Научная статья на тему 'Annotation, keywords, bibliography'

Annotation, keywords, bibliography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation, keywords, bibliography»



Shobdoeva N. Investments into rise quality of the human capital // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 5-7.

The further development of economy of Russia directly is connected with the qualitative human capital. But in classical and modern researches the human capital definition «quality of the human capital» as the independent concept does not meet. Thus the economic and social importance of problems of improvement of quality of the human capital increases in connection with reduction of number of able-bodied population.

Keywords: the human capital, quality of the human capital, investments.


Putin V.V. The wealth of Russia's educational, scientific and creative property gives us obvious advantages // Higher education today. 2007. № 6. P. 2-4.

Nesterov L., Ashirov G. National wealth and human capital // Economy issues. 2003. № 2. P. 104.

In Irkutsk Oblast average monthly cash income was... // http://www.vsp.ru.

Group of financial news // http://www. financialsgroup.com.


Zhigas M. Problem of insurance market development in Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 8-13.

The author studied the problems of insurance market development that are connected to the legislation reforming in OSAGO (compulsory insurance of civil responsibility), underlined the problems of reinsurance, insurance mediation, automation of insurance business.

Keywords: insurance market, insurance, reinsurance, insurance legislation, insurance middleman.


Working papers of an International Insurance Congress. St.Pb., 2008.

Veretennikova O., Gusev E. Closed mutual investment fund as a form of investment activity in real estate market // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 14-16.

Unit investment funds (UIF) are regarded as property complexes. Three types of these funds are marked out and the advantages of «construction» unit investment funds in comparison with other financial provision methods of construction. The usage of UIF as a tool of assets protection is revealed.

Keywords: share investment funds, property complex, versions of funds, the closed SIFs, building a SIFs.

Sorokina A. Control over payment of the social tax: problems and solutions // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 16-18.

The article describes the necessity to improve control over payment of the social tax in Russia. The article also defines the problems of the social tax payment, and offers their solutions which are based upon foreign experience.

Keywords: social tax, control over payment, tax audit, collection of tax, gross domestic product.


About the statement of Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation about the Federal law project «About the budget of Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2006»: of the decision of Accounting Chamber Collegia of the Russian Federation of 17 June 2005. № 24 (441) // http://www.ach.gov.ru.

Roik V. Development of social insurance system in Russia: achieved objectives, key problems and the methods of their solution // Russian economy journal. 2007. № 1-2. P. 89.


Novoselov I. Objectives, functions and tasks of internal auditing in russian companies // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 19-21.

In this article the author reviews main objectives, functions and tasks of internal auditing in russians companies. The author formulates main points of view on the problem of internal auditing objectives that contain in

Bychkova G. Grounds for synergetic approach to evaluation of cluster functioning // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 66-68.

The article gives classified analyses of specific sources of synergy for cluster, reveals similar sources of synergy with greater potential for cluster and integrated structures, and describes distinguishing features in the action of sources of synergy which increase synergetic effect of cluster.

Keywords: cluster, integrated structure, synergetic effect, sources of synergy, self-organization.


Evstigneeva L.P., Evstigneev R.N. Economic growth: liberal alternative. M., 2005.

Nikitenko P., Platonova L. Synergetic approach to appraisal of competitiveness of a business system // Society and economy.

2007. № 4. P. 5-13.

Kuz'bozhev E.N., Muller O.A. Synergy and competitiveness of industry's productive potential// Economy and management. 2005. № 1. P. 111-118.

Byk F.L., Kitushin V.G. Notional aspects of a new management paradigm // Management in Russia and abroad. 2007. № 5. P. 3-8.

Glubokova L. The analyse methods of distributions costs // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2008. № 6 (62). P. 69-72.

In the article are presented the analyse methods of distributions costs. The aim of the article is to define the basic stages of management analysis of distribution cost and their characteristics.

Keywords: distributions costs, the analyse methods of distributions costs.

Astrakhan A. The coordination problem in the concrete producer's logistics system // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 72-75.

In this article the problem of concrete production logistics coordination is considered, conceptual pattern of information flows is offered to support its solution.

