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TEACHING EFL (ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) IN KINDERGARTEN Khayitova M.Kh.1, Mirzaakhmedov M.M.2 Em ail: [email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion is devoted to the actual problem of teaching preschool children English in the process of game activities based on the visibility. English in preschool age is an actual trend in the methodology, requiring new approaches and non-standard solutions. The article shows how visual game activity helps to solve the teacher's task of activating children's cognitive activity in the process of teaching English, as well as to instill interest in the country of the studied language through music accompaniment of native speakers' songs.
Keywords: preschool age, game, English, visual aids, interest, motivation, methodology, foreign, memorize, learn, process, learning.
'Хайитова Мохигул Хамидулло кизи — преподаватель, кафедра английского языка; 2Мирзаахмедов Миржалол Мансуржон угли — студент, направление: филология, обучение языкам, факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья посвящена актуальной проблеме обучения детей дошкольного возраста английскому языку в процессе игровой деятельности с опорой на наглядность. Английский язык в дошкольном возрасте является актуальным направлением в методике,
требующее новых подходов и нестандартных решений. В статье показано, как наглядно-игровая деятельность помогает решить задачу педагога активизировать познавательную деятельность детей в процессе обучения английскому языку, а также привить интерес к стране изучаемого языка через музыкальное сопровождение песни носителей языка. Ключевые слова: дошкольный возраст, игра, английский язык, наглядные пособия, интерес, мотивация, методика, иностранный, запоминать, усваивать, процесс, обучение.
UDC 372.881.1
English language has been rated as one of the most important international languages nowadays. It has been found at primary levels around the world. Teaching English as a foreign language is not an easy task and need a lot of hard work, especially for young learners. However, starting earlier is not the solution for producing better English speakers. EFL teachers of young learners have to follow some strategies and techniques to understand and teach young learners better.
There are many reasons for starting with the teaching of English at an early age. As the concept "teaching English to young learners" suggests, age plays a crucial role in what we teach and how we teach it, since a young learner class is different from an adult and/or a teenager class in terms of the learners' language learning needs, the language competences emphasized, and the cognitive skills addressed.
Teaching preschool children a foreign language makes it possible to reveal their language skills from early childhood. The child learns to compare two languages, as a result of which thinking becomes multilevel, as the child abstracts from a particular language; by learning a different culture, the child learns to be tolerant [4].
The urgency of the emergence of various methods for teaching preschool children English is due to the need of society and the state to educate preschool children who speak foreign languages in accordance with the requirements of "a dynamic world, as well as language centers of early learning practice; numerous studies on teaching foreign languages to preschool children" [1].
To arouse desire and interest in learning English you can verbally and visually teach children through short game situations, visual aids, role-playing games, songs, exercises and others. A preschool child is a person who plays, learning enters into a child's life through the "gates of child's play" [3]. The more interesting the game is and the brighter and more colorful the manual, the better the material will be learned. This is due to the fact tha the pre-school learners prefer visual thinking, which means that the visual support is simply necessary.
So, the game "What is your name?" is usually used at the initial stage of education. You can offer kids a cube where the characters of fairy tales are drawn, saying that the cube is unusual, where fairytale characters live. Each child is asked to drop the cube and introduce himself or herself on behalf of the fairytale character that he or she will fall out. Children are so fond of this game that they stop when the cube falls.
Next game - "Throw the ball". The game is used to fix the speech structures. So, when you study "My family", when you ask "Do you have a sister...?", children answer "Yes, I do" if they have a sister, and "No, I don't" if they don't. In this way, children learn to give short answers, and in the next step they learn to ask a question by substituting words for family members themselves.
Music is also an important part of English language teaching for preschoolers. This is due to the fact that this activity involves both hemispheres of the brain, which in turn contributes to the storage of the studied material and, as shown by experience, its faster playback. Music makes it easy to "penetrate the child's emotional world, concentrates his attention on the most important linguistic phenomena" [2]. Song, charging, physical activity are important stages in the construction of any class in a preschool institution. A song can be sung, or even played.
For example, the song "Baa, baa black sheep" can be performed with a round dance. With the help of a draw, a black sheep is chosen, which in the process of performing the song seeks out a host, a hostess and a little boy among the children. It is possible to do the same with any song. If it is not possible to combine the song with the corresponding movements, you can use visual aids. The choice of English songs is extensive. The best collections for preschoolers, in our opinion, are the book series "Songbirds" [4].
At each lesson, children earn two kinds of medals (red and blue) and place them in the appropriate pocket of the motivational system. This is not only a good motivation, but also allows you to see the picture of attendance. At the end of each month there are open classes not only for children, but also for their parents. Here parents can see the results of the monthly work. And here the kids are rewarded for their knowledge - these are medals on the chest. The task is to collect as many of them as possible in a year to be a winner. And everyone wants to be the best, of course.
In conclusion the process of teaching children English in preschool institutions will be effective and exciting if:
• The lessons are organized in a playful way that meets the natural needs and desires of the child;
• the learning material is presented in various information media (sound, video, collage, graphics), which contributes to its better assimilation;
• classes are built on the alternation of different ways and techniques of presentation of learning material, its repetition in different forms;
• a welcoming environment that creates an enabling environment for the learning process;
• the activity of the child depends on his or her motivation.
Well-thought out and organized methodology of teaching children English becomes the basis for organizing a fascinating life and diverse development of each child, and most importantly - from kindergarten instills interest in a foreign language and gives a positive attitude to its further study as an educational subject at school.
References / Список литературы
1. Storozhevskih O.A., L'vov V.A. Songs in English for children. Animals. M.: Ajris-Press, 2011. P. 36.
2. Steineprice M.V. English language training program for preschoolers (in Russian) // English language and preschooler. Moscow: TC Sphere, 2007. P. 160.
3. Hayitova M., Mirzaahmedov M. Basic problems in the teaching of English for kindergarten children. // " «Mirovaya nauka». № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://science-j.com/domains_data/files/30/Hayitova.pdf/ (date of access: 13.02.2020).
4. Butler Y.G., 2009. Teaching English to young learners: The influence of global and local factors. In J. Enever, J. Moon & U. Raman (Eds.), Young learner English language policy and implementation: International perspectives (pp. 23-29). Reading, UK: Garnet Education. P.p. 8889.
TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH GAMES Khayitova M.Kh.1, Mа'murova M.2 Em ail: Mа'[email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion deals with the English language teaching through games. The authors believe that there are different ways to encourage children to be active, but the most effective are playing games which develop creativity and curiosity. Nowadays, games are an integral part of English language learning. One of the advantages of the games is that all students work simultaneously. Participation in the games develops the ability to cooperate, to compete without aggression, to be able to lose, to take responsibility. The use of various games helps to attract children to a foreign language, creates conditions for success in language learning. And students who want to play, will certainly want to improve their knowledge of a foreign language.
Keywords: play, stimulate, English, motivate, effective, creative, cooperative, advantage, at the same time, ability.