WAYS AND METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN KINDERGARTEN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Eshboeva Durdona Alisher Qizi

Еarly teaching of foreign languages is such teaching, which is carried out on the basis of an intuitive-practical approach from the moment of the birth of the child to his admission to school. There is another reason why an early age is preferable for studying a foreign language. The younger the child, the less vocabulary in his native language. But at the same time, his speech needs are also smaller: a small child has fewer spheres of communication than an older one, he still does not have to solve complex communication problems. This means that, while mastering a foreign language, he does not feel such a huge gap between the possibilities in his native and foreign languages, and his sense of success will be brighter than that of older children.

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текста. Эти ошибки носят стойкий характер и могут повлечь за собой снижение качества не только письма, но и чтения. Часто их принимают за обыкновенные «описки».

Для предупреждения и коррекции данного вида специфических ошибок необходима планомерная и последовательная коррекционная работа. Для преодоления специфического нарушения письма учащихся в коррекционно-логопедической работе следует использовать систему нейропсихологического воздействия.

Использование нейропсихологического подхода в коррекционно-развивающем обучении позволяет решить проблемы в развитии школьников.

Список литературы

1. Ахутина Т.В. Нейропсихологический подход к диагностике трудностей обучения // Проблемы специальной психологии и психодиагностика отклоняющегося развития. М., 2008.

2. КорневА.Н. Нарушения чтения и письма у детей. СПб.: Речь, 2008.

3. Садовникова И.Н. Нарушения письменной речи и их преодоление у младших школьников. М.: Владос, 2017.

4. Фотекова Т.А., Ахутина Т.Н. Диагностика речевых нарушений школьников с использованием нейропсихологических методов. М.: АРКТИ, 2020. 136 с.

5. Яковлева Н.Н. Коррекция нарушения письменной речи: Учебно-методическое пособие. СПб.: КАРО, 2017. 208 с.


Eshboeva D.A.


Abstract: еarly teaching of foreign languages is such teaching, which is carried out on the basis of an intuitive-practical approach from the moment of the birth of the child to his admission to school. There is another reason why an early age is preferable for studying a foreign language. The younger the child, the less vocabulary in his native language. But at the same time, his speech needs are also smaller: a small child has fewer spheres of communication than an older one, he still does not have to solve complex communication problems. This means that, while mastering a foreign language, he does not feel such a huge gap between the possibilities in his native and foreign languages, and his sense of success will be brighter than that of older children.

Keywords: preschool education, English, methods, analysis, development.

Teaching kids is a very difficult matter that requires a completely different methodological approach than teaching schoolchildren and adults. If an adult speaks a foreign language, this does not mean at all that he can teach others. Faced with methodically helpless lessons, children can acquire an aversion to a foreign language for a long time and lose faith in their abilities. Only experienced professionals should work with preschoolers.

Play is both a form of organization and a method of conducting classes, in which children accumulate a certain stock of English vocabulary, memorize many poems, songs, counting rhymes, etc.

This form of conducting classes creates favorable conditions for mastering language skills and speech skills. The ability to rely on play activity allows you to provide natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, to make even the most elementary statements interesting and meaningful. Playing in teaching a foreign language does not oppose educational activity, but is organically linked to it.

Play is the leading type of activity of the preschooler, that it is play during this period that leads the development of the preschooler. Despite the fact that a lot has already been written about children's play, the questions of its theory are so complex that a single classification of games still does not exist.

Rhythmic- musical games are all kinds of traditional games such as round dances, songs and dances with a choice of partners, which contribute not so much to mastering communication skills, but to improve the phonetic and rhythmomelodical aspects of speech and immersion in the spirit of the language, for example: "Nuts and May", "What's your name", "I like my friends", "Head, shoulders, knees and toes", etc.

Artistic, or creative, games are an activity that stands on the border of play and artistic creation, the path to which lies for the child through play. They, in turn, can be divided into


1. Dramatizations (staging small scenes in English) "In the forest" - for example: a chanterelle and a bear meet in the forest, and a little dialogue is played out (Hello! I'm fox. I can run. I like fish); "Little Red Riding Hood" and others.

2. Visual games such as graphic dictation, picture coloring, etc. Coloring pictures is soothing, not always informative, but very common. For example, you can show a finished picture. While the child is studying the outline, the teacher repeats the word many times, names the details. Thus, we will lay the foundation for how the new language is called what the child did himself. Graphic dictation - for example: in the classroom, the children are told what color, the children paint, and then they compare the resulting images with the one according to which the teacher dictated.

3. Verbal and creative (collective composition of small fairy tales, selection of rhymes), for example:

- Back and forth and top and bottom

In the morning I brush with paste ... (teeth - teeth)

- The linden blossom smells so delicious,

That I licked my ... (lip - lip), etc.

On the border of situational improvisational games and creative dramatizations, there is such an activity as improvisation on the theme of a famous fairy tale, already played in an established form. For example, another game, in which, depending on the number of players and the assimilation of new vocabulary, new characters and lines appear.

When choosing or inventing a game to be included in the lesson, the following rules must be observed:

1. Before starting the game, answer the following questions: what is the purpose of the game, what should the child learn in it? What speech action should he perform? Does the child know how to construct such a statement, are there any additional difficulties?

2. After answering these questions, try to transform yourself into a child and think of an interesting situation in which a statement based on such a model could arise.

