Научная статья на тему 'Special economic zones as an instrument to enhance international cooperation in the economic conditions imposed sanctions'

Special economic zones as an instrument to enhance international cooperation in the economic conditions imposed sanctions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Burtseva Tatiana, Shugar Valeriya

The article considers the role of special economic zones in the conditions imposed sanctions. We analyzed the number of residents, including foreign ones, as well as the amount of their investment. We studied the special economic zones of tourist-type as a tool to enhance the attractiveness of the country and the region in particular.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Special economic zones as an instrument to enhance international cooperation in the economic conditions imposed sanctions»


1Burtseva Tatiana, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Department of Economics 2Shugar Valeriya, postgraduate Student

Kaluga State University, named by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kaluga Branch Financial University under the Government of Russia; 2The National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


The article considers the role of special economic zones in the conditions imposed sanctions. We analyzed the number of residents, including foreign ones, as well as the amount of their investment. We studied the special economic zones of tourist-type as a tool to enhance the attractiveness of the country and the region in particular.

special economic zone, the effectiveness, the investor, the region.

© 2015 The Authors.


Received 23 November 2015 Accepted 17 December 2015 Published 30 December 2015


Special economic zones - the term assuming under the solution of many state problems of the both in external, and in domestic economic policy. The main characteristics of special economic zones is a special tax mode, granting privileges, foreign economic relations strengthening, infrastructure development of the region and increasing population employment rate [1]. 2014 is marked by negative events in foreign policy. In this case, it is a question of the sanctions entered in relation to the Russian Federation. To number of the countries which have declared introduction of changes in the international economic relations to Russia, as sanctions, were - Australia, Albania, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Moldova, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the USA, Ukraine, France, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Japan. Reaction of the Russian Federation Government was laconic and unambiguous. The Russian industry headed for import substitution. However you should not forget that such special economic zones. Special economic zones assume under themselves investors involvement. From 2006 to 2014 in special economic zones of the Russian Federation more than 320 resident investors came from 25 countries among which there are such transnational giants, as Yokohama, Itochu, Sojitz, AirLiquide, Bekaert, Rockwool, Novartis, PlasticLogic, NSN, Arkray and others. The companies-residents in special economic zones of the Russian Federation are registered in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Switzerland, Japan and td. Some regularity is traced, after all the above-mentioned countries at the same time are initiators of sanctions against Russia [2].

Anyway, the discord in actions of foreign colleagues is obvious. But despite it, the authorities of the Russian Federation take steps for country development as a whole and regions in particular. It is considered that creation and OEZ functioning in Russia will be one of the main directions and a condition of market transformations, the most important instrument of the international economic cooperation expansion and trade for the next 10-15 years. World experience of special economic zones (OEZ) creation testifies that is one of the most effective ways of investments attraction, the catalyst of foreign economic relations development and national economy and the region in which

OEZ takes place. It is important that for the beginning of 2015 the volume of the investments declared by residents makes more than 400 billion rubles.

Special tourist economic zones within the Russian Federation were officially registered on February 3, 2007. Today financing of it like special economic zones makes - 71 billion rubles. From which - money of residents - 23,36 billion rub (32 %), and 47,64 billion rub (68 %) - the state investments [3]. The resident in the territory of a special economic zone as the businessman, pursues one main aim, namely, attraction of money and gradual increase in profit. However feature of formation of OEZ in the territory of Russia is - large-scale. Considering foreign experience, arrangement of 1 sq.km. manages in more than 50 million dollars. The total area of special tourist economic zones in Russia makes 101,43 sq.km. The authorities of the Russian regions have no above-mentioned sum of money which would be possible to be directed on its development. Plus to everything, today, in the conditions of a world economic crisis the state reduces costs of special zones construction in Russia [4].

Tourism is a direction of economy development in the post-industrial society, allowing to solve a wide range of the major social and economic tasks. It is necessary to carry the solution of expanded reproduction problems of a manpower to them, increases in the population employment, growth of welfare and improvement of society life quality, ensuring socio-cultural population development.

