Научная статья на тему 'Annotation, keywords, bibliography'

Annotation, keywords, bibliography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation, keywords, bibliography»



Khalaev S. The role of a state in regulation of the economy in transition // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 5-7.

The article deals with some aspects of the institutional reforms and their influence on the economic development. The experience of economy reforming in the context of the peculiarities of the institutional organizations of Poland, China and the Russian Federation has been studied. The major approaches to the macroeconomic policy of the Russian Federation have been formulated.

Keywords: institutions of property, individual expected utility, state regulation of the economic development.


Kheine P. Economic image of thinking. M., 1993.

Nort D. Institutions, institutional change and economic performance. M., 1997.

About the author:

Khalaev Sergey Alexandrovich, PhD of Economics, associate professor of East-Siberian State University, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: xal.s@mail.ru.

Falushina L. Public management that prevents crisis. Is it possible? // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 8-12.

The idea to create a system which will detect malfunctions in the activity of a controlled system efficiently and adequately and which will eliminate these malfunctions promptly is offered. It is noted that under such conditions crisis in the considered system is almost impossible.

Keywords: public administration, crisis prevention, malfunctions, system of preschool education, system that prevents crises.


Big Soviet encyclopedia. M., 1973. Vol. 12.

Economic sciences. 2008. № 11.

About the author:

Falushina Larisa Igorevna, Doctor of Science (Education), leading researcher of Ulyanovsk Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Employees, e-mail: cdpo@ulstu.ru.

Fedotova N. Theoretical aspects of Phillips hypothesis' compatibility with Russian labour market // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 12-15.

The analysis of Russian contemporary labour market has been carried out with the aim of tracking the interconnection between basic parameters that characterize the labour market and that are similar to those used in western economic thought.

Keywords: labour market, Phillips curve, inflation, unemployment.

About the author:

Fedotova Natalya Eugenievna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: fed1912@yandex.ru.


Inushin S. Efficient development of a commercial bank crediting divisions' network // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 16-21.

The article deals with the problem of effectiency increase of branch network development in commercial banks. It is offered the approach according to which the decision on establishing new internal structural subdivision (ISS) is accepted on the basis of the calculated scheduled recoupment period. The importance to monitor an ISS performance not only constantly, but also intermediately, is underlined. It is noted that the proposed approach sets a task to increase bank performance financial result both due to the increase of operations quantity in the new established divisions and to the decrease of unbudgeted expenditure in inefficient divisions.

Keywords: internal structural bank subdivision, initial investments, recoupment period of capital investment, forecasted financial result, monitoring of compliance with a recoupment period.

About the author:

Inushin Sergey Victorovich, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank Subsidiary JSC Savings

Bank of the Russian Federation in Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD of Economics, Alma-Ata, e-mail: sergeii-san@yandex.ru.

Dorzhieva V., Dugarova E. Some questions of legal regulation of expenditure obligations // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 22-25.

Under the conditions of receiving dotations the problem of justified and well-grounded set the budget expenses is a topical one. In the article it is underlined that essential requirements for the drawing up of legislation and regulatory legal acts, contracts and agreements which determine expenditure obligations should be defined to provide sufficiency in the legal regulation of expenditure obligations.

Keywords: expenditure obligations, budget, intergovernmental fiscal relations.


The Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

About the authors:

Dorzhieva Valentina Vasilievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of East-Siberian State University of Technology, counselor on financial matters LLC Baikalenergo, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: vv2006uu@yandex.ru.

Dugarova Elvira Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: dudara@yandex.ru.

Alekseev D. Speaking about mechanisms of company's capitalization // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 25-28.

Capitalization is viewed as a process of company's value growth. The necessity to study and work out some mechanisms that will provide this process is set. Some instruments to provide company's value growth in financial crisis conditions are offered.

Keywords: capitalization, efficiency, financial instruments.


Abramov A.E. Market capitalization — notion, parameters and spheres of their application // Joint-stock company. 2003. № 3 (4).

Berezkin Y.M. Basic types of financial mechanisms that provide money stability // Financial and credit mechanism and its influence on economic growth in the region. Irkutsk, 2004.

Chernyshev S. Crisis? Expansion! How to establish world financial centre in Russia. M., 2009.

Marx K. Capital: in 3 vol. M., 1988. Vol. 1.

Schumpeter J. The theory of economic development. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. M., 2008.

URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears /2008/02/159528.shtml.

About the author:

Alekseev Denis Anatolievich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: denaleks@yandex.ru.

Pilyaev M. Some peculiarities of rolling budgeting principles application in integrated companies // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 28-31.

