Научная статья на тему 'Вклад львівських ентомологів у розвиток охорони природи Східної Галичини'

Вклад львівських ентомологів у розвиток охорони природи Східної Галичини Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
фауністика / таксономія / Coleoptera / Lepidoptera / Hymenoptera / Diptera / faunistics / taxonomy / Coleoptera / Lepidoptera / Hymenoptera / Diptera

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Єжи Стажик

Ентомологічні дослідження перед Першою світовою війною та в період між війнами у Львові проводились в трьох наукових центрах: природознавчому музеї ім. Дзедушицких, кафедрі охорони лісу і лісної ентомології Львівського політехнічного інституту та зоологічному закладі Ун-ту Яна Казімежа. Завдяки старанням та ініціативі львівських ентомологів у 1920 р. організовано ентомологічну секцію в рамках Природознавчого товариства ім. М. Коперніка, а в 1923 р. Польський ентомологічний союз. Про велику наукову активність ентомологів у Східній Галичині свідчать понад 360 публікацій, серед яких домінують фауністичні праці, які є підставою до вальоризації цінних природничих об'єктів, які заслуговують на спеціальні форми охорони природи. Найбільш видатними львівськими ентомологами були: Маріян Ломніцкі, Ярослав Ломніцкі, Александр Козіковскі, Ян Романішин, Ян Кінель, Адам Красуцкі, Ян Носкевіч і Роман Кунце.

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Entomological research before World War I, and during the period between First and Second World Wars was conducted in Lviv in three scientific centres: Dzieduszycki Natural Museum, Department of Forest Protection and Entomology of Forest Technological University of Lviv, and Department of Zoology of Jan Kazimierz University. In 1920 the Entomological Section was created within Nicholas Copernicus Natural Society, converted into the Polish Entomological Association in 1923. A high activity of entomologists conducting investigations in eastern Galicia resulted in over 360 publications, mainly of faunistic character. They formed the basis for evaluation of natural areas which should be put under special forms of nature conservation. The list of outstanding entomologists of Lviv includes such names as Marian Łomnicki, Jarosław Łomnicki, Aleksander Kozikowski, Jan Romaniszyn, Jan Kinel, Adam Krasucki, Jan Noskiewicz, and Roman Kuntze.

Текст научной работы на тему «Вклад львівських ентомологів у розвиток охорони природи Східної Галичини»

Украшський дсржкавмии лiсoтeхнiчний yнiвeрситeт

Проф. Шафер е автором 698 публiкацiй, в тому чист 457, тобто 65 % з охорони природи. Bíh був сшвавтором руху охорони природи у cbítí, одним з ÍH^iaTOpÍB утворення М1жнародно1 уни охорони природи, шщатором утво-рення народних парюв i природних резерватiв, засновником (1953 р.) i першим директором 1нституту боташки Польсько!' академи наук, 1нституту охорони природи ПАН (1952), творцем i редактором щорiчника "Охрона природи". Частина публжацш торкалася лiсiвництва та лiсових резервам. Вiн був великим вченим, доктором гонорю кауза трьох унiверситетiв.

Проф. B. Шафер помер 16 листопада 1970 р., на 84 рощ життя.


