Научная статья на тему 'Annotation, keywords, bibliography'

Annotation, keywords, bibliography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Annotation, keywords, bibliography»



Gorev V. Russian economy in a modern system of competition // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 5-10.

The article deals with new phenomena in forming competitive advantages of national economies and also with influences of competitive relations on forming geo-economic environment. The impact of foreign economic environment on the economy of Russia and possible consequences of this action are studied.

Keywords: creative competition, global

rent, geo-economic space, competitive advantage.


Gorev V.P. Creative competition. Irkutsk,


Burov V. Entrepreneurial idea and basic categories of entrepreneurship in the circumstances of shadow economic relations // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 10-14.

Economic essence of shadow relations is examined by the analysis of entrepreneurial idea appearance in extralegal field. Basic economic categories that determine activity in shadow economy, and the corruption influence on the transformation of competition is studied.

Keywords: entrepreneurial idea, shadow activity, funds, competition, demand, supply.


Entrepreneurship: textbook / ed. M.G. Lapusta. M., 2007. P. 236.

Orlov V.I. Philosophy of business in the societies of transmition type. Minsk, 2004. P. 71.

Smith A. The research about the nature and the reasons of the wealth of nations. M., 1962.

Popov Y.N., Tarasov M.E. Shadow economy in the system of market economy. M., 2005. P. 97.

Ljubicheva S.F. Economic crime control // Entrepreneur's law bulletin. 1997. № 2. P. 18.

Rudyakov V. Possible ways of adaptive efficiency evaluation of a firm // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 15-18.

This paper is devoted to the issue of the day — to efficiency evaluation of a firm at the postindustrial stage of development. The author's variant of the definition of adaptive efficiency by the example of a firm is given. Characteristic of variants of pursuit and advance adaptive efficiency is given as well. In the article there is the definition of adaptive balance with an allowance of ambiguity and instability of the environment. In the second part the basic parameters of the model of adaptive efficiency evaluation of a firm for common and discrete variants of analysis of this efficiency that was worked out by the candidate are presented.

Keywords: the theory of firm, economic growth, innovations, adaptive efficiency.


Hay D., Morris D. Theory of the organization of industry. St.Pb., 1999. Vol. 2. P. 36.

Latsonik U. Theory of an innovation enterprise // Economy bulletin of Rostov state university. 2006. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 7-32.

Nort D. Institutions, institutional changes and operation of economy. M., 1997. P. 106.

Alle M. Conditions of efficiency in economy. M., 1998. P. 210.

Nelson R., Winter S. Theory of evolution of economic changes. M., 2002. P. 444-449.

Eggertsson T. Economic behavior and institutions. M., 2001. P. 38.

Furubothn E., Richter R. Institutions and theory of economy: achievements of new institutional theory of economy. St.Pb., 2005. P. 581-582.


Mochalova L., Knyazeva O. The formation and implementation of financial strategy

of building sector enterprises // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 19-22.

The authors of the article determine the place and the role of financial strategy in the strategic management process. The analysis of the literature on the strategic management and finance management issues made it possible to reveal the essence of the notion «financial strategy», to trace the interconnection and interdependence of a corporate strategy and its financial strategy, to define the consistency of the formation and implementation of financial strategy in the process of the strategic management and an enterprise development planning.

Keywords: financial strategy, financial

planning, strategic management, financial programs, budgeting.


Strategic management / ed. by A.N. Petrov. St.Pb., 2005.

Ansoff I. Strategic management. M., 1989.

Blank I.A. Financial strategy of an enterprise. Kiev, 2004.

Mochalova L.A. Concept of financial planning in corporations // Financial management. 2004. № 3. P. 12-18.

Inushin S. The basic approaches to crediting, used by banks of Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of financial crisis // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 22-27.

This article concerns the basic tendencies in the credit market of Republic of Kazakhstan. The article describes the search problems of new approaches to granting of credits by commercial banks in the conditions of protracted financial crisis. The article is of a particular interest because the Kazakhstan banks faced liquidity crisis much earlier and hence they had enough time to find the decisions which can be used by foreign financial organizations including the Russian ones.

Keywords: banks of the second level,

Republic Kazakhstan Agency on regulation and supervision of a financial market and the financial organizations, provisions, the loan.



Survey of second-tier banks «Credit market conditions and forecast of its parameters», July,

2008. http://www.nationalbank.kz.

Kusheeva O. Basic methods of effectiveness increase of draft on budgetary funds in the field of education // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 27-30.

