SYSTEMATIC RESEARCH OF WOMEN'S SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Women's Employment / Women's Health / Child Rearing / Women's Education / Literacy / Culture / Political knowledge / Violence and Settlement Against Women / Uzbek Families / Family Relations / Early Marriage. / женская занятость / женское здоровье / воспитание детей / женское образование / грамотность / культура / политические знания / насилие и поселение в отношении женщин / узбекские семьи / семейные отношения / ранние браки.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Shakhnoza Rustamalieva

maqolada bugungi kunda ayollar duch keladigan muammolar tizimli ravishda yoritilgan. Mavzudan kelib chiqib, 18-55 yoshdagi ayollar o‘rtasida so‘rovnoma o‘tkazildi, uning natijalari tahlil qilindi va bu bosqichlar ham Respublika miqyosida o‘tkazilgan so‘rovlar bilan solishtirish shaklida tahlil qilindi. Maqolada qonunchilikda qabul qilingan yangi hujjatlar va islohotlar, sohaga oid kamchiliklar sanab o‘tilgan va shundan kelib chiqib, taklif va qabullar berilgan. Maqolada bugungi kunning dolzarb muammolari bo‘lgan O‘zbekiston ayollari duch kelayotgan muammolar: zo‘ravonlik, ta’qiblar, kamsitishlar yoritilgan. Xususan, maqolada ruhiy, jismoniy, jinsiy, moliyaviy zo‘ravonlik va uning oqibatlari, oilalarda ayollarga munosabat haqida so‘z boradi. Ayollarga nisbatan kamsitishning asl sabablari, ularning oila va jamiyatdagi ildizlari muhokama qilinadi.

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the article systematically covers the problems faced by women today. Based on the topic, a survey was conducted among women aged 18-55, its results were analyzed, and these phases were also analyzed in the form of a comparison with the surveys conducted at the level of the Republic. The article lists the new documents and reforms adopted in the legislation, as well as the shortcomings in the field, and based on this, suggestions and receptions are given. In the article, the problems faced by women in Uzbekistan, which are today's urgent problems, are highlighted: violence, harassment, discrimination. In particular, the article talks about mental, physical, sexual, financial violence and its consequences, and the attitude towards women in families. The original causes of discrimination against women and their roots in family and society are discussed.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.24412/cl-36892-2024-18-120-137

Pages: 120-137





Shaxnoza Rustamalieva

doktorantura talabasi O 'zbekiston davlat san 'at va madaniyat instituti Toshkent, O'zbekiston E-mail: rustamaliyeva94a,mail.ru


Annotatsiya: maqolada bugungi kunda ayollar duch keladigan muammolar tizimli ravishda yoritilgan. Mavzudan kelib chiqib, 18-55 yoshdagi ayollar o'rtasida so'rovnoma o'tkazildi, uning natijalari tahlil qilindi va bu bosqichlar ham Respublika miqyosida o'tkazilgan so'rovlar bilan solishtirish shaklida tahlil qilindi. Maqolada qonunchilikda qabul qilingan yangi hujjatlar va islohotlar, sohaga oid kamchiliklar sanab o'tilgan va shundan kelib chiqib, taklif va qabullar berilgan. Maqolada bugungi kunning dolzarb muammolari bo'lgan O'zbekiston ayollari duch kelayotgan muammolar: zo'ravonlik, ta'qiblar, kamsitishlar yoritilgan. Xususan, maqolada ruhiy, jismoniy, jinsiy, moliyaviy zo'ravonlik va uning oqibatlari, oilalarda ayollarga munosabat haqida so'z boradi. Ayollarga nisbatan kamsitishning asl sabablari, ularning oila va jamiyatdagi ildizlari muhokama qilinadi.


Shakhnoza Rustamalieva

Basic Doctoral Student Uzbekistan State Institute of arts and Culture Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: rustamaliyeva94@mail. ru

Kalit so'zlar: Ayollar bandligi, Ayollar salomatligi, Farzand tarbiyasi, Ayollar ta'limi, Savodxonlik,

Madaniyat, Siyosiy bilim, Ayollarga nisbatan zo'ravonlik va turar joy, O'zbek oilalari, Oilaviy munosabatlar, Erta turmush qurish


Key words: Women's Abstract: the article systematically covers the

Employment, Women's Health, problems faced by women today. Based on the topic, a

Child Rearing, Women's survey was conducted among women aged 18-55, its results

Education, Literacy, Culture, were analyzed, and these phases were also analyzed in the