3. Think about how to describe this situation to the child in such a way that he immediately accepts it ...

4. Have fun playing with your child yourself!''

The game should be educational and it should be a game. The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary defines play as a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies not in its result, but in the process itself. This is a very important sign. Therefore, introducing a game in class, its didactic result is important for the teacher, but it cannot be an incentive for the activities of children. Consequently, play should change the very style of relationships between children and an adult teacher who cannot impose anything: a child can play only when he wants it and when it is interesting to him, and with those who make him sympathetic.

The teacher cannot only be the organizer of the game - he must play with the child, because children play with adults with great pleasure and because the game atmosphere is destroyed under the gaze of an outside observer.

And so, we can say that the basis of any game is role-playing.

A child in a role-playing game can act as himself, an English child or an adult, a fairy-tale character or an animal, a revived object, etc. - the possibilities are unlimited.

His partner can be another child, a teacher, a doll, an imaginary hero, an assistant actor, or a second teacher who always plays the same role, etc.

Another of the most popular methods of teaching a foreign language is the use of information and communication methods such as computer hardware, multimedia, audio, and more.

The use of audio, video stories, fairy tales, cognitive material in direct educational activities contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivation for speech activity of preschoolers. It is the use of ICT in the direct educational activity of a foreign language that two types of motivation develop: self- motivation, when the proposed material is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by the fact that the preschooler will be shown that he can understand the language he is studying. This brings satisfaction and gives confidence in one's own strengths and a desire for further improvement.

It is much more interesting to listen to or watch a fairy tale, story or educational film, rather than a training program. Children very quickly grasp the semantic basis of the language and begin to speak on their own. All the more so if the full immersion method is used in training. This method implies regular and deep contact of the child with a foreign language. The child's subconscious is unusually sensitive, and even if a pronounced result is not visible now, then in a year or two it is quite possible to face the unusually developed linguistic abilities of the child.


1. Eshboeva D., 2019. Characteristics and Necessity of Teacher's Problem-Solving Skills. In ALT FL. Рp. 8-10.

2. Eshboeva D., 2019. Characteristics of teacher's problem-solving skills. In Pedagogika i psikhologiya v sovremennom mire: teoreticheskiye i prakticheskiye issledovaniya. Pp. 196-199.

3. Eshboeva D., 2019. Development of the problem-solving skills of the future el teachers. In innovatsionnyye podkhody v sovremennoy nauke. Pp. 170-173.

4. Eshboeva Qizi Durdona Alisher. "Improvement of problem solving skills of english teachers through case study". Nauka i obrazovaniye segodnya, 2019. 12 (47)

5. Eshboeva D.A., 2016. The essential features of the language teaching methodology. Modern Science. № 6. 77-79.


Исматова Н.И.

Исматова Наргиза Икрамовна — ассистент, кафедра экологии и охраны труда, Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, г. Карши, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье изложена особенность новых отношений в учебно-воспитательном процессе, где, в отличие от традиционного образования, признаются вопросы самостоятельности и целенаправленности учащихся, не запрещающие учебную деятельность, организации учебной деятельности в сотрудничестве, сознательной ориентации их на деятельность, не осуществляя какую-либо деятельность по команде, а эффективно формируя у учащихся интерес к изучению основ науки.

Ключевые слова: образование, воспитание, отношение, овладение, подход, ученик, деятельность.

DOI: 10.24411/2414-5718-2021-10201

В основе педагогической технологии лежит технологический подход. Под технологическим подходом понимается совокупность методов и приемов, применяемых в производственных процессах для получения готовой продукции, и комплекс методических приемов, гарантирующих ожидаемые результаты в достижении поставленных целей. Если под методом понимать совокупность действий, операций, методов познания, исследовательского пути или овладения определенной областью практических и теоретических знаний в деятельности, то под педагогической технологией, в определенном смысле, понимается комплекс учебно-воспитательных процессов, средств, форм и методов [1].

Отличительных признаков педагогической технологии от традиционной методики обучения много. Педагогическая технология отличается от традиционной методики прежде всего тем, что цели ставятся и достигаются [2]. В состав метода педагогической технологии входит разработка общих целей обучения (целей учителя и ученика), перевод целей образования в контрольные (тестовые) задания, методы достижения поставленной цели [3].

Проектная деятельность - одна из самых популярных форм организации работы с учащимися. Метод проектирования - это организация обучения, при которой учащиеся получают знания в форме проекта посредством планирования и выполнения практических заданий. В результате применения метода проектирования происходит усвоение знаний в форме проекта (Project) [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Опираясь на педагогику сотрудничества, представляющую взаимоотношения учителя и ученика, осуществляется совместное обучение учащихся. Основными методами современных педагогических технологий являются совместное обучение студентов, проектирование образовательных процессов, проектирование работы с учащимися.

Новые педагогические отношения, возникающие в учебно-воспитательном процессе, обуславливают необходимость применения в данном процессе современных педагогических технологий. В педагогической науке и практике используются различные подходы. Это словесно-наглядный, исследовательский, системный, функциональный, комплексный, технологический, деятельностный подходы [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16].

Внедрение современных педагогических технологий в учебно-воспитательный процесс требует от воспитателя позитивной работы. Педагог должен обладать полной информацией о наличии у него внешних возможностей, то есть теоретико-практических, учебных средств и средств, которые ему помогают. Педагог на основе имеющейся у него информации и возможностей должен обладать информацией по рассматриваемому направлению обучения, а также умением ориентироваться на цели, преследуемые передовыми методами обучения.

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