other languages, the words used in the studied languages are classified into nouns, verbs and small parts. He wrote about it as follows: "This is what Arab grammarians said: words in the Arabic language are divided into nouns, verbs, and small parts. The grammarians of the Greeks also confirm that... Words are classified in this way not only in the grammar of Arabic or Greek, but in the grammars of all languages. He also argues that Arabic grammar was modeled after Greek grammar.
According to Fraby, in the grammar of the Arabic language, the grammatical structure of the Arabic language was explained on the model of the grammar of the Greek language. When Aristotle's work was translated into Arabic, it was noted that the word "category" should be read as katigurias. This term is defined by the term "maculat" (makul + -at, meaning categories). Nouns in Arabic have definite-indefinite categories. The definiteness of that category was expressed by the article "al" and the indefiniteness by the addition "-n" called "nun" (2, 109, 111). Eq.: Mahmyt al Kashgary (Kashgarly Mahmyt) - madrasatun (madrese)... The last word consists of the following word parts (morphemes): ma-+dras+-at+-u+-n.
Although Farabi read the grammars of many languages, he did not use the linguistic terms phonetics, morphology, and syntax in his work. Perhaps these terms did not enter scientific circulation during Farabi's lifetime and before. But the problems studied in the sciences defined by these terms (phonetics, morphology, syntax) are analyzed in detail in Farabi's work "The Science of Language". Concussed and uninflected sounds studied in the phonetics department of linguistics, their formation, single problems studied in the morphological department - word groups, grammatical categories of nouns and verbs, word structure, morphological laws (change of nouns with declensions, singular, dual, plural, feminine and masculine) genders, past, present and future tenses... definition...) is analyzed in the above-mentioned work of Farabi in the section "Science of Simple Words". The problems studied in the syntax department - word structures, their structure, meanings, the place of words in the word structures, the members of the phrase are analyzed in the chapter of Farabi's above-mentioned work "Science of Word Structures". Faraby considers morphological and syntactical laws to be studied in the sections of his mentioned work entitled "The Science of the Laws of Simple Words" and "The Science of the Laws of Phrasal Structures".
Thus, Faraby noted that there are morphological and syntactic laws specific to words and phrases. He examines the following issues of phonetics and grammar in the mentioned sections. Reference
1. Abulgazi. Genealogical History. Ashgabat, 1992.
2. Al Faraby. О разуме и науке. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1975.
3. Annaorazov J., Karli S., Kossekow D. History of the Middle Ages. Ashgabat, 2008.
4. Gullaev N. Antiquities. Ashgabat, 1986.
5. Gumilev L. N. Ancient Turks. M., 1967.
6. Old Turkic dictionary. L., 1969.
© Esenmadova A.D., 2024
УДК 37
Garatayeva G.
Teacher of the Turkmen State Financial Institute
In our independent, permanent neutral state, the reforms initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen
people, Hero Arkadag, and successfully continued by the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan, Arkadagly Hero Serdar, along with the economic strengthening of the country, the expansion of international scientific relations, and the profound national cultural heritage that has become an integral part of the spiritual treasure of the world. promotes learning and preaching. In this regard, Magtymguly Pyragy, who devoted his talent to the eternal values of humanity, is one of the famous personalities in the spiritual development of the world.
We would like to emphasize the importance of using the poems of the great wordsmith Magtymguly in the study of phraseological units in the English and Turkmen languages.
As we know, phraseological units used in any language reflect the characteristics of people's life. The semantics of numerous phraseological units reflect the country's historical events, geography, economy, and lifestyle. This is recognized by linguists around the world.
Many phraseological units of the English language arose in the Middle Ages after the invasions of Great Britain, France, and Northern Europe, as a result of its unfavorable influence on the consciousness of those nations. English phraseological units have been studied by linguists over the years. A.N.Kuni's works can be mentioned among them.
In the works of well-known Turkmen linguists A.Almammedov, O.Nazarov, and N.Shammaeva, phraseological structures of the Turkmen language are given a great place. Also, the dictionary of Magtymguly's works edited by candidate of philological sciences T. Bekjaev can be mentioned among the works done in this field. The dictionary summarizes the phraseological units used in the works of the great thinker and gives an explanation to them.
