Научная статья на тему 'Annotation, keywords, bibliography'

Annotation, keywords, bibliography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation, keywords, bibliography»



Chalikova-Ukhanova M. Key ways to decrease regional investment risks of Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 5-8.

The article describes current economic situation in regional investment potential and suggests the most promising ways to enhance the potential.

Keywords: investment, investment potential, risks, investment risks.

About the author:

Chalikova-Ukhanova Maria Vasilievna, senior teacher of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: maha-katastrofa@mail.ru.


Nalyotov A. Financial potential and macro regulation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 2 (64). P. 9-13.

The article deals with the problem of evaluation of the region's financial potential. The great importance for evaluation has calculation of trading balance of the region equalized by the financial balance: the more goods are imported the fewer resources are left in the region. Statistics counts gross regional product without adjusting it to the balance of payments. The article determines three ways to the evaluation of the region's financial potential and the finances retirement out of the region.

Keywords: financial potential, gross regional product, macro regulation, balance of payments, trading balance, financial balance.

About the author:

Nalyotov Alexander Yurievich, phD in economics, assistant professor of East Siberian State Technology University, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: xal.s@mail.ru.

Gusev S., Vakhitov M. Perspectives of transformation from bank execution

of budget to treasure one based on electronic due bank payment system (by the example of Federal Treasury Department for the Altai territory) //

Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 13-18.

The advantages of using treasury execution of federal budget are analyzed along with the process of development of federal treasury bodies and implementation of new technologies, e.g. electronic due bank payment system.

Keywords: treasury, treasury system of budget execution, banking mechanisms, electronic due bank payment system, associated participants of payments.

About the authors:

Gusev Sergey Ivanovich, executive head of Federal Treasury Department for the Altai Territory, chair of the department of state management of the economy, doctor of economics, professor of Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, e-mail: info@kazna.altai.ru.

Vakhitov Maxim Timurovich, executive assistant of Federal Treasury Department for the Altai territory, post-graduate student of Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Barnaul, e-mail: info@kazna.altai.ru.

El'gert N. State support of agricultural commodity producers as a stimulus to increase own sources of investment // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 18-20.

In this article it is determined the necessity to maintain the development rates of the country's agrarian industry that were gathered during realization of the national project «Agricultural sector development» and the state program «Agriculture development and control of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and supply for 2008—2012. The task to increase effectiveness of draft on funds of federal and regional support by agricultural commodity producers and by other recipients is in the foreground.

Keywords: state support, agriculture.

About the author:

El'gert Nikolay Eduardovich, assistant professor of Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, e-mail: elgert2008@mail.ru, vlas-olga@yandex.ru.

Kharnakhoeva L. The comparative analysis of ecological liability insurance products by the example of insurance products in Russia and in the USA // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 2 (64). P. 20-23.

In this article the comparative analysis of insurance products of the USA and Russia in the field of ecological liability insurance while hazardous facilities operation is carried out. Key criteria of the analysis, common features and features of insurance products are marked out. It is offered to apply foreign experience in Russian practice.

Keywords: liability insurance, environmental pollution, insurance objects, insured event, hazardous industrial facilities, accidental pollution, gradual pollution, average.


Den'ga V.S., Kotel'nikova N.Y., Polutorny A.V. Environmental insurance in energy industry. M., 1998.

Insurance market of Siberian Federal Okrug for 2005: analytical digest/ comp. by V.A. Golubkov. Novosibirsk, 2005.

Insurance market of Siberian Federal Okrug for 2006: analytical digest / in charge of publ. — V.A. Golubkov. Novosibirsk, 2007.

Insurance market of Siberian Federal Okrug: analytical digest of January—December 2007/ comp. by V.A. Golubkov. Novosibirsk, 2008.

http:/ /www.aig.com/environmental-impairment-liability_302_67532.html.

http:/ / www.rgs.ru/rus/catalog/legal/ responsibility/danger/index.wbp.

About the author:

Kharnakhoeva Lydmila Alexandrovna, postgraduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: liud@mail.ru.


Vinokurov M. Resources and reserves of natural gas in Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 24-30.

A description of resources, reserves and gas fields in Irkutsk region is presented in this article. Prospects for economic development of the region based on the fields development are examined.

Keywords: Irkutsk region, resources and reserves of natural gas, field.

About the author:

Vinokurov Mikhail Alekseevich, rector of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, doctor of economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: rector@isea.ru.

