Научная статья на тему 'Annotation, keywords, bibliography'

Annotation, keywords, bibliography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation, keywords, bibliography»



Kurgansky S. The inflation trend in Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 5-10.

There are revealed and analyzed the most important factors which determine an inflation rate in the Russia's economy. The author demonstrates that fundamental processes in the world and Russian's economy are the reasons of a sharp disinflation rate in 2009.

Keywords: inflation, inflation rate, consumer price index, inflationary expectations.


URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/articles /2009/04/03/32357618.shtml (last accessed date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/03/20/324139.shtml (last accessed date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/03/22/324163.shtml (last accessed date: 07.04.2009).

Economic crisis in Russia: expert's view / under editorship of I.Y. Yurgens. M., 2009. P. 40.

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/03/24/324660.shtml (last accessed

date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/03/24/324381.shtml (last accessed

date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/04/02/325590.shtml (last accessed

date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/news

/2009/04/03/325717.shtml (last accessed

date: 07.04.2009).

URL: http://www.quote.ru/macro/articles /2009/03/26/32347421.shtml (last accessed date: 07.04.2009).

About the author:

Kurgansky Sergey Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, professor of Baikal National

University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: kurgan2612@mail.ru.

Yakovleva I. Rental relations: institutional approach // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 10-12.

From the position of institutional approach the essence of rental relation is shown. This essence manifests in the form of various rules of ground rent sizing and resource involvement into the system of land relations that arise as a result of various forms of behaviour of landlords and land-users.

Keywords: rental relations, rental institute, ground rent.


Hodson J. What is an institute? // Economy Issues. 2007. № 8. P. 18-48.

Karpikov E. New views on the problem of rent // Economics. 2004. № 6. P. 20-28.

About the author:

Yakovleva Irina Anatolyevna, lecture of East-Siberian State University of Technology, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: catiramak@mail.ru.

Maksheeva O. Opportunist behavior of the public authorities // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 13-15.

The article describes politicians' behavior with the framework of the institutional analysis, considers some problems of authority representatives' opportunist behavior and methods of its limitation.

Keywords: agent, principal, state, authority, opportunist behavior, formal sector, informal sector.

About the author:

Maksheeva Oksana Alekseevna, lecture of Chita Institute of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Chita, e-mail: maksheeva@pochta.ru.


Nalyotov A., Dorzhieva V. The forecast of inter-budget relations of the Republic of Buryatia municipal body's tax potential assessment // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 16-20.

In the modern market economy the role of volume calculation of inter-budget transfers

appropriated from higher to low budgets is increasing; also defining tax potential is an important volume assessment of inter-budget transfers. The authors offer to calculate tax potential using economic aggregates or separate taxes by assessment of appropriate tax bases assigned to municipal governments.

Keywords: taxable capacity, forecast,

budget, inter-budget relations.


About budget system and budget process in the Republic of Buryatia: law of the Republic of Buryatia of 6 July 2005. № 1243-III.

Lavrov A.M., Alekseeva I.V., Bogacheva O.V. et al. Management of budget profits and holdings: guide on public finance management on regional and municipal levels / edited by A.M. Lavrov. M., 2007. Vol. 4.

About the authors:

Nalyotov Alexander Yurievich, PhD in economics, associate professor of East-Siberian State University of Technology, Ulan-Ude, email: xal.s@mail.ru.

Dorzhieva Valentina Vasilievna, PhD in economics, associate professor of East-Siberian State University of Technology, counselor on financial matters of LLC Baikalenergo, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: vv2006uu@yandex.ru.

Vakhitov M. The opportunity of transformation Federal Treasury body of the Russian Federation into monetary institutions // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 21-23.

The work experience of Treasury bodies in European countries is considered. The opportunity of transformation Federal Treasury bodies of the Russian Federation into credit institutions is grounded.

Keywords: treasury, system of public finances, bank and credit functions of Federal Treasury bodies.


Budget Code of the Russian Federation: federal statute of 31 July 1998. № 145-FS (as amended, part 3).

Gusev S.I., Shvetsov Y.G. Federal Treasury development in the system of public finances management. M., 2006.

URL: http: // www.roskazna.ru.

About the author:

Vakhitov Maxim Timurovich, executive assistant of Federal Treasury Department for

the Altai territory, post-graduate student of Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Barnaul, e-mail: info@kazna.altai.ru.