This article is devoted to the problem of effectiveness increase of draft on budgetary funds in the field of education. Introduced approach of this problem is based on optimum combination of present advantages of effectiveness increase in budgeting which are also studied in this article. Given approach allows to increase the effectiveness of medium-term and long-term budgetary planning.

Keywords: effectiveness increase, draft

on budgetary funds, effectiveness, budgetary planning, medium-term planning, long-term planning.


Aminov N.A. The concept of school's work efficiency // Pedagogue. 2007. № 3.

Yashina N.I., Roganova S.Y. Assessment of effectiveness of educational expenses to substantiate the efficiency of draft on budgetary funds // Finance and credit. 2006. № 21 (225).

Ontjukova G.D. Autonomous institution // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2007. № 3.

Pirogova A. The fiscal consequences of organizations' bankruptcy // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 30-34.

In the article there are the research results of a debts qualitative structure for taxes and levies in Russia and in federal districts. The fiscal consequences of organizations' bankruptcy are revealed and the proposals how to reduce budget losses are made in the article.

Keywords: insolvency, bankruptcy, tax



Chernov V.V. Bankruptcy: abuse or sanitation // Russian tax courier. 2005. № 12. P. 72.

About the order and the terms of bankruptcy financing of unavailable debtors: the enactment of the Government of Russian Federation of 21 Oct. 2004. № 573.

Bykov S. Account policy as an instrument of reducing taxation costs // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 34-37.

This paper gives a concept of taxation costs, their indications and qualification. The approach to their estimate according to microlevel is described. The place of the account policy for the taxation purposes in the process of managing the taxation costs is brought out in the article.

Keywords: taxation costs, managing the taxation costs, account policy.


Kireenko A.P. Taxation costs: problems of measuring and estimate // Region. 2006. № 4. P. 106-119.

Sapronova A.A. Taxation costs and the ways of their reduction // Modern financial and economic problems in the globalization. Stavropol, 2007.

Merkulova T.V. Tax behavior: institutional aspects of analysis // Scientific papers of DonSTU (DonNTU). Ser.: Economy. Iss. 89-3. Donetsk, 2005. P. 159-165.

Stepanova V.S. «Fiasco» of government regulation during transition period. Transformation costs // Collection articles. Ser.: Economy. Stavropol, 2002.

Telyatnikov N.B. Theory of reform of tax structure in market economy: thesis for a doctor's degree in economics. Saratov, 1999. P. 311.

Red'ko V.A. Mechanism of tax incentives of investment activity in real economy: thesis of ph.d. in economics. M., 1999. P. 15.

Demsetz H. The cost of transacting // Quarterly journal of economics. 1968. Vol. 82, № 1. P. 33-53.

Wallis J.J., North D.C. Measuring the transaction sector in the american economy 1870-1970. Citation of: Engerman S.L., Gall-man R.E. Long-term factors in american economic growth // Studies in income and wealth. Chicago; L., 1988. № 51. P. 95-161.

Brennan G., Buchanan J. The Reason of rules. Constitutional political economy / transl. from english under the editorship of A.P. Zaostrovtsev. St.Pb., 2005. P. 37.

Ognev D. Advantages and disadvantages of the leasing investment form // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 37-41.

The article considers advantages and disadvantages of the leasing investment form for different kind of participants of leasing transactions. The analysis is carried out to

discover the reasons of the insignificant fraction of leasing operations in the total investment volume.

Keywords: leasing payments, leasing

advantages, leasing disadvantages, leasing companies, commercial banks, lessee, tax benefits.


Levkovich A.O. Paradox of leasing // Leasing review. 2003. № 2. P. 21-22.


Shadrin A. Methodological procedures of studying the factors, presuppositions and conditions for the formation of a regional reproductive complex // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 42-46.

The action of regional reproductive complex regularities is determined by a number of factors, presuppositions and conditions as well as by their combination. We have developed a classification of factors, presuppositions and conditions for the development of a regional reproductive complex. There have been singled out basic and superimposed blocks as well as strategic and system-developing presuppositions and factors.

Keywords: regional reproductive complex, basic and superimposed blocks, strategic and system-developing presuppositions and factors.

Dondokova E., Lkhasaranov B. Cost-efficiency and priorities of the development of the agriculture in Buryatia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 47-50.

The article is dedicated to a problem of an efficient development of the agriculture in Buryatia. An alternative way of its development is offered. The priorities of the development of alternative land-utilization are determined.