The problems and disadvantages of traditional budgeting systems are analyzed in the article. Microelectronic industry is used as an example of rolling budgeting principles application in integrated companies. It is offered to choose an optimum budgeting period taking into account strategic aims and sectoral specificity of an integrated company. A set of criteria is offered to analyze rolling budgeting performance in an integrated company.

Keywords: integrated companies, traditional budgeting systems, rolling planning, analysis of budget performance.


Drury C. Introduction to management and production accounting: transl. from English / ed. by S.A. Tabalina. M., 1998.

Horvath & Partners. Conception of controlling: management accounts. Report system. Budgeting: transl. from German. 2nd ed. M., 2006.

Mochalova L.A. The concept of financial planning in corporations // Financial management. 2004. № 3.

Vakhrushina M.A. Management analysis. M., 2004.

About the author:

Pilyaev Mikhail Gennadievich, post-graduate student of Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Institute of Economics, Management and Law), e-mail: miha_zelik@yandex.ru.

Serebryakov A. Debt financing of agricultural sector // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 31-34.

The problems of agricultural producers' debt financing are studied. And special attention is paid to lease financing.

Keywords: credit, leasing, agricultural sector, renewal of agricultural equipment.


Leshenko M.I. Basis of leasing: man. M., 2000.

Ovanesyan S.S., Grabar' N.A. Efficiency estimation of financial assets attraction for investment into enterprise's key assets. Irkutsk, 2008.

There was a meeting with «Rossagroleasing» representatives in the Leningrad Oblast (URL: http://cri.mcx.ru/images/5876.doc).

About the author:

Serebryakov Alexander Yurievich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: geraik@mail.ru.

Ryazantsev R. Insurance portfolio of an insurance company: theoretical aspect // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 34-37.

The classification of an insurance portfolio's functions and the author's own approach are given. The information about factors which influence directly an insurance portfolio of an insurance company is also given in the article.

Keywords: insurance, financial stability, insurance portfolio.


Arkhipov A.P. Underwriting in insurance: theoretical and practical course: man. M., 2007.

Insurance / ed. by L.I. Reitman. M., 1992.

Shinkarenko I.E. Underwriting as a competitive advantage // Insurance. 2004. № 3.

Yashina N.M. Provision of insurance organization's financial stability: theory, methodology and practice: synopsis of the thesis... Doctor of Economics. M., 2007.

Zhigas M.G. Finances of insurance organizations: man. Irkutsk, 2002.

About the author:

Ryazantsev Roman Alexandrovich, postgraduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: generalll@rambler.ru.

Novoselov I. Risk-based internal auditing — modern course of internal auditing development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 38-41.

In this article the author examines three fundamental stages of internal auditing development: confirming, system-oriented and risk-based internal auditing. Changes in official internal auditing definition of The International Institute of Internal Auditors are analyzed. In addition, the author examines main definitions of risk-based internal auditing and points out basic principles of system-oriented and risk-based auditing.

Keywords: internal auditing, stages of internal auditing development, system-oriented internal auditing, risk-based internal auditing.


Dodge R. Compendium of auditing standards and regulations: transl. from English. M., 1992.

Griffiths D. Risk-based internal auditing: An introduction [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.internalaudit.biz/.

Griffiths D. Risk-based revolution // Internal Auditing & Business Risk. 2006. Jan.

Kilenga G. Risk-based internal auditing (RBIA) and new developments: Workshop on internal audit practice, IT audit and security and Governance [Electronic resource]. URL: www.nbaa-tz.org.

McNamee D. Risk-based auditing. Alamo, CA, USA, 1997.

McNamee D., Selim G.M. Risk management: Changing the internal auditor's paradim. Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA, 1998.

URL: http://www.iia.org.uk.

About the author:

Novoselov Ilya Victorovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: firebird@rol.ru.

Ushakov V. Technique improvement of reserves creation for possible loan loss for the purposes of credit risk minimization // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 41-43.

Some defects of the current standards base of reserves creation for possible loan loss are stated in the article. The special attention is paid to the problems of credit risk practical management for the purpose of its minimization. The author makes some offers about the necessity of comprehensive approach to the estimation of branch and other concentration risks, and also about the improvement of the current creation order of adequate reserves for loans

and supervising bodies control strengthening of banks techniques adequacy to the statutory requirements.

Keywords: reserves for possible loan loss, individual risks, cumulative credit risk, concentration risks, advances portfolio.


Bank risks: man. / ed. by O.I. Lavrushin, N.I. Valentseva. 2nd ed., ster. M., 2008.

URL: http://www.cbr.ru.

URL: http://www.asv.org.ru.

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About the author:

Ushakov Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: yaz@inbox.ru.

