АYOLLАRGА NISBАTАN ZO‘RАVONLIKNING TURLARI VA UNGA TA’SIR ETUVCHI OMILLAR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
zo‘ravon / stress / psixologik zo‘ravonlik / iqtisodiy zo‘ravonlik / jismoniy zo‘ravonlik / jinsiy zo‘ravonlik / travma / shikast / jarohat. / насилие / стресс / психологическое насилие / экономическое насилие / физическое насилие / сексуальное насилие / травма / травма / травма.

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — I.A. Eshankulova

Maqolada ayollarga nisbatan zo‘ravonlikning turlari, unga ta’sir etuvchi omillar va zo‘ravonlik muammosini bartaraf etish bo‘yicha xulosa va takliflar keltirilgan. Zo‘ravonlik ko‘pincha ayollarga nisbatan sodir etilib, zo‘ravonlikning asosiy jihati ayollar jamiyatda erkaklar bilan teng huquqli emas degan fikrning mavjudligi, ayollarga nisbatan past nazar bilan qaralishi oqibatida vujudga keladi.

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В статье представлены виды насилия в отношении женщин, факторы, влияющие на него, а также сделаны выводы и предложения по устранению проблемы насилия. Насилие часто совершается в отношении женщин, и основным аспектом насилия является существование в обществе мнения о том, что женщины не имеют равных прав с мужчинами из-за пренебрежительного отношения к женщинам.


ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5(1)


Original paper


© I.A. Eshankulova1E

1Guliston davlat universiteti,Sirdaryo, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: Maqolada ayollarga nisbatan zo'ravonlikning turlari, unga ta'sir etuvchi omillar va zo'ravonlik muammosini bartaraf etish bo'yicha xulosa va takliflar keltirilgan. Zo'ravonlik ko'pincha ayollarga nisbatan sodir etilib, zo'ravonlikning asosiy jihati ayollar jamiyatda erkaklar bilan teng huquqli emas degan fikrning mavjudligi, ayollarga nisbatan past nazar bilan qaralishi oqibatida vujudga keladi.

MAQSAD: Jamiyatdagi ayollarga nisbatan tahdidlarning ijtimoiy psixologik ahamiyatini o'rganish, zo'ravonlikning vujudga kelish sabablarini aniqlash va bartaraf etish bo'yicha taklif va xulosalar ishlab chiqishdir.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqot miqdoriy va sifatli ma'lumotlarni yig'ishni birlashtirgan aralash usullardan foydalanadi. Ishtirokchilar orasida turli xil ta'lim darajasidagi talabalar mavjud va materiallar standartlashtirilgan lug'atni baholash, yozish namunalari va o'quv tadbirlarini o'z ichiga oladi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: Respublikamizda zo'ravonlik oqibatida jabr ko'rayotgan ayollar huquqlarini himoya qilish, ularning jamiyatda tutgan o'rnini mustaxkamlash, zo'ravonlik muammosini o'rganish, ayniqsa, oilalarda vujudga keladigan oilaviy nizolarni oldini olish va ularni bartaraf qilish usullarini tushunish juda muhim vazifadir.

XULOSA: Shunday qilib, ishsizlik yoki ishdagi maoshning yetarli emasligi, ma'lumot darajasining quyi ko'rsatkichga ega ekanligi, diniy bilimlarning yetishmasligi, hamda er-xotin munosabatlarida yetarlicha malakaga ega bo'lmagan er hukmronlikni qo'lga olish uchun kuch ishlatishga majbur bo'ladi.

Kalit so'zlar: zo'ravon, stress, psixologik zo'ravonlik, iqtisodiy zo'ravonlik, jismoniy zo'ravonlik, jinsiy zo'ravonlik, travma, shikast, jarohat.

Iqtibos uchun: Eshankulova I.A.Ayollarga nisbatan zo'ravonlikning turlari va unga ta'sir etuvchi omillar. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №4(2). B. 528-533.


© И.А. Эшанкулова1^_

Тулистанский государственный университет, Гулистан, Узбекистан_

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)



ВВЕДЕНИЕ: В статье представлены виды насилия в отношении женщин, факторы, влияющие на него, а также сделаны выводы и предложения по устранению проблемы насилия. Насилие часто совершается в отношении женщин, и основным аспектом насилия является существование в обществе мнения о том, что женщины не имеют равных прав с мужчинами из-за пренебрежительного отношения к женщинам.