Keywords: concrete, coordination, logistics.


Dybskaya V.V., Zaitzev E.I., Sergeev V.I., Sterligova A.N. Logistics. M., 2008.

Kovaleva T. Statistical evaluation of types of economic activity's attractiveness for business entities of the Far Eastern federal district // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 75-78.

The concept of investment attractiveness of business entities' economic activity types is considered in the paper. The methodology of statistical evaluation of attractiveness of business entities' economic activity types on the basis of rating evaluation within allowable level of investor's risk is offered in the paper.

Keywords: economic activity, investment attractiveness, investor's risk, rating evaluation.


Matveeva N.S. Entrepreneurship as a variant of economic activity // Business systems management. 2008. № 1 (13) // http://uecs. mcnip.ru.

Sharp U.F., Alexander G.J., Baily G. Investment: transl. from English. M., 1997.

Kovalev V.V. Asset management of a firm: educational and practical book. M., 2007.

Bystrov O.F. Methodology of working out and applying investment ratings in economy management: synopsis of thesis for Doctor's degree in Economics. M., 2008.

Statistic dictionary. 2d ed., rev. and enl. / editor-in-chief M.A. Korolev. M., 1989. P. 227.

Tikhonov A. Improving ecology-economical aspects of management system in main industrial business (by Neryngry industry complex) // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 79-82.

Ecological problems in main industrial business are researched in the article. To improve management into main industrial business author offer to use the ecological management model. The model was applied by Neryngry industry complex. Author offer to change mineral taxation by using utilization coefficient and exhausted function.

Keywords: model of ecological management, taxation, main industry, utilization, damage.


Bobylev S.N., Khodzhaev A.Sh. Economy of nature management: textbook. M., 2007.

Assessment of Nerungry industrial complex effect on environment / Academy of Sciences

Republik Sakha; Institute of Applied Ecology of the North. Yakutsk, 2005.

D. Medvedev insists on laying the foundation of environmental platform for economic growth / / Production ecology. 2007. № 7. P. 5.

Kleymenova L. Formation of an anti-recessionary control system by personal // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 82-86.

The scheme of an anti-recessionary control system is considered. Basic elements of an antirecessionary control system by personal are allocated and specified: the purposes, personal selection, principles of management of the personnel at different stages of crisis.

Keywords: anti-recessionary control system, anti-recessionary management.


Theory and practice of crisis management: textbook for HEI / G.Z. Bazarov, S.G. Beliaev, L.P. Belykh et al. M., 1996.

Rybinsky V.Z. Personnel management in conditions of production cyclic development. M., 2000.

About bankruptcy: Federal law of 26 Oct. 2002 № 127-FL (ed. of 1 Dec. 2007).

Mitin A.N., Fedorova A.E., Tokareva Y.A., Ovchinnikov A.V. Crisis management of organization's personnel: educational book. St.Pb., 2005.

Solodova N.G. Labor behavior of employees and models of personnel policy in conditions of organizational transformations. Irkutsk, 2004.

Korol A. Supply chains management // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 86-89.

The article deals with the problem of improving purchase development enterprises. Special attention is given to supply chains management as the most important direction of purchase development manufacturing enterprises. The author offers the algorithm of forming supply chain.

Keywords: purchase development, purchase management, supply chain, supply chains management.


Lysons K., Gillingham M. Purchasing and supply chain management: transl. of 6th English ed. M., 2005. P. 166.

Dybskaya V.V., Zaitzev E.I., Sergeev V.I., Sterligova A.N. Logistics: textbook / ed. by V.I. Sergeev. M., 2008. P. 31.

Keough M. Buying your way to the top // Director. 1994. Apr. P. 75.

Rudzki R.E., Smok D.E., Katsorke M., Stuatr Sh. The effective logistics: Simple and reliable ways of decrease in costs and increase of profit / transl. from English by S.V. Krivoshein; sci. ed. D.L. Ben'ko. Minsk, 2008. P. 60.

