Научная статья на тему 'Creation of the tourist cluster as a way of increase of investment attractiveness of a region'

Creation of the tourist cluster as a way of increase of investment attractiveness of a region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Danko Nataliya I., Dovhal Georgiy V.

The goal of the article is to analyse specific features of formation of cluster associations in the tourism industry as the basis of increase of investment attractiveness of the region. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of a number of scientists, the article considers specific features of creation of cluster associations in the sphere of tourism, their distinctions from other associations (networks) of enterprises and impact on investment attractiveness of a region. In the result of the study it specifies the tourist cluster notion and studies the most successful experience of creation of tourist clusters at the cross-section of various industries: Californian wine cluster, Tropical Northern Queensland cluster and South-African tourist cluster. It also makes a conclusion that experience of creating tourist clusters in former industrial regions is useful for the Kharkiv region: Ruhr Valley, Glasgow etc. – in accordance with the “Creative economy: expansion of ways of local development” concept, proposed by UNESCO. The article offers the procedure of creating a tourist cluster and managing its development using methods that take into account different stages of evolution development of clusters. The prospects of further studies in this direction is adaptation of the methods of creation and management of cluster ICM333 to specific features of the tourist industry and Ukrainian legislation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Creation of the tourist cluster as a way of increase of investment attractiveness of a region»

УДК 330.322:338.484.2

Danko N. I., Dovhal H. V.


The goal of the article is to analyse specific features of formation of cluster associations in the tourism industry as the basis of increase of investment attractiveness of the region. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of a number of scientists, the article considers specific features of creation of cluster associations in the sphere of tourism, their distinctions from other associations (networks) of enterprises and impact on investment attractiveness of a region. In the result of the study it specifies the tourist cluster notion and studies the most successful experience of creation of tourist clusters at the cross-section of various industries: Californian wine cluster, Tropical Northern Queensland cluster and South-African tourist cluster. It also makes a conclusion that experience of creating tourist clusters in former industrial regions is useful for the Kharkiv region: Ruhr Valley, Glasgow etc. - in accordance with the “Creative economy: expansion of ways of local development” concept, proposed by UNESCO. The article offers the procedure of creating a tourist cluster and managing its development using methods that take into account different stages of evolution development of clusters. The prospects of further studies in this direction is adaptation of the methods of creation and management of cluster ICM333 to specific features of the tourist industry and Ukrainian legislation.

Key words: investment attractiveness, tourist cluster, creative economy Pic.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Danko Nataliya I. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of tourism business, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (pl. Svobody, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine)

Email: danko_nataly@mail.ru

Dovhal Heorhiy V. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of tourism business, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (pl. Svobody, 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine)

Email: g.dovgal@gmaij.com

УДК 330.322:338.484.2

Данько H. И., Довгаль Г. В.


Цель статьи проанализировать особенности формирования кластерных объединений в туристической отрасли как основу повышения инвестиционной привлекательности региона. Анализируя, систематизируя и обобщая научные труды целого ряда ученых, были рассмотрены особенности создания кластерных объединений в сфере туризма, их отличия от других объединений (сетей) предприятий и влияние на инвестиционную привлекательность региона. В результате исследования было уточнено понятие туристического кластера и исследован наиболее успешный опыт создания туристических кластеров на пересечении различных отраслей: Калифорнийского винного кластера, кластера Тропического северного Квинсленда и Южно-Африканского туристического кластера. Также сделан вывод, что для Харьковского региона полезен опыт создания туристических кластеров в бывших промышленных регионах: Долине Рура, Глазго и др. - в соответствии с концепцией «Креативной экономики: расширение путей местного развития», предложенной ЮНЕСКО. Авторами предложена процедура создания туристического кластера и управления его развитием по методике, учитывающей различные этапы эволюционного развития кластеров. Перспективой дальнейших исследований в данном направлении является адаптация методики создания и управления кластером ICM333 к особенностям туристической отрасли и украинского законодательства.

Ключевые слова: инвестиционная привлекательность, туристический кластер, креативная экономика Рис.: 2. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 13.