Onoshko S. About defining compulsory medical insurance financial mechanism // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 44-46.

The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the definition «financial mechanism». The author gives his own definition of the category «financial mechanism of compulsory medical insurance».

Keywords: finance, financial mechanism, financial recourses, finance of compulsory medical insurance, special purpose money funds.


About financing rules authorization in 2007 of pilot project execution in the RF subjects that is aimed to increase service quality in health care service, and the list of the RF subjects that take part in its execution: the Russian Federation Government decree of 19 May 2007. № 296 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. mostgost.ru/ catalog_gosts/hormatibnye_ dokumenty/.

About the order of financial provision in 2006 of service costs of additional prophylactic medical examination of citizens in service and primary health care at the cost of money transferred from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund budget to the RF Social Insurance Fund: the Russian Federation Government decree of 31 Dec. 2005. № 876 // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2005. № 52. Art. 5586.

About the programme of the government guarantees in providing the RF citizens with free medical care for 2007: the Russian Federation Government decree of 30 Dec. 2006.

№ 885 // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2007. № 6. Art. 757.

About the programme of the government guarantees in providing the RF citizens with free medical care for 2008: the Russian Federation Government decree of 15 May 2007. № 286 // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2007. № 21. Art. 2509.

About the author:

Onoshko Sergey Sergeevich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: r221kk@mail.ru.

Kharnakhoeva L. The basic directions of ecological risks insurance development in Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 46-49.

In the article priority directions of ecological risks insurance development as a complex type for the state, insurers and insured persons are examined. The relations between these participants and the ways of strengthening their interaction are studied.

Keywords: environmental safety, environmental risk, environmental risks insurance, preventive actions, ecological damage.


Arkhipov A.P. Underwriting in insurance: theoretical and practical course: man. M., 2007.

Long-term socioeconomic development strategy of the Russian Federation up to the year 2020: approved by the RF Government decree of 17 Nov. 2008. № 1662-p.

Topics Geo. Natural catastrophes 2007: Analyses, assessments, positions: Knowledge series Munich Re Group. 2008. Apr. (Supplement).

About the author:

Kharnakhoeva Lyudmila Alexandrovna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: liud@mail.ru.


Malafeyev A. Speaking about an economic and mathematical model development of innovations financing // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 50-53.

The necessity of working-out an economic and mathematical model of regional economy

innovative development which could become a tool for administrative decision-making at research and development financing i s grounded. The basic problem elements of research and development financing for their account are displayed by working-out economic and mathematical model of innovative development of branches and research and development financings. A possible structure, considering the necessity to combine in the time research and development of various types, including ones directed to the increase of activity efficiency in the research sphere itself, is offered.

Keywords: innovative development, research and development financing, mathematical model, efficiency.


Kartashova L. Technopark effect // Academic council. 2008. № 4.

Malafeyev A.A. Mathematical modelling as method of a positive economic science. Samara, 2006.

Socioeconomic development strategy of the Samara Region up to the year 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.economy. samregion.ru/ social_no_ekonomicheskoe_ razvi/9178/.

Sofronov A.N. The effect of scientific and technological advance and innovations in branches related with tourism on innovations in tourist activity // Service development state and prospects: establishment, management, technologies: all-Russia sci.-tech. conf. records, Samara, 31 Oct. 2008. Samara, 2008.

About the author:

Malafeyev Alexander Anatolievich, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Samara branch of Russian State University of Tourism and Service, e-mail: nir@rgutis.edu.ru.

Sadov S., Tarbaev B. The hydrocarbon resources economic efficiency estimation on the early-stage exploration // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 54-59.

To establish exploration economic efficiency at the detected geological feature and to develop potential oil and gas resources the authors consider as a key aspect search results' ambiguity that has an effect on final efficiency of such projects investments. Heterogeneous information ambiguity about the feature is shown

by single index with the help of Saati's modified method.

Keywords: ambiguity, geologic exploration investment, unexplored hydrocarbon resources, hierarchy analysis method.


Method recommendations on investment projects' efficiency evaluation: (second edition). M., 2000.

Saati T. Decision-making: hierarchy analysis method. M., 1993.

Tarbaev B.I., Sadov S.L. Accounting of numeric characteristics ambiguity while carrying out hydrocarbon resources economic evaluation // Oil and gas geology. 2006. № 4.

Tarbaev B.I., Sadov S.L. Ambiguity and risk by the example of an oil-and-gas feature's development // Economy and mathematical methods. 2005. Vol. 41, № 3.

Zakharov A.A., Ivanov V.V., Kuznetsov N.I. et al. Hydrocarbon potential resources mapping with the help of mathematical apparatus // Oil and gas geology. 2005. № 2.

