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Ключевые слова
Human Capital / Management Theory / creative income / investment / innovation. / человеческий капитал / теория управления / творческий доход / инвестиции / инновации.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Olimova Nargizakhon Odilbek Kizi -

This article covers the factors that affect the effectiveness of this capital management, taking into account the qualities that make up human capital. The importance of human capital formation in the development of enterprises is given.

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В данной статье рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на эффективность управления этим капиталом, с учетом качеств, составляющих человеческий капитал. Приведена важность формирования человеческого капитала в развитии предприятий.


«етуушшим-шишаи» #щ1©ш, жш / economic sciences


УДК 3 33 338 338.45

Олимова Наргизахон Одилбек кизи -ассистент кафедры "Организация промышленного производства". Андижанский машиностроительный институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-15138-73-75 ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОГО КАПИТАЛА КАК ИННОВАЦИОННЫЙ ФАКТОР


Olimova Nargizakhon Odilbek kizi -

assistant department "Organization of industrial production". Andijan Machine-Building Institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan




В данной статье рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на эффективность управления этим капиталом, с учетом качеств, составляющих человеческий капитал. Приведена важность формирования человеческого капитала в развитии предприятий. Abstract.

This article covers the factors that affect the effectiveness of this capital management, taking into account the qualities that make up human capital. The importance of human capital formation in the development of enterprises is given.

Ключевые слова: человеческий капитал, теория управления, творческий доход, инвестиции, инновации.

Keywords: Human Capital, Management Theory, creative income, investment, innovation.

Modern theory of management pays great attention to a person, his creative potential, especially his ability to organized activities.

Given the qualities that make up the human capital, the analysis of the factors that affect the effectiveness of this Capital Management in formation is influenced by the following: the results of high activity, the experience of production, the level of education, qualifications, the health of the individual. The manifestation of these signs is considered to be directly related to management. According to the concept of human capital, the potential of employees is becoming an increasingly important factor, and in many cases it becomes clear that there is not enough human resources, that is, there is a shortage of specialists who are able to work with high efficiency, are interested in obtaining creative income, introducing innovations. From the idea of human capital, the idea of social partnership and the idea of modern personal partnership are growing.

The formation of human capital involves large investments:

1) to provide the necessary conditions for the return of direct investment, including the cost of education and training, energy potential and creative abilities;

2) investments aimed at maintaining and promoting a healthy lifestyle;

3) education or employment may be associated with loss of income because of lost income which is an element of alternative expenses;

4) moral damage in the process of developing human capital, for example, leads to over-exertion of the

human nervous system when the process of learning work is complex and difficult.

The most important types of investments in a person are usually education, preparation for production, medical care, various motivation. Education and training in production increases the level of knowledge of a person, i.e., the level of knowledge of a person increase the volume of human capital and change the quality. Reducing the level of Health, Morbidity and mortality increases the service life of a person prolongs, as well as the intensity of its use. Motivation helps to increase the effectiveness of human activities. Human capital is not only an object of management, but also a means of management is a means of solving many problems of the company's innovative development. The purposeful formation and development of human capital enriches the management system, thereby contributing to the successful solution of many problems associated with the development of the system of satisfaction of needs, increasing the competitiveness of the firm in the conditions of the use of innovative technologies, equipment, technical means.

The following are the main factors militating against the effectiveness of Human Capital Management:

1. Investments in the quality and development of human capital, which will help to increase labor productivity and realize the achievements of labor resources.

2. The motivation for the formation and development of the qualitative characteristics of a person, which determines the signs of human capital, leads to



an increase in the efficiency of management, the creation of a favorable socio-psychological environment in the team, the realization of the creative potential of the individual.

3. The system of remuneration, which corresponds to the principles of motivation and self-development of the organization, the implementation of the expected factors that will help in increasing labor productivity.

4. Ability to improve professional skills, develop effective performance skills and abilities, and prepare for the development and implementation of innovations.

5. To provide innovative information that promotes the acquisition of new technologies, the functional content of activities, new knowledge for the implementation of education and the level of qualification, reflecting the factor of maturity.

6. Organization of activities with creative approaches to the development of the personality, the ability to self-improvement and self-education. The systematic use of these factors ensures the effective effect of the formation of human capital.

Understanding human capital requires the presentation not only of the characteristics of individual individuals, but also of individual groups of employees and a general description of the entire team. set of indicators. Such indicators include: general creative capacity, general level of education of employees, social characteristics (experience, age, duration of work in an organization, family situation, etc.), business activities, health status, etc. By purposefully changing these characteristics, you can manage the human capital of the enterprise, formulate and modify its quality. In this case, Human Capital serves as an object of management, but at the same time it is a means of achieving the set goals, that is, it is an element of the management system. The formation of human capital can affect the innovative development process of the organization, accelerate it, if necessary, change its direction, eliminate or weaken the negative factors of the activities of the organization.

The effectiveness of human activities depends on many complex factors, but among them we can say that a clear understanding of the purpose of their work is the most important. This is the beginning of a system of material and moral preferences that determines the probability of achieving the goal and the employee's interest in his work. In order to effectively stimulate activity, it is necessary to know the desires, hopes, fears of a person. If the leader does not know the needs, his attempt to give motivation for human activities will end in failure. It is important to understand that man is guided by several isolated needs and their combination. But the priority of needs can change. External factors, needs, values, the influence of a person's aspirations on labor motivation, there are many motivational theories (the theory of expectations, the theory of equality, the theory of two factors by F. Herzberg), but none of them can give a complete explanation of the individual's behavior in the process of work and serve as the basis to develop practical recommendations. And the inner world of a person is very complex, like space.