ЦЕЛЬ: Она заключается в изучении социально-психологической значимости угроз в отношении женщин в обществе, выявлении причин насилия и разработке предложений и выводов.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследовании используются смешанные методы, сочетающие сбор количественных и качественных данных. В число участников входят учащиеся с разным уровнем образования, а материалы включают стандартизированные тесты на словарный запас, образцы письма и учебные мероприятия.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Защита прав женщин, пострадавших от насилия в нашей республике, их положения в обществе укрепить позиции, решить проблему насилия обучение - очень важная задача, особенно понять, как предотвратить и устранить семейные конфликты, возникающие в семьях.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Так, безработица или недостаточная заработная плата на работе, низкий уровень образования, отсутствие религиозных знаний и недостаточные навыки в супружеских отношениях вынуждают мужа применять силу для достижения доминирования. Наше исследование показывает, что занятость женщин является одной из основных причин насилия, вызывающего необоснованную ревность у мужчин.

Ключевые слова: насилие, стресс, психологическое насилие, экономическое насилие, физическое насилие, сексуальное насилие, травма, травма, травма.


© I.A. Eshankulova1H

1Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: the article presents the types of violence against women, the factors influencing it, and also draws conclusions and proposals for eliminating the problem of violence. Violence is often committed against women, and the main aspect of violence is the existence in society of the belief that women do not have equal rights with men due to the neglect of women

Для цитирования: Эшанкулова И.А. Виды насилия над женщинами и факторы, влияющие на него // Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). С. 528-533.

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


AIM: it consists of studying the socio-psychological significance of threats against women in society, identifying the causes of violence and developing proposals and conclusions.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study uses mixed methods combining quantitative and qualitative data collection. Participants include students from a variety of educational backgrounds, and materials include standardized vocabulary assessments, writing samples, and learning activities.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: protecting the rights of women affected by violence in our republic, their position in society strengthen positions, solve the problem of violence training is a very important task, especially to understand how to prevent and eliminate family conflicts that arise in families.

CONCLUSION: thus, unemployment or insufficient wages at work, low level of education, lack of religious knowledge and insufficient skills in marital relations force the husband to use force to achieve dominance. Our research shows that women's employment is one of the main causes of violence that causes unreasonable jealousy in men.

Key words: violence, stress, psychological violence, economic violence, physical violence, sexual violence, trauma.

For citation: Iroda A. Eshankulova. (2024) Types of violence against women and factors affecting it, (5(1)), pp. 528-533. (In English).

A woman is the eye of society, the strength of the family, the mother of the home, the support of children. But, unfortunately, violence against women in our society is becoming a global problem. Violence against women is a very common phenomenon not only in our country but throughout society. Preventing violence against women in society, studying its causes, identifying influencing factors and developing methods to eliminate it will help to understand the concept of gender equality.

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 27, 2018 No. PK-3808 "On approval of the Concept of strengthening the institution of family in the Republic of Uzbekistan", No. 472 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 7, 2019 "On the formation of personnel in the field of psychology" "On further improvement of the training system personnel and measures to prevent crime in society" dated September 2, 2019 "On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men" and "On the oppression of women and the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On protection from violence" and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 18, 2020 of the year "On the organization of the Ministry of Neighborhood and Family Support of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Uzbekistan" Decision No. PK-4602 is the main legal document in the field of preventing domestic violence.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)


Another important innovation is the introduction of administrative and criminal liability for family (domestic) violence. In particular, based on the latest international standards and foreign experience in protecting the rights of women and children, administrative and criminal liability for economic and mental violence, as well as physical violence, has been established. The work carried out to prevent violence and reduce the amount of violence in our country affects not only the fate of women, but also the fate of children raised in families provides an opportunity to change.

Protecting the rights of women affected by violence in our republic, their position in society strengthen positions, solve the problem of violence training is a very important task, especially to understand how to prevent and eliminate family conflicts that arise in families. Violence against women is a complex social problem in our society today. "What is violence?" The concept of violence is the psychological, physical, sexual or economic impact on women. transmission or such influence o'transfer measures threatening their life, health, infringing on their dignity, sexual integrity, honor, dignity and other rights and freedoms protected by law.Extra-legal action (inaction) is considered. Violence in a couple's relationship harms the woman, prevents her from achieving success in social life, reduces her productivity, and affects her health. Oconfidentiality, litigation and this increases personal costs, but at the same time harms both the spiritual and cultural development of society.