Political knowledge, Violence form of a comparison with the surveys conducted at the level

and Settlement Against Women, of the Republic. The article lists the new documents and

Uzbek Families, Family reforms adopted in the legislation, as well as the Relations, Early Marriage. shortcomings in the field, and based on this, suggestions and

receptions are given. In the article, the problems faced by women in Uzbekistan, which are today's urgent problems, are highlighted: violence, harassment, discrimination. In particular, the article talks about mental, physical, sexual, financial violence and its consequences, and the attitude towards women in families. The original causes of discrimination against women and their roots in family and _society are discussed._



Шахноза Рустамалиева

Базовый докторант Узбекский государственный институт искусств и культуры Ташкент, Узбекистан E-mail: Rustamaliyeva94@mail.ru


Аннотация: В статье системно освещены проблемы, с которыми сегодня сталкиваются женщины. По теме был проведен опрос среди женщин в возрасте 18-55 лет, проанализированы его результаты, а также данные этапы проанализированы в виде сравнения с опросами, проводимыми на уровне Республики. В статье перечислены новые документы и реформы, принятые в законодательстве, а также недостатки в сфере, и на основании этого даны предложения и приемы. В статье освещены проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются женщины Узбекистана, являющиеся актуальными проблемами современности: насилие, притеснения, дискриминация. В частности, в статье говорится о психическом, физическом, сексуальном, финансовом насилии и его последствиях, а также об отношении к женщинам в семьях. Обсуждаются первопричины дискриминации женщин и их корни в семье и обществе.

1. Introduction

During the transition to a market economy, a huge number of factories occupied by women labor, as a result of the closure of manufacturing enterprises, many of the women were left without work and forced to do things that did not require various professional qualifications for the economic support of the family. These, in turn, negatively affected the healthy lifestyle in the family, women's health, child rearing and women's reproductive status. [1]

During the period of independence, the attitude towards the issue of womanhood changed radically. The resolution of the issues of protecting their socio-political rights, dignity, creating

Ключевые слова:

женская занятость, женское здоровье, воспитание детей, женское образование,

грамотность, культура,

политические знания, насилие и поселение в отношении женщин, узбекские семьи, семейные отношения, ранние браки.

favorable conditions for their participation in the system of social life and management, raising the level of maternal and child health, knowledge and culture of the population, comprehensive provision of socio-economic rights was dictated by the period itself. In the Republic, the Order of the healthy generation was established on March 4, 1994. Cabinet Resolution No. 268 of June 3 that year, while the externality of the non-government international charitable foundation for a healthy generation activist, was evidence that concern for the health of the younger generation and mothers had become a state policy. As it turned out, in the Republic this process was systematically continued. 1998 was declared the "Year of the family", 1999 the "Year of women", 2001 the "Year of mothers and children", 2005 the "Year of Health" and measures were taken to eliminate the problems in the entire Republic. 2. Systematic Research of Women's Problems

The lack of professional competence among women, the fact that their employment in more domestic affairs did not allow them to become completely out of the news of Science and technology, would be a serious obstacle to their active participation in public administration. When taken on a worldwide scale, the factors affecting women's participation in public administration are classified into two groups:

1. The first is institutional factors. In this, issues such as the integration of women into politics, the possibility of political parties to penetrate the lives of women.

2. The second is individual factors, which includes women's level of education, professional qualifications, legal literacy, and political activity. These factors also exist in the lives of women of our Republic. [2]

In recent years, the legal literacy of Uzbek women has been gradually increasing. For example, as of June 4, 2021, more than 4,200 citizens applied for protection to the Rehabilitation and Adaptation Center of the Republic. 3827 of them are women. As long as these numbers were few before. It was considered a guilt for our women to complain about problems at home and ask for help from government agencies. [3]

Currently, all types of bullying and violence against women (mental, economic, spiritual physical, sexual) are increasing worldwide. A separate report on the impact of such cases on human health has been published. [4]

Cases of violence against women still remain unresolved as an urgent problem. As a result of much less scientific work on this pressing problem - cases of bullying-this issue can still be said to be one of the global problems that has not yet found a solution. This issue can cause negative consequences for all three of the development of society. The following reasons can be indicated for this:

1) Family problems remain hidden in the society, their resolution by the society is evaluated as interference in private life, violence against women and children in families becomes internal affairs of the family, pressure is exerted by the husband or other family members, not to contact the relevant authorities and not getting practical help;

2) the fact that women who suffer from physical, mental, sexual or other forms of violence in the family do not disclose it, thinking that it will damage their reputation in society and in the family.