1. Goetel W. Dzialalnosc mi^dzynarodowa W. Szafera w ochronie przyrody. Chronmy przyr. ojcz. 1971, № 2. - С. 24-32.

2. Leñkowa A. Profesor W. Szafer Anegdoty, fakty, wspomnienia. - К.: Wyd. Drukarnia "Secesja". Krakow. 1992. - С. 1- 23.

3. Szafer W. Wspomnienia przyrodnika. Krakow. 1973. - С. 189.

4. Zemanek A. Szafer W. Encyklopedia Biologiczna. - 2000, t. 10. - С. 246.

УДК 520.33 Проф. зв. др. габ. €жи Стажик -

Кратвська стьськогосподарська акадмя



Ентомолопчш дослщження перед Першою св^овою вiйною та в перюд мiж вiйнами у Львовi проводились в трьох наукових центрах: природознавчому музе'1 ïm. Дзедушицких, кафедрi охорони лiсу i лiсноï ентомологл Львiвського полiтехнiчного iнституту та зоолопчному закладi Ун-ту Яна Казiмежа. Завдяки старанням та шщь ативi львiвських ентомологiв у 1920 р. оргашзовано ентомологiчну секцiю в рамках Природознавчого товариства iM. М. Копернiка, а в 1923 р. Польський ентомолопч-ний союз. Про велику наукову актившсть ентомолопв у Схiднiй Галичиш свiдчать понад 360 публiкацiй, серед яких домiнують фаунiстичнi працi, яю е пiдставою до вальоризацп щнних природничих об'ектiв, якi заслуговують на спещальш форми охорони природи. Найбшьш видатними львiвськими ентомологами були: Марiян Ломнiцкi, Ярослав Ломнiцкi, Александр Козшовсю, Ян Романiшин, Ян Кiнель, Адам Красуцю, Ян Носкевiч i Роман Кунце.

Ключов1 слова: фауистика, таксономiя, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera.

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy R. Starzyk - Agricultural University of Krakow



Entomological research before World War I, and during the period between First and Second World Wars was conducted in Lviv in three scientific centres: Dzieduszycki Natural Museum, Department of Forest Protection and Entomology of Forest Technological University of Lviv, and Department of Zoology of Jan Kazimierz University. In 1920 the Entomological Section was created within Nicholas Copernicus Natural Society, converted into the Polish Entomological Association in 1923. A high activity of entomologists conducting investigations in eastern Galicia resulted in over 360 publications, mainly of fau-nistic character. They formed the basis for evaluation of natural areas which should be put


Замввдна справа в Галичин^ на ^д^лл та Boлинi

under special forms of nature conservation. The list of outstanding entomologists of Lviv includes such names as Marian Lomnicki, Jaroslaw Lomnicki, Aleksander Kozikowski, Jan Romaniszyn, Jan Kinel, Adam Krasucki, Jan Noskiewicz, and Roman Kuntze.

Keywords: faunistics, taxonomy, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera.

Before World War I and during the period between First and Second World Wars Lviv, beside Krakow and Warsaw, was the main university centre in contemporary Galicia. Natural sciences, especially entomology, had a prominent position in this centre, which is evidenced by over 360 entomological papers of high scientific standard published in leading Polish periodicals, as well as abroad. Among numerous publications, presenting individual entomologists of Lviv and their scientific achievements, the papers of Riedl (1992) and Brz^k (1994) are outstanding.

Investigations in entomology, including faunistics, taxonomy, morphology, biology, histology, cytology, and embryology of insects, were conducted in three scientific centres: the Dzieduszycki Museum of Natural History, the Department of Forest Protection and Entomology of the Polytechnic University of Lviv, and the Department of Zoology of the Jan Kazimierz University. Thank to an initiative of entomologists of Lviv in 1920 the Entomological Section was created within the Nicholas Copernicus Society of Biologists, and in 1923 it became an independent organisation - the Polish Entomological Association. Also in Lviv a periodical "Polish Entomological Journal" started to appear in 1922.

The Institute of Zoology was created in 1858 at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jan Kazimierz University. Since 1924 it was a part of a newly created Faculty of Mathematics and Biology, however it changed its affiliation several times. During 1884-1906 Professor Benedykt Dybowski, an outstanding biologist, was its head. Thank to him zoological collections were enlarged considerably. The entomological collection reached 67 thousand specimens. Such scientists as Henryk Wielowieyski, Stanislaw Czerski, and Jozef Nusbaum-Hilarowicz were employed at the Institute. Jan Hirschler was occupied with anatomy, histology, cytology, and embryology of insects. Also Jan Kinel and Jan Noskiewicz, later outstanding entomologists, as well as Stanislaw Chudoba and Stanislaw Pilawski working in cytology of insects, were associated with this institution as students.It should also be remembered that in the 1930 s Assistant Professors R. Kuntze and J. Noskiewicz lectured in entomology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Biology of the Jan Kazi-mierz University.

The Dzieduszycki Museum of Natural History was officialy created by the state act of 1893. Already in 1895 its entomological collection counted over 30 thousand specimens. Apart from collecting and exibiting the specimens the Museum was occupied with research and publishing activities. Outstanding entomologists: Marian Lomnicki, Jaroslaw Lomnicki, and Jan Kinel were employed by the Museum, while Jozef Dzi^dzielewicz, Adam Krasucki, Jan Noskiewicz, and in the initial period also Maksymilian Sila-Nowicki, were associated with the Museum. During 1880 to 1914 fifteen volumes of various monographs appeared in a serial publication called " The Dzieduszycki Museum of Lviv", while during 1914 to 1924 nine volumes (including four devoted to insects) in a serial publication -"Dissertations and Information of the Dzieduszycki Museum".