Keywords: efficiency, agriculture, alternative land-utilization.


Working papers of Kulomzinsk committee. BSC SD RAS Archives. Ulan-Ude.

Самбу. Бэлшээриин мал ашаглалгын арга боломжонууд. Улаанбаатар, 1945.

Линховоин Л. Агын буряадуудай урданай ëho заншалнууд. Улан-Удэ, 1999.

Gnatovskaya Y. State administration in increasing the efficiency of activity of the regional food-processing industry enterprises // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 50-53.

In this article the role of food-processing industry in providing with the state food security is revealed. In connection with the importance of the regional administration in the system of government regulation of the branch we offer a classification of state activities by the food-processing industry enterprises at regional level.

Keywords: food service, food-processing industry, management system, state activities.


Zotov V.B. Food security of Russia. М., 2006. P. 31.

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Borisova Y. Oil and gas industry of the Irkutsk region: problems and prospects of the development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 53-56.

In this article the directions of the development of oil and gas industry of the Irkutsk region are identified. The author studied the possibility for establishment of oil and gas cluster. The author has also considered the prospects of exploration and development of the Kovikta oil and gas fields.

Keywords: oil and gas industry, cluster, petrochemical complex, chemical branch of industry.


Porter M. Competition. М., 2006. P. 608.

Tsaryova N. Formation of Baikal tourist region as a basis of its integrated development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 57-59.

The paper deals with the necessity to form Baikal tourist region for the purpose of its integrated development. The paper contains the definition of the concept «Baikal tourist

region», the necessity to coin this term, its comparison with the «tourist destination» definition. The paper gives the description of main Baikal tourist region resources, determines perspective tourism tendencies depending on tourist motives.

Keywords: Baikal-Mongolian Asia, Baikal tourist region, destination, primary destination, second destination, integrated development of a territory, tourism object, tourism, tourist resources.


Gulyaev V.G. Tourism: economy and social development. M., 2003. P. 7.

Morozov M.A. Economy and entrepreneurship in the field of social and cultural service and tourism. M., 2006. P. 64-65.

Gadeudina Y. The method of expert evaluation usage to determine expediency of a tourist region infrastructure development in the areas of the Sakhalin region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 60-63.

The article is devoted to evaluation of tourism development expediency in the Sakhalin region. Tourist attractiveness of the territories in the Sakhalin region is considered as a main factor here. The attractiveness is evaluated through the indices of ecological and resource potential, as well as through the condition of the infrastructure in this region. The results of the evaluation allow us to define the areas of the Sakhalin region which are perspective for investments into tourist infrastructure objects.

Keywords: infrastructure of a tourist region, ecological and resource potential, condition of tourism infrastructure, expert estimation, tourist attractiveness.


Novoselov A.S. The theory of regional markets. Rostov-on-Don; Novosibirsk, 2002. P. 167.

Gladky Y.N., Chistobaev A.I. Essential principles of the regional policy: textbook.

St.Pb., 1998. P. 60.

Chernyak Y.I. System analysis in economy management. M., 1975. P. 292.

Durovich A., Anastasova L. Marketing research in tourism industry. M., 2002. P. 67.

Mammaev R. Impact analysis of resources efficiency on the industry development of the region // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 63-67.

The classification of natural resources is given and the value of the resource potential for the region development is shown. On the basis of the conducted analysis the influence of resources efficiency on the industry development of the region is noted.

Keywords: resources, industry, economy of the region, resource potential, investments.


Eremin N.I., Dergachev A.L. Economy of minerals. M., 2007.

Popov A. Life after oil // Monthly business magazine RBC. 2007. Spec. iss. P. 16-21.

Smirnov S.M., Borisov A.S. Regional economy. M., 2006.

Samarukha A. Methodological approach to forecasting innovative development of Siberian regions in conditions of the crisis phenomena reinforcement // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 67-71.

Main principles of social and economic development forecasting of Siberian regions in modern conditions are considered. Criteria of revealing and appraisal of regional specificity are determined. The basic prediction phases of sustainable development on an innovative basis in conditions of crisis are specificated. The recommendations for establishing of parameters and principles of specific region sustainable development are made.

Keywords: region, forecast, crisis, innovations, social and economic development, sustainable development, methodological approach.


Wallerstein I. Geopolitical global system changes: 1945-2025: transl. from english // Economy issues. 2006. № 4. P. 67-83.

Belousov A.R. Scenarios of russian economic development for 15 years // Forecasting problems. 2006. № 1 (94). P. 51-52.