Данько Наталья Ивановна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент, кафедра туристического бизнеса, Харьковский национальный университет им. В. Н. Каразина (пл. Свободы, 4, Харьков, 61022, Украина)

Email: danko_nataly@mail.ru

Довгаль Георгий Владимирович - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, профессор, кафедра туристического бизнеса, Харьковский национальный университет им. В. Н. Каразина (пл. Свободы, 4, Харьков, 61022, Украина)

Email: g.dovgal@gmaij.com

Данько Н. і., Довгаль Г. В.


Ціль статті - проаналізувати особливості формування кластерних об'єднань в туристичній галузі як основу підвищення інвестиційної привабливості регіону. Аналізуючи, систематизуючи і узагальнюючи наукові праці багатьох учених, було розглянуто особливості створення кластерних об'єднань у туристичній галузі, їх відмінності від інших об'єднань (мереж) підприємств та вплив на інвестиційну привабливість регіону. У результаті дослідження було уточнено поняття туристичного кластера та досліджено найбільш успішний досвід створення туристичних кластерів на перетині різних галузей: Каліфорнійського винного кластера, кластера Тропічного північного Квінсленду та Південноафриканського туристичного кластера. Також зроблено висновок, що для Харківського регіону корисним є досвід створення туристичних кластерів у колишніх промислових регіонах: Долині Руру, Глазго та ін. - у відповідності до концепції «Креативної економіки: розширення шляхів місцевого розвитку», що запропонована ЮНЕСКО. Авторами запропоновано процедуру створення туристичного кластера та управління його розвитком за методикою, що враховує різні етапи еволюційного розвитку кластерів. Перспективами подальших досліджень у даному напрямі є адаптація методики створення та управління кластером ICM333 до особливостей туристичної галузі та українського законодавства.

Ключові слова: інвестиційна привабливість, туристичний кластер, креативна економіка Рис.: 2. Табл.: 1. Бібл.: 13.

Данько Наталія Іванівна - кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент, кафедра туристичного бізнесу, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна (пл. Свободи, 4, Харків, 61022, Україна)

Email: danko_nataly@mail.ru

Довгаль Георгій Володимирович - кандидат економічних наук, доцент, професор, кафедра туристичного бізнесу, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна (пл. Свободи, 4, Харків, 61022, Україна)

Email: g.dovgal@gmaij.com

Further development of the Ukrainian economy and its competitiveness will be determined not by the wealth of natural resources and minerals or cheap labour force in the place of their location, but increasingly by the true identifying of priority investment objects, to which such investment objects, that are characterized with a short payback period, have significant export potential, competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets, and that are also able to provide a significant multiplicative impulse for the development of industries having accompanying nature, are usually referred.

Largely the tourism complex and enterprises included in it meet such requirements and according to experts are thought to be one of the most highly profitable ones.

In our opinion, the statement that tourism complex industries are gradually acquiring the status of national salvation industries and are among the most effective and promising sectors of the economy, has a base.

The experience of developed market economies such as Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Greece and others confirms this conclusion.

The studies of the World Travel & Tourism Organization (WTTC) prove that this status of the tourism industry will remain the same in the future. So, according to the WTTC, the direct income from tourism in 2012 were 2056.6 billion U.S. dollars, that is 2.9 % of the world GDP, and is almost four times higher than in 2000 and the forecast till 2023 provides the number of 3249.2 billion USD (3.1% of GDP) [ 11].

For Ukraine, which is in the way of market economy forming, tourism today is an important factor for both internal socio-economic policy and foreign economic activity. In 2012 the total contribution of the tourism industry amounted to 107 billion UAH, or 8% of the gross domestic product and 20% of foreign trade turnover of Ukraine, about 15% of the workforce are employed in Ukraine in tourism and related industries [11, 12].

In our opinion, the importance of the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine is determined by the following factors:

■ presence of large diverse tourism potential;

■ close relationship of the tourism complex with many other sectors of the economy, which makes it possible to obtain an explosive multiplier effect;

■ approach to the European and world quality standards of goods and services and improvement of the comfort of life for the significant segments of the population;

■ increase in foreign exchange earnings to the country, replenishment of the state and local budgets with funds necessary for the further development of the national economy.