About the authors:

Sadov Sergey L'vovich, PhD of Economics, senior research officer of Laboratory of Systemic Fuel and Energy Problems of the Institute of the Social, Economic and Power Problems of the North Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar, e-mail: sadov@energy.komisc.ruu.

Tarbaev Boris Ignatievich, PhD of geological and mineralogical sciences, senior research officer of Laboratory of Systemic Fuel and Energy Problems of the Institute of the Social, Economic and Power Problems of the North Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar, e-mail: sadov@energy.komisc.ru.

Samarukha A. Strategic planning of the Baikal region's banking, insurance and stock markets development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 59-62.

Interconnection of banking, insurance and stock sectors of Russia's economy and its regions as basic elements of financial market and market economy is defined in the article. The rate of dependence of Russian financial market's particular elements on world financial market is shown. Theoretical basis and practical studies that define the base of principles and the detailed actions structure in scientific development, formation and implementation of strategic plan

of regional financial markets' development are studied. It is recommended how to activate these financial markets using strategic planning and applying IT.

Keywords: strategy, planning, forecast, crisis, banks, insurance companies, stock market, region, investments, innovations, sustainable development.


Long-term socioeconomic development strategy of the Russian Federation up to the year 2020.

The Government of the Russian Federation anti-crisis programme for 2009.

About the author:

Samarukha Alexey Victorovich, Deputy Director of Regional Economy of Research Institute of Self-Regulation and Business Development of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, PhD of Economics, associate professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: samarukha_alex@mail.ru.

Bulakina O. The integrated assessment methods of municipal establishment's business potential // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 63-65.

The integrated assessment methods of municipal establishment's business potential that assumes the calculation of seven integrated indices of the potential according to the number of tactical problems within the strategic aim (plan) are described. The tactical problems influence the development of business potential namely: labour, productive, taxation, investment, infrastructure, business activity and innovation potentials.

Keywords: methods, potential, assessment, integrated indices.

About the author:

Bulakina Olga Nikolaevna, lecture of Khakass Technical Institute — branch of Siberian Federal University, Abakan, e-mail: Olga_Bulakina@mail.ru.

Khertek Sh. Problems of the Republic of Tyva population employment and reduction measures of tensions on the republican labour market // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 66-68.

The situation and the basic tendencies on the Republic of Tyva labour market and employment are studied in connection with the

world financial crisis. The basic actions to reduce tensions on the labour market are considered and offered in the article.

Keywords: world financial crisis, job cuts, employee displacement, reduction measures of tensions on the labour market, the Republic of Tyva.


Lebedinskaya T.G. Financial crisis negative consequences: population is losing wages, social sphere — financial resources // Labour and insurance. 2009. № 3.

Tensions reduction on the Republic of Tyva labour market: repub. target progr. of 26 Mar. 2009. № 120 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.gov.tuva.ru.

About the author:

Khertek Shenne Vasilievna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: hertek_shenne@mail.ru.

Dambiev A. Problems and prospects of hunting farm development of the Republic of Buryatia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 68-71.

Socioeconomic value estimation of the hunting facilities of Buryatia is carried out in the article. The basic problems of game animals protection and use are formulated and some strategic directions for the decision of urgent problems are offered.

Keywords: hunting, hunting farms, hunting area, resources, the Northern domestic reindeer breeding.


About environment state of the Irkutsk Region in 2007: state rep. Irkutsk, 2008.

About environment state of the Republic of Tyva in 2007: state rep. Kyzyl, 2008.

Klokov K.B., Petina O.V., Khrushev S.A. Family household in the regions inhabited by the indigenous of the North. St.Pb., 2004.

Noskov V.T. Game animals of Buryatia. Ulan-Ude, 2008.

Noskov V.T., Ovdin M.E. Current state and problems of the Republic of Buryatia hunting farms // Climate, ecology and agriculture of Eurasia: International scientific and practical conference records. Irkutsk, 2009.

Samarukha V.I., Krasnova T.G., Plotniko-va T.N. Socioeconomic aspect of employment

assessment / / Izvestiya of Irkutsk State Academy of Economics. 2006. № 1 (46).

About the author:

Dambiev Ayur Gennadievich, post-graduate student of Irkutsk State Academy of Agriculture, e-mail: ayur85@mail.ru.


Samarukha V., Krasnova T. Tax system influence on investment activity // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 72-75.

State tax policy functions and actual aims that influence investment activity directly and indirectly are defined, promoting it in the real sector of economy. Theoretical foundations of «investment» are developed; figures characterizing investment activity are studied. State administrative control methods of investment processes are defined. The necessity to improve tax system is grounded, as well as its scientifically-based development concept working-out.