Savchenko Y. Rail transportation in the development of the regional logistics

complex // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 71-74.

The place and the role of rail transportation in the structure of production resource extractive region are determined. The definition of logistics is given. The primary goals and the basic criteria of regional logistics complex appraisal are determined. It is offered to consider railway transport as a component part of regional logistics complex. There are some recommendations for improving transport infrastructure including railroad technological monopoly depending on logistic expediency and rationality on the basis of expert appraisements and the competent valid forecasts.

Keywords: logistics, transport, appraisal,

forecast, methodological approach, management decision, technological monopolies.


Samarukha V., Krasnova T. Problems of strategic planning of municipal economy development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 75-78.

This article deals with the problems of accuracy, objectivity and validity of extended forecasts of social and economic development of Russia, its regions and municipalities at the present stage of russian economy; also it considers the problem of providing validity of statistics and of results of public opinion social researches. We analyze the basic courses of objective information collection for the purposes of forecasting and strategic planning of Abakan social and economic development. The basic institutes responsible for objectivity of the statistical information, which consolidation of efforts will allow raising accuracy, validity and specification of forecasts and programs are determined.

Keywords: the forecast, strategy, planning, model, technique, statistics, analysis, public opinion, municipal formation.

Dyomkin I. Features of construction of the rational management program of innovative

risk // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 79-82.

The given work is devoted to construction of the rational management program of innovative risk of the industrial company. Classification of existing methods and tools of innovative risk management is shown.

The original portfolio-project approach, which allows considering the effects of synergy and cannibalism, is assumed as a basis of construction of the rational program of innovative risk management. The author marks the possibilities and proves the expediency of construction of programs of innovative risk management.

Keywords: program, innovative project,

system, synergy, cannibalism, risk.


Project management institute: A guide to the project management body of knowledge. Pennsylvania, 2004.

Movsumov O. How to manage risks in oil business // Expert. 2008. № 6. P. 43.

Barton T., Shenkir W., Walker P. Making enterprise risk management pay off: How

leading companies implement risk management. M., 2008.

Akimov V.A., Lesnykh V.V., Radaev N.N. Risks in nature, technosphere, society and in economy. M., 2004.

Copelend T., Antikarov V. Real options: A practioner's juide. N.Y., 2003.

Bedin B. About the determination

of the objective in the municipal property

management // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 83-86.

The article deals with the municipal property management. In particular we consider peculiarities of the right of ownership realization in relation to municipal property, the priority of the objectives of municipal property management, the problem of the assessment of management efficiency.

Keywords: property management,

municipality, municipal property, management objectives.


Civil Code of the RF. M., 2008.

Gladky Y.N., Chistobaev A.I. Basis of regional policy: textbook. St.Pb., 1998.

Civil law: textbook / ed. by Y.K. Tolstoy, A.P. Sergeev. M., 2001.

Semenova E., Stepanova V. Municipal property as economic basis of local government // Economist. 1997. № 5. P. 43-48.

Public management efficiency: transl. from english / gen. editorship by S.A. Batchikov, S.Y. Glasiev. M., 1998.

Chlafman A. Enterprise innovative activity and peculiarities of competition at a cluster level // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 86-91.

Peculiarities of an enterprise innovative activities realization under the conditions of modern economic system development are considered. Modern economic system influence on competitive situation at a cluster level is shown.

Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, cluster, industry, region's economy, investment.


Schumpeter J. Basis of entrepreneurship. M., 2001.

Mensch H. Basis of organizational planning. M., 2002.

Freeman H. Innovation business. M., 2002.

Van Dein Ya. Evaluation of new technique effectiveness and of entrepreneurship. St.Pb.,


Klyainknekht A. Innovation risks of venture capital and their management. M., 2003.

Van Den Ya. European venture industry development. St.Pb., 2001.

Gracheva M.V. Industrial innovation activity: theory and practice in the countries of market economy and innovation polls of russian enterprises. M., 1994.

Denisov B.F. Innovation process in market economy. St.Pb., 1993.

Puzynya K.F., Kazanzev A.K. Organization and planning of scientific investigations and development activity: textbook. M., 1989.

Ustinov V.A. Innovation activity management in process of creating new technique, developing new technique production. M., 1995.

Fatkhutdinov R.A. Innovation management: textbook for higher educational establishments. M., 1998.

Serbinovsky B., Sheffer A. Branding in the system of economic market agents' integration and brands' integration // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63). P. 91-97.