Samarukha V., Krasnova T., Plotnikova T.

Estimation procedure of potential opportunity of innovation programs' development at the regional level //

Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 31-35.

In this article we determine the components of the region's innovation. The characteristics and properties of the region's innovation as well as its problems of development and realization are discovered. Marketing aspects of innovative activities are determined. A supplement that takes into account marketing aspect to the existing estimation procedures of innovative activities is offered.

Keywords: region, innovations, social

and economic development, crisis, potential, marketing.


About innovation policy of Russia // Statement of Foreing Commercial Information.

2006. № 22-23.

Beketov N. State policy of innovations // Economist. 2004. № 9.

Spartak A.N. Russia in international division of labour: choosing competitive strategy. M., 2004.

About the authors:

Samarukha Viktor Ivanovich, vice-rector for research of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, doctor of economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: vis@isea.ru.

Krasnova Tatyana Grigorievna, deputy mayor of Abakan, doctor of economics, e-mail: admeconom@mail.ru.

Plotnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna, phD in economics, assistant professor of Khakass Technical Institute — Branch of Siberian State University, Abakan, e-mail: tnplot@mail.ru.

Sadov S. The new opportunities of the hydrocarbon deposits prospect investment risk evaluation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 2 (64). P. 35-39.

In this paper the new approach to investment projects of the hydrocarbon resources prospect and operation risk and efficiency evaluation is given. As a rule, a lot of this project's parameters are evaluated under high uncertainty. The traditional investment efficiency evaluation methods can't give proper solution for them. The offered approach include some methods such as geological information uncertainty evaluation, a transformation them to probabilistic parameters, gas and oil regions potential mapping.

Keywords: risk, uncertainty, prospect

investment, hydrocarbon resources, potential mapping, fuzzy sets theory.


Saaty T. Making decisions: method of hierarchies analysis / transl. from English R.G. Vachnadze. M., 1993.

Sadov S.L. Evaluation procedures of territories' oil and gas potential. Syktyvkar, 2007.

Tarbaev B.I., Sadov S.L. Ambiguity and risk by the example of oil-and-gas object development // Economy and mathematical methods. 2005. Vol. 41, № 3.

Zakharov A.A., Ivanov V.V., Kuznetsov N.I. et al. Hydrocarbons potential resources mapping with the help of mathematical tools //Oil and gas geology. 2005. № 2.

About the author:

Sadov Sergey L'vovich, phD in economics, senior research officer of Laboratory of Systemic Fuel and Energy Problems of the Institute of the Social, Economic and Power Problems of the North Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar, e-mail: sadov@energy.komisc.ru.

Tarakanov M. Microbiological industry of Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 39-41.

Microbiological industry was one of the specialized branches of Irkutsk region industrial complex. The article analyzes the reasons of its fall during the reform period. Preconditions and ways of its revival as well as different aspects of social benefits are considered.

Keywords: Irkutsk region, hydrolysis

industry, biobutanol, wood residue, ethylene, feed protein.

About the author:

Tarakanov Mikhail Alexandrovich, phD in economics, senior research officer of Department of Regional Economic and Social Issues, Irkutsk Centre SB RAS, subscriber box 96, Irkutsk, 664033.

Dugar-Zhabon R. Operation development of Irkutsk region chemical cluster //

Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 42-45.

The author proves the necessity of chemical cluster enterprises in Irkutsk region. The article deals with the main problems of chemical industry. The author offers to develop the cluster by establishing an association of its enterprises.

Keywords: chemical cluster, features of cluster formation, association of enterprises of chemical cluster, technical-organizational structure of chemical cluster.


Business-portrait: Irkutsk region. M., 2006.

Foreign-economic activity of enterprises of Irkutsk region: statistics digest. Irkutsk, 2005.

Preliminary results of Irkutsk region socioeconomic development for January-February 2007// http://www.govirk.ru.

Tribunsky V. Chemical business and ecology: how do they co-exist? // http://shkolazhizni. ru/archive/0/n-17938/.

About the author:

Dugar-Zhabon Ruslana Stanislavovna, senior teacher of Angarsk State Technical Academy, e-mail: RuslanaDugar@rambler.ru.

Vel'm M. Some problems of providing and selling food resources of forests in Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 45-47.

In the article observed the system of procurement and selling forests food resources by population of Irkutsk region. The procurement of these resources, the level of marketability, the ways of selling procurement and also the factors that create difficulties when the products are provided and sold are defined.