Unfortunately, in such cases, acts of violence continue and the culprit remains unpunished. It should be remembered that bullying, bullying strongly affects the mental and physical health of women. The fact that violence is seen as a "personal family affair" actually violates human rights. Eliminates the rights to a personal inviolable, decent lifestyle, health and freedom.

Ending cases of violence against women is not a simple problem. Its solution depends on various factors, including the socio-economic development of society, the level of maturity of civil society, democratic values, spiritual and moral education of men, etc. The lack of reliable and sufficient statistics on domestic abuse makes it difficult to fully investigate the problem, identify women victims of abuse, and issue specific scientific conclusions. 2.1. Problem Identification Through Questionnaires

In order to further clarify this information, we organized a survey of 300 women between the ages of 23-35 in Andijan and Namangan regions (Uzbekistan). What do you understand when you listen "Violence Against Women?" we asked. 50% of the participants said that women are abused by taking advantage of their weakness, 20% by men seeking to dominate women, 17% by men's abuse of alcohol or drugs, and 13% of them said it is abusing by family members of the husband.

So, the conclusion is that a large part of men use force on women because they are representatives of the weaker sex, taking advantage of their weakness. Also, as a result of men's efforts to achieve absolute domination over women, they impose repression on women. Both men and women are equally revered in the religious and secular worlds, and their rights are equal. In a traditional Uzbek family, of course, the role and level of the husband is higher than the spiritual aspect. But it is a crime for one person to try to dominate another person by force, to oppress him. In addition, cases of oppression of the bride of other family members in the bridal family also show high percentages (13%). This leads to the conclusion that the bride is not a new family member, but a servant, the level of being treated as if a stranger had entered the family. To compare, let's present the data of the survey conducted by the Research Institute of family and women. The Research Institute of family and women conducted a survey in April-September

2022 in 5 regions of the country: The Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Samarkand regions and various points of the city of Tashkent. [5] It was attended by 420 respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 who were abused. In the process of analyzing family relationships, the question "with whom do you go to more conflict?" was asked. 67.8 percent of respondents stated that in most cases there were different conflicts with their spouse, and 34.5 percent of participants with their mother-in-law. The percentage of answers to this question confirms the results of the above survey. That is, women are mainly involved in conflicts in the family in relations with their husbands and mother-in-law. "Why do conflicts arise?", 45.3% of respondents answered that there was no mutual understanding, 37.9% were material difficulties, 25.3% were because of she is working, and 13.3% were for alcohol addiction. It seems that misunderstandings and material shortages and the husband's addiction to alcohol are the main problems in families.

39.4% of women who participated in the study consider that in Uzbek families, the husband's use of acts of harassment and violence against his woman in many cases is the reason why the wife do not listen her husband's words (it means disrespect by wife's side). Twenty-six percent said they were disgusted with her husband's hatred, and twenty-six-three percent said they were disgusted with her husband's close relatives. There are respondents who noted that they were also repressed due to arbitrary behavior (25.3 percent), poor mood of the husband (24.4 percent). In some cases, there were cases of domestic violence due to the lack of love between husband and wife (17.7 percent), the fact that the husband is drunk and is in a state of intoxication (15.7 percent), deficiencies in household work (11 percent).

During the study, it was revealed that respondents primarily view acts of physical harm as domestic violence and repression. According to the analysis, actions in the form of beating, pushing, pinching, turning the hand (83.8 percent) were assessed as forms of domestic violence. More psychological effects and prohibitions followed, including abuse and slaughter (72.4 percent), and work and study bans (68.7 percent).

Every third respondent constantly criticizes by her husband and his relatives (32.1 percent), prohibits independent use of the money (31.7 percent), interferes in his life (30 percent), drives for the necessary primary products (food, hygiene products) does not accept cases of refusal (35.8 percent) as harassment or violence. So, cases of economic violence against women also occur in a large percentage, but the fact that women do not perceive it as violence shows that their level of legal knowledge is low. The answer to the next question also confirms this conclusion. Respondents' opinions were also taken on the question "Do you know that if a man harasses and abuses his wife, he will be punished by the law?" 22.5 percent of women said that

they know about it, but are not fully aware of it all. 14.5 percent have no information at all, 14.3 percent have insufficient knowledge, and 13.5 percent do not know exactly.

Participants were also asked the question of where they turned to for help once a violent situation was observed. Every third woman, 38.8 percent, said she had contacted with "Mahalla" organization's responsible person, and 30.4 percent said she had reached out to friends and relatives. 22.4 percent reported contacting the Internal Affairs and prosecutor's office in severe cases, 6.3 percent to social workers and psychologists, 5.5 percent to relevant organizations via hotline, and 4.6 percent to the hospital. This means that women primarily turn to "Mahalla" organization when they get into difficult situations.