Kotler F., Keller K.L. Marketing management. 12th ed. St.Pb., 2006. P. 53.

http://www.cscmp.com. Annual conference program: Glossary - Oakbrook / IL.: Council of logistics management. N.Y., 1998. P. 28.

http://www.cscmp.com. Supply chain and logistics terms and glossary / Council of supply chain management professionals. N.Y., 2005. P. 96.

Burov V. Shadow activity and transaction costs of small business entities // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 89-93.

We have analysed transaction costs of small business entities' activity as well as some forms of their appearance. Legal and shadow activities are studied as a single whole, as integrated into each other economy sectors. We have pointed to the role of corruption under shadow entrepreneurship. Economy structure of small business enterprises in terms of shadow sector.

Keywords: transaction costs, price of illegality, price of subordination to law, corruption, kickbacks, bribe.


Dolgopyatova T.G. Unformal sector in russian economy. M., 1998.

Kryshtanovskaya O.V. Illegal structures in Russia // Social studies. 1995. № 8.

Barsukova S.Y. Structure and institutes of informal economy // Sociologic journal. 2005. № 3.

Soto H. de. The other path: The invisible revolution in the third world. M., 1995.

Political science: encycl. / ed. by Y.I. Aver'ianov. M., 1993. P. 147-148.

Yasin E. Rossiyskaya gazeta (federal iss.) 2007. 1 March.

Samarukha A. Estimation of an overall performance structural divisions of enforcement authorities region in a direction counteraction of corruption // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 93-98.

The article is devoted directions of departmental and public performance evaluation of work of structural divisions of enforcement authorities of a subnational education in a direction of counteraction of corruption. Main objectives and problems of the offered National plan and the draught Federal law on corruption counteraction, legislative and organizational principles, methods and necessary transformations are stated. Offers in priority is social-significant directions of the public and steadfast departmental control and an estimation of the corruption phenomena in power executive powers are given.

Keywords: corruption, government bodies, region, subnational education, the National plan of counteraction of corruption.


Zamyatina M.F., Beskrovnaya V.A. Assessment of budgetary process transparency in the regions-participants of the project: experience and problems: messages of the reports // http://www.transparentbudget.ru/rus/ transparency.htm.

Fight against corruption in the organs of government and municipal offices: working papers of an international research and practice conference, 27-28 March 2008 // http:// www.sapa.sib.ru/Podrazd/riger.doc.

Decree of the Russian Federation Government of 25 Oct. 2005. № 1789-p // http:// www.garant.ru/hotlaw/mon/66844.htm.

National plan of counteraction of corruption // http://www.kremlin.ru/text/ docs/2008/07/204857.shtml.

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http: / / www.kremlin.ru / articles / corrupt2.shtml.

Panina T. Fight against corruption has no plots / [interview with S. Stepashin] // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 2008. 24 Sept.

http:/ /www.npravo.ru /doc/articles / Obrazcy/kodeks1.


Kalugin P. The present state and possible ways of the russian-turkish collaboration in the sphere of energy // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 99-102.

This article is dedicated to the modern situation in russian-turkish collaboration in the field of energy. In the present time russian energetic companies are standing before the choice how to build there strategy in the turkish market. Besides this there is a sizeable international competition in that region. The possible ways of development of bilateral contacts are described too.

Keywords: gas pipeline, oil pipeline, «Blue stream», Transcaspian gas pipeline, power consumption.



Starodubtzev I.I. Energy strategy of Turkey / Institute of Israel and the Middle East. M., 2006.

Guriev A.A. Energy security of Turkey and Turkey's cooperation with RF in the field of power engineering / Institute of Israel and the Middle East. M., 2006.

Guriev A.A. «The Blue Stream» and some issues of RF gas strategy / Institute of Israel and the Middle East. M., 2005.

Ahmet Aydin. Turk-Rus ekonomik ili§kileri. istiklal; istanbul, 2005.


Ryabzseva I. Realization by heir same personal author's rights // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 103-106.

This article is about problem of realization by heir same personal author's rights: right to inviolability, publication and reference of author's work.

Keywords: personal author's rights, succession, right to inviolability, publication and reference of author's work.


