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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Umarov Ilkhomjan Yuldashevich, Rakhmanov Mukhammadeldor

This article describes the role of the digital economy and its part in the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, the problems that arise in the application of digital economy in entrepreneurial activity, and the ways to address them in detail.

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4 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021


DSc. Umarov Ilkhomjan Yuldashevich

professor of the department "Economics", Andijan State University, Rakhmanov Mukhammadeldor

Teacher of Andijan State University



Annotation. This article describes the role of the digital economy and its part in the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, the problems that arise in the application of digital economy in entrepreneurial activity, and the ways to address them in detail.

Keywords: digital economy, modernization, small business and entrepreneurship, innovative development, technology platforms, information and communication technologies.

"Digital economy" is the provision of digital space for all spheres of the country's life. The main objective of the program is to create legal, technical, organizational and financial conditions for the development of the digital economy in the country and its subsequent integration with the digital economies of foreign countries. The digital economy will ensure gross domestic product growth of at least 30 percent and dramatically reduce corruption. This is confirmed by analytical studies of reputable international organizations.

In his address to Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 25, 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoev emphasized the need to develop a national concept of digital economy, which provides for the modernization of all sectors of the economy based on digital technologies''^]. On this basis, we need to implement the program "Digital Uzbekistan-2030". The digital economy will increase gross domestic product by at least 30%, reducing corruption. An analysis by reputable international organizations confirms this.

The main task of paramount importance in the formation and implementation of a strategy for the development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan is the prioritization of information innovation policy regarding stakeholders, industry and innovation market entities and target social groups, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to managing content and activities that combines modern communication technologies, management and social engineering.

The digital economy continues to grow at an incredible speed due to its ability to collect, use and analyze the vast volumes of machine-readable information (digital data) about almost everything. Such digital data is collected based on the analysis of "digital footprints" that remain on various digital platforms because of the activity of individuals, social groups or enterprises.

Global Internet Protocol (IP) traffic, a proxy for data flows, grew from about 100 gigabytes(GB) per day in 1992 to more than 45,000 GB per sscond in 2017. And yet the world is only in the early days of the data-

driven economy;by 2022 global IP traffic is projected to reach 150,700 GB per second, fueled by more and more people coming online for the first time and by the expansion of the internet of Things (IoT) [1].

As people, business and equipment become more closely connected in a single digital space format, digitalization offers ample opportunities for new decision-making models, becoming the basis of ongoing global economic and social transformations that are changing business and consumer models, models of social services and economic activities of the population. The potential of small innovative enterprises in the context of digitalization creates the prerequisites for the emergence of competitive advantages of science and business both at the national and global levels.

Small innovative enterprises are the generator of ideas created in higher education institutions. Introducing into the real economy innovation universities small innovative enterprises have become an essential attribute for the modernization of national second economy, to create a "smart economy", to ensure the growth of highly competitive products, linking science, education and business together, creating new professionally trained staff, as well as involving young students in business.

Small innovative entrepreneurship in the development of the digital economy is an essential structural element of new economic business models and a breeding ground for systemic changes in technology, digital infrastructure and social relations. Small innovative enterprises represented by their most dynamic and successful representatives act for the digital economy, on the one hand, as a testing business ground, and on the other, as an excellent "building material" from which national and global companies are obtained.

However, at present, the activity of small innovative enterprises does not have a stable tendency towards their effective development. To ensure effective management of the development of small innovative enterprises, it is necessary to develop a clear methodology based on modeling and forecasting their



activities. Forecasting will make it possible to find out what organizational measures should be taken for a given small innovative enterprise in order to increase its effectiveness. The task of predicting the performance of a small innovative enterprise is extremely complex and multifactorial. A significant number of parameters affects the efficiency of a small innovative enterprise; in addition, a significant number of indicators can evaluate the effectiveness itself.