Keywords: investments, taxes, promotion, control methods, tax system, conception.

About the authors:

Samarukha Victor Ivanovich, Vice-Rector for Research of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: vis@isea.ru.

Krasnova Tatyana Grigorievna, Deputy Mayor, Doctor of Economics, Abakan, e-mail: admeconom@mail.ru.

Khomkalov G., Astafiev S. Construction development planning on the basis of the process approach in conditions of licensing procedures' reforming // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 76-81.

The article is devoted to the prospects of construction development during licensing procedure's reforming and transferring of this authority to the self-regulatory organizations (SRO) that are being established. The basic purpose of the article is to show the necessity of development of construction companies' alternative estimation procedures both when they are entering the SRO structure and when they are authorized to certain works. It is

offered to take as a basis the process approach registered in standard ISO 9001:2000 to create similar procedure.

Keywords: self-regulatory organizations, ISO 9001, process approach, balanced scorecard, key performance indicators.

About the authors:

Khomkalov Gennady Vladimirovich, Vice-Rector for Curriculum Development of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: hgv@isea.ru.

Astafiev Sergey Alexandrovich, Department Head of Education by Correspondence of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, PhD of Economics, associate professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: astafiev@isea.ru.

Fokin K. Parameters for directors' personnel reserve management system estimation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 81-84.

Decision-making on the basis of operational and reliable i nformation about an up-to-date state of various directions of personnel management system is determined by a growing role of human resources in achieving strategic purposes of business. In conditions of modern developing economy an actual problem is efficiency estimation and development monitoring of the personnel of an organization, and, in particular, personnel reserve management of directors of various levels. As a result of the research of a management system at one industrial enterprise, a set of quantitative parameters that provides an objective fundamental estimation of the system's condition is offered.

Keywords: personnel reserve, personnel reserve management system, system monitoring, quantitative estimation parameters.

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Audit and controlling of an organization's personnel: man. / ed. by P.E. Shlender. M., 2007.

How to estimate personnel department activity // Personnel management handbook. 2003. № 10 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.kadrovik.ru.

Kasatkin I.A. Personnel management statistical estimation methodology: thesis ... PhD of Economics. M., 1999.

Maltseva I.N. Mechanisms of HR department work effectiveness estimation // Personnel management handbook. 2003. № 12.

Odegov Y.G., Nikonova T.V. Audit and controlling of personnel: man. M., 2006.

Personnel reserve training practices in big Russian companies: (according to AXES Monitor researches. Key parameters of HR department effectiveness. 2006) [Electronic resource]. URL: http: / / axesmg.ru/img/praktika_podgotovki_ kadrovogo_rezerva.pdf.

Petrov E.V., Yugov A.A., Gurina O.V. Visible result, or Balanced parameters system for a personnel department // Personnel management handbook. 2005. № 12 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.kadrovik.ru.

Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization: study and practical guide. 5th ed., rev. a. enl. M., 2002.

Sotnikova S.I. Career management: man. M., 2001.

Yugov A.A., Fokin Ê.B. Targets of HR department work while managing personnel reserve // Personnel management handbook. 2006. № 11.

Yurygina M.Y. Personnel reserve [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.pprofy.ru/ articles/17art.html.

About the author:

Fokin Konstantin Borisovich, post-graduate student of Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, e-mail: fokin_kb@zsmk.ru.

Baeva O., Kravchuk A. The research of teachers' labour motivation preferred structure // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 85-88.

The article is devoted to teachers' labour motivation study. Gerchikov's typological concept allows the authors to ground the structure of labour motivation which provides best performance in a teacher's work. The results of the research can be used in secondary education schools for managerial purposes while recruiting and selecting candidates. Also these results can be used in providing professional orientation.

Keywords: labour motivation, labour motivation structure, teachers' motivation.


Bakuradze A.B. Pedagogical basis of educational institutions directors' management activity support in teachers' labour behaviour motivation: synopsis of the thesis ... PhD of Science (Education). M., 2000.

Gerchikov V.I. Labour motivation: concept, eliciting and management // Personality. Culture. Society. 2006. Iss. 3.

Gerchikov V.I. Labour motivation: concept, eliciting and management // Personality. Culture. Society. 2006. Iss. 4.

Il'in E.P. Differential psychology of professional activity. St.Pb., 2008.

Il'in E.P. Motivation and motives. St.Pb., 2008.

Rebrov A.V. Motivation structure effect on employees' labour effectiveness in different professions // SOCIS. 2008. № 5.

