AL FARABY IS ABOUT TRKIC LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
grammar / information / language / madrasatum / Greek / achievements / dialect / среднетюркский период / Средняя Азия / наука / достижения / язык / диалект

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Esenmadova A. D.

Faraby read the grammars of Greek, Arabic and other languages. He said that grammar was created based on information about words used in a certain language, word structures, their structure, meanings of words, changes of words, relationships between words..., Greek grammar based on information from Greek grammar, Arabic grammar based on Arabic. noted that they created a grammar of the Arabic language based on their data

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Абу Наср Фараби, многогранный учёный, имя которого облетело весь мир, родился в 870 году (в некоторых научных источниках в 873-874 годах) в городе Весиз Фарапской области Центрального Казахстана в турецкой семье. В то время в этой провинции проживали огузы, кыпчаки, гарки, согдийцы, ягмы и другие народы. Их языки, религии, обычаи и культура были разными

Текст научной работы на тему «AL FARABY IS ABOUT TRKIC LINGUISTICS»

УДК 37

Esenmadova A. D.

Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of Turkmen language of Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


Faraby read the grammars of Greek, Arabic and other languages. He said that grammar was created based on information about words used in a certain language, word structures, their structure, meanings of words, changes of words, relationships between words..., Greek grammar based on information from Greek grammar, Arabic grammar based on Arabic. noted that they created a grammar of the Arabic language based on their data.

Key words:

grammar, information, language, madrasatum, Greek, achievements, dialect.

Эсенмадова А.,

кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули

Ашхабад, Туркменистан


Абу Наср Фараби, многогранный учёный, имя которого облетело весь мир, родился в 870 году (в некоторых научных источниках в 873-874 годах) в городе Весиз Фарапской области Центрального Казахстана в турецкой семье. В то время в этой провинции проживали огузы, кыпчаки, гарки, согдийцы, ягмы и другие народы. Их языки, религии, обычаи и культура были разными.

Ключевые слова:

среднетюркский период, Средняя Азия, наука, достижения, язык, диалект.

Faraby understood very well that grammar is the science that studies the grammatical structure of a particular language. It clearly shows the problems being studied in grammar. He noted that each grammar describes the grammatical structure of a certain language, compares the grammatical structure of the language with the grammatical structure of another language, and reveals commonalities and features in the grammatical structure of the compared languages. Faraby wrote about it: "The grammar of each language analyzes the data of the language used by a particular people." It also analyzes the commonalities between data specific to that language and data specific to another language. ... But those commonalities are analyzed because they are specific to their languages (that is, the languages studied and compared - H.B.)" (2, 80). As it turns out, in the grammars read by Faraby, it is not mentioned whether the language whose grammatical structure is being compared with the language being studied is a common or non-common language, but when studying the grammatical structure of each language, the comparative or comparative method of studying languages was used.

Faraby also noted that the grammars of many languages have commonalities in classifying words. For example, according to him, in the grammars of the Greek and Arabic languages, as well as in the grammars of

other languages, the words used in the studied languages are classified into nouns, verbs and small parts. He wrote about it as follows: "This is what Arab grammarians said: words in the Arabic language are divided into nouns, verbs, and small parts. The grammarians of the Greeks also confirm that... Words are classified in this way not only in the grammar of Arabic or Greek, but in the grammars of all languages. He also argues that Arabic grammar was modeled after Greek grammar.

According to Fraby, in the grammar of the Arabic language, the grammatical structure of the Arabic language was explained on the model of the grammar of the Greek language. When Aristotle's work was translated into Arabic, it was noted that the word "category" should be read as katigurias. This term is defined by the term "maculat" (makul + -at, meaning categories). Nouns in Arabic have definite-indefinite categories. The definiteness of that category was expressed by the article "al" and the indefiniteness by the addition "-n" called "nun" (2, 109, 111). Eq.: Mahmyt al Kashgary (Kashgarly Mahmyt) - madrasatun (madrese)... The last word consists of the following word parts (morphemes): ma-+dras+-at+-u+-n.

Although Farabi read the grammars of many languages, he did not use the linguistic terms phonetics, morphology, and syntax in his work. Perhaps these terms did not enter scientific circulation during Farabi's lifetime and before. But the problems studied in the sciences defined by these terms (phonetics, morphology, syntax) are analyzed in detail in Farabi's work "The Science of Language". Concussed and uninflected sounds studied in the phonetics department of linguistics, their formation, single problems studied in the morphological department - word groups, grammatical categories of nouns and verbs, word structure, morphological laws (change of nouns with declensions, singular, dual, plural, feminine and masculine) genders, past, present and future tenses... definition...) is analyzed in the above-mentioned work of Farabi in the section "Science of Simple Words". The problems studied in the syntax department - word structures, their structure, meanings, the place of words in the word structures, the members of the phrase are analyzed in the chapter of Farabi's above-mentioned work "Science of Word Structures". Faraby considers morphological and syntactical laws to be studied in the sections of his mentioned work entitled "The Science of the Laws of Simple Words" and "The Science of the Laws of Phrasal Structures".

Thus, Faraby noted that there are morphological and syntactic laws specific to words and phrases. He examines the following issues of phonetics and grammar in the mentioned sections. Reference

1. Abulgazi. Genealogical History. Ashgabat, 1992.

2. Al Faraby. О разуме и науке. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1975.

3. Annaorazov J., Karli S., Kossekow D. History of the Middle Ages. Ashgabat, 2008.

4. Gullaev N. Antiquities. Ashgabat, 1986.

5. Gumilev L. N. Ancient Turks. M., 1967.

6. Old Turkic dictionary. L., 1969.

© Esenmadova A.D., 2024

УДК 37

Garatayeva G.

Teacher of the Turkmen State Financial Institute



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