However, for the sustainable development of small innovative enterprises, today it is necessary to solve the problems they face, which impede the sustainable development of small innovative enterprises, which are quite serious, and the solution has serious scientific significance. Under these conditions, the only real basis for intensive growth can be the significant, but not adequately demanded by the economy, potential of science, education and the hightech, high-tech sector of the economy. This potential is sharply disproportionate to the share of world production of high-tech products belonging to the republic, which indicates the insufficient efficiency of the mechanisms of its functioning and the absence of the necessary conditions designed to intensify innovative activity in industry and its high-tech sector.

Taking into account the circumstances noted, the processes of transformation of the activity of small innovative enterprises into the digital economy of the republic, the development and analysis of forecasts for its development, the formation of economically and socially justified options for its activation with the development of a set of models and methods of economic and mathematical tools seem relevant, important and significant.

The processes of technologicalization, digitalization of public relations, distinguish the current stage of development. The emergence of new phenomena in the digital economy:

-big data, machine-readable law, neurotechnology and artificial and intelligence; distributed registry systems (blockchain);

-quantum technologies; new manufacturing technologies; industrial internet; components of robotics and sensorics; wireless technology); -virtual and augmented reality technologies. The world leaders in the digital economy are countries such as the USA, South Korea, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China, Germany, France, Spain and India, which, in turn, have extensive experience in legal regulation of the national digital economy [3, from. 103-104].

The digital economy is a new subject of legal regulation caused by globalization and the widespread introduction of digital technologies, in this regard; research in this area is sporadic. Representatives of legal science paid attention only to individual institutions. It is important to note the lack of a well-established doctrinal approach to the essence of the new legal institutions of the digital economy, which partly complicates the formation of an appropriate legal environment. Important arising in the polls during the

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 5 formation of the legal doctrine, and in the future, the legal framework are:

-firstly, the creation of clear ideas about industry regulation, which public relations will relate to the conduct of civil law, and which to financial law and other branches of law and legislation;

-secondly, we must not forget about the need to create a single structure-forming legislative act, and digital law should be enshrined in this way, giving, first of all, definitions of new phenomena of digital life and regulating issues of transactions with digital money and rights, as well as solving taxation problems and financial discipline. As A.N. Lysenko points out, legal regulation in most cases should not be ahead of the development of the economy, should be based on habitual, proven legal categories, thereby optimizing the ongoing economic development of new institutions [5].

I would like to note that the existing legal doctrines do not have the corresponding conceptual apparatus for the development of such active processes of digitalization of the economy. If amending legislative acts, as a rule, does not present special difficulties for the legislator, either organizationally or temporarily, then changing legal doctrines is a much more complicated process, therefore, legislative changes in accordance with modern realities are likely to come much earlier. There is currently a legal vacuum in the regulation of the digital economy. Any subjects of public relations with the use of digital technologies in the economy suffer from this. On the one hand, law-abiding and conscientious subjects of civil legal relations may suffer, on the other hand, the lack of clear financial and legal regulation leads to tax evasion. The problems of legal regulation of the digital economy are taking on an international scale, since it is not always easy to link the activities of their largest Internet platforms to a specific state, including due to the introduction of new digital business models in the economy. It is important to understand that digital objects are constantly evolving. Cryptocurrency today is an alternative money circulation that has gained great popularity. Most note that the cryptocurrency market is one of the most promising areas of development of the global economy. It should be understood that the process of cryptocurrency penetration into life is difficult to stop, and the rejection of it can hinder the development of the digital economy, therefore it is more reasonable to give digital currency legal certainty and status. The preparation of legislation on the use of crypto money should continue taking into account the opinion of the scientific community. Of course, the legal regulation of cryptocurrency, taking into account objective risks, should be based on the public goals of the state and neutralize such negative processes as the laundering of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as the erosion of the tax base [4, p. 53-54].