Keywords: forest food resources, population, procurement, selling, problems.


BioDate; How many mushrooms and berries there are in Russia // http://www.biodata. ecoinfo.ru/doo / gof/GFF/A/A33 / A3314.htm.

Vashuk L.N., Popov L.V., Krasnyi N.M. et al. Woods and forestry of Irkutsk region. Irkutsk, 1997.

About the author:

Vel'm Marina Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 72«G»-10, boulevard of Zhukova, Irkutsk, 664050.

Samarukha A., Dulesov A., Krasnov G. The

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efficiency of innovation processes during regional economy's transformation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 48-53.

In this article we determine the essence, the characteristics, the role and the place of innovation process i n socioeconomic development of Russia's regions. Principal parameters of innovation and investment development of Siberian Federal District have been examined. We offer economic and mathematical models that can be applied for chronological analysis of regional economy innovation processes development and for innovation efficiency assessment, and also their medium-term forecasting and planning.

Keywords: region, innovation process,

socioeconomic development, transformation, economic and mathematical model, efficiency assessment.


Bukhvald E.M. The role of the Federation and the regions in the development of Russian economy's innovation image // Innovation way of development for new Russia /under the editorship of V.P. Goreglyad. M., 2005.

Dagoev A.A., Onishenko I.S., Sheljubskaya N.V. World practice of innovation development // The movement of Russia's regions towards innovation economy / under the editorship of A.G. Granberg. M., 2006.

Donichev O.A. Forming the mechanism of regional economy's efficient innovation transformation // Innovations and investments.

2007. № 9 (48). P. 77-82.

Golishenko O.G. National innovation system of Russia: its condition and the ways of development. M., 2006.

Goreglyad V.P. Prospectives of innovation development of Russia's economy // Federalism. 2006. № 3. P. 23-29.

About the authors:

Samarukha Alexey Viktorovich, deputy director of regional economy of Research Institute of Self-Regulation and Business Development of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, phD in economics, assistant professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: samarukha_alex@mail.ru.

Dulesov Alexander Nikolaevich, phD in economics, assistant professor of Khakass Technical Institute — Branch of Siberian State University, Abakan, e-mail: babushkaJ@mail.ru.

Krasnov Grigory Igorevich, economist of lending to individuals LLC «Khakass Municipal Bank», Abakan, e-mail: krasnovgregory@rambler.ru.

She S. State regulation of small business by supporting cooperative relations in the fisheries of the coastal region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 54-57.

The purpose of this study is to develop method of improving state regulation of small business in the fisheries of the coastal region. The author provides a description of sectoral management. In this article we propose to improve state regulation of small business by supporting cooperative relations in fishery. The research results have considerable practical importance for small-scale business development in the fisheries of the coastal region.

Keywords: state regulation, small business, co-operative, the fisheries of the coastal region.


Blazhko B. Give a fishing-rod to a fisherman. He will fish himself // http://council.gov.ru/ files/journalsf/item/20061012122643.pdf.

Coastal fishing development concept in the Russian Federation (project). 2nd ed., rev. and enl. M., 2004.

Fishery at Sakhalin: 2000-2006: analytical notes. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2007.

Mandrik A.T. Fish industry of Primorye during new economic policy (October 1922-1926) // http://www.fegi.ru/primorye/fish/.

About the author:

She Son Gun, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: sosongun@rambler.ru.

Sukhodoeva T. Optimization technique of meeting social needs of the population

of the municipal formation // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 57-61.

The problem of financial deficit in the branches of the social sphere of municipal formation is examined. In this article is represented the procedure of the optimization of meeting social needs of the population of municipal formation on the basis of linear optimization model, the flow chart of the financial resources of social sphere is examined.

Keywords: municipal formation, social sphere, meeting social needs of the population.


Polovko A.M., Butusov P.N. Matlab for a student. St.Pb., 2005.

About the author:

Sukhodoeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: _.tanya._@mail.ru.

Rabdanova V. Classification of construction enterprises of the Republic of Buryatia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 61-64.

The theoretical and practical aspects of the classification by the example of the Republic of Buryatia construction enterprises are considered in this article. The classification is done by the «k-averages» method of the cluster analysis in the field of principal components that are received by financial stability indexes.

