In conclusion the process of teaching children English in preschool institutions will be effective and exciting if:
• The lessons are organized in a playful way that meets the natural needs and desires of the child;
• the learning material is presented in various information media (sound, video, collage, graphics), which contributes to its better assimilation;
• classes are built on the alternation of different ways and techniques of presentation of learning material, its repetition in different forms;
• a welcoming environment that creates an enabling environment for the learning process;
• the activity of the child depends on his or her motivation.
Well-thought out and organized methodology of teaching children English becomes the basis for organizing a fascinating life and diverse development of each child, and most importantly - from kindergarten instills interest in a foreign language and gives a positive attitude to its further study as an educational subject at school.
References / Список литературы
1. Storozhevskih O.A., L'vov V.A. Songs in English for children. Animals. M.: Ajris-Press, 2011. P. 36.
2. Steineprice M.V. English language training program for preschoolers (in Russian) // English language and preschooler. Moscow: TC Sphere, 2007. P. 160.
3. Hayitova M., Mirzaahmedov M. Basic problems in the teaching of English for kindergarten children. // " «Mirovaya nauka». № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 13.02.2020).
4. Butler Y.G., 2009. Teaching English to young learners: The influence of global and local factors. In J. Enever, J. Moon & U. Raman (Eds.), Young learner English language policy and implementation: International perspectives (pp. 23-29). Reading, UK: Garnet Education. P.p. 8889.
TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH GAMES Khayitova M.Kh.1, Mа'murova M.2 Em ail: Mа'
Abstract: the article under discussion deals with the English language teaching through games. The authors believe that there are different ways to encourage children to be active, but the most effective are playing games which develop creativity and curiosity. Nowadays, games are an integral part of English language learning. One of the advantages of the games is that all students work simultaneously. Participation in the games develops the ability to cooperate, to compete without aggression, to be able to lose, to take responsibility. The use of various games helps to attract children to a foreign language, creates conditions for success in language learning. And students who want to play, will certainly want to improve their knowledge of a foreign language.
Keywords: play, stimulate, English, motivate, effective, creative, cooperative, advantage, at the same time, ability.
'Хайитова Мохигул Хамидулло кизи — преподаватель, кафедра английского языка; Маъмурова Мохимбону — студент, направление: филология, обучение языкам,
факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы обучения английскому языку посредством игр. Авторы статьи считают, что есть разные способы стимулировать детей к активности, но самыми эффективными являются игра, творчество и любопытство. В настоящее время игры являются неотъемлемой частью обучения английскому языку. Одним из преимуществ игр является то, что все ученики работают одновременно. Участие в играх развивает способность сотрудничать, соревноваться, не проявляя агрессии, уметь проигрывать, брать на себя ответственность. Применение различных игр помогает увлечь ребят иностранным языком, создает условия для достижения успеха в изучении языка. И учащиеся, которые захотят играть, обязательно захотят улучшить свои знания по иностранному языку.
Ключевые слова: игра, стимулировать, английский язык, мотивировать, эффективный, творчество, способ, сотрудничать, преимущество, одновременно, способность.
УДК 372.881.1
Foreign language as a general educational subject can and should contribute to the development of creative abilities of students. Possessing a huge educational and developing potential of creative abilities of students, a foreign language can realize it only in the course of practical learning purpose, i.e. only if a student in the process of foreign-language communication and cognitive activity (listening, speaking, reading, using writing) will expand his general educational horizons, develop his thinking, memory, feelings and emotions. Many children starting to learn a foreign language at school think it is fun. But after a while they begin to realize that it is not easy at all, and soon the foreign language becomes one of the difficult subjects. One of the reasons that leads to this result is the difficulty in learning grammar [1]. Traditional methods of explanation and teaching do not lead to the desired result. Learning is more effective if students are actively involved in the process.
There are various ways to encourage children to be active, but the most effective ones are playing games which develop creativity and curiosity. Nowadays, games are an integral part of English language teaching. A Belgian businessman who watched the children studying grammar while playing, said: "It isn't silly at all", thus expressing surprise that a game can be fun and serious at the same time. Games contribute to intensive language practice. They can be used at the beginning of a lesson or at the end to stimulate, reduce tension after a test, to change activities in a lesson.
It is important that the games bring joy and help to train language phenomena. One of the advantages of games is that all students work at the same time. Participation in games develops the ability to cooperate, to compete without aggression, to be able to lose, to take responsibility. Games known to learners from their life experience in their native language acquire special significance. The application of games is an effective way of repeating linguistic phenomena. In general, students love games that have an element of luck, because it adds passion for the game. Games with an element of luck include guessing games, games with dice and cards [2]. Most games are competitive in nature, and the winner can be one person or team. Using team and group games helps to reduce the pressure of the competition on one person. With these principles in mind - luck and skill, competition and cooperation, and surprise - which are the basis of all games - a teacher can turn an exercise from a textbook into a game. The use of different games helps to entice children to a foreign language, creates conditions for success in language learning. And students who want to play are sure to want to improve their foreign language skills.
The game always involves making decisions - how to act, what to say, how to win. The desire to solve these issues speeds up the thinking activity of those who play. However equal in, for learners, game is primarily a fascinating activity. The sense of equality, the atmosphere of passion and joy, a sense of power of tasks - all this allows children to overcome the shyness that prevents the free use of speech words of another language and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. Unobtrusively
absorbed language material, and at the same time there is a feeling of satisfaction - it turns out that I can speak on an equal footing with everyone.