The existence of relations of brands' integration appearing in case of enterprises integration and cooperation in the production process, marketing and after-sale service is proved; the structures of integrated brands are described; different examples of the practice of building integrated brands are given; recommendations for building integrated brands' system of Southern federal university are offered.

Keywords: brand, branding, self organized system of production i ntegration and cooperation, brands' integration, integrated brand, beam, cluster, circular, holding, linear and integration structures of integrated brand.





Aaker D. Building strong brands: transl. from english. M., 2003.

Nedzelsky A. Combination strategy concept as a branch construct of «innovative model» of economic development of Russia // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

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P. 97-100.

Instability of the russian economy in the conditions of protracted transition to a market economic system predetermines difficulties in forecasting and in selecting of preventive strategy and corporate stratagems. Formulated construct of strategies «portfolio» can be a theoretical foundation and a model of combination strategy in which an axial principle is flexibility and mobility of the company in a virtual and global field of economy.

Keywords: economic model of development, quasi-integration, foresight technology, diversification, combination strategy construct, innovative management, strategic management, global studies, information technologies.


Toffler A. A future shock. M., 2008.

Nedzelsky A.E. Diversification as a method to overcome the crisis // Working papers of the

department of law, sociology and mass media / ed. by A.V. Kharinsky, P.A. Novikov. Irkutsk, 2006. Iss. 1. P. 199.

Tret'yak V.P. Quasi-integration: nature,

form of display // Modern issues of economic theory. M., 2004.

Nedzelsky A.E. Foresight technology as an innovative strategy of a company// Vestnik of ESI MID of Russia. 2006. № 4 (39). P. 62.

Warner M., Witzel' M. Virtual organizations. New forms of running a business in XXI century. M., 2005.

Shubina K. Forecast indicators grouping of the industrial enterprise sustainable development // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 100-104.

The practical aspects of industrial enterprise functioning, conditions of its adaptation and influence of the past on the process of further development are described in this article. The principles of enterprise sustainable development are explained with relation to the evolving economy, in which is emphasized the chronicle transfer process of the economy characteristics including those characteristics that are in the basis of enterprise ability to manufacture products and get profit. Diagnostics and further forecasting of enterprise sustainable development are in selection of its indicators using principal components analysis.

Keywords: evolving economy, enterprise sustainable development, principal components analysis.


Daft R.L. Organization theory. M., 2006.

Gouillart F.J., Kelly J.N. Transforming the organization. M., 2000.

Brown D.R., Harvey D. An experiential approach to organization development. Padstow, 2006.

Aldrich H.E., Ruef M. Organizations evolving. Cornwell, 2006.

Alchian A.A. Uncertainty, evolution and economic theory // The journal of political economy. 1950. Vol. 58, № 3. P. 211-221.

Penrose E.T. Biological analogies in the theory of the firm // The american economic review. 1952. Vol. 42, № 5. P. 804-819.

Silverberg D. The evolutionary process modeling in economy // Vestnik of young scientists. Ser.: Economic sciences. 2000. № 6. P. 76-85.

Nelson R.R., Winter S.G. An evolutionary theory of economic change: transl. from english. M., 2002.

Kenzina E. Factors which determine investors' strategy at primary market of commercial real estate // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009.

№ 1 (63). P. 104-107.

The article describes the factors that determine behavior patterns of different types of investors that make investments in commercial estate projects. The article gives classification of investors at primary market of commercial real estate. The author depicts the nature of influence of some factors on strategy of realization of development projects for different types of investors.

Keywords: i nvestment, development, project management, real estate market, commercial real estate, investment strategy.

Zueva O. Reversible logistics in storekeeping // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 107-111.

The concept of reversible logistics as one of storekeeping aspects is described. Basic causes for product flows return are considered within the framework of reversible logistics. The necessity of considering the reasons for returnable product flows arising is grounded.

Keywords: reversible logistics, storekeeping, returnable product flows.


Johnson D., Wood D.F., Murphy P.R. Contemporary logistics: transl. from english. 7th ed. M., 2004. P. 92.

Lysons K., Gillingham M. Purchasing and supply chain management: transl. of 6th english ed. M., 2005. P. 74-75.

Berman B., Evans D.R. Retail management: a strategic approach: transl. from english. 8th ed. M., 2003. P. 804-823.

Okrepilov V.V. Quality management. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. M., 1998. P. 94.


Ulybina T. The essence of the developmentmanagement techniques of regional foreign trade infrastructure // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 1 (63). P. 112-115.