The industry of Russian tourism can be characterized as steady set of the components participating in process of rendering tourist services to the population. Russia significantly lags behind in tourism development other countries: the share of tourist services in gross domestic product of Russia makes only about 1,5 % - 306,4 billion rubles (11,3 bln. dollars), while in France -about 33,5 bln. dollars, Spain - 36,7 bln. dollars, and in the USA - 80,7 bln. Dollars [5].

Russia possesses the most powerful climatic, social and economic, cultural and historical tourist resources. On their basis it is possible to create the unique tourist industry meeting modern requirements, to create competitive tourist products and successfully to develop internal tourism. Backwardness of internal tourism automatically conducts to restriction of possibility of reception and foreign guests. Means of placement, tourist infrastructure are uniform for domestic and foreign tourists.

The reasons of significant constant increase in cost of tourist services in Russia are:

- weak infrastructure: insufficient number of hotels, recreation facilities and other means of collective placement of tourists;

- monopolism in the transport sphere and the annual growth of tariffs for train and aviation


- highly specialized development and understanding of the tourist industry role: reserves for development of tourism types, as scientific, business, educational, medical, cultural and informative are not used;

- weak use of Russian regions natural capacity, first of all, territories of Siberia.

Formation of tourist clusters has to be one of modern tools of the solution these problems.

Features of clusters in comparison with other forms of the organization consist in

the following:

- unusually wide structure of participants;

- the geographical size of a cluster can vary from city scale to level of the country or group of neighboring countries;

- existence of synergetic effect;

- flexibility and dynamism of functioning;

- competitor companies go on cooperation with a realization view of the territory capacity and its competitive advantages. Cluster's forms of the activity organization are present at various branches.

Formation of a tourist cluster promotes creation of a modern competitive tourist complex. Its functioning provides ample opportunities for employment of local population and satisfaction of Russian and foreign citizens needs in tourist services. Entering of the significant contribution into development of economy is carried out at the expense of tax revenues in the budget, inflow of foreign currency, increase in quantity of workplaces, preservation and rational use of cultural and natural potential.

At formation of a tourist cluster it is necessary to identify its geographical boundaries and to consider climatic factors which belong to an environment. Geographical boundaries in many respects create transport communications (a condition of highways, development of small aircraft, a water transport) which connect among themselves the main tourists gravity centers. Cluster geographical boundaries a depend and on tourist resources specifics, development historical features of the territory, including climatic conditions and a land relief. The economic environment is defined by development level of economy and a living standard of the population which make huge impact on cost and demand for the goods and services, including tourist appointment. Economic conditions treat investment climate in the cluster territory which is capable to provide development of basic elements of a cluster. The quantity and quality of a manpower are also significant when functioning cluster. All organizations - participants of a cluster - need professionals of tourist business. It is important to consider traditions and culture of local population - sociocultural conditions which directly influence the hospitality industry. It is worth carrying to social factors and education which is not only potential for qualified personnel development for the tourist enterprises, but also base for development of educational and scientific tourism.

In Russia cluster approach to the tourism organization only starts developing. Examples of territories which possess resources and opportunities for formation and tourist clusters development , are: the cultural and historical centers of the Central part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring Russia), recreational zones on the coasts of the Black Sea (resorts of Krasnodar Krai) and Baikal Lake; and also territory of regions of Western Siberia (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk areas, Altai territory, Altai Republic). Formation of the West Siberian tourist cluster possibly on activization of interregional interaction in cluster elements development.

Anyway, the system of privileges provided to a bonded economic area has to serve as the realization instrument of available comparative advantages of the territory, instead of the available shortcomings compensation mechanism or absent factors of development.


1. Tolmachev A.V., Varfolomeev V.N. Spirkin O.D. Economic instruments of regional investment regulation of agricultural markets. - Moscow: Exam 2012.

2. www.russez.ru - the official website dedicated to the special economic zones of the Russian Federation.

3. www.gks.ru - the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia.

4. www.consultant.ru - site legal support "Consultant Plus".

5. www.economy.gov.ru - the official site of Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

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