Overall, Ukraine has good prospects for the development of the tourism market. According to experts in the nearest future the amount of tourist flow will increase by 10 - 15%, and 45% will be tourists from Western Europe countries. Discovering the unique nature of Ukraine, its rich history and unique culture foreigners will perceive our country in a completely different way. This, in turn, will encourage foreign investment and create a positive image of our country in the international community.

It is clear that the movement of Ukraine towards being among the leading tourism nations of the world is a complex task and requires systemic efforts of all branches of government. To do this it is necessary to solve certain legal problems, coordinate the work of all entities of the tourism market and through the systematic financing, political and ideological support to provide the sustainable development of tourism. Full implementation of the aforementioned activities will not only help the development of the tourism industry, but will also contribute to strengthening the country's economy, and thus will improve the welfare of Ukrainians.

According to government statistics data for recent years, Ukraine has received more than 2.5 billion USD of foreign direct investment. Investment amount have increased in almost all regions [12].

By the amount of attracted investments among regions Kiev holds the first place - 2123.4 million USD; among regions Dnipropetrovsk region leads - 598.4 million USD, Kiev region - 473.7 million USD, Zaporozhye region - 442.0 million USD, Donetsk region - 434,2 million USD, Odessa region -361.7 million USD. Almost two thirds of the total amount of investment was directed into these regions.

Analysis of the data shows that the lion's share of investment (both in the form of cash contributions and in the form of personal and real estate) goes to industrialized areas, altering the structure of production and the structure of economic complexes of separate regions.

In the conditions of the financial crisis, which today is significantly spread, tourism is the least risky and most promising from an economic point of view area of the investment interests of the state and is a source of real GDP growth and budget revenues. The development of the tourism in Ukraine will create thousands of workplaces, which is of particular importance taking into account the impact of the economic crisis.

Now tourism activity in Ukraine is undergoing reform and development. Existing tourism resources are not fully used, but the dynamics of the tourism market of Ukraine indicates a fairly stable distribution of revenues from domestic and foreign tourism: expenditure of domestic tourists creates 52.3% of direct revenues from travel and tourism of Ukraine, and for-

eign one creates 47.7%. According to WTTC estimations the internal costs for the services of the tourism industry in 2013 will grow by 9.0%, that in monetary terms will be 53.8 billion UAH, and in the long term will increase to 87.9 billion UAH in 2023 [11].

In modern conditions, investments are an important source of tourism development. Total investment in the tourism sector on a global scale is 802.3 billion U.S. dollars annually, and the third of which is the state one.

In Ukraine a gradual increase in investment in tourism has recently been seen, but their amount is insufficient for effective and adequate functioning of the industry. Thus, in 2010-2011 751 million UAH, 611 million UAH and 1232 million UAH were invested for the construction, reconstruction and technical reequipment of hotels respectively. The main part (about 80%)

of investments accounted for technical re-equipment and reconstruction, and only 20% for new construction. Meanwhile, in order to achieve global indicators the tourism industry of Ukraine requires about 80-85 billion UAH of investment annually, that taking into account the current state of the economy of Ukraine is an unattainable dream.

It should be noted that investment funds are invested only in the most promising and cost-effective facilities and regions, namely AR Crimea, Kiev, Odessa, regions of Western Ukraine. Other regions are in a state of «investment hunger», they are insufficiently attractive to investors or potential investors are insufficiently aware of them. Therefore, a necessary condition for attracting investors is the creation of an extensive system of information support of the industry, forming of the information base of investment projects.

Indicators 12000 -------







Y//A business trips


organised tourism

2011 individual trips

2012 Years

Fig. 1. Dynamics of inbound tourist flow according to the target of visiting over 2009-2012 (thousand people) [11]


The mechanism of budget financing of tourism and resorts requires improving. For improving and updating the material base of the tourism industry in Ukraine about 2.0 billion UAH from the state budget have been given for the last period. However, the financing of construction and renovation of the hotel industry and the recreational sector is made by 58% at the expense of own funds of enterprises, 29.5 % - domestic and foreign investors, and only 2.5% - at the expense of the state budget. Under the condition of insufficient financial stability of tourism and sanatorium enterprises such allocation of investment spending, in our view, is a deterrent factor for the development of the tourism complex of Ukraine.