The classification of the Republic of Buryatia construction enterprises allows ranging the enterprises by their degrees of the financial stability. Assistance measures for the enterprises are worked out for each cluster.

Keywords: classification, clusters, cluster

analysis, «k-averages» method, principal components.

About the author:

Rabdanova Venera Vladimirovna, teacher of Buryat Branch of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Ulan-Ude, e-mail: oshorova78@mail.ru.


Kubassova T. Logistic support of investment and construction projects // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 65-68.

The article deals with process-oriented and project-oriented approaches in logistics that are used i n the modern theory of l ogistic management. The necessity to introduce the term «project logistics» is emphasized. In accordance with this term the author defines subject-object specific of project logistics — flow processes of projects. At the same time the category «interactions flow» is introduced, this category should reflect the process of performance of internal and external transactions during project realization.

Keywords: logistics, project, investment

project, the investment and construction project, the project management.


Dybska V.V., Zaitsev E.I., Sergeev V.I., Sterligova A.N. Logistics: textbook / ed. by V.I. Sergeev. M., 2008.

About the author:

Kubassova Tatyana Innokentievna, phD of economics, assistant professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: tatyana@ipoteka.irk.ru.

Semikolenova M. Management accounting as a basis of management information system // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 68-71.

The article deals with the necessity of keeping management accounting at Russian enterprises. The author systematizes the approaches to the definition of the strategic management accounting and defines its place in the information system of an economic entity.

Keywords: competitors' activity analysis,

strategic management accounting, business strategy, competitive information, management.


Atkinson A.A., Banker R.D., Kaplan R.S., Young M.S. Management accounting: transl. from English. 3rd ed. M., 2005.

Fleisher C., Bensoussan B. Strategic and competitive analysis. Competitive analysis methods and techniques for analyzing business competition. M., 2005.

Ivashkevich V.B. Management accounting. M., 2003.

Management accounting: textbook / ed. by A.D. Sheremet. M., 1999.

Nikolaeva O.E., Alekseeva O.V. Strategic management accounts. M., 2003.

About the author:

Semikolenova Marina Nikolaevna, phD of economics, assistant professor of Altai State University, Barnaul, e-mail: semikmn@mail.ru.

Serbinovsky B., Olishevsky D., Gusenko T.

Service request management while rendering the knowledge-intensive services by scientific-research complex // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 72-76.

There was reviewed the process of modeling a centre for multiple access which provides a procedure of collective use of sensitive high-priced scientific and technological equipment with the purpose of rendering knowledgeintensive services. In this paper we described a simulation model of an object in the software environment AnyLogic5 which shows functioning of the centre in conditions of queueing mode.

Keywords: centre for multiple access,

simulation, queueing system, AnyLogic5.


Panich A.E., Svechkarev V.P., Olishevsky D.P. et al. The centre for multiple access of scientific equipment «High technology» of Southern Corporative University. Novocherkassk, 2006.

About the authors:

Serbinovsky Boris Yurievich, the chair of economy and management department of Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University, doctor of economics, professor, Rostov-on-Don, e-mail: serbinovskiy@mail.ru.

Olishevsky Daniel Petrovich, post-graduate student of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, e-mail: olishevsky@mail.ru.

Gusenko Tamara Grigorievna, deputy dean of the faculty of high technologies of Southern Federal University, senior teacher, Rostov-on-Don, e-mail: decanat@fvt.sfedu.ru.

Buzyrev V., Strokin K., Chepachenko N.

Methodology of comprehensive approach to the management of construction enterprises' development amid economic recession // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 76-81.

Methodology of the comprehensive approach to management of growth and development of the enterprises of building complex are opened. Methodology is considered as a base that is necessary for realization of methodical

development in the field of complex management of the process of its life and activity and also growth and development of the construction enterprises in the market environment.

Keywords: methodology, comprehensive

approach, processes of life and activity, growth, development, construction enterprise, management techniques.


Blaug M. The history of economic thought: transl. from English. 4th ed. M., 1994.

Lebedev S.A. Philosophy of science: encyclopedia (mainstreams, conceptions, categories). M., 2008.

Shirokova G.V. Enterprise life-cycle: conceptions and Russian practice. 2nd ed. St.Pb.,


About the authors:

Buzyrev Vyacheslav Vasilievich, doctor of economics of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Strokin Konstantin Borisovich, phD in economics, assistant professor of Ivanovo State Arcitectural and Construction University, e-mail: baobr@mail.ru.