Shkurko O. Financial crisis and basic threats for the regional banking system // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 23-26.

This article is about the influences of the world financial crisis on the development of the regional banking system. As an example the banking system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is examined. The comparative analysis of assets and liabilities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)'s and Moscow's banks is given.

Keywords: assets, liabilities, financial crisis, banking system, regional banks, banking crisis.


Attack pointed at the bank cost $ 100 thousand // Bank review. 2008. № 5.

Heinsworth R. From banking sector to banking system: sufficient and necessary // Money and credit. 2003. № 6.

Kotlyarov M.A. Market capitalization as a tool of increasing stability of Russian banks // Banking. 2006. № 28.

Moiseev S.R. Financial instability: the lessons of the summer of 2004 / / Banking. 2004. № 8.

URL: http//www.cbr.ru.

About the author:

Shkurko Olga Grigorievna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: dir@aldan.drsk.ru,

aldsir@aldan .sakha. ru.

Fadeeva A. The notion and the structure of intangible assets as an accounting object // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 26-29.

In the article the criteria of the accounting objects' classification as intangible assets are given. There is a definition of intangible assets that takes into account economic and legal components of these objects. The structure of intangible assets based on the suggested definition is given.

Keywords: intangible assets, intellectual

property, business reputation, accounting.


Aksenov A.P. Intangible assets: structure, valuation, management. M., 2007.

Andrissen D., Thyssen R. Imponderable wealth: determine your company value in the economy of intangible assets. M., 2004.

Astakhov V.P. Intangible assets: essence, structure, valuation, accounting, taxation. M.,


Azgaldov G.G., Karpova N.N. Appraisal of intellectual property and intangible assets. M.,


Bernstain L.A. Financial statements analysis: theory, practice and interpritation. M., 1996. Betge J. Balancing. M., 2000.

Milner B. Intangible assets of a company // Problems of management theory and practice.

2008. № 3. P. 110-115.

Raisberg B.A., Losovsky L.Sh., Starodubtse-va E.B. Modern economic dictionary. M., 2006.

Reilly R., Schweihs R. Valuing intangible assets. M., 2005.

Ustinova Ya.I. Intellectual property as an accounting object: modern conception and

trends// Audit and financial analysis. 2008. № 6.

About the author:

Fadeeva Anna Anatolievna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: faa15@mail.ru.


Vinokurov M. Prospects for gasification of Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 30-33.

The prospects of gasification of Irkutsk region in accordance with the regional gasification program based on the hydrocarbon resources of the regional fields have been examined.

Keywords: Irkutsk region, gasification

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program, gas demand.

About the author:

Vinokurov Mikhail Alekseevich, Rector of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: rector@isea.ru.

Samarukha V., Krasnova T., Shalygina T.

Mechanisms of financing the market of affordable housing at the municipal level // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 34-41.

The economic sense and essence of housing market, housing affordability are studied. The calculations and the analysis of housing

affordability at federal, regional and municipal levels are given by the example of Abakan. The basic operating mechanisms and models of financing of the housing market are determined. The special attention is given to regional and municipal programs of the state support in housing purchase. The authors concluded that it is necessary to develop more actively programs of mortgage housing credit.

Keywords: housing market, housing

affordability, mortgage housing credit, municipal authorities.

About the authors:

Samarukha Viktor Ivanovich, Vice-rector for research of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: vis@isea.ru.

Krasnova Tatyana Grigorievna, Deputy mayor of Abakan, doctor of economics, e-mail: admeconom@mail.ru.

Shalygina Tatyana Victorovna, leading specialist of municipal economy committee of Abakan administration, e-mail: orme-kme@yandex.ru.

Ozernikova T., Berkovich T. Application of systems approach to the region's human resources management // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 42-45.

The basic levels of human resources management are defined. The problems of human resources management system at the regional level are studied. The hierarchical model of human resources management system that includes strategic, administrative and tactical levels is given on the Russian Federation scale.

Keywords: region, human resources, human resources management system.

About the authors:

Ozernikova Tatyana Georgievna, chair of Labour Economy and Personnel Management Department of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, Irkutsk, e-mail: ozernikova@isea.ru.

Berkovich Tatyana Alexandrovna, PhD of Economics, professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: berkovichta@isea.ru.