Everyone needs to understand and self-affirm. A negative assessment of the action often leads to unpredictable, uncontrollable reactions, a positive assessment of the action leads to the formation of behavior and the natural need for self-control. The motivation for the high productivity of employees is one of the major challenges today. The motivation of Labor is formed before the beginning of a person's professional activity - in the process of its socialization does not contribute to the reduction of its influence on the materialism of Labor. With the development of management theory, management activities are becoming increasingly scientifically based. Achieving the effectiveness of the management system is ensured by the ability of the leader to have the art of creative application of scientific management principles in various situations [1]. In this regard, many economists pay attention to the role of Management in self-development and offer some pragmatic advice on the rational organization of personal work.

Only in the team can a person be recognized, respected, satisfy the need for his dignity, including independence, respect for others, dominate in the team and have something. Thus, a person needs self-awareness, realization of his opportunities, self-development and creation.

Effective communication includes the following competencies:

1) Active Listening is the ability to understand not only the meaning of what is said, but also what is not said;

2) the ability to ask specific questions - that is, to find several correct solutions from the proposed options, who accepted the initiative, questions that saw the situation from different sides;

3) the ability to formulate thoughts, which allows the leader to become a partner [4].

It is necessary to understand that management is not an order of people, first of all, it is important to provide them with the necessary conditions for joint work. The essence of organizational management function is the ability of a certain number of people to create a society in which they operate purposefully. In it, various formal and informal relations develop effectively, arise in this regard. The need for people to manage, that is, information communication technology has an ideological and professional impact on them. As already mentioned above, professional knowledge, skills and skills in the conditions of an innovative process lead to a tendency to reduce the life cycle of such tokens as the "workforce" in terms of the rate of depreciation of employees. These stages in the development of the economy, in the formation of the digital economy, become the demand of the period from the very little. Many of our indicators, such as the increase in the capacity of personnel, the rise in the Human Capital Index, are also declining.


1. Armstrong, Michael. Human Resource Management Practice - St. Petersburg.: Ed. House "Peter", 2019

«етуушщум-шушау» #шшш1 2022 а economic sciences


2. Khaykin M.M. Management of the sphere of services in the development of human capital. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of SPbGUEF, 2010.

3. Kolobova A.I. Lariontseva A.M. "Some theoretical provisions of labor resources and labor potential". Journal. Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University No. 5 (25) 2016.

4. Gerasyuk, M. G. New technologies in Personnel Management. University materials. scientific.- practical. conf. students, aspirants and teachers. - Rostov n/ D: Rostov N/D 6. 5.O'lmasov A., Vahobov A. Theory of Economics. The textbook. The TDIU. - T.: Economics and finance, 2016. - P. 22-23.

УДК 3 33 338 338.45

Олимова Наргизахон Одилбек кизи

ассистент кафедры "Организация промышленного производства". Андижанский машиностроительный институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан Балтабаева Умидахон студентка

второго курса факультета менеджмента Андижанского машиностроительного института Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан РР!: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-15138-75-78 ЭТАПЫ ПРОЦЕССА ИННОВАЦИОННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ ПРЕДПРИЯТИИ

Olimova Nargizakhon Odilbek kizi

assistant department "Organization of industrial production".Andijan Machine-Building Institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan Baltabayeva Umidakhon Second-

year student of the Faculty of Management of Andijan Machine-Building Institute



В данной статье написано о роли инноваций в современной экономике, факторе экономического роста, развития, структурных изменений. Это фактор, меняющий разработку новых продуктов, технический прогресс и совершенствование методов производства. Основным результатом инноваций является прибыль, которая побуждает новатора постоянно создавать инновации, ведущие к устойчивому развитию общества.


This article is written about the role of innovation in the modern economy, the factor of economic growth, development, structural changes. It is the factor that changes the development of new products, technological progress and improvement of production methods. The main result of innovation is profit, which encourages the innovator to constantly create innovations that lead to the sustainable development of society.

Ключевые слова: современная экономика, инновации, экономический рост, развитие, разработка новых продуктов, технический прогресс, методы производства, прибыль, интеллектуальный потенциал.

Keywords: modern economy, innovation, economic growth, development, development of new products, technological progress, methods of production, profit intellectual potential.

In the process of production in the country, the entrepreneur carries out a stage of development throughout his career. Throughout his career, he has been involved in the production of innovations to ensure an increase in revenue. Innovation The only way for an entrepreneur to maximize profits is to introduce innovations on a regular basis. Entrepreneurship is the driving force of development. The category of "innovation" can be interpreted differently because it is the multifaceted nature of innovation. Innovation combines originality and permanence. The economic categories of "innovation" and "innovation process" are close to each other, but not the same. The innovation process is

a set of successive steps, such as the creation, assimilation and dissemination of innovations, which is a necessary component of a reproductive innovation system. In the modern economy, innovations are not only a factor of economic growth, development, structural shifts, they cover all sectors, sectors of the economy and social life in general. Innovation is a factor that changes the function of macroeconomic production, including the development of new products, technological progress and improvement of production methods. The main result of innovation is profit, which encourages the innovator to constantly create innovations that lead to the sustainable development of society.

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