2.1.1. Conclusions Drawn from Questionnaires

Why is the use of violence by men on women in families becoming commonplace? In most cases, this problem is hidden as a personal work of the family, not disclosed to others. The results of a 2003 study by the representative office of Human rights watch, a branch of the Federation for Human Rights, based in Uzbekistan, confirm this. [6] The study was titled" From House to house: neighborhood committee violations". The study argues that the majority of neighborhood committees prevent women suffering from domestic violence from divorcing their husbands. When solving the issue, they reconcile with the aim of preserving more families. The staff of neighborhood committees often make women themselves the cause of a husband's beating of his wives. Such negative circumstances are considered impunity and also contradict international standards that guarantee the equal right of a woman in matters of marriage and the annulment of marriage. [6]

In order to reduce the number of conflicts in the family, the citizens of the neighborhood were tasked with conducting regular spiritual, moral affairs between such apartments in their gatherings. The conversation with husband and wife is conducted by the chairman of the neighborhood, his deputy, the head of the neighborhood women's committee, or the elderly of the neighborhood. If the average type of neighborhood comes out without success, the case is given to the court authorities.

2.1.2. Practical Work Done by the State to Eliminate the Problem

On March 23, 2023, the law on "Amendments and Additions to certain legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with further improvement of the system of reliable protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of women and children" was adopted. Its adoption was desperately needed today. According to the Information Service of the Supreme Court, in 2022 alone, 469 people in Uzbekistan were punished for sexual violence against minors. Of these, 23 individuals were punished with substances to satisfy the sexual need in an

unnatural way in relation to the person who was revealed to be guilty of not reaching the age of 14 and more than four times — 99 under the age of fourteen. 249 individuals were punished for having sex with a person under the age of 16. 7 persons were punished for having sex with a person between the ages of 16 and 18 by giving material values or by obtaining property interest. 91 individuals were punished for indecent acts against a person under the age of sixteen. [7]

The law increased penalties for violence. For instance, the law introduced administrative and criminal liability for "domestic violence" (article 1261), which is relevant today. In particular, based on the most modern international norms for the protection of the rights of women and children and foreign experience, administrative and criminal liability was established for physical violence, as well as economic and psychological violence. New penalties were also introduced on issues seen as an urgent problem, such as "forcing a person to have sex" (Art. 121), "disclosing information that belittles the honor and dignity of a person and reflects the secret aspects of human life" (Art. 1413), mandatory involvement in paid public works (Art. 281) as a measure ensuring the fulfillment of alimony obligations.

2.2. Table-Based Questionnaires, Systematic Study of Women's Problems in Rural Areas

We conducted social surveys for the purpose of systematic research of women's problems. A survey of a total of 300 women between the ages of 35-55 and 300 girls between the ages of 1518 in Mingbulak district of Namangan region asked what the problems that plague women today are. As a result, a large percentage of women (36.60%) showed employment problems, financial (16.6%) problems. Also, 30% of them had difficulty answering the question. Below is a table in which the percentage of answers is calculated in detail:

Women are asked "What problem is facing women in Uzbekistan today?", they responded as follows:

Figure 1. Women's opinion in rural areas.

As can be seen from the table, today a large part of women are struggling with unemployment and the lack of financial independence as a result of it. Also, many of them did not even know how to answer this question. This means that their participation in today's social life is not so

active, their indifference to processes is growing, and they also approach their life carelessly.

Considering that the survey participants make up a contingent of women from the middle ages of 35-55, women also want to have higher education at this age. Those who are denominational from higher education due to family situations. Even at this age, they want to get an education. They were 6.6% in the poll. That is to say, the need for knowledge is also great among middle-aged women. Based on the need, in 2017 the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Approval of the regulations on the procedure for organizing correspondence (special correspondence) and evening (shift) education in a higher educational institution" was adopted. The introduction of a correspondence form of education in our country also provided an opportunity for those who study or work with a family. Also, women of disadvantaged families are allocated separate quotas for education at the undergraduate stage. For example, for the 2023/2024 academic year, 2,000 additional quotas are also allocated to women in disadvantaged families for admission to the baccalaureate of higher education institutions on the basis of a state grant. [8] Quotas are distributed in the cross section of Regions and directions. Of importance in this, quotas for" Exact and Natural Sciences", "Technical Sciences "and" Medical Sciences" are separately allocated, and the remaining quotas are valid for other directions. As of 30 July 2023, there are 494,758 women in higher education institutions. The male population in this is 547,342. [9]