Buzyrev V., Yudenko M. The role of specific assets in transaction costs decrease

in construction // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 45-49.

The article covers some issues of the specificity of assets that are used in investment and construction sphere, analyses contract types with relation to neo-institutionalism, and also it analyses management structures that support different transactions.

Keywords: contracts, specific assets,

transaction costs.


Williamson O.E. The economic institutions of capitalism: firms, markets, relational contracting. St.Pb., 1996.

About the authors:

Buzyrev Vyacheslav Vasilievich, chair of the Department of Economy and Management in Construction of Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Yudenko Marina Nikolaevna, PhD in Economics, associate professor of Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Sukhodolov A., Khamataev V. Stages of development of the domestic hydrolysis industry // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 49-52.

Hydrolysis industry development in the USSR from late 1930 to the beginning of 2000 is studied. The role of the sector during the Second World War and in the post-war period is shown.

Keywords: the USSR, hydrolysis industry, stages of development.

About the authors:

Sukhodolov Alexander Petrovich, Doctor of Economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: suhodolov@gmail.com.

Khamataev Vladimir Alexandrovich, Director General of JSC «East Siberian Biotechnology Plant», Tulun, e-mail: vhamataev@vskbt.ru.

Samarukha A. The directions of strategic planning of intermunicipal, inter-regional and international cooperation and interaction in the Baikal region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 52-56.

The basic tendencies of strategic planning of social and economic development of Russia

and the regions are determined. The necessity of active development of intermunicipal, interregional and international relations is marked and proved. Development trends of the Baikal region are considered. The basic directions of strategic development of intermunicipal, inter-regional and international relations of Irkutsk region are offered.

Keywords: strategy, social and economic development, crisis, ecology, intermunicipal cooperation, international aspect.


URL: http://itg.irkutsk.ru/?IdAction=docs& Event=read&id=8735.

URL: http://pribaikal.ru/irkutsk-about.html.

URL: http://www.baikalib.ru/Live_Baikal/ virt_baikal/gl3.php.

URL: http://www.irk.raexpert.ru/strate-


About the author:

Samarukha Alexey Victorovich, Deputy Director of Regional Economy of Research Institute of Self-Regulation and Business Development of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, PhD of Economics, associate professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: samarukha_alex@mail.ru.

Griaznova M., Mullagaleeva Z. Theoretical aspects of development management of an old industrial region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 57-60.

In the article the authors offer to use specific method of old industrial region's identification as an object of management. This method is based on the idea that management of old industrial regions should be aimed at the task solution of innovation and inertial development as well as the transition from inertial to innovation development. It is indicated that this approach implementation will allow increasing the resistance of old industrial region socio-economic system to external threats of economic development.

Keywords: old industrial region, development, development management.


Granberg A.G. Basis of regional economy: inst.of higher education textbook. 2nd edition. M., 2001.

Kistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V. Regional economy of Russia: textbook. M., 2003.

Knyaginin V.P., Shedrovitsky P.G. Tasks of transition period [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.csr-nw.ru/content/library.

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 [Electronic resource]: approved by the Russian Federation decree of 17 November

2008. № 1662-p. URL: http://www.

government.ru/content/governmentactivity/ insiderfgovernment/archive/ 2008/11/25/ d487dcfb-f7bc-41e3-ad5e-135086c4016c.htm.

URL: http://www.minregion.ru/ WorkI-tems/NewsItem.aspx?NewsID=491.

URL: http://www.minregion.ru/OpenFile. ashx/Download?AttachID=813.

About the authors:

Griaznova Maria Alexandrovna, post-graduate student of Novokuznetsk institute-branch of Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk, e-mail: mgryznova@mail.ru.

Mullagaleeva Zimfira Zanyapovna, Doctor of Economics, professor of Novokuznetsk institute-branch of Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk, e-mail: zimfira@ngs.ru.

Olovyannikov D. Methods of regional food security assessing by the example of the Republic of Buryatia // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 3 (65). P. 60-63.

The article deals with the problems of regional food security. This is a very topical issue for our country and it is very important to investigate it now, in the context of global economic crisis. In this article the author offers a methodology of assessing regional food security and its factors.

Keywords: food security, food security

assessment, food market, economic development.


Dugina E.L. Regional food market and its development in modern conditions: textbook. Ulan-Ude, 2001.