Currently, the study of the problem of violence in social psychology is characterized by the use of force against women and the elimination of conflict situations that arise in the family. The study of problems related to violence against women combines several disciplines (psychology, medicine, law, philosophy, sociology, economics, etc.). Classic theories about the essence and origin of social inequality were formed by O. Comte, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, K. Marx, F. Engels, Z. Freud. The first theoretical analysis of marital relations can be found in the scientific studies of D. Mill, T. Hobbs, J. Rousseau, J. Locke, S. Fure, K. Stanton. The concept of the problem of violence against women is characterized by the theory of social conflict.

If the family is the main link of society, then the woman is the keeper of the family fortress. Sustainable values and traditions in families have a constant impact on the social development of the state. Currently, issues of violence against women have become a pressing issue.

The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Protection of Women - Girls from Harassment and Violence" provides for "physical, mental, sexual or economic impact on women - violence or measures to influence it is defined as an unlawful action (inaction) that encroaches on their life, health, sexual inviolability, honor, dignity and other rights and freedoms protected by law, threatening their use.

"Bodily injury resulting from the actual or threatened use of physical force directed against oneself, others, a group of people, or the community."cause of death, mental injury, developmental disability or any other type of harm."


G. N. Kireev defines violence as follows: "Violence is a specific type of relationship between people, which is formed on the basis of a contradictory attitude to the natural, objective conditions of their existence and is based on possession, suppression, the will of the subject, to rule over it."

L.V. Serdyuk stated that "Violence is an external deliberate and unlawful influence on a person (or a group of persons) against or against his will, which can cause him organic, physiological and psychological injuries and limit his freedom.

According to G.F. Belyaeva, "domestic violence is a pattern of behavior of one person over another in order to establish control."

R.F. Dobash, R.P. Dobash define domestic violence as the result of male dominance and control over the behavior of women.

The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence" defines four main types of violence.

Physical violence- includes bodily harm, biting, choking, pushing, threatening or causing bodily harm with sharp objects, kicking, pushing, torture, punching. As a result of physical violence, women mainly receive facial scars, injuries, bruises, burns, broken bones, brain hemorrhages, eardrum injuries, nasal fractures, damage to internal organs, and cracked lips.

Psychological abuse- This type of violence is very common. Signs of this violence are not observed in the human body. Psychological violence is committed indirectly. Most of our women are not even aware of psychological violence. However, according to psychologists, mental abuse is a common type of violence between spouses and is considered a psychological crisis. Victims of mental violence suffer from situations such as insulting a person, not recognizing his feelings, coercion, slander, intimidation, humiliation of his dignity and his loved ones, belittling his dignity, imprisonment, restriction of his freedom, they smoke.

Sexual violence- another common type of violence. Sexual violence is violence against women and children between spouses, close relatives and strangers in family relationships. Sexual violence is aimed at satisfying sexual feelings without the woman's consent. Victims of sexual violence are mainly victims of violent sexual intercourse, forced sexual intercourse through rape, sexual discrimination, first beating and then sexual intercourse, forced perverted behavior in the form of pornography, constantly suffer from accusations of adultery, treating women only as sexual objects.

Economic violence- this type of violence is characterized by the restriction of the husband's right to education and work, and the deprivation of the woman's right to spend money as she wishes.

In conclusion, women who are victims of violence suffer from several types of violence. Violence is mainly of a chain nature. One is done in conjunction with the other. Some women don't even realize they are being bullied. However, actions taken at the


initiative of our President can become the basis for supporting women and giving them a place in society.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." -https://lex.uz

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 2, 2019 "On the protection of women from harassment and violence", No. 561 - https://lex.uz

3. Law No. ORQ-562 "On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men" (national database of legal documents dated 09/03/2019).

4. A.Kh. Saidov General theory of human rights. -T. 2012.

5. Violence and its impact on health. Report on the situation in the world - M: Publishing House "The Whole World", 2002, p.

6. Kireev G.N. The essence of violence. - M.: 1990. P. 18.

7. Serdyuk L.V. Violence. Criminal and Criminal Investigation. -M.: 2002. P. 179.

8. Dobash R.F., Dobash R.P. Violence against wives: the case against patriarchy. New York, 1979.


Eshankulova Irodaxon Avazxanovna, tayanch doktorant [Эшанкулова Иродахон Авазхановна, докторант], [Irodakhon A.Eshankulova, PhD student]; manzil: Sirdaryo viloyati, Guliston shahri, Bunyodkor, 146 [адрес: Сырдаринская область, г. Гулистан, ул. Бунёдкор д. 146.], [address: Bunyadkar street, 146, Gulistan city, Sirdarya region]; Email: irabonu@mail.ru

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