6.6% of women surveyed want their own private home. Although in rural conditions, a large part of the population lives in their own home, it is known from the survey that even in such areas there is a great need for personal housing, and this is seen by women as the most pressing problem that they face in front of them. When it comes to the Uzbek mentality, it is important to live in a private house, and this is the greatest need that ensures the harmony of family members. On March 31, 2022, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Measures to further improve the system for studying and solving women's problems", it is envisaged to repair women's housing included in the "women's notebook", which is valid precisely for the women's layer in need of social protection.

3.3% of respondents indicated that the main problem was material-spiritual maturity and independence as a person resulting from it. It can be summed up that the basis of the problem is the issue of women's education and employment. As an educated and expert in her field, a woman, as a person, is primarily in constant development in society, she does not have problems finding a place to work, and through this she is able to satisfy her material and spiritual needs. According to the statistics agency official figures, as of July 30, 2023, the population occupied in the economy is 13,538,876, out of which females are 5,595,267 and males are 7,943,609.

Women who make up a large part of the population (18,304,675) [9] at the moment are recorded in relatively smaller numbers in this regard. This is primarily due to the fact that the Uzbek mentality is associated with the fact that women should be mainly engaged in child education and household chores, but it is advisable to bring women's activity in society, their financial freedom, to the level of an issue that is always relevant and supported on the side of the population. Since, woman's place as a person in society, high self-confidence and also has a great influence on the economic development of the state.

The same question was asked to girls aged 15-18 years. "What problem basically do you think is common among girls of your age?" to which they answered as follows:

Girls in rural areas

25.00% 23.30% 23.30%

■ Earlv marriage ■ Had difficultiesto answer ■ norms of etiquette

■ Psycologlcal problems ■ Misunderstanding with parents ■ Getting education

■ Setting tile right goal

Figure 2. Girls' opinion in rural areas.

Girls at this age of their own face mainly psychological problems. This is exactly what 23.3% of respondents claim. That's why so many percent of girls had difficulty answering the question. So, they have a great need for psychological conversations. 20% of participants noted that mainly problems with the norms of etiquette are spreading widely among them. Also, 16.6% of participants have established that early marriage is a big problem for them today. That is to say that today in our society, no matter how many conversations and meetings with parents are organized, the problem of early marriage of girls still accounts for a large percentage. As long as the Code of administrative responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes that the parent who marries a child under the age of marriage is liable. According to it, the granting or domestication of a person under the age of marriage by a parent or their replacement will cause a fine of seven to fifteen times the amount of the base calculation. [10] Also, the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan clearly defines the circumstances in which a forced marriage can be found invalid. [11] But the girls who grew up in the Uzbek environment do not express their displeasure in cases of forced marriage due to the mentality of not going against the will of their parents. This is seen as disrespectful to the parents. But forced marriage it ends with the fact that the future family will soon divorce, inappropriate situations between the couple and even, in some cases, the suicide of women.

6.6% of girls who are survey participants claim that education is a big problem in front of them. It is said that even at the level of attending school, the most important, irrevocable general secondary education, they are facing problems. First of all, every mother should ask herself the question of how the future mothers of the society can be deprived of general secondary education and become good role models and educators for their children in the future. 6.6% of girls say that not being able to set the right goal at this age has become a major problem among their peers. 15-18 years is a period of determining goals for the future, developing future plans, clearly defining a profession, direction. The fact that 6.6% of our girls are in trouble in this matter during this period is a sign that they have a high need for psychological training and conversations. The fact that the above 16.6% of girls are tormented by psychological problems is also directly related to the issue of making decisions, setting serious goals.

According to the decision "on measures for the further development of the mental health service of the population" signed by the president on June 19, 2023, socio -emotional training hours will be established in schools by the end of 2023. In accordance with the document, the Ministry of preschool and school education, together with the Ministry of Health, sets out special socio-emotional study hours (Social Emotional Learning, SEL) within the existing subjects and extracurricular processes in the school program.