All public relations are dynamic and are subject to constant changes, in turn, timely adaptation of the legislation to these changes is the key to success, quality. Accordingly, the laws should develop

6 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 adequately and change in accordance with changes in the socio-political and economic life of the country. Unfortunately, the lack of consistency in matters of legal support for active digitalization is still evident. In the near future, a number of legal issues should be resolved so that the digital economy does not harm the state and its citizens: First, adopt a single legislative act establishing definitions of new phenomena in the economy: digitalization, digital law, digital money, tokens, cryptocurrencies, block chain and others, as well as fixing the basic principles of taxation and transactions with digital money and rights. Secondly, to develop a number of standards that need to be supplemented by the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at detailing the legal regulation of relations in the field of the digital economy, including determining what will be understood as a digital permanent representation in relation to business entities. Thirdly, prepare proposals for the formation of an international legal framework and develop an approach to fair taxation of the digital economy. There is an expansion of the sphere of legal regulation, the emergence of new entities - digital personalities, since from birth, the person will fall into the digital space and his status will be instantly reflected in the virtual environment. Paper money and the national currency are outdated, dematerialized and exist in electronic form. Under the current conditions of comprehensive digitalization, it is important to understand that properly organized financial and legal relations in the digital age can provide great opportunities for increasing the well-being of people only in a reliable legal field. In our opinion, such a low rating in terms of the global connectivity index, which determines the level of development of the digital economy in the country, is due to the following factors:

-low level of use of information technologies in the business sector, including in the sector of small and medium innovative entrepreneurship, Comparison with more developed countries of the world;

-the lack of appropriate, necessary infrastructure for the release of unique information products both on the world market and for introduction into the domestic market of the country, including in the sector of small and medium innovative entrepreneurship;

-underestimation and fear of businessmen, including in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises, of the possibilities of the digital economy and its impact on the efficiency, productivity and growth potential of the business, as well as increasing its competitiveness in the market (including in the sector small and medium enterprises). To overcome these problems in the framework of research and the development of the digital economy, including in the field of small and medium innovative entrepreneurship of the Republic, we propose the following measures;

-creating conditions at the state level for training and further training of specialists in the field of digital economy and innovative technologies;

-the formation of a stably functioning system of international cooperation in the field of innovative

scientific and technological development of countries, including in the field of digital economy;

-Creation and widespread introduction of a system of incentives for the use of digital and innovative technologies of entrepreneurs conducting small and medium-sized businesses in their economic (economic) activities through tax incentives, government orders and other events.

Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the digital economy as one of the manifestations of the scientific and technological development of the Republic has a significant beneficial effect on the development of small and medium-sized innovative entrepreneurship. The use of innovative technologies in our sector of the country's economy increases the efficiency, productivity and growth potential of the business, as well as the level of its competitiveness in the market. There fore, in our opinion, despite the on current problems of development and formation of the digital economy in the sphere of small and medium innovative enterprises, the state policy of the introduction and development of the digital economy is the only possible way of strengthening the strategic position of the Republic, both in the domestic market Article p Ana, so in the global economy.


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УДК 368.9.06 ГРНТИ 06.73.65

Lisovska Olha

PhD Student of Department ofFinancial Markets, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2842-3158



Л^овська Ольга Олегiвна

аспiрант кафедри фiнансових ринюв, Утверситет державно'1' фiскальноï служби Укра'ши,


Summary. The article examines the statistical data of confirmed COVID-19 cases broken down by continents. The analysis reveals countries with the highest and lowest number of COVID-19 infections and ranks Ukraine in this world top list. The analysis of the tendency among main statistical measures of the health insurance market over the last years, namely: a number of insurance companies, net insurance premiums and net insurance payments for health insurance. The paper provides a comparative description of COVID-19 insurance programs offered by the insurance companies «ARX», «Universalna», «Alfa Insurance», «INGO», «Krayina» and «Providna». It finds the pandemic's positive and negative impact on the performance of the health insurance market in Ukraine.

Анотащя. У статп розглянута статистика зафжсованих випадшв шфшування COVID-19 в розрiзi континенпв, висвгглено краши з найбшьшою i найменшою шльшстю випадшв шфшування, та визначено мюце Украни в даному свгговому рейтингу. Проаналiзовано тенденщю основних статистичних показнишв ринку медичних страхових послуг за останш роки, а саме: шльшсть страхових компанш, чисп страховi премп i чисп страховi виплати по медичному страхуванню. Наведено порiвняльну характеристику страхових програм вщ COVID-19, як пропонують страховi компанп «ARX»,

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