Nuraliev S.U. Food market: The problems of a formative stage and development trends. Volgograd, 2003.

Paramonov S.V., Pashina L.L. Regional food security assessment //Science journal of KrasSU. Krasnoyarsk, 2004.

Trade in the Republic of Buryatia: statistic digest. № 14-05-13 / Buryatstat. Ulan-Ude,


About the author:

Olovyannikov Dmitry Georgievich, post-graduate student of East-Siberian State University of Technology, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: dimpx@yandex.ru.

Battogtoh Gombozhavyn. The world copper market crisis and the competitive policy formation in mining industry of Mongolia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 63-67.

The tendencies of demand changes for copper in the industry and copper supply changes on the world market are described in the article. It is necessary to create industrial groups for nonferrous metallurgy. Mathematical problem statement of an effective variant of enterprises development in mineral and raw complex of Mongolia is described.

Keywords: metallurgy, price rate, industry, economy, mineral complex, economic efficiency.

About the author:

Battogtoh Gombozhavyn, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: gbattogtokh@mail.ru.

Belayeva A. The entertainment services market in Russia: the main characteristics and tendencies of development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 67-70.

In the article is given the analysis of a modern condition of the Russian market of entertainment services. The essence of the entertaining services market is revealed, and also the supply and demand in this market and its economic and social role in the society life are described. The basic tendencies of this market development are considered.

Keywords: entertainment services market, leisure, entertainment, the tendencies of development.


Agenda.$ 34,5 billion//Expert. 2006.№ 35.

Gorshkov M.K., Tikhonova N.E. Modifying Russia in the mirror of sociology. M., 2004.

Shulakova O. Shopping with blaster // Expert. 2006. № 36.

World review of show business and mass media: forecast for 2007-2011. Russian market: documents of analytical treatment / PricewaterhouseCoopers, Wilkofsky Gruen Associates. N. Y., 2007.

About the author:

Belayeva Anastasia Alexandrovna, postgraduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: ultima777@mail.ru.


Berkovich T. Improvement of management of personnel in civil service: performance evaluation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 71-75.

The problems of performance evaluation of civil servants are examined. The evaluation technique of the productivity of civil servants' labor has been worked out on the basis of the workload coefficient, working time utilization and quality of work has been developed. The workload coefficient is calculated with the application of the matrix of administrative management tasks distribution.

Keywords: productivity of labor, civil


About the author:

Berkovich Tatyana Alexandrovna, PhD of Economics, professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: berkovichta@isea.ru.

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Kuznetsova N., Nossyreva I. The model of human resources life cycle // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 75-80.

In the article the model of human resources life cycle is examined. The following stages of a life cycle are marked out: origination, formation, development and deterioration. The authors describe the content of these stages and the mechanism of administrative actions directed towards the development of human resources at each stage of the life of a human being.

Keywords: human resources, life cycle, life cycle stages, human resources development.


Adizes I. Management of corporation life cycle/ transl. from English under scientific edition A.G. Seferyan. St.Pb., 2007.

About the authors:

Kuznetsova Natalia Victorovna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: trud@isea.ru.

Nossyreva Irina Grigorievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: trud@isea.ru.

Grushina O. Company planning in the context of system and information analysis of management processes // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 80-84.

The applied aspects of planning process and its role in maintaining the stability of an enterprise are examined.

Keywords: socio-economic system, self-

regulation of economic systems, management, planning, budgeting, equilibrium and development.


Abdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. M., 1994.

Il'in A.I., Sinitsina L.M. Enterprise-level planning: textbook: in 2 parts / under editorship A.I. Il'in. Minsk, 2000.

About the author:

Grushina Olga Valerievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: olga7771972@mail.ru.

Kubassova T. Coordination processes in logistic chains of mortgage and construction projects // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 84-87.

Methodological issues of coordination in logistic chains of the mortgage and construction projects are examined. The necessity of coordination proceeding from the nature of logistic chains of mortgage and construction projects as an integrated socio-economic system, and also the establishment of a coordinating center are proved. Recommendations how to organize management of mortgage and construction projects on a mesological system level are given.

Keywords: coordination processes, logistic chains, project, mortgage, construction.

About the author:

Kubassova Tatyana Innokentievna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: tatyana@ipoteka.irk.ru.