All of the abovementioned is an evidence of the prospectiveness and quite high effectiveness of investment in the tourism sector of Ukraine in general and in Kharkiv region in particular. But, undoubtedly, there are some problems of the development of the tourism industry, among

which there is a relatively low level of investment attraction. For comparison, in China, that is one of the leading countries in terms of tourism development the amount of investment in tourism industry was 105 billion USD (2.9% of total investment amount in 2012), while in Ukraine investment in tourism industry is only about 700 million USD (2.2% of total investment amount). This amount is certainly not enough for the sustainable development of the tourism industry and the movement of Ukrainian tourism towards world standards of service. We must look for the ways to attract investment, including foreign ones, increase the investment attractiveness of the tourism complex of Ukraine in general and Kharkiv in particular [11].

The target of the article is to consider creating a tourism cluster as a basis to increase the investment attractiveness of the region. In accordance with the set target the following research objectives were formulated:

■ consider the theoretical aspects of creating cluster associations;

■ analyze the features of the formation of cluster associations in the tourism industry and the most successful experience of tourism clusters;

■ propose a scheme of evolution of regional tourism clusters in accordance with the procedure ICM33.

Foreign and domestic scientists (Porter, Asaul, Nordin, Kuzmin, Proskura, Sokolenko) note that the increase of competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the area, region can be achieved by the implementation of the cluster model for association of enterprises.

Initially cluster theory was formulated by A. Marshall concerning industrial production in the late 19th century. But more detailed theory of industrial clusters and their role in enhancing regional competitiveness was presented in the works of M. Porter [8-10], whose works became the methodological basis of clustering and in the tourism sector.

Porter formulated a definition of a cluster, which has become the most common one: «Cluster is a geographic concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers and service providers, firms in related industries and institutions associated with them (for example, universities, standards agencies, trade associations ) in a particular area, that compete but also cooperate with each other» [9]. Objective background has been gathered by Porter in his Diamond model. Along with the traditional factors - competitive environment, demand conditions and the availability of supporting factors, in a particular area such factors as skilled labour, infrastructure and capital should be created, not inherited. The creation of these specialized factors requires long-term and continuous investment and innovation, which are difficult to replicate, and that creates a competitive advantage for the cluster.

Also the works of Russian and foreign scientists S. Nordin,

O. Kuzmin, D. V. Proskura, S. Sokolenko, I. Shimakova were devoted to the issue of the creation of tourism clusters. In these studies, the issues of the development of internal and external functional structures of clusters, stages of their creation were considered, as well as the most successful practices of tourism clusters functioning were analyzed.

According to Porter clusters arise only there where all necessary factors, resources and expertise focus and reach a certain critical amount, and that allows getting a key role in certain economic sphere with a crucial and sustainable competitive advantage over other regions due to the higher productivity, innovation and development of new types of business. The cluster of computer technology in Silicon Valley (USA), logistics cluster in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), automotive cluster of Styria and Upper Austria (Austria), the cluster of offshore programming in Bangalore (India) and others are considered to be the classic examples.

Porter emphasizes that the spread of the cluster concept is possible in any territory and sphere of economic activity. Achieving success is based on a large number of benefits that are gained by existing organizations, which are combining into a cluster. To the benefits that facilitate to the growth of competitiveness of organizations united in a cluster the following benefits can be attributed: boosting the company productivity by taking advantage of those working in a common geographic area; directing its activities at high-tech innovation projects, achieving more significant economic growth than their competitors; stimulating the creation of new organizations that in future become participants of the same cluster, amplifying them.

The differences of tourism cluster from other business associations are determined based on [7] and shown in Table 1.

Specialization and cooperation, which always take place in clusters, provide a division of the market into segments and mutually beneficial business specialization, that reduces transportation costs, provides a rational division of labour, exchange of knowledge, technology, skilled labour force.