As we mentioned above, phraseological units can be in different themes. One of them is phraseological units that represent natural phenomena. We would like to give an example of those phraseological units found in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy. Comparative teaching of the phraseological phrases in the poet's poems in Turkmen and English languages increases the educational effect of the lesson.
A phraseological unit containing the word "sil", which is a natural phenomenon, occurs in Magtymguly's poem "It Mixed Me With The Clouds":
Y§k yuregimde gaynap, yandyrdy derdi meni, Tutunim bada berip, buluda gardy meni. Pelek bilegim towlap, garhyna sardy meni, Hyrydar gozi birle kim gelip gordi meni? Hijran yagmyry yagyp, gam sile berdi meni.
"Flooded me with sorrow" - It means "to drown in sorrow" and it is in English
"Flooded me with sorrow":
My smoke has been blown away;
I have been mixed with the clouds.
Fate twisted my arm and spun it around its wheel.
No one came to me with an interest in their eyes;
The rain of separation started, and flooded me with sorrow is expressed in the form. "To master/expert known" In the poem, the phraseological unit "to waste one's life" means "to waste one's life":
Owrule-owrule §erbet iger sen, Dolana-dolana, peri gugar sen, Ol eywany gorsen, mundan geger sen, Omrun yele berme, dunyade belli Rounding and rounding sherbet you will drink Come backing and backing, angel will hug you If you see that palace, you will decline this life
Life(acc)wind(dat)don'tgive,in the world it 'sknown
In the poem "It Appears On The Banner" by the wise poet, the phraseological phrase "pillar of the sky" means "the main, the only one, everything depends on it": Mahlaryn taji sen, gozler gyragy, Gokde melek, yerde be§er yegragi, Zeminin rafygy, gogun diregi, Lowhy-mahfuzda hem semada belli.
Lord of moons, the light of eyes Angel in the heaven, the best among humans Friend of the earth, support of the sky Known indestiny book and heaven
In the poem "Chowdur Khan" the phrase "dawn" means "the rising of the sun, the beginning of a new
Bezirgenler yrak yolun unutdy, Sowdagarler malyn yza uzatdy, Aylar-gunler batdy, zarlap dan atdy, Yns-jyns tartyp arman, £owdur han
Merchants forgot their distant trading routes, Traders have returned back their goods,
The Moon and Sun have both set; the dawn has broken with a sigh, All living creatures are repenting, Chovdur Khan.
In linguistics, stable phrases, phraseologisms, which are a group of stable phrases, are actively used both in spoken language and in fiction. Phraseologisms are characterized by the fact that they generally differ in meaning from their individual components. Therefore, phraseological units are sentences that do not correspond to the expressed word or words according to the meaning of the words, and are difficult to understand at the same time. Such fixed phrases are indivisible phrases that are unique to a particular language. They are man-made values, using language to make it colorful, relevant, and powerful. Phraseological units, coming from speech, add a new color to the words we hear in our daily life and increase the effectiveness of the language.
Thus, there are unique aspects of using Magtymguly's poems in teaching phrasal units in English classes in higher education schools.
As we can see from the verses of the above example, phraseological units are related to the historical events in the life of the people, human life, and the destiny of mankind. When translating, their closest meaning (equivalent) is used. Most of them have a specific national character. This, in turn, complicates the translation. On the one hand, it is necessary to preserve the national identity in the translation work, on the other hand, there is a complication in introducing the foreign language being taught to the national language units. When translating the poem lines selected from Turkmen to English for teaching phraseological units of weather conditions in English language classes, we tried to give the correct meaning of the phraseological units. Literature:
1. Bekjaev T. Magtymguly's works phraseological dictionary. - Ashgabat: TDNG, 2016.
2. Magtymguly. Selected Poems. - Ashgabat: "Turkmenistan", 1976.
3. Magtymguly. Selected works. - Ashgabat:
© Garatayeva G., 2024