Buzyrev V., Bobkov A. Methodology of the improvement of company working capital

control system in construction industry // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 88-92.

This article reveals some issues of improvement of company working capital control in construction industry regarding the methodology development of the processes.

Keywords: methodology, methodological postulates, resource management, working capital.


Baskakov A.Ya., Tulenkov N.V. Methodology of research study: textbook. 2nd edition, revised. Kiev, 2004.

Budyukov A., Shabanov D. Who needs strategic planning // Company management.

2003. № 8. P. 9-15.

Chepachenko N.V. Efficient management of a construction organization. St.Pb., 2001.

Kleiner G.B., Tambovtsev V.L., Kachalov R.M. An enterprise in an unstable economic environment: risks, strategies, safety. M.,


Mandritsa I.V. Development strategy of a construction enterprise in a region. St.Pb., 2007.

Vetrov A.L. Operational audit-analysis of enterprise economical activity. M., 2006.

Zhavoronkov E.P., Permyakova L.V. Management in construction. Straight-line construction. Logistics approach. Marketing strategies. M., 2005.

About the authors:

Buzyrev Vyacheslav Vasilievich, Chair of the Department of Economy and Management in Construction of Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Bobkov Alexander Arturovich, PhD of Economics, post-graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Dorgieva I., Timofeev V. The model of finance regulation of credit relations in agrarian and industrial complex of the Republic of Buryatia // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 3 (65). P. 93-95.

The problems of financial regulation of credit relations in agriculture are described. By the example of the Republic of Buryatia the essence of financial support of agriculture by crediting is considered. The special attention is given to

financial regulation as one of the methods of income distribution and assets redistribution in order to support the stability of the agriculture branch and to provide its balance. The detailed analysis of the credits' sizes that were attracted by the agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Buryatia for the period of 2000-2007 is given. Using the results of the analysis the authors constructed the model of on-budget expenditures' effectiveness increase to support the agriculture of the region.

Keywords: financial regulation, budgetary support, agriculture, concessional lending.


Baetoeva M.T. Investment process in rural economy // Agrarian science. 2002. № 4.

State support of agrarian and industrial complex // Food industry. 2003. № 6.

Statistical yearbook: statistics diagest /

Buryatstat. Ulan-Ude, 2008.

The implementation of priority national project: express information / edited by

S.G. Mitin. M., 2006. Iss. 9.

URL: http://www.mcx.ru.

About the authors:

Dorgieva Irina Tzirendashievna, Dean of Economics Department of Buryat State Agricultural Academy, PhD of Economics, associate professor, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: bgsha@bgsha.ru.

Timofeev Vladimir Ivanovich, post-graduate student of Buryat State Agricultural Academy, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: timof83@mail.ru, timof83@rambler.ru, timof@yandex.ru.

Rudakova T. Public accountants' associations in the context of the reliability of the return // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65).

P. 95-99.

The article deals with the problem of the reliability of the return which contains the information necessary for management process. The author considers as one of the criteria of the reliability the participation of the people who form the financial accounting in professional public associations.

Keywords: reliability, users, information,

professional associations, accounting profession.


15th anniversary of accountants' society: 1892—1907. Proceedings of society's council. St.Pb.; M., № 8-9.

Congresses // Commercial school and life. 1912.

Gopfengauzen I.D. Accountants' status in Russia // Accountancy. 1895. № 3.

L'vova D.A. Accountants' professional associations: history of their establishment and activity. М., 2005.

Potemkin A.D. A few words about expertise of account books// Modern news. 1885. № 7.

Sokolov V.Ya. Accountants' professional society of Saint-Petersburg // Accounting in Saint-Petersburg: 1703—2003 / under editorship of Ya.V. Sokolov. St.Pb., 2003.

Studies of the Society's activity for the expansion of commercial knowledge from 1889 to 1899. St.Pb., 1899.

The first All-Russian congress of accountants: accountants' institution in Russia, social section: opening of the congress. М. 1909.

About the author:

Rudakova Tatyana Alekseevna, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Altay State University, Barnaul, e-mail: rta_62@mail.ru.

Umaev E. About the security system of the Russian Federation // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 3 (65). P. 99-101.

The necessity of actualization of ideas about the security system of the Russian Federation is proved. The system requirements, its basic components are formulated. It has been offered to vest the RF Ministry of Regional Development with coordinating and governing functions in providing economic security.