Chepachenko Nikolay Vasilievich, doctor of economics, professor of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, e-mail: dept.emvs@engec.ru.

Isopeskul' O. Specific character of communicative process realization in various types of enterprise culture // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 81-85.

In this paper is considered specific character of communicative process realization in various types of enterprise culture. Realization of communicative processes both formalized and umformalized is analyzed.

Keywords: enterprise culture, organisation culture, corporate culture, communicative process.


Executive head and organization culture: consolidation of management of local selfgovernment in Slovakia. M., 2003. Iss. 46. (Ser. «Library of local self-government»).

Kapitonov E.A., Zinchenko G.P., Kapitonov A.E. Corporate culture: theory and practice. M., 2005.

About the author:

Isopeskul' Olga Yurievna, dean of management department, phD in economics, assistant professor of Perm Branch of Higher School of Economics State University, e-mail: IsopeskulOU@hse.perm.ru.

Sherstyannikov A. Organization of management of the internal cash flow of financial industrial group // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 86-89.

In the article we analyzed Russian and foreign experience of forming financial industrial groups. Internal cash flow in financially industrial group is examined. The model of internal cash flow management system in financially-industrial group is given. Objectives and tasks of the management system introduction and its functions are described. The main objective of introduction of management system of internal cash flow is to increase the efficiency of financially-industrial group functioning.

Keywords: financially-industrial group, internal cash flow, management system of internal cash flow, increase of the efficiency of financially-industrial groups functioning, experience of forming financially-industrial groups.


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Balandin A. Groups enlarge or diffuse // Japan today. 2005. № 12. P. 6—9.

About the author:

Sherstyannikov Alexsey Leonidovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: sal@alfabank.ru.

Neustroeva N. Models and conditions of management decision-making when a trade enterprise is choosing its price policy // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 89-91.

In modern trading activity decisions concern the big number of people and are connected with greater resources costs: labour, financial, power, etc. Therefore the degree of the responsibility for consequences of made decisions has increased multiply. The given work is devoted to administrative decision-making within the limits of a trade enterprise's price policy.

Keywords: administrative decisions criterion, the theory of games, elasticity of demand, payoff array.

About the author:

Neustroeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna, graduand of Novosibirsk State Technical University, e-mail: gulnara2003@ngs.ru.

Grushina O. A place of planning in general economic processes and management activity // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 2 (64). P. 91-95.

The fundamental problems of planning and its role in effective realization of economic processes are discussed.

Keywords: economics, management, plan-

ning, equilibrium and development.


Bukhalkov M.I. Corporate planning: textbook. M., 2000.

Gumba H.M. Economy of construction enterprises. M., 1998.

Ilin A.I., Sinitza L.M. Plant-level planning: textbook: in 2 parts/ gen. editorship of A.I. Ilin. Minsk, 2000. Pt. 2.

Schumpeter J. Theory of economic development. M., 1982.

About the author:

Grushina Olga Valerievna, phD of economics, assistant professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: olga7771972@mail.ru.

Glukhov N. Methodical problems of information security risk assessment of economic entities // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 2 (64). P. 95-98.

In the article the problem of information risk assessment of economic entities is considered. The main threats to an enterprise's information assets connected with human factor have been discovered. In the article presented a multifactor model of information risk assessment of economic bodies which includes supplementary criteria of assessment proposed by the author.

Keywords: information assets, information security risks, information security risk assessment, model of information security risk assessment.


Petrenko S.A. Information risks management. Economically sound security. M., 2004.

Simonov S.V. Risk analysis methodology in information systems // Information protection. Confident. 2001. № 1. P. 72-76.

Simonov S.V. Risks management technologies and toolset // Information bulletin «Jet Info». 2003. № 2.

About the author:

Glukhov Nikolay Ivanovich, chair of organization and technique of information protection department of Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management, Irkutsk, e-mail: gni1953@mail.ru.

Prigozhin V. The improvement of municipal real estate's management system // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 98-101.

In the article is considered the management system of municipal real estate in correlation with external and internal environment. The directions of the management system improvement have been determined. The main management principles of municipal estate management have been formulated.

Keywords: real estate, municipal estate, system of management, management principle, property management.


Bedin B.M. Management of municipal territories and property. Irkutsk, 2006.

Grigoriev V.V., Ostrina I.A., Rudnev A.V. Management of municipal real estate: textbook.