The development of foreign-trade sphere of regional economy requires such infrastructure conditions which would allow solving urgent tasks of regional foreign-trade strategy. So, there is a necessity in the method of foreign-trade infrastructure development-management connected with the interests of the main infrastructure services users. The article presents basic elements of the author's method of foreign-trade infrastructure developmentmanagement which is based on integrated assessment of foreign-trade infrastructure.

Keywords: infrastructure, methodology,

foreign trade, region, management.


Saaty T. Decision-making. Hierarchy analysis technique. M., 1993.

Zadeh L. Fuzzy Sets // Information and control. 1965. June, № 8 (3). P. 338-453.

Khaustov D. Evolution of plastic cards international systems as a realization of infrastructure organizing principle // Izvestiya of ISEA. 2009. № 1 (63).

P. 116-119.

In this article we consider the evolution of the plastic cards systems as a result of the genesis and the following transformation of AmEx's travellers cheque system. The principles of infrastructure organzation are assumed as a basis for AmEx's travellers cheque system.

Keywords: infrastructure organization,

principles of infrastructure organization,

infrastructure, international systems of plastic cards, plastic cards, travellers cheque, American Express, Diners Club, VISA.


Ginzburg A.I. Plastic cards. St.Pb., 2004. P. 38.

Kopylov G. Region-net and regional

programmes // Federal and regional programmes of Russia. 2005. № 41. P. 82-95.

Kyznetsova A.I. Infrastructure: Issues of theory, methodology and applied aspects of modern infrastructure development: geo-economic approach. M., 2006. P. 52.

Popov S.V. Economy management in Russia // http://www.circle.ru/kentavr/fil/ books/1.

Khok D. Philosophy of your credit card: history of Visa / transl. from english by S. Kormashova. M., 2006.

Shmyreva A.I., Klimov A.Y., Chernenko V.A. World payment systems. Novosibirsk, 2000. P. 77.


Maltsev A. The key stages and the characteristics of global mineral raw material complex formation // Izvestiya of ISEA.

2009. № 1 (63). P. 119-124.

There are revealed the peculiarities of global economy's mineral raw material sector formation in the retrospective review of key technological modes change. The main mechanisms of global mining sector forward movement development are systematized. The role of mineral-resources sector under the circumstances of economic activity globalization is defined.

Keywords: minerals, productive forces

development, technological mode, economic activity globalization.


The Great soviet encyclopedia. M., 1928. Vol. 9. P. 335-336, 359; 1929. Vol. 15. P. 591, 601; 1930. Vol. 17. P. 725-726; 1936. Vol. 58. P. 40-41; 1937. Vol. 31. P. 42-43; 1945. Vol. 51. P. 664-665; 1952. 2nd ed. Vol. 16. P. 23.

Jevons W.S. The coal question: An inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines. L., 1866. Chap. 8: Of the export and import of coal. P. 48.

Maddison A. Phases of capitalist development. Oxford, 1982. P. 254.

Mitchell B.R., Deane P. Abstract of british historical statistics. Cambridge, 1962. P. 217-219.

Day C. A history of commerce. N.Y., 1921. P. 291.

Knowels C. The industrial and commercial revolutions in Great Britain during the nineteenth century. L., 1922. P. 242-243.

Bairoch P. Commerce extérieur et

développement économique de l'Europe au XIXe siècle. P., 1976. P. 32.

Maddison A. The world economy: a millennium perspective / OECD. P., 2001. P. 256, 259, 261.

Historical statistics for mineral and material commodities in the United States // http:// minerals.usgs.gov/ds/2005/140/.

Igolkin A. High price of soviet oil // Oil of Russia. 2005. № 1 // http://www.oilm. com/or/22/359/.

Energy information administration // http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/hist/ mcrexus1a.htm.

National economy of the USSR for 70 years: jubilee statisyical yb. M., 1987. P. 5, 12, 641.

Mohr A. The oil war. N.Y., 1926.

P. 118-120.

Harrison M. Accounting for war: soviet production, employment, and the defense burden, 1940-1945. Cambridge, 2002.

Brockhaus F.A., Efron I.A. Encyclopedic dictionary. St.Pb., 1901. Vol. 68. P. 588.

International trade statistics. WTO. 2007. P. 10.

Voznesensky N.A. Military economy of the USSR during the Patriotic war. M., 2003. P. 83.

World development indicators. World bank. 1997. P. 36, 134-136, 162-164.

OECD historical statistics 1970-2000. P.,

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