Keywords: security system, state, economic safety.


Administrative and legal basis of providing security in the Russian Federation: textbook. Omsk, 1997.

Dzaliev M.I., Ursul A.D. Basis of Russia's security: textbook. М., 2003.

Shubert T.E. National security of Russia: constitutional and legal aspects. Comparative law research. М., 2001.

About the author:

Umaev Egor Alexandrovich, post-graduate student of Omsk State Technical University, e-mail: egorumaev@rambler.ru.

Shishneva O. Organizational perfection of entrepreneurship of a multilateral

budgetary organization // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 3 (65). P. 102-104.

The definition of entrepreneurial development at medical and preventive treatment institutions is given. The scheme of organization development of entrepreneurship at medical and preventive treatment institutions which becomes apparent in the synergy of effective processes, projects, rational changes and both knowledge and resources which provide them is offered.

Keywords: medical and preventive treatment institutions, mechanism of organizational development, entrepreneurial development.


Harrington J. Change management excellence / transl. from English by V.N. Zagrebel'ny; edited by V.V. Bragin. M., 2008.

Kadyrov F.N., Nakatis Ya.A. Modern management methods and financial management of health care institutions. M., 2001.

Shedrovitsky G.P. Selected works. M., 1995.

Svetnik T.V., Veprova R.N. Strategies and mechanisms of organization development: course of lectures /general editorship T.V. Svetnik. Irkutsk, 2004.

URL: http://www.glossary.ru/cgi-bin/gl.

About the author:

Shishneva Olga Viktorovna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: olyalala83@bk.ru.

Slinkov A. Development of the bank employees' labour motivation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 104-107.

The problem of labour motivation development of bank employees is touched upon. The model of labour motivation is developed. It is recommended to use competency building approach as an instrument of labour motivation development.

Keywords: labour motivation, model of labour motivation, bank employees, competence.


Gaga V. A. et al. Motivational components of organization relations in production and bank corporations/edited by B.S. Burykhin. Tomsk, 2003.

Odegov Y.G. Bank management: personnel management: textbook. M., 2004.

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Vologina O.N. Personnel labor motivation in finance and credit organizations / edited by Y.G. Odegov. M., 2002.

About the author:

Slinkov Anatoly Mikhailovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: st121175@mail.ru.

Nevidimov Ye. Calculation method of generalize estimated figures for the selection of a housing fund management company // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 108-111.

Generalized estimated figures for the housing fund management company's selection have been worked out. The options of its implementation are offered in the article.

Keywords: housing and communal services, generalized estimated figures, selection, management company, estimation, quality, reform.


About placing orders for goods delivery, execution of work, rendering of services for state and municipal needs: federal law of 21 July 2005. № 94-FL // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2005. 28 July.

About the procedure of a local government body carrying out an open competition for the selection of a managing company for apartment building management: the Russian Federation Government decree of 6 February 2006. № 75 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2006. 22 Febr.

Kameneva E.A. The reform of housing and communal services, or Now we will live newly. Rostov-on-Don, 2005.

URL: http://www.wciom.ru.

About the author:

Nevidimov Yevgeny Sergeevich, lecture of Transbaikal Railway Transport Institute — a branch of Irkutsk State Railway University in Chita, e-mail: 10601960@rambler.ru.

Gracheva Yu. Personnel selection and estimate method // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 111-114.

The calculations of search for personnel, estimation and selection in the case of filling a vacancy of a Department Head are carried out in the article. Estimation procedure based on worker's value indicator is offered.

Keywords: personnel, staff recruitment,

estimation, vacancy, methodology, employment, applicant.


Human resource management: textbook / edited by T.Y. Bazarov, B.L. Eremin. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. M., 2005.

Tsarev V.V., Evstratov A.Y. The selection of the most competitive applicant for a vacant seat with the help of «PATTERN» methods and multiple average // Personnel management.

2008. № 20 (198). P. 53-55.

About the author:

Gracheva Yuliya Igorevna, lecture of Transbaikal Railway Transport Institute — a branch of Irkutsk State Railway University in Chita, e-mail: jinvis@mail.ru.


Semeusov V. Innovation and science of business law // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 115-121.