Experience of existing clusters shows that cluster associations are always willing to improve their means of production and ensure high quality standards, the introduction of new technologies. This form helps to attract capital and loans on favorable terms from financial institutions, which compete in the market providing services for promising industries. The unification of organizations in clusters opens more real opportunities to get investment for small organizations-participants. Significant advantages for cluster members are provided with

Table 1

Comparative characteristics between the tourism cluster and tourism association (network)

Tourism association (network) Tourism cluster

Networks allow firms access to specialized services at lower costs. Clusters attract needed specialized services to a region.

Networks have restricted membership. Clusters have open membership.

Networks are based on a contractual agreement. Clusters are based on social values that foster trust and encourage reciprocity.

Networks make it easier for firms to engage in complex production. Clusters generate demand for more firms with similar and related capabilities.

Networks are based on cooperation. Clusters require both cooperation and competition.

Networks have common business goals. Clusters have collective visions.

a joint purchase of materials, reduction of the cost of market research, advertising, insurance, introduction of quality certificates, participation in exhibitions, trade fairs and conferences, dissemination of best practices.

The authors consider it necessary to propose the following definition of the tourism cluster. Tourism cluster is a concentration within a limited area of interconnected firms and organizations interacting in the creation, production, promotion and sale of tourism product, as well as in activities related to tourism and recreational services.

In the tourism cluster the cost storage system includes four types of chains of value added suppliers, transportation companies, accommodation facilities and entertainment, distribution channels of tourism products (tour operators, travel agents), as well as the buyers-tourists themselves. According to the WTO data, during a seven-night stay of a visitor in a remote tourist centre from 10 to 20 chains operate. They involve 30-50 different companies, starting from a tour desk, specialty shops of tourism literature and insurance companies to gift shops, currency exchange and others. Another significant feature of the cluster is a combination of cooperation and competition, competitive relations develop both within the tourism cluster, between companies belonging to it, and beyond it, with other clusters.

Porter emphasizes that the greatest efficiency of the cluster can be achieved at the intersection of different industries. Therefore, the most effective form of clusters in tourism is thematic tourism clusters, for example, cultural - educational, sport, adventurous. Each of them is formed on a homogeneous segment of the tourism market, taking certain consumer niche. Due to thematic clusters, the value added chains and cost storage systems created in them tourist gets bright impressions and acquires travel experience.

In [7] there are examples of successful thematic tourism clusters arising at the junction of different industries: Cluster Napa Valley - wine touristic cluster, USA; The Cluster Consortium in South Africa; Tropical North Queensland, Australia. Let's consider their experience in more details.

California wine cluster has formed in the Napa Valley to the north of San-Francisco (California, USA). Napa Valley is one of the most successful clusters in the USA, the world famous wine and tourism region. Every year, up to 5 million arrivals for tourism purposes, mainly to visit the vineyards and wine tasting, are recorded. His story begins with the early 60th. Familiarized with European winemaking traditions, the founder of California wine cluster Robert Mondavi and other winemakers came to the conclusion that the wine market it is easier for a group of winemakers to promote a place of the wine production (Cognac or Champagne region in France) than for each of them individually to promote their own brand of wine. Robert Mondavi joined the American innovative advances in technology, management and marketing with European art of winemaking, changed the relationship between winemakers and wineries and spread their experience for the entire valley. Thus, the conditions for the creating of a cluster were created. Over time, in the valley concomitant productions, that promote the cultivation of wine grapes and development of

winemaking, appeared, as well as strong ties with the University of California at Davis, which has an educational program in viticulture recognized all over the world, special committees of the California Senate and the Assembly and tourism institutions.