The lessons will teach the following:

1) self-control in students;

2) formation of skills to overcome complex life situations;

3) depression;

4) prevention of anxiety disorders and suicides. [12]

Of course, the introduction of SEL classes will form children's ability to correctly approach problems, easily get out of problematic situations, set goals, and plan from an early age. The duration of such classes makes a person mentally healthy, calm, and has psychological knowledge, and this becomes important in his future life. 2.3. Systematic Study of Women's Problems in Urban Areas

For comparison, the same question was asked to women of the same age in urban areas. To 300 women and girls living in the Mirzo Ulugbek district of Tashkent city, "What problems are facing women in Uzbekistan today?" - was asked. The result, with a significant difference, was as follows:

Women in urban areas



I 13.30% ^^H 13.30%

llnl ii

■ The right ogchoice

■ Difficulties to find a job after 40 years

■ Having private home

IA high sense of belonging

■ Financial problems

■ Low status in the family

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■ Pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment ■ Employment

Figure 3. Women's opinion in urban areas.

In contrast, the problem that afflicts women living in an urban area the most is that it is having a private home. 20% of respondents noted that it was that was the biggest problem that is transverse in front of them today. For comparison, this rate in rural area was 6.6 percent for women. Next is that they do not have the right to choose. Women said that they do not always have the right to choose when it comes to working or not, making decisive decisions in the family. 13.3% of women argued that their status in the family was at a low level, especially the situation of discriminating them by their mother-in-law, humiliating them in treatment, limiting the freedom of choice by the mother-in-law even in small matters, that this attitude of the mother-in-law to the bride in most cases leads to the women of the rural area had not mentioned the issue. Maybe they don't look at it as the biggest problem that torments them. We also touched on this question separately during the research work to get an answer to this question. According to him, 300 women living in the Namangan region, Mingbulak district were asked "Does your mother-in-law respect you and your opinions in the family?". 71% of respondents said yes and 29% said no. It is said that the relationship of the bride and mother-in-law in this area is relatively good, and the cowardice is higher between them.

13.3% of women in the urban area say that one of the main problems today is the high feeling of women's immortality. One of the participants in the survey was entrepreneur Zukhra Khusanova "women are getting lazier, I am an entrepreneur. When I set up my sewing shop, I first invited the women of my near neighborhood to work. However, many of them did not come to work with different excuses. As long as they needed both - work and money. I think they got used to the help being given from the neighborhood, from the state, this is my personal opinion. Of course, not all women are like that. Our women who are on the poor list and receive government assistance but are also in constant motion are blind, but unfortunately these aids help them stand on their feet, so at the same time, they are constantly trying to be financially self-sufficient. there are those who do not understand what they should do. This surprises me", - she said.

10% of women claimed that finding a job after the age of 40 was difficult. One of the respondents, Svetlana Mirhalikova, said "I am a makeup artist and now I am 52 years old. But, you know, finding a job after 40 is a problem for our women. This is an crystal clear reality. Personally, I myself have been denied several times, saying that my age is not right. I know this is prohibited by law but for some reason I have not complained to the relevant authorities. Maybe later I thought that I would work in the organization and it would have a negative impact on the relationship," she says. It means that some women may not consciously use their rights even when they know their rights. As long as Article 6 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides that all citizens, regardless of race, nationality, gender, as well as age, have equal opportunities to have and use labor rights. Any restrictions in the field of labor relations are not allowed depending on the ability of employees to work and other aspects of their work that are not related to the results of their work, and these are marked as discrimination. [13] As mentioned above, in the case of Svetlana Mirhalikova, it was concluded that it is necessary to ensure the rights of the woman first and help her to get a job in another organization. But for this, first of all, it is necessary to teach the rights of women in the society through extensive propaganda work, and to make sure that their rights are guaranteed in such cases.

Another interesting piece of information from the survey was that 10% of women in urban areas said that the pursuit of science among women was low. One of the respondents, Feruza Nurmukhammedova, said: "in my opinion, most of our women have forgotten to live their lives. There are many cases of analyzing the lives of others. Reading a book, going to a movie or theater, doing some kind of sports are more beneficial to both - their health and spirituality". In such cases, the actions of a woman who has a higher education at the age of 71 by the end of the 2023 academic year should be shown as an example to other women. In 2023, Chinnigul Dostkhojaeva studied at the Nukus branch of the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, and at the age of 71, graduated bachelor's degree in "Musical Instrument Performance. "My dream was to get a higher education. I have reached my dream. I devoted 50 years of my life to the field of art. My dream now is to enter the master's degree," says Chinnigul Dostkhojaeva.

As it can be seen from the survey numbers, our broad-minded women who work on themselves, believing that spiritual growth and knowledge acquisition are always important, want not only themselves and others to live an active lifestyle. Increasing the number of such thinking women in the society is an urgent demand of today.

15-18-year-old girls in the city were also asked, "What problem do you think is common among girls of your age?"

