AL FARABY AND HIS WORKS ON SIMPLE WORDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
grammar / information / language / madrasatum / Greek / achievements / dialect / среднетюркский период / Средняя Азия / наука / достижения / язык / диалект

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Esenmadova A.D.

Faraby read the grammars of Greek, Arabic and other languages. He said that grammar was created based on information about words used in a certain language, word structures, their structure, meanings of words, changes of words, relationships between words..., Greek grammar based on information from Greek grammar, Arabic grammar based on Arabic. noted that they created a grammar of the Arabic language based on their data

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Абу Наср Фараби, многогранный учёный, имя которого облетело весь мир, родился в 870 году (в некоторых научных источниках в 873-874 годах) в городе Весиз Фарапской области Центрального Казахстана в турецкой семье. В то время в этой провинции проживали огузы, кыпчаки, гарки, согдийцы, ягмы и другие народы. Их языки, религии, обычаи и культура были разными

Текст научной работы на тему «AL FARABY AND HIS WORKS ON SIMPLE WORDS»

УДК 37

Esenmadova A.D.

Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of Turkmen language of Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


Faraby read the grammars of Greek, Arabic and other languages. He said that grammar was created based on information about words used in a certain language, word structures, their structure, meanings of words, changes of words, relationships between words..., Greek grammar based on information from Greek grammar, Arabic grammar based on Arabic. noted that they created a grammar of the Arabic language based on their data.

Key words:

grammar, information, language, madrasatum, Greek, achievements, dialect.

Эсенмадова А.,

кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули



Абу Наср Фараби, многогранный учёный, имя которого облетело весь мир, родился в 870 году (в некоторых научных источниках в 873-874 годах) в городе Весиз Фарапской области Центрального Казахстана в турецкой семье. В то время в этой провинции проживали огузы, кыпчаки, гарки, согдийцы, ягмы и другие народы. Их языки, религии, обычаи и культура были разными.

Ключевые слова:

среднетюркский период, Средняя Азия, наука, достижения, язык, диалект.

Abu Nasr al-Farabi pointed out that there are two types of root words. He called one of them the first root word or the unformed root word, and the other the second root word or the formed root word (2, 60). Root words that consist of unstressed vowels are considered first or unformed root words. E.g.: ktb, dr, drs, hrb, hrf, nzr... Such words do not have a lexical meaning for that situation. Words formed by introducing a consonant sound or consonant sounds in the composition of the first root words consisting of unstressed sounds are considered as the first root word. They denoted either a lexical meaning or lexical and grammatical meanings. Ex.: ktb^kitabun (kitab-un) - book, katabta (katab-ta) - I wrote... drs^darsun (dars-un) - lesson (lesson), durusun (durus-un) - lectures, dr^ diarun (diar-un) - country...

The first and second root words are found in both Turkic and Slavic languages. The first root words used in the mentioned languages consisted of accented and unaccented sounds, and each of them had a lexical meaning. For example: Turkmen d.: obuz^og+uz, ang^ay-t-ym, oglan^og-ul-an, ovlak^ og-ul-ak, gok^og-un-uk, ovnamak^og-un- a-mak, ogy^og-y-y; Russian: взять (вз-я-т), нимать (с-ня-т), чит^читка, читать, чтение, пис^писать, писом, scribe, запись.

Faraby divided simple words into nouns, verbs, and small parts, taking into account their semantics and grammatical features. He noted that both Greek and Arabic grammarians divided the words used in Greek and

Arabic into nouns, verbs, and subjunctives. The great sage noted that the words used in other languages are also divided into groups as above, and writes: "Words are divided into such groups not only in the grammar of Arabic or Greek, but in the grammars of all languages, words are divided into such groups" (2, 79). , 80).

Al-Farabi also consistently stated the laws of simple words. First, he explained the order in which suffixes are added to words, which suffixes are added to nouns, and which suffixes are added to verbs. Faraby found that there are nouns that take and do not take modifying suffixes. (2, 60-63). He pointed out that nouns have number, gender, gender categories, and verbs have tense and ending categories. The great thinker emphasized that names in the Arabic language have singular, dual and plural numbers, and these numbers are expressed in different ways. In nouns, without adding singular number, the binary number was defined by adding "-ani", and the plural number was defined by changing the vowels in the root word in the singular number (i.e., internal inflection). E.g.: hrf^harfun (harf-un) - letter, harfani - two letters, hurufun (huruf-un) - letters, drs^darsun (dars-un) - lesson (urok), darsany - two lessons, durusun (durus -un) - lessons... Also, in Arabic, the plural of the same name is defined twice. In such a case, by changing the suffixes of the root word in the singular number, adding the suffix "-at" to the plural word, the plural number was defined for the second time. Ex.: tarig-un (road), turugu-n (turug-un) - roads ^ turugatun (turug-at-un) - roads; ragulun (ragul-un) - man, rigalun (rigal-un) -people, rigalatun (rigal-at-un) - people (12,275). In the Turkmen language, the same word has two plural meanings. When the plural is expressed twice, two plural suffixes (ie "-an/-en" and "-lar/-ler") are added to the end of the root word. Ex.: Boys (son+s=boy - sons, boy+s=boys - sons), women (zen+-an+s), allies (yar+-an+s), men (er - man, er+-en = men - men, men = men) - men. Reference

1. Abulgazi. Genealogical History. Ashgabat, 1992.

2. Al Faraby. О разуме и науке. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1975.

3. Annaorazov J., Karli S., Kossekow D. History of the Middle Ages. Ashgabat, 2008.

4. Gullaev N. Antiquities. Ashgabat, 1986.

5. Gumilev L. N. Ancient Turks. M., 1967.

6. Old Turkic dictionary. L., 1969.

© Esenmadova A.D., 2024

УДК 37

Esenmadova A. D.

Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of Turkmen language of Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan



Faraby wrote about 160 scientific works on various branches of science. Among these works is Farabi's scientific work Kitab ihsa al wym (Cairo, 1931) ("The book on the classification of sciences"). An abridged version of this book is Al Farabi. It was published in a small book called О разуме и науке (Alma-Ata, 1975) (i.e. "Al Faraby. About Reason and Science"). Faraby divided the sciences known up to his time into five groups in his scientific work "Book on the Classification of Sciences"

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