Some aspects of working out of theoretical and methodological grounds of innovations in the science of business law are stated. Also it is suggested to recognize the studies of innovations in business law as quite important in Russian science of Law.

Keywords: science of business law;

corporation, innovation, foreign investments, scientific terminology.


East-Siberian Pravda. 2005. 27 Febr.

Izvestiya. 2007. 17 Jan.

Izvestiya. 2008. 29 Dec.

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1987.

About the author:

Semeusov Valery Alexandrovich, Chair of Entrepreneurial and Financial Law of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Law, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: pred_pravo@isea.ru.

Belkova E. Copyrights of work made for hire // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65).

P. 121-124.

Copyright of work made for hire has been studied. New copyright law of work made for hire has been analyzed. Author's and employer's rights of work made for hire are determined.

Keywords: work made for hire, copyright, author, employer.


About the codification of intellectual property law: interview with A.L. Makovsky / / Law. 2007.

Belitskaya A. Institution of work made for hire in the Project of part IV of Civil Code [Electronic resource] URL: http://www/medialaw.ru/


Gavrilov E.P., Gopodov O.A., Grishaev S.P. Commentaries on the Russian Federation Civil Code. Part 4. [Electronic resource] URL: http:// www / arbitr.msk.ru / zakon / gr_pravo / article.

Korchagina N.P. Specialists comment [Electronic resource] URL: http://wtos.ru/publish/ articles/72.

Mozolin V.P. About the concept of intellectual property rights // Journal of the Russian law.

2007. 12. P. 101.

Telyukina M. Right to publish a work — is it a personal or a property right? / / Intellectual property. Copyright and allied rights. 2007. № 8.

About the author:

Belkova Elena Gennadievna, Chair of Civil Law and Procedure Department of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, PhD of Law, associate professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: belkova-eg@isea.ru.


Miller M. Material welfare and health in population's vital activity // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 125-128.

This article considers the problems of vital activity of modern population, specifically material welfare and health. The increase of significance of biologically conditioned factors of existence for well-to-do population is presented and described. The special attention is paid to the disproportion between the amount of financing of some national healthcare systems and indices of population health and lifespan.

Keywords: vital activity of population,

activity of population, consumption, health, health protection.


Arlytshev A.N. The meaning of life in the aspect of relations of biological and social in a human being // Proceedings of Russian State Social University. 2008. № 1.

Katkova I.P., Andriushina E. V., Katkov V.I. Modern strategies of Russia's public health care and health protection reforming // Population.

2008. № 3.

Kolesnikova I.S. Novations in sociology of medicine and health // Social researches. 2008. № 4.

Turdiev T.I. About the ecologization of economic development // Proceedings of Russian State Social University. 2008. № 2.

About the author:

Miller Maxim Alexandrovich, PhD of Economics, associate professor of Omsk State University, e-mail: millerma@yandex.ru.

Skorobogatova Yu. Economics of knowledge: theoretical and applied aspects of educational services demand forecasting // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 3 (65). P. 128-134.

New trend in economics — economics of knowledge — is analyzed in the article. It is possible to achieve a high standard of wellbeing in a society where knowledge plays a dominant role. The hypothesis of a correlation between institutional parameters of a country's development and economics of knowledge development is formulated. The national economy development as a whole is fully enough characterized by the development of economics of knowledge. The economic-mathematical models simulating the processes of the economics of education and the individual choice are considered and compared.

Keywords: economics of education,

forecasting, educational services, economics of knowledge, human capital, consumer choice.


Checkmarev V.V., Skarzhinskaya E.M. The problem of choice on the market of education // Economics of education. 2004: (materials of the journal Economics of education). M., 2006.

Ekshikeev T.K., Nickolaev A.V. Adaptation Raily's model to the forecast of the demand for educational services // Economics of education. 2005 (1): (materials of the journal Economics of education). M., 2006.

Lebedev V.V. Mathematical modelling of socioeconomic processes. M., 1997.

Makarov V.L. Economics of knowledge: lessons for Russia: report at the scientific session. RAS general meeting // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2003. Vol. 73, № 5.

Romer P.M. Endogenous technological change // Journal of political economics. 1990. Vol. 98, nr 5. P. 71-102.

Safonova E.V. Economics of knowledge factor in socioeconomic development and in population's life quality // Economics and mathematical methods. 2005. Vol. 41, № 4. P. 14-29.