The games contribute to the following methodological tasks:
• creation of children's psychological readiness for speech communication;
• ensuring the natural need for them to repeat the language material many times;
• training students in choosing the right speech variant.
The place of games in a lesson and the time allocated to a game depend on a number of factors of students' preparation, the material being studied, the goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. For example, if a game is used as a training exercise in the initial fixation, it can be given 20-25 minutes of the lesson. In the future, the same game can be played by repeating the material already passed. The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson. It is necessary to remember that at all attractiveness and efficiency of games it is necessary to observe sense of proportion, otherwise they will tire students and will lose freshness of emotional influence.
It is possible to carry out text listening games without pictures, drawings, pre-arranged questions, text items, etc., these are games for the development of auditory memory. The teacher reads the text at a normal pace and those playing listen. After listening to the text, the teacher suggests writing down words that each participant in the game has remembered. The teacher then reads the text again and gives the task to write down groups of words and memorized phrases.
Team games have a great effect in learning to listen to the text, in which after listening to the text team members make and then ask questions to opponents about the content of the text. The team that answers the questions more accurately wins. Of particular interest are games in which, after listening to the text (preferably with a large number of characters) to play a scene on the content of the text. In these games, children demonstrate not only their ability to listen to the text, but also their artistic skills. Training in listening is appropriate to conduct a variety of interesting games. In them, the child can prove himself as a person, as well as a member of the team. There are no universal games for learning to listen, but you can turn any exercise, any text into a game. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary accessories, create a competitive atmosphere, make the task to the texts of a variety, but at the same time accessible and interesting. Texts can be used from textbooks, additional English books. The main thing, in our opinion, is to turn an elementary text into an interesting game that attracts learners [4].
Students should not be interrupted during the game, as this disrupts the atmosphere of communication. V. Rivers writes in this regard: "Very often in society, people prefer to remain silent if they know that their speech will cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor. Similarly, a student whose every mistake is corrected by the teacher not only loses the basic idea of the statement, but also loses the desire to continue the conversation" [3]. Corrections should be made quietly, without interrupting the students' speech, or at the end of the lesson. У. Bennett generally believes that some mistakes the teacher has the right to ignore so as not to suppress students' verbal activity. Games are best used in the middle or at the end of the lesson to relieve tension. It is important to work with games to bring positive emotions and benefits, and also to serve as an effective incentive when learners' interest or motivation in learning a foreign language starts to diminish. The use of games in foreign language lessons helps the teacher to deepen the personal potential of each student, his positive personal qualities (diligence, activity, independence, initiative, ability to work in collaboration, etc.), to preserve and strengthen learning motivation [5].
References / Список литературы
1. Lukyanchikova N. V. Foreign language teaching at the initial stage of education. // Primary school, 2001. № 11. P.p. 49-51
2. PassovE.I. Foreign language lesson in secondary school. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1988. P. 4.
3. Rogova G.V., Vereshchagina I.N. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage in secondary schools: Manual for Teachers and Students of Pedagogical Universities. 3rd ed. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2000. P. 235.
4. Akramova N.M., Burkhonova G.G'. Grammar in context: a new approach to teaching foreign language grammar // Problemy Nauki, 2019. №12-1 (145). [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 13.02.2020).
5. Hayitova M., Mirzaahmedov M. Basic problems in the teaching of English for kindergarten children. // "Мировая наука" №9 (30). 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL (date of access: 13.02.2020).
Tadjibaeva A.E. Email:
Abstract: the article under discussion reveals the specific features of the language in the development of culture. The author of the article believes that for many centuries now, the problem of the relationship between language and culture has been in the minds of many famous scholars, but to this day the issue remains debatable: some believe that language refers to culture as part of the whole, others believe that language is only a form of cultural expression. Language can be perceived as a component of culture or an instrument of culture (which is not the same), especially when it comes to a literary language or a language of folklore. However, language is at the same time autonomous in relation to culture as a whole and can be considered separate from culture (which is done constantly) or compared to culture as an equal phenomenon of the third - that language is neither a form nor an element of culture.
Keywords: language, culture, specificity, form, expression, development, phenomenon, component, folklore, attitude, social, communicative, psychological, conditions.
КУЛЬТУРЫ Таджибаева А.Э.
Таджибаева Адила Эргашевна — ассистент, кафедра узбекского языка и литературы, факультет телекоммуникационных технологий и профессионального образования, Ферганский филиал Ташкентский университет информационных технологий, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются специфические особенности языка в развитии культуры. Автор статьи считает, что уже не одно столетие проблема соотношения языка и культуры занимает умы многих известных ученых, но по сегодняшний день этот вопрос остается дискуссионным: одни полагают, что язык относится к культуре как часть к целому, другие - что язык лишь форма выражения культуры, Язык может быть воспринят как компонент культуры или орудие культуры (что не одно и то же), в особенности, когда речь идет о литературном языке или языке фольклора. Однако язык в то же время и автономен по отношению к культуре в целом, и его можно рассматривать отдельно от культуры (что и делается постоянно) или в сравнении с культурой как с равнозначным и равноправным феноменом третьи - что язык не является ни формой, ни элементом культуры.
Ключевые слова: язык, культура, особенность, форма, выражение, развитие, феномен, компонент, фольклор, отношение, социальный, коммуникативный, психологический, условия.
UDC 372.881.1
For centuries, the problem of the relationship between language and culture has been in the minds of many famous scholars, but to this day the issue remains debatable: some believe that language