Sopin A.A. Corporate system of educational institution's staff motivation: synopsis of the thesis ... Master's Degree in Management. Irkutsk, 2007.

About the authors:

Baeva Olga Nickolaevna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: baevaon@isea.ru.

Kravchuk Alexander Yaroslavovich, teacher of the highest qualification category of Irkutsk secondary school № 27, e-mail: lancelot14@rambler.ru.

Apenko S. Master's and bachelors' competency estimation in the system of educational services management // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 88-92.

Competency building approach as a foundation of the new system of higher vocational education in Russia requires its developments through the integration of the resources of different branches of knowledge. Applying to competency building approach theses, that were worked out in theories and practice of an enterprise and its personnel management, emphasizes the importance of a behavioral aspect in the structure of bachelors' and masters' competency and allows to consider the competency estimation as an element of the united educational services management system with corresponding resourses provision.

Keywords: bachelors' and masters' competencies, competency building approach, competency estimation, educational services management, management system on the high school results.

About the author:

Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Doctor of Economics, professor of Omsk State University, e-mail: apenkosn@yandex.ru.

Zikunova I. Business cycle descriptive model and management in business systems // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 92-97.

The article deals with business cycle descriptive model parameters as a form of the medium-term dynamics of business systems: business cycle period and fluctuations, cycle stages in the different scientists' theories, asymmetry, asynchronism. On the basis of these parameters and their dynamic changes business systems management principles adapted to business cycle conditions are described in the article.

Keywords: business cycle, descriptive model, period, phase, stages, fluctuations, asymmetry, asynchronism.


Dubovsky S. Catastrophe forecasting: (by the example of N. Kondratiev's cycles) [Electronic resource]. URL: www.ecsoman.edu.ru.

Korotkov E.M. Anticrisis management: man. M., 2001.

Rumyantseva S.Y. Innovations dynamics and long wave phase // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. 2001. № 5.

Saks J.D., Larren F.B. Macroeconomics: global approach. M., 1996.

About the author:

Zikunova Irina Valerievna, PhD of Economic, associate professor of Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, e-mail: zikunova@mail.ru.

Shamlikashvili V. Consumer behavior in the system of socioeconomic relationships of the return // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 97-101.

The article gives a short review of theoretical approaches history to the category «consumption». The accent is put to consumer behavior's changes that are typical to the modern society. The model of up-market consumption can be used as a social pattern to increase population's economic activity.

Keywords: consumption, consumer society, up-market consumption, social pattern.


Bannikova L.N. Consumption as a general sociological category: object field and analysis major aspects // Social sciences. 2007. Iss. 3. № 51 [Electronic resource]. URL: http: // proceedings. usu.ru.

Baudrillard J. Consumer society: myths and structures. M., 2006.

Baudrillard J. Selected writings / ed. by M. Poster. Cambridge, 1996.

Bauman Z. Rise and decline of labour // Sociological studies. 2004. № 5.

Engel D.F., Blackwell R.D., Miniard P.W. Consumer behavior. St.Pb., 2007.

Foxall G., Goldsmith R., Braun S., Consumer psychology for marketing. St.Pb., 2001.

Il'in V.I. Project of consumption sociology [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. consumers.narod.ru/author.html.

Marcuse H. One-dimentional man. M., 1994.

Melikyan O.V. Consumer behavior. M., 2006.

Radaev V.V. Consumption sociology: basic approaches // Sociological studies. 2005. № 1.

Sergeev A.M., Boichenko E.A. Consumer behavior. M., 2006.

Statt D. Consumption psychology. M., 2003.

Zimmel G. Selected works. M., 1996. Vol. 2: Life's contemplation.

About the author:

Shamlikashvili Viktoriya Avtandilovna, PhD of Economics, candidate for a doctor's degree of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, e-mail: shav60@gmail.ru.

Grudistova E. Technical approaches development to research of organizational culture // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 101-104.

The problem of organizational culture's research is considered. The classification of organizational culture's types as a research tool is developed. The dependence between the level of organizational culture's development and organization's activities efficiency is defined in the article.

Keywords: organizational culture, classification of organizational culture's types, level of organizational culture's development.


Berkovich T.A. Enterprise's organizational development: man. Irkutsk, 2001.

Labour economics: social and labour relations: man. / ed. by N.A. Volgin, Y.G. Ode-gov. M., 2006.

Labour management system in conditions of institutional changes / ed. by M.A. Vinokurov. Irkutsk, 2007.

Ozernikova T.G. Labour motivation system's creation and development: thesis... Doctor of Economics. Irkutsk, 2002.

Shein E.H. Organizational culture and leadership. St.Pb., 2002.