Thurow L.C. Building wealth. The new rules for individuals, companies and countries in a knowledge-based economy. N.Y., 1996.

About the author:

Skorobogatova Yulia Alexandrovna, lecture of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: skorobogatova-ya@isea.ru.

Samarina M. Market basis of informal employment formation and assessment // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65).

P. 134-136.

The article deals with the nature of the informal employment in the market economy. The author provides its characteristics and defines the category of informal employment in informal and formal sectors of the economy.

Keywords: employment, labour market, informal employment, demand, supply, price of labour.


Golenkova Z.T., Igitkhainyan E.D. Poly- and mono-employed in the Russian society: social and structural analysis // Economic sociology.

2004. № 5.

Kubishin E. Informal employment: essence, structure // A person and labour. 2008. № 12.

Popov Y.N., Shevchuk A.V. Introduction into labour and employment sociology: textbook. M., 2005.

Zhulina E.G. Labour economics: course of lectures: M., 2006.

About the author:

Samarina Maria Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: mariaaa78@mail.ru.


Elokhin V. About the optimization models of agricultural industry planning // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65). P. 137-141.

The paper presents optimization models applied for description of the structure of some agricultural branches and their combinations. There have been offered adequate models for solving the tasks connected with production, evaluation of land recourses potentials, planning of agricultural work under the conditions of extreme events.

Keywords: optimization models, modeling, planning, agricultural industry.


Barsukova M.N., Belyakova A.Y., Ivan'o Ya.M. About optimization models of farm production: classification and implementation

// XI International conference «Information and mathematical technologies in scientific researches». Irkutsk, 2006.

Barsukova M.N., Ivan'o Ya.M. Farm production modeling on parametric programming tasks' basis // Equilibrium models of economy and power engineering: works of All-Russian conference and workshops of mathematical economy XIV Baikal International School of Seminar «Methods of optimizations and their implementation», Irkutsk, Baikal, 2-8 July 2008, Irkutsk, 2008.

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Bulatov V.P., Ivan'o Ya.M., Zverev A.F. et al. About farm production processes modeling in the Irkutsk region // Vestnik of Irk.SAA. 2003. № 24.

Fedurina N.I. About two optimization models of farm production under the conditions of partial information / / Co-operation of agricultural goods producers and scientific organizations in the development of agroindustrial complex of Central Asia: proceedings of the international academic and research conference (Irkutsk, 25-27 March 2008) Irkutsk, 2008. Part 4.

Ivan'o Ya.M. Extreme natural phenomena: methodology, modeling and forecasting. Irkutsk,


Ivan'o Ya.M. Farm production modeling with allowance of extreme natural events // Basic problems of water and water resources analysis and use: proceedings of the scientific conference. Irkutsk, 2005.

Ivan'o Ya.M., Trufonova E.S. About the models of sustainable development of rural territories // Ecological and economic, social and technological aspects of biospheric economy formation and development: proceedings

of international academic and research conference devoted to 40th anniversary of the Rome Club (Irkutsk, 9-10 October 2008) Irkutsk,


About the authors:

Elokhin Vladislav Romanovich, Doctor of Engineering Science, professor of Irkutsk State Academy of Agriculture, e-mail: iasa_econ@rambler.ru.

Suborova E. Municipal web site as a tool of effective communications development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 3 (65).

P. 142-146.

The article is devoted to the problems of effective local administrations communications. One of the basic tools of effective communications is an official web site of a local administration. The author gives comparative analysis of some Federal districts administrative centers web sites.

Keywords: Information-communication technologies, web sites, communications.


Citation index Yandex [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.w50.ru/.

Official portal of Rostov-on-Don's municipal duma and administration [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.rostov-gorod.ru/.

Official site of Khabarovsk's administration [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. khabarovskadm.ru/.

Official site of Nizhny Novgorod's administration [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.admgor.nnov.ru/.

Official site of Novosibirsk's administration [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.novo-sibirsk.ru/.

Official site of Yekaterinburg's administration [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. ekburg.ru/.

Roy O.M. The system of public and municipal administration: textbook. St.Pb., 2007.

About the authors:

Suborova Elena Leonidovna, post-graduate student of Siberian Academy of State Service, Novossibirsk, e-mail: suborina@yahoo.com.

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