Girls in urban areas

■ Payment of higher education contract fee «Bad manners problem

■ Lack of rights to choose ■ Gender discrimination

■ Had difficulties to answer

Figure 4. Girls' opinion in urban areas.

Most of the girls, 26.6%, said that they do not have the right to choose. They made it clear that their opinion is not taken into account when it comes to choosing the type of education and studying at higher education, choosing a profession, when and whom to marry. 20% of them are thinking about paying the contract fee for higher education. One of the interviewees says: "That's why I have to take into account the amount of the contract fee when choosing a higher education institution", another says "I can't study if I sign a contract". The same percentage of girls said that lack of education and immorality are becoming the main problem among their peers today. 20% of girls in the rural area gave this answer. 16.3% of respondents had difficulty answering. In comparison, 23.3% of girls in rural areas had difficulty answering the question.

3. Results

The survey of 3 00 women between the ages of 23 -3 5 in the Andij an and Namangan regions of Uzbekistan highlighted several key findings regarding the social problems faced by women in these rural areas. When asked about their understanding of "Violence Against Women," respondents provided the following responses: 50% of participants believed women are abused due to their perceived weakness, 20% attributed it to men seeking dominance, 17% associated it with men's abuse of alcohol or drugs, and 13% identified family members of the husband as perpetrators.

Subsequently, the survey conducted by the Research Institute of Family and Women in five regions of Uzbekistan revealed similar patterns. Among the 420 respondents aged 18-34 who reported experiencing abuse, 67.8% stated that conflicts primarily occurred with their spouse, while 34.5% reported conflicts with their mother-in-law. The main causes of these conflicts were identified as a lack of mutual understanding (45.3%), financial difficulties (37.9%), women's employment (25.3%), and alcohol addiction (13.3%).

The survey also shed light on the perception of violence against women and identified different forms of abuse. Acts of physical harm, such as beating, pushing, pinching, and twisting the hand, were recognized as forms of domestic violence by 83.8% of respondents.

Psychological abuse, including verbal insults and threats, as well as restrictions on work and education, were identified by 72.4% of participants. Additionally, 68.7% reported experiencing economic abuse, including restrictions on financial autonomy and control over resources.

Regarding the participants' knowledge of legal consequences, 22.5% stated they were aware that men who harass and abuse their wives can be punished by the law, but their understanding was limited. Approximately 14.5% had no knowledge of this, 14.3% had insufficient knowledge, and 13.5% were unsure.

In terms of seeking help, the survey revealed that when faced with a violent situation, 38.8% of women turned to the "Mahalla" organization, responsible for community affairs, for assistance. Friends and relatives were the next most common source of support, with 30.4% of participants reaching out to them. In severe cases, 22.4% reported seeking help from the Internal Affairs and prosecutor's office, while 6.3% approached social workers and psychologists. A smaller percentage (5.5%) sought assistance from relevant organizations through hotlines, and 4.6% turned to hospitals.

These results highlight the urgent need for comprehensive interventions and systemic changes to address the social problems faced by women in rural areas. By raising awareness, promoting gender equality, enhancing legal literacy, and strengthening support networks, it is possible to empower women and create safer and more inclusive communities.

4. Discussion

The survey conducted among women aged 23-35 in the Andijan and Namangan regions of Uzbekistan revealed several significant findings regarding the social problems faced by women in these rural areas. The majority of respondents identified violence against women as a prevalent issue, with different factors contributing to its occurrence. The results indicated that 50% of participants believed that women are abused due to their perceived weakness, while 20% attributed it to men seeking dominance. Additionally, 17% associated violence against women with men's abuse of alcohol or drugs, and 13% identified family members of the husband as perpetrators.

The findings highlight the intersection of gender inequality, traditional gender roles, and cultural norms in perpetuating violence against women. Despite the equal rights and reverence given to both men and women in the religious and secular realms, the study emphasizes that the oppressive behaviors observed contradict these principles. It is evident that some men attempt to exert domination over women, leading to various forms of abuse. Furthermore, the study highlights the mistreatment of brides by other family members, indicating that they are often treated as strangers rather than valued members of the family.

A comparison with a survey conducted by the Research Institute of Family and Women in five regions of Uzbekistan further supports the findings. The results from that survey also indicate that conflicts within families primarily occur between women and their husbands or mothers-in-law. The main causes of conflicts include a lack of mutual understanding, financial difficulties, women's employment, and alcohol addiction. These factors contribute to strained relationships within families and exacerbate the social problems faced by women.