Tropical North Queensland cluster originated in the early 80th due to the efforts of the local tourism industry and the regional office on promoting the region to domestic and international travel markets. At this early stage of development, a few travel companies have worked closely with each other. Relatively small size of the tourism industry and the geographical proximity of businesses helped to establish confidential relationship between them, cooperation with very low transaction costs. They agreed position on the development of some types of tourism, such as free-ride, allowed achieving growth and high competitiveness. Nowadays tourism in this area of Australia gives more than 24 % of the gross regional product. Great Barrier Reef and tropical rainforests included in the List of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage, Aboriginal culture, as well as favorable climatic conditions attract large numbers of tourists. The developed infrastructure and a large airport, designed to receive international and domestic flights in Cairns facilitate to that. The development of the tourism industry in South Africa began in 1994 with the fall of apartheid. Despite a rather late start, nowadays tourism cluster in South Africa is one of the most profitable in the world economy. The pace of its development is an average of 18% per year, and this is a world record. One of the strongest and most cohesive communities formed near Khayelitsha, located near Cape Town, the oldest town in South Africa and a major international tourism centre. This area was chosen as a site for the creation of one of the four local tourism clusters.

Underdeveloped tourism industry, fierce competition from other tourist areas of the country, the tense crime situation were the starting conditions for the formation of the tourism cluster in Keyliche. The initiative of its creation came from the Cape Tourism Administration, that provided financial support for undertaking, and the Municipality of Tyger. Due to joint efforts of many participants, from local residents to the Minister of Tourism of South Africa, the plan of action on major strategic areas - training, marketing, and security - was made.

For Kharkiv region the useful experience is the one of creating tourism clusters in accordance with the concept of «Creative economy: expanding the ways of local development» that was proposed by UNESCO [13]. World commodity turnover of creative products and services for the last ten years more than doubled to a record of 624 billion USD. An example of this idea is the German Ruhr, where in the place of former mines now there is the Zollverein complex, which has combined museums, art centres and entertainment establishments - only about 200 different creative companies. In 2010 the project «European Capital of Culture - the Ruhr» was held there. A successful example is Lowell, Massachusetts (USA) that was a major centre of the textile industry in the past, has been transformed into a museum, educational and recreational park. An interesting example is the Scottish city of Glasgow

(United Kingdom), that up to 70th existed only due to heavy and manufacturing industries, and now is primarily known for its garden festivals, holiday fairs and developed infrastructure. There are many examples of successful cultural conversion of former industrial sites in Europe, the USA, and now also in Latin America and Asia.

Innovation clusters are formed at the regional level, where there is a high concentration of related industries. The advantages of the cluster approach at the regional level are the following aspects of the economy [2]:

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1) regional innovation clusters are based on a sustainable system of dissemination of new technologies, knowledge, products, that is on the so-called technological network that has significant scientific base;

2) enterprises of a cluster have extra competitive advantages by being able to carry out internal specialization and standardization, minimize costs of innovation implementation;

3) an important feature of innovation clusters is the presence of flexible business structures - small businesses that let to create innovative points of the region economic growth - in their structure;

4) innovative clusters are very important for the development of small businesses, as they provide small companies with a high extent of specialization by servicing specific business niche. Besides, the access to the capital of an industrial enterprise is alleviated, and also the exchange of ideas and the transfer of knowledge from experts to entrepreneurs takes place actively.

The role of clusters in the innovative development of enterprises and territorial entities is outlined in the documents of the European Union. One of the major initiatives of the European Commission is the formation of «areas of knowledge and innovation» as elements of the innovation strategy. It relies on the concept of «studying territories. According to this concept, the factors of innovation and competitiveness appear in contexts of territorial development. The role of research and development cluster is to provide rapid access to knowledge in order to use new ideas by entrepreneurs [2; 3].

«Methods of research and development based on clusters in the construction industry (ICM333)» has proven its efficiency throughout the world [6]. The technique was developed in 2010 and was based on the experience of building clusters: clusters of Finland and Slovenia, and new clusters of Poland, Spain and Greece. But the experience of creating and managing such clusters can be extended to other sectors of the economy, in particular - the tourism industry. Fig. 2 shows a scheme of the evolution of the innovative clusters according to the procedure ICM333.

Investors come to the cluster only after the establishment of a network of competencies around the initiators of innovation cluster development.