Solodova N.G. Human resource management in unstable business organizations: thesis. Doctor of Economics. Irkutsk, 2004.

Solomanidina T.O. Company's organizational culture: man. 2nd ed., rev. a. enl. M., 2007.

Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: man. 3rd ed. M., 2003.

About the author:

Grudistova Elena Gennadievna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: mit@brstu.ru, diplomBGU@mail.ru.

Kubassova T. Methodological principles of mortgage lending contract networking // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 104-108.

The author studies methodological issues of mortgage lending contract networking in the context of its main participants, marking out contract and precontract stages of: developer, borrower, refinancing organization and investors. On the basis of the analysis mortgage and construction components of mortgage and construction project are differentiated.

Keywords: methodology, contract, mortgage lending, logistics.


Gurtov V.K., Margolin A.M., Chagai K.A. Mortgage lending of house building development problems and the ways of their solutions: man. M., 2002.

Kamenetsky M.I., Dontsova L.V., Pechat-nikova S.M. Mortgage lending in the housing market: (economic and regional aspects). M., 2006.

About the author:

Kubassova Tatyana Innokentievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: tatyana@ipoteka.irk.ru.

Kubassova T. Public private partnership as a basis of mortgage and construction projects execution // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 108-112.

Public private partnership is studied applying to the mortgage and construction sphere. Innovation programmes of target construction promotion are offered on the basis of interaction of public private partnership participants. These programmes have been worked out by the Housing Construction Promotion Fund and JSC Agency for Mortgage Housing Lending.

Keywords: public private partnership, mortgage lending, construction projects, Agency for Mortgage Housing Lending.


Burenin A.V., Sherbakov V.A. Government's housing corporation is a key to affordable housing [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.cscp.ru.

Igoshin I., Sherbakov V. The market influence is almost unnoticible // Parlamentskaya Gazeta. 2009. 24 Apr.

URL: http://www.ahml.ru.

About the author:

Kubassova Tatyana Innokentievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: tatyana@ipoteka.irk.ru.

Shlafman A. Organizational and economic peculiarities of entrepreneurship government regulation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 112-115.

Herein basic theoretical approaches to defining entrepreneurship are represented, and key principles of entrepreneurship government regulation are systematized.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, government regulation, principles, economic subjects.


About state support of small businesses in the RF: the RF act of 14 July 1995. № 88-FA.


RF Code of Laws. 2007. № 1 (4.1) Art. 7.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Unabridged Economics Dictionary / ed. by A.N. Azrilian. M., 1994.

About the author:

Shlafman Alexander Izevich, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: izevich@yandex.ru.

Markov D. Forecasting technique of region's demand for personnel // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 116-120.

The forecasting technique of region's economy demand for professional personnel is described.

The basic models and the calculation sequence that are used at forecasting are presented. The necessity of monitoring of region's demand for personnel is grounded.

Keywords: demand for personnel, labour market, forecasting in economy, mathematical model, factor, movement of labour, vacancies, monitoring.


Forecasting of a region's demand in staff with professional education: theory, methodology, practice / T.G. Ozernikova et al. Irkutsk, 2008. Deposited to Inst. for Sci. Inform. RAS 14.05.08, № 60562.

Markov D.V. Forecasting of Irkutsk Region demand in qualified staff // Demand and supply at the labour market and at the educational market in Russia's regions: the third all-Russia sci.-practice Internet conf. records. 22—23 Oct. 2008. Petrozavodzk, 2008. B. 2.

About the author:

Markov Dmitry Vladimirovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: MarkovDV_irk@mail.ru.

Rakhaeva V., Smirnova O. Peculiarities of investment process in organizations of public culture sector during the economic crisis // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 120-123.

The key aspects of investment process are considered, and basic problems of formation of investment process in organizations of public culture sector during the economic crisis are revealed. Recommendations are given to solve these problems.

Keywords: investment process, public culture sector, organizations, economic crisis.

About the authors:

Rakhaeva Victoria Tengizovna, post-graduate student of Saint Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, e-mail: info@gukit.ru.

Smirnova Olga Alexandrovna, Doctor of Economics, professor of Saint Petersburg State Technical University, e-mail: smirnova@spbsru.ru.

Tarakanov A. Competitive strategy of power industry enterprises during the period of power industry reform in Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 123-127.

The structure and key aspects of the strategy for enterprises in power sector are described, the

meaning of the concepts «a sustaining strategy», «a functional strategy» and «a functional strategy (policy)» is specified.

Keywords: business strategy, basic (key) strategy, a sustaining strategy, a functional strategy, minimization of costs.


Andryushin R.E. Hierarchical system of strategies and a subsystem of business strategic

management: diss..... PhD of Economics.

