Научная статья на тему 'Basic principles of formation of modern eco-city'

Basic principles of formation of modern eco-city Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Abilev Dinmukhamed Nurlanyly, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

According to the, numerous studies in the field of architecture and urban planning, the results showed that with the achievement of various goods in a variety of areas, there are also negative sides. Cities appeared, si developed taking into account numerous factors from ancient times, in the modern world, cities are large life-supporting agglomerations, but even now cities need to move to the next level of development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Basic principles of formation of modern eco-city»



1Abilev Dinmukhamed Nurlanyly - Bachelor of Arts, Undergraduate Student;


Abstract: according to the, numerous studies in the field of architecture and urban planning, the results showed that with the achievement of various goods in a variety of areas, there are also negative sides. Cities appeared, si developed taking into account numerous factors from ancient times, in the modern world, cities are large life-supporting agglomerations, but even now cities need to move to the next level of development. Keywords: city, eco-city, alternative energy sources.

Most of the major modern cities are well-developed technical infrastructure, improved over time. At the moment, cities, in addition to being the crown of creation of the engineering and technical development of human genius, are also the main reason for the destruction of the environment. This process is most noticeable in large cities, when the resources received are spent at a high speed, they do not have the ability to self-healing. This phenomenon determines the significance of the process of urban structures turning to environmental support for life cycles in megacities and smaller cities, this environmental reconstruction will increase the proposed level of quality of residents without changing the natural conditions of the planet. People feel the need for this process on themselves everywhere, using all the modern benefits of the civilized world, people also feel negative consequences.

Initially, this can be seen in the pollution of basic vital resources like air, water and soil. As you know, the main sources of pollution of the urban air basin are industrial enterprises, motor vehicles and the urban area itself (inappropriate cultural and leisure facilities for wastelands, etc.). Impurities emitted by industrial enterprises located in the city's structure, dust, automobile emissions, and smog are the greatest threats to human health. etc. can lead to extremely negative consequences for human health, especially for young children and the elderly [1].

The modern eco-city is a new model of modern urban development that allows solving many problems related to the environment of the internal and external urban structure. This development model will help reduce excessive energy consumption, the elimination or reuse of heat, and eliminate noise pollution along with air and water pollution and taking into account the emotional and psychological needs of people in contact with nature.

As you know, the main goal of the design and implementation of the ECOGORODOV project is to improve the quality of life of the population, taking into account the addition of future generations, satisfying social needs, taking into account the balanced interaction of man with nature.

The very idea of environmentally friendly cities arose in the second half of the 20th century, when society realized that the environment was suffering technically with development. All projects that existed to this day were an idea with a well-developed sustainable eco-system, the energy source of which is solar energy, due to which its existence will be connected. For this period of time, there are designed or already implemented analogues of eco-cities and eco-settlements. Nevertheless, in addition to building from scratch, many states are implementing the idea of switching to a policy with

zero carbon emissions, namely the transition of enterprises and transport infrastructure to alternative power sources. If at first the initial task was to clean the environment from pollution of such resources as air, water and soil, but now the task is to reduce negative environmental impacts such as climate, conservation of biodiversity, utilization of materials, improvement of indicators, characterization quality of life in cities [2].

One of the main tasks of ECOLOGY organization is to reduce or completely eliminate the carbon footprint. As well as another important difference between the Ecocity and ordinary cities / villages, the renewable energy source produces this very energy to support and provide life in megacities and that the city's environmental dependence is zero.

The main characteristics of the eco-city:

1. The formation of agricultural land within the city or the construction of vertical farms in order to reduce the time of delivery to the point of sale of goods.

2. Development of renewable energy sources

3. Modernization and subsequent improvement of public transport with the expansion of public pedestrian zones with an increase in green spaces.

4. Reducing the phenomenon of a thermal island, the source of which is a large amount of concrete asphalt, which raises the temperature

5. Use of zero-carbon transport

In parallel with the advent of eco-urban projects, the main characteristic of which was the use of solar energy, construction projects were born, the main characteristic of which was the use of wind power plants.

The widespread use of wind energy in building planning in Europe, the USA, China and India. There are other sources of renewable energy. The basic principle of using renewable energy sources is to extract them from processes that constantly occur in the environment or in renewable organic raw materials, and use them technically [3]

As you know, renewable energy sources are obtained from natural resources which is always possible to reuse, most often the sources of this endless energy are solar energy, geothermal, wind and water that are replenished naturally and the second type of energy supply is the use of wood, ethanol and some types of vegetable oils. The main advantage of the first type is their cheap cost and self-sustainability, which makes it even more valuable. In addition to dignity, there is a small minus in the cost. Since renewable energy cannot be transmitted over long distances from the place of concentration, only to a nearby locality. Nevertheless, in addition to describing the types of sources of alternative energy sources themselves, they also have advantages and disadvantages as in any other research group

The main advantages of alternative energy sources are their quick renewability, environmental friendliness and easy accessibility with the possibility of using in a wide range of uses, it is also worth considering the low cost of the resource itself due to its availability.