Blinkov O.E. New russian legitimacy in the field of copyright and allied rights inheritance // Inheritance law. 2008. № 1. P. 9.

Eliseev I.V., Sergeev A.P., Tolstoy Y.K. Commentary on RF Civil Code. Pt. 3. M., 2005. P. 11.

Gavrilov E.P. Intellectual rights inheritance // Patents and licences. 2008. № 4. P. 32.

Morgunova E. Authors' warrants: theory and practice // Intellectual property. 2002. № 5. P. 23-31.

Gavrilov E.P. Commentary on Copyright Law. M., 1996. P. 127.

Miroshnikova M.A. Singular succession in copyright. St.Pb., 2005. P. 78.

Shilokhvost O.Y. Inheritance of intellectual property rights and means of individualization // Patents and licences. 2008. № 1. P. 29-30.

Civil Law: textbook / ed. by A.P. Sergeev, Y.K. Tolstoy. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Pt. 1. M., 1998. P. 208.

Civil Law: textbook / ed. by E.A. Sukhanov. 2d ed., rev. and enl. M., 2000. Vol. 1. P. 409.

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 Sept. 1886 (of 28 September 1979). Art. 6 bis. // Bulletin of international treaties. 2003. № 9.


Grachev I. The statistical model of the autoprogress of the economical systems // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 107-110.

The market is presented as a natural statistical machine. The following main purpose of the market is stipulated: the appraisal of the market value with maximal precision. The following main characteristic of the market is marked out: the automatic progress through the mechanism of bankruptcy. The «simplest» model of the market redistribution was developed.

Keywords: statistical parameters of the market, market value, mistake in appraisal of values, model of redistribution.


Leontiev V.V. Selected papers. St.Pb., 1994.

Kolemaev V.A. Mathematical economic theory: textbook for HEI. 2d ed., rev. and enl. M., 2002.


Malchukov V., Malchukova N. Truthfulness of statements as a basis of effectual language communication // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 111-115.

The truthfulness of statements is considered as one of the main bases of effective language communication. The importance of correspond concept of truth and pragmatic concept of truth in realization of humanistically focused communication is brought out. Specificity of realization of truth in frameworks of social-human (ordinary, religious, art-aesthetic) and scientific (natural science and human science) communication is revealed.

Keywords: truth, efficiency of language communication, social-human communication and scientific communication.


Gusev S.S., Tul'chinsky G.L. Problem of comprehension in philosophy. M., 1985. P. 139.

Nozhin E.A. Art of oral presentation. M., 1978. P. 51.

Vanderveken D. Metaphorical speech acts // Conceptualization and sense. Novosibirsk, 1990. P. 45.

Grais G. Logics and conversation // New in foreign linguistics. M., 1985. Iss. 16. P. 222-223.

Kolshansky G.V. Correlation of subjective and objective factors in language. M., 1975.

Lephevr V.A. From psychophysics to modeling of soul // Philosophy issues. 1990. № 7. P. 26.

Moiseev N.N. How far it is to tomorrow. M., 1994. P. 199.

Kolshansky G.V. Communicative function and language structure. M., 2007. P. 99.


Rusakov V. Use of forced labour of prisoners at building of a railway Baikal-Amur highway // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2008. № 6 (62). P. 116-119.

The structure of the Ministry of internal affairs and its divisions which are responsible

for realisation of works by prisoners is in details investigated. The quantitative structure of prisoners is analyzed, its specific features come to light, the attention is focused on efficiency of use of work of the given persons. Results of use of work of prisoners are investigated at railway building.

Keywords: a Baikal-Amur highway, the Ministry of internal affairs, Central administrative board of camps of railway building, labour camp, the prisoners, separate camp point.


Bratsk City's Archive (hereinafter referred to as BCA), fund of rare editions - 148, historical record № 1.

BCA, fund of rare editions - 148, historical record № 2.

Vlasov G.P. Historical experience of Baikal-Amur mainline railway constructing and development of its region: educational book. Bratsk, 2000.

BCA, fund of rare editions - 148, inventory 1, record 2, № 58, 125, 12.

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