М., 2001.

Management of commercial real estate: textbook/ ed. by M.L. Razu. М., 2007.

About the author:

Prigozhin Vyacheslav Lvovich, senior teacher of Angarsk State Technical Academy, e-mail: prigozhins@mail.ru.

Sachkov D. Modernization of management system on municipal government level // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 101-105.

The assessment of reforming the system of local government is given in this article.

The necessity to improve local government bodies is studied. Basic tendencies of municipal government's development with info-communicative technologies are determined.

Keywords: local government, municipal area, reform, crisis, innovations.


Russian local government: summary of the municipal reform of 2003-2008: analytic rep.

of Modern Development Institute // http:// www.riocenter.ru/ru/programs/doc/3928.



About the author:

Sachkov Dmitry Ivanovich, principal engineer of Science Department of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: leninB@yandex.ru.

Michalchenko M. Methodological approach to effective assets management at machine-building enterprise // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 105-108.

Current state of tangible assets management problem at Russian machine-building enterprises is examined. Peculiarities of tangible assets management at machine-building are presented. Methodological approach to tangible assets management based on value analysis methodology is offered.

Keywords: tangible assets management,

machine-building enterprise, value analysis, management decision.


Zevakov A.M. Logistics of tangible assets management and financial assets. St.Pb., 2005.

Kovalev A.P., Ryzhova V.V. Basis of value analysis: textbook. M., 2007.

About the author:

Michalchenko Marina Sergeevna, post-graduate student of Moscow State University of Technology Stankin, e-mail: akovalev@stankin.ru.


Sukhodolov A., Sukhodolov Y. World nuclear power industry's development and establishing an international center for uranium enrichment in Irkutsk region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 109-114.

The development of world nuclear power industry is associated with the industry's secure supply of uranium raw materials and uranium enrichment. In Irkutsk region there are all prerequisites for establishing an international center for uranium enrichment. These aspects are discussed in this article.

Keywords: nuclear power industry, international centre of uranium enrichment.

About the authors:

Sukhodolov Alexander Petrovich, doctor of economics, professor, Irkutsk, e-mail: suhodolov@gmail.com.

Sukhodolov Yakov Alexandrovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: f_out@mail.ru.


Vasserman N. Legal limits and prohibitions connected with personnel fill of State Civil Service // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 115-118.

Current legislation of State Civil Service is examined and a particular aspect connected with limits and prohibitions at State Civil Service is analyzed.

Keywords: State Civil Service, limits and prohibitions, conflict of interests.


About federal program «Reforming Civil Service of the Russian Federation (2003-2005)»: RF Presidential Edict № 1336 of 19 Nov. 2002 // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2002. № 47. Art. 4664.

About State Civil Service of Russian Federation: federal statute of 27 July 2004. № 79-FS // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2004. № 31. Art. 3215.

About the system of Civil Service of Russian Federation: federal statute of 27 July 2003. № 58-FS // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 2003. № 22. Art. 2063.

Civil Code of Russian Federation (pt. 1) of 30 Nov. 1994 // Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 1994. № 32. Art. 3301.

GOST (All-Union State standard) of service: now government officials will live and work according to the law // Rossiiskaya Gazeta. 2002. 29 July.

Kozbanenko V.A., Medvedev D.A. Commentary on FS «About State Civil Service». St.Pb.,


Labour Code for official // Rossiiskaya Gazeta. 2004. 31 July.

Manokhin V.M., Adushkin Y.S. About state-official legislation reforming // Administrative procedure law: topical issues. M., 2004.

Nozdrachev A.F. State Service: textbook for government officials' training. M., 1999.

Official has not only legal prohibitions but also moral strictures // Izvestiya. 2003. 28 Oct.

Rossiiskaya Gazeta. 2008. 30 Dec.

About the author:

Vasserman Natalia Vladimirovna, assistant of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: lawnata@mail.ru.

Shastina A. Freedom of speech in mass media in the period of globalization // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 118-121.

In this article are studied legal basis for mass media functioning in globalization as well as the features of the enforcement of the right to freedom of speech and the right for information in mass media activity.

Keywords: freedom of speech, mass media, mass communication, globalization, information right.


Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 1995. № 3. Art. 169; № 24. Art. 2256; № 30. Art. 2870; 1996. № 1. Art. 4; 1998. № 10. Art. 1143; 2000.