As you know, the disadvantages are the high cost of the equipment for storage and storage, significant financial and material costs for installation and construction stages, excessive dependence on external factors such as location, strength and direction of the wind, and cloud cover. And the relative low power of energy generation excluding hydrostations [4].

In addition to the introduction of renewable energy in the inner and outer boundaries of the city, there has always been a question of landscaping and landscaping in cities. Since urban improvement is one of the urgent problems of modern urban planning, the task of urban improvement is to create a favorable living environment for the modern resident of the metropolis providing comfortable conditions for everyone types of his activities. It is inextricably linked with urban development and is one of its main parts. Today, public places of stay and rest, park areas are intensively developing and becoming unique and aesthetically attractive corners of nature. The level of development of beautification has a significant impact on the working and resting conditions of a person.

During the reconstruction of urban areas, it is necessary to preserve, develop and create all types of green spaces, trying to bring the level of landscaping closer to the required standards. The current standards established that a high percentage of the green area of the urban territory should be no more than no less than about 40%; at the border of the residential area - at least 25%; quarter or microdistrict - at least 10%. This norm can be reduced only if the residential area adjoins the park, forest park, city garden or public garden [5].

The main problem is noise pollution, the wave intensity of which negatively affects the psychological health of people, especially this risk is great in the vicinity of highways and railways, in the area of airports, railway stations, bus stations, as well as individual enterprises where specialized heavy equipment is used, which increases the percentage production noise and adverse effects.

One of the ways to reduce noise pollution is to plant green areas. With the right choice and location of deciduous trees, their crown can absorb one third of the noise of the urban environment. It was proved that the level of urban noise during the development of urban areas by houses with hanged floors with the absence of any green spaces is 5 times higher than the norm than with the same density from the buildings, but taking into account the plantings along the sidewalks. It is worth accepting the fact that in the fight against city noise on busy highways or streets using only stands, it is pointless because, in this case, the stands should be planted in 2-3 rows with alternating shrubs.

As you know, in most cases, landscaping of urban space with one row of green spaces without shrubbery is not advisable, since there is a loss of noise reduction ability. In addition to good sound absorption, green spaces have a good effect on the microclimate, since the air in the shade of the trees is much cooler, the temperature in this area is 10-15 grams lower in the hottest weather. Moreover, a cool microclimate is provided not only by shadows under the canopy, but also by the humidity of deciduous trees, which creates favorable conditions for people in the park and urban forests [6].

One of the important goals worth mentioning is the creation of a comfortable living environment for the population is the creation of good landscaping with the organization of recreational spaces. As experience shows, in the case of modernization of buildings and territories there are always opportunities to create new buildings of various shapes and volumes so that a person in the immediate vicinity of them would feel comfortable. Speaking about the comfortable position of a person in these buildings, it is worth considering that the formation of these territories depends on the nature of the person. One of the fundamental functions of the city is the creation of optimal living conditions, leisure of cultural events and labor.

All of the above implies an improvement in the quality of urban development in favor of compliance with modern standards and requirements in eco-construction, since this path will allow for the implementation of new projects in the creation and reconstruction of buildings of a new format. In this regard, many years ago, the term was introduced on the eco-construction of Green architecture, etc. This term implies a reduction and ultimately elimination of the impact of buildings on the environment and human health [7].

The concept of eco-construction, green architecture emphasizes the use of renewable resources not only in energy production, but also their adaptation in the field of architecture and construction. For example, the use of solar energy through passive, active photovoltaic equipment for extracting energy and heat into a house, the use of plants and trees through green roofs, tropical gardens and the reduction of rainwater flow. Many methods are used for this, such as using low impact building materials or using packaged gravel or permeable concrete instead of regular concrete or asphalt to improve groundwater recharge.

In this case, the practice of using these methods can radically differ from the requirements of the regions where this practice is carried out, but fundamental principles such as the efficiency of location, structures, use of resources, materials, improving the environmental quality of urban and suburban areas are always preserved [8].

The main goal of green architecture is to optimize several principles related to this topic. In addition, with proper synergistic design, the single green architecture technologies can function together to provide greater effect in this area. According to the aesthetic side of green construction, there is its own building planning philosophy, which will be harmoniously combined with the natural features and resources surrounding the territory.

In the wake of this philosophical movement, the idea arose of vertical landscaping of buildings, which also contributes to the development of the trend of green architecture. In turn, vertical gardening is divided into two types: green facades, which are a type of system of a greened vertical surface along which plants climb or grow in cascades. The surface of a green wall can be constructed as a frame lattice or can be integrated into wall structures through grids along which load-bearing containers are planted; in addition to walls, they can be integrated into surfaces such as fences, columns or arches. There is also a second type of vertical gardening: living walls or Bio-walls.

In the construction of which are used vertical panels of nets or wooden or metal frames in which plant seeds or already grown stems are planted in advance. In addition to metal and wooden frames, they can be made of materials such as polystyrene, clay, concrete, or decorative material such as plastic. By their characteristics, biowalls are most in need of constant care and protection from a large plant variety and its density.


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