Thus, tourism cluster structures due to the ability of sharing knowledge and transferring innovations provide a single chain of a project - from business ideas and developing technologies to implementing and promoting the product in the market that determines the appearance of demand for the tourism product. So you can attract investment and ensure ef-

Evolution of innovative clusters

Mature cluster

7. Performance

7.1 Stimulatin g

7.2 Intermediate control

7.3 Assessment

8. Durability

8.1 Strengths

8.2 Finance

8.3 Change management

9. Innovatio n

9.1 Structure

9.2 Dynamics

9.3 International cooperation

Developing cluster

4. Targets

4.1 Vision and targets

4.2 Strateg y

4.3 Action pla n

5. Organisation

5.1 IFC and services

5.2 Manageme nt

5.3 Project management

6. Growh

6.1 Strategic alliances

6.2 Cluster environment

6.3 Commercial cooperation

New cluster

1. Opportunitie s

1.1 Problems and needs

1.2 Research and development (RD)

1.3 Situation analysi s

2. Initiation

2.1 Identification

2.2 Social capital

2.3 Networking

3. Workflow

3.1 Measures

3.2 Project s

3.3 Grants

Fig. 2. The scheme of the evolution of innovation clusters according to the procedure ICM33

fective functioning of the tourism cluster at the regional level and, consequently, in the state as a whole.


The study of theoretical and methodological foundations of creating tourism clusters and their role in enhancing the investment attractiveness of the region has allowed making the following conclusions:

1. The amount and the dynamics of investment in the tourism industry of Ukraine and its regions were analyzed, it was determined that inbound and domestic tourism flows were increasing, but to achieve a high level of servicing tourists, the tourism industry of Ukraine in general and Kharkiv region, in particular, needs to attract larger amounts of investment and increase the investment attractiveness of the region.

2. The concept of industry cluster was released as well as the main conditions and the results of its creation. Based on the analysis of the works of Porter and other foreign and domestic scientists it was determined that


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4. Соколенко С. Проблеми і перспективи посилення конкурентоспроможності економіки України на основі кластерів / С. Соколенко // Економіст. - 2008. - № 10. - С. 31 - 35.

5. Шимакова В. Є. Роль кластеризації в розвитку туристичного бізнесу в регіонах / В. Є. Шимакова // Культура народов Причерноморья. - 2008. - № 137. - С. 62-66.

6. Gumilar V. Methodology for R&D driven cluster development in construction sector / Vladimir Gumilar. - ASM (Poland), 2010. - 121 р.

7. Nordin Sara Tourism Clustering & Innovation - Paths of Economic grows and development // ETOUR (European Tourism Research Institute Mid-Sweden University) SE-831 25 Ostersund, Sweden. - 90 p.

8. Porter, M. E. Clusters and the New Economics of Competition, Harvard Business review, Vol. 76, Issue 6, Nov/Dec 1998.

9. Porter, M. E. Location, Competition, and Economic Development: Local Clusters in a Global Economy. Economic Development Quarterly 14 (1), 2000,

10. Porter M. E. and Bond, G. C. “The California Wine Cluster, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1999, revised October 2002.

11. Всесвітня організація подорожей та туризму [Електронний ресурс].- Режим доступу: http: www.wttc.org

12. Державна служба статистики України [Електронний ресурс].-Режим доступу: http://ukrstat.gov.ua/

13. United Nations Creative Economy report 2013 Special Edition [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access : http://www.unesco.org/ new/en/culture/themes/creativity/creative-economy-report-2013-special-edition/

one of the results of creating a cluster is an increase in the investment attractiveness of the region, where a cluster is being created.

3. The authors specified a concept of tourism cluster and considered the most successful experience of the creation of the tourism clusters at the intersection of different fields: the California wine cluster, the cluster of Tropical North Queensland and South African tourism cluster. Also it was concluded that it was useful for Kharkiv region to use the experience of creating tourism clusters in former industrial regions: the Ruhr Valley, Glasgow and others in accordance with the concept of "Creative economy: expanding the ways of local development" was proposed by UNESCO.

4. The authors proposed to create a procedure of creating tourism cluster and its development management according to the methodology ICM333, taking into account the different stages of evolution development of clusters.


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