№ 26. Art. 2737; № 32. Art. 3333; 2001. № 32. Art. 3315; 2002. № 12. Art. 1093; № 30. Art. 3029, 3033; 2003. № 27 (pt. 1). Art. 2708; 2004. № 27. Art. 2711; № 35. Art. 3607; № 45. Art. 4373; 2005. № 30 (pt. 1). Art. 310; 2006. № 31 (pt. 1). Art. 3452; № 43. Art. 4412; 2007. № 31. Art. 4008.

Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian

Federation. 1996. № 3. Art. 152; № 7. Art. 676; 2001. № 24. Art. 2421; 2003. № 30. Art. 3051; 2004. № 13. Art. 1110; 2005. № 42. Art. 4212; 2006. № 29. Art. 3119; 2007. № 1 (pt. 1). Art. 1.

Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian

Federation. 1998. № 20. Art. 2143.

Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Federation. 2003. № 7. Art. 658; 2008. № 48. Art. 5627.

Corpus of legislative acts of the Russian

Federation. 2006. № 31 (pt. 1). Art. 3448.

Gazette of the USSR Congress of Peoples' Deputies and of the USSR Supreme Soviet. 1992. № 22. Art. 300.

Human rights and processes of globalization of the modern world / under the editorship of E.A. Lukasheva. M., 2007.

International public law: collection of documents. M., 1996. Vol. 1.

Jhering R. von. The spirit of Roman law at different stages of its development. St.Pb., 1875. Pt. 1.

Marzak G.A. Freedom of mass media: constitutional consolidation // Legal questions of connection. 2006. № 1.

Mrochko L.V. Theory and practice of media: textbook. M., 2006.

Rossiiskaya Gazeta. 1993. 25 Dec.

Rovinskaya T. Internationalization and globalization of mass media // World economy and foreign affairs. 2007. № 6.

About the author:

Shastina Anzhelika Razmikovna, assistant of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: arakel@front.ru.


Skorobogatova Y. Assessment of educational activity's efficiency using the fuzzy sets theory // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64). P. 122-126.

In the article are revealed some features of the implementation of the system approach concerning educational institution and educational process realization. The purpose of application of the fuzzy sets theory is management of complicated educational processes in uncertain environment. The presented technique allows estimating the components of the regional resource subsystem from the positions of fuzzy logic, leading them to the similar proportion and receiving the systematized conclusion about the condition and the size of resource potential of education in the region on the whole.

Keywords: educational institution, fuzzy

sets theory, decision algorithm, economics of education, fuzzy logic.


Zadeh L. Basis of the new approach to the analysis of complex systems and decision processes. M., 1974.

Karpovsky E.Ya., Kulagin M.I. Principles of taking multiobjective management decisions in organization of production. M., 1985.

About the author:

Skorobogatova Yulia Alexandrovna, teacher of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: skorobogatova-ya@isea.ru.

Smirnov V. Determiners of professional education strategy selection at the school

stage of human resources assets forming // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 2 (64).

P. 126-130.

Problems of professional education strategy selection of secondary school leavers in Irkutsk have been studied with the help of sociological research methods. In the article are found out the motives and the factors influencing professional self-determination as well as the decisions' dependence on families' living standards and gender differences.

Keywords: professional education

strategies, professional orientation, senior high school students, Irkutsk.

About the author:

Smirnov Vyacheslav Leonidovich, post-graduate student of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: smirnov-vl@isea.ru.


Kasyan A., Romanova A. Communicative and pragmatic behaviour in cross-cultural communication // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 2 (64). P. 131-136.

The article focuses on the necessity to include cross-cultural elements in practical Business English. The authors consider cross-cultural communication as mutual understanding between two (or more) participants of an act of communication belonging to different national cultures. The cultural context may be manifested in a variety of forms: from the commonly used forms of greetings to business ethics. The paper draws particular attention to the development and organization of cross-cultural training. The described strategies aimed at acquiring and developing the skills of cross-communication could be incorporated into Business English courses.

Keywords: communication, cross-cultural, language, training, verbal, non-verbal, skills, develop, listening, understanding.

About the authors:

Kasyan Albina Kirillovna, phD in philology, assistant professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, 11 Lenin Street, Irkutsk, 664003.

Romanova Albina Vladimirovna, phD in philology, assistant professor of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, e-mail: olesyanb@yandex.ru.

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