility and overconfidence of business leaders, officials, private entrepreneurs are given[4, p.27].

We believe that small businesses and private entrepreneurs need to use their organizational resources effectively to ensure economic security.

Organizational resources are the business factors used by business owners and managers to achieve business goals.

From the point of view of economic security, the most important types of organizational wealth of small business and private entrepreneurship are:

1) Capital resources. The charter capital of a business entity and when combined with other financial sources, it is the blood system of the business entity and allows the acquisition and storage of other corporate resources that were not initially available in the business plan.

2) Human resources. Managers, engineers and technicians, production workers and employees of the business entity with their knowledge, experience and skills connect all the factors of entrepreneurial activity, ensure the implementation of business ideology, as well as achieve business goals are the riches that make up.



3) Information technology resource. These include changes in the political, social, economic and environmental situation, markets, scientific, technical and technological discoveries, special know-how related to all aspects of business, rapid acquisition of innovations in organizational and management methods, any changes in the external environment of the business entity allows it to adequately respond to changes, effectively plan and implement its economic activities.

4) Reserve of equipment and materials. Based on the available financial, information technology and personnel potential, the resources available in the production enterprise, as well as the necessary and available technological and other equipment are purchased, in the opinion of the managers of the production enterprise.

5) Legal resources. This resource includes the right of ownership of the enterprise, the right to use patents for inventions and new technologies, the right to use trademarks and trade names, licenses for specific activities, privileges for the use of natural resources (including land

At the tactical level, the economic security system of a business depends on the size of the business. If the business is small, the time is short, if the business is large, the time is longer. However, the tactical level of operation of the economic security system of the enterprise should not exceed one year.

A longer period of operation of the economic security system is considered promising, it can last from one to three years. In the case of a large business entity, this period may be extended. The main content of this stage is the strategic forecasting of promising markets for products, raw materials and supplies, the impact of the state on the economy, prospects for the development of technology and technology, the possibility of potential competitors, public policy in the field of labor market and social relations, innovations, etc. [8, p.236].

Conclusions and recommendations

In a market economy, the economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship and enterprises is important. The economic security of small business and private entrepreneurship has two main components. The first area is related to the analysis of threats to the economic security of the external environment, while the second area is related to the analysis of threats to economic security arising from the state of the internal environment of the organization.

We believe that there are four stages to an organization's economic security.

Firstly, work with documents. This determines the authenticity of the documents and the presence of accidental or intentional errors.

Secondly, a property management. This phase is aimed at managing the property at the disposal of the business entity, ie regular inventory checks.

Thirdly, we need to work with financial statements to provide the information we need to all interested users.

Fourthly, the process of monitoring, that is, the economic safety of the enterprise, is an economic indicator that characterizes the state of the financial component.

Based on a detailed analysis of the content of these actions, it can be concluded that the process of ensuring the economic security of small business and private en-trepreneurship is a very complex and at the same time very important process. Therefore, it is natural that the activity of a business entity and its financial stability depend on the state of commercial success, effective scientific and technological development, legal and economic, organizational relations, material and intellectual resources. It should be borne in mind that the economic security of small business and private entre-preneurship also depends on the efficient use of corporate resources, which are directly used to achieve business goals. Effective work and sustainable economic growth are not possible without the prevention of threats to economic security, the ability to address specific and existing and emerging threats.


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