Novochercassk, 2000.

Russian Power Strategy up to 2020 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.eriras.ru.

About the author:

Tarakanov Andrey Mikhailovich, lecture of North Caucasus Institute of Business, Engineering and Information Technologies, Armavir, e-mail: ages_fin_d@bk.ru, andey@list.ru.


Chalikova-Ukhanova M. Speaking about possibilities of deep wood processing development in Irkutsk Region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 128-131.

The article describes some factors that affect the effectiveness of wood resources usage in Russia and the Irkutsk Region. Key opportunities of deep wood processing development in Irkutsk Region are also considered.

Keywords: timber processing complex, timber processing, forest products, wood deep processing development, effectiveness of wood resources usage.

About the author:

Chalikova-Ukhanova Maria Vasilievna, senior lecture of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: maha-katastrofa@mail.ru.


Zdanovskikh A. Investigative actions tactics peculiarities at the first stage of fraud investigation in the sphere of land legal relations // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 132-134.

Basic investigative actions that are carried out by law machinery at the first stage of

fraud investigation in the sphere of land legal relations are studied. Having studied different scientists' points of views the author proposes some recommendations how to carry out some investigative actions.

Keywords: fraud, land legal relations, initial investigative actions, examination of witnesses, examination of victims, examination of suspects.


Bykhovsky I.E. Tactical methods legal permissibility at an examination. Volgograd, 1989.

Tactics of testimony's check on the spot: handbook for investigators / ed. by N.A. Se-livanov, V.A. Snetkov. M., 1998.

Zakatov A.A., Tsvetkov S.N. Examination tactics used during investigations of the crimes committed by organized criminal groups. M., 1996.

About the author:

Zdanovskikh Alexander Eugenevich, postgraduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: don13111983@rambler.ru.


Demin S. About food security and foodstuffs imports to Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 135-140.

The author's approach to the food security as the most important part of the national and economic security is presented in this article. Food strategy is considered as a policy of achieving not only a high degree of food self-sufficiency due to integrated efforts to increase necessary foodstuffs production, but also as a policy of improvement of supply systems, consumption structure, and elimination of malnutrition and starvation as well. Besides, the author proves that the food security concept at the national level doesn't mean complete food self-sufficiency.

Keywords: food security, foodstuffs, foodstuffs import, agricultural products, home-produced foodstuffs.


Kashin V. Round tables records of the RF State Duma «Food security is the main task» / / Pravda. 2008. 6-9 June.

Zeldner A. Priorities, institutions and mechanisms of surmounting the crisis in the agrarian sphere in XXI century. M., 2000.

About the author:

Demin Sergey Yurievich, Vice-Rector for Distance Education, Baikal National University of Economics and Law, PhD of Economics, associate professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: demin@isea.ru.

Varshavskaya E. Russian labour market under the conditions of the economic crisis: transformation of flexibility model? // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 141-144.

The author analyses the main changes which have occurred in Russian labour market upon the beginning of the economic crisis. The author advances a hypothesis of formation of a new model of Russian labour market flexibility. This new model is characterized by more flexible employment and less flexible salaries.

Keywords: labour market flexibility, employment, working hours, economic crisis.


Salary in Russia: evolution and differentiation / ed. by V.E. Guimpelson, R.I. Kapelyushni-kova. M., 2008.

Labour market monitoring by Russian Ministry of Health and Welfare. URL: http://www. minzdravsoc.ru/labour/employment/41.

Chelyabinsk Governor Does Not Give Leave-Pass // The Kommersant. 2009. № 39.

Social and economic situation in Russia (Jan. 2009): st. coll. M., 2009.

About the author:

Varshavskaya Elena Yakovlevna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Kemerovo State University, e-mail: varsh_elena@mail.ru.

Balabanova E. Technical approaches to the analysis and estimation of social and economic development of municipal organizations in the strategic planning system // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 4 (66). P. 144-146.

The paper deals with organizational aspects of strategic planning, which are considered important for the Russian Federation, as well as general social and economic problems of a municipal organization development.

Keywords: municipal organization, social and economic development, strategic planning, complex estimation, indices.


Economic development strategic planning: Canada's 35-year experience / ed. by B.S. Zhi-kharevich. St.Pb., 2004.

URL: http://www.citystrategy.leontief.ru.

Balabanova E.A. Strategic planning of social and economic development of a municipal organization // Institutional problems of regional

public-private partnership: art. coll. of the intern. sci.-practice conf. / ed. by N.F. Kuznetsova. Abakan, 2008.

About the author:

Balabanova Elena Alexandrovna, postgraduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: maksimka 85@mail.ru.

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