The study also reveals that women's perception of violence is predominantly centered around physical harm, such as beatings, pushing, and pinching. However, psychological effects, restrictions on work and education, and economic violence are also prevalent forms of abuse. The fact that women often do not recognize economic violence as a form of violence suggests a lack of awareness and legal knowledge.

Regarding seeking help in violent situations, the findings demonstrate that women primarily turn to the "Mahalla" organization, responsible for community affairs, when facing difficulties. This indicates that women rely on community support networks rather than formal institutions or specialized services.

Overall, the discussion of the survey results highlights the urgent need for targeted interventions and policy reforms to address the social problems faced by women in rural areas. Efforts should focus on raising awareness about different forms of violence against women, promoting gender equality, enhancing legal literacy, and strengthening support networks within communities. By addressing these underlying causes and providing support mechanisms, it is possible to empower women, reduce violence, and promote a more inclusive and equitable society.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, in solving the problems related to women, joint cooperation of the general public and law promotion bodies is necessary. Studying it in sufficient scientific and practical detail, Society should understand that violence against women is violence against humanity. Because women are physically and mentally fragile due to biological reasons. They should be protected from violence and abuse.

Based on the above problems, the following recommendations can be made:

1) Inculcating the importance of women's education and this responsibility to parents in families through mass media and social networks, which have become a part of people's lives today;

2) continuously explaining the consequences of early marriage and the importance of the girl's health in local conversations to parents;

3) further improvement of the support system for women to be at least skilled;

4) to establish a system to highlight the issues of the importance of women's education, early marriage drives, results, how much it is necessary to master a profession in life through bloggers who are widely known among young people in social networks, who have earned their respect;

5) it is desirable that the opinion of the child in families, the opinion and role of women and girls is important to be continuously and systematically instilled in the population at meetings and events through the neighborhood body;

6) Harassment and abuse of the mother in the family negatively affects the psyche of the child. A more sociological study of the impact of this process on childbearing;

7) increase the legal knowledge of women. To give them a detailed understanding of where they first turn when harassment or violence is used, where their information is protected by legislation when they apply, how to provide assistance to the affected women;

8) women in critical condition are served by the Republican Center for the rehabilitation and adaptation of women under the Ministry of neighborhood and family support, it can be contacted through the only single number throughout the Republic - 1146, victimized women can apply for issues that afflict them every day, as well as the development of the "Salvation" application by the center and;

9) women's policy framework continuous support of women subjected to harassment and violence until they stand on their feet socioeconomically;

10)to establish a system of access and readability to families of guidelines under development for the rehabilitation of abused and repressed women.

11)to prepare social roles and establish their continuous promotion, promoting the holiness of the family, the spiritual pillar of the female family;

12)to conduct more spiritual and educational conversations in the cross section of families;

13)increase media activity against the vices of violence;

14)strengthening the protection of property and material rights;

15)strengthen the process of scientific study of the roots of the origin of cases of violence against women;

16)situations that lead to a decrease in the status of women, the organization of constant conversations with the population to prevent negative relations.

6. Conflicts of Interest

During the process of conducting the survey and analyzing the data, certain conflicts of interest were identified. It is important to address these conflicts to ensure transparency and

maintain the integrity of the research findings.

Firstly, it should be noted that the survey was funded by an organization that advocates for women's rights and works towards addressing gender-based violence. While this funding source may have influenced the focus and objectives of the study, efforts were made to maintain objectivity and adhere to rigorous research methodologies. The researchers implemented measures to minimize bias, including employing standardized questionnaires, ensuring participant anonymity, and employing a diverse research team to mitigate any potential conflicts arising from a single perspective.

Secondly, some of the researchers involved in the study have previously conducted research on gender issues and violence against women, which could introduce a potential bias in the interpretation and reporting of the results. However, steps were taken to mitigate this bias by involving researchers from diverse backgrounds and perspectives and employing rigorous data analysis techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.

Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that the researchers themselves may have personal or professional affiliations that could potentially influence their interpretation of the data. To address this, the researchers followed ethical guidelines and principles of research integrity, maintaining a critical and impartial approach throughout the study.

To enhance transparency and minimize conflicts of interest, the researchers adhered to ethical guidelines and best practices in research design, data collection, and analysis. The study's limitations and potential biases were acknowledged and discussed in the research report to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research process.

By acknowledging and addressing these conflicts of interest, the researchers aim to maintain the credibility and reliability of the study's findings and ensure that the research contributes meaningfully to the understanding of social problems faced by women in rural areas.


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[13] Article 6 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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