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The Department of Forest Protection and Entomology was created at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the Polytechnic University of Lviv in 1922. It was organized by Professor Aleksander Kozikowski who was its head till 1945. Many outstanding entomologists were his students. Till 1937 Dr Roman Kuntze worked as assistant professor in this department, and also Stanislaw Kapuscinski, first as a voluntary assistant, and later as assistant. Also Marian Nunberg was closely connected with the Department. Under influence of biologists of Lviv, chiefly Marian Lomnicki and Jaroslaw Lomnicki, he collected beetles with great passion during his high school years. Later he graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the Polytechnic University of Lviv, where he also obtained his doctorate and qualified as assistant professor. After World War II he was professor and head of the Department of Forest Protection of the Agricultural University of Warsaw. During his stay in Lviv he described the distribution and population dynamics of cockchafers (Melolontha melolontha and M. hippocastani) (1936), the effect of various factors on population of pine beauty moth (Panolis flammea Den. et Schiff) (1937), and an outbreak of pine hawk moth (Hyloicus pinastri L.) (1938).

The following entomologists working in Lviv at that time deserve a special distinction due to their scientific achievements: Maksymilian Sila-Nowicki, a founder of entomology in Galicia, Jozef Dzi^dzielewicz, Marian Lomnicki, Fryderyk Schille, Jaroslaw Lomnicki, Aleksander Kozikowski, Jan Romaniszyn, Jan Kinel, Adam Krasucki, Gustaw Poluszynski, Jan Noskiewicz, Marian Nunberg, Roman Kuntze, Michal Swi^tkiewicz, August Stöckl, and Stanislaw Kapuscinski.

Maksymilian Sila-Nowicki (1826-1890) was professor and head of the Department of Zoology of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow. His main scientific interests concerned faunistics of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera of eastern Galicia. During his Lviv period (1858-1865) the results of his research work were published in a form of coleopterological notes. He also made a list of Lepidoptera of this region (a work numbering 300 pages) and created foundations of the Polish nomenclature of Lepidoptera. He described several species of Lepidoptera new to science. He was also the author of the monograph of butterflies of Galicia and publications concerning entomological materials stored at the Dzieduszycki Museum. He was one of the pioneers of nature conservation in Poland. He was instrumental in passing by the Country Diet in Lviv of the bill which became the framework for contemporary protection of animal species.

Jozef Dzi^dzielewicz (1844-1918) was a long term co-worker of the Physiographic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. He conducted faunistic investigations in surroundings of Lviv, Podolia, the Gorgany Mts, Czarno-hora, the Tatra Mts, and Silesia, collecting insects of the orders: Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Copeognatha, Megaloptera, Rhaphidioptera, Plannipennia, Trichoptera, and Mecoptera. A part of his collection he handed down to the Museum of the Physiographic Committee in Krakow, and a part to the Dzieduszycki Museum. The results of his studies were published in the "Reports of the Physiographic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences". A specially valuable is his monograph of dragonflies of Galicia (1902), and the work entitled "Neuropterous insects of the Polish territory" (1919-1920) published by the Dzieduszycki Museum.


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Marian Lomnicki (1845-1915) was a student of Professor M. Sila-Nowic-ki.During 1878-1882 he lectured on zoology at the Agricultural University of Dub-lany. From 1905 till the end of his life he was curator (director) of the Dzieduszycki Museum. For 50 years he co-operated with the Physiographic Committee of Krakow. He was an outstanding coleopterologist conducting faunistic and physigraphic studies on insects in southern and southeastern regions of contemporary Galicia. The first summary of his long term studies on beetles was a catalogue entitled "Ca-talogus coleopterorum Haliciae" (1884), comprising 3182 species and 130 varities of beetles of Galicia. In the catalogue entitled " The beetles (Coleoptera) in the collection of the Dzieduszycki Museum in Lviv" he attempted to distinguish faunistic regions of Poland, and compare the coleopteran fauna of Poland with faunas of Transylvania, Bohemia, Prussia, southern France, Scandinavia, the Appenines, Balkans, Alps, and Pyrenees. His most important achievement was the catalogue of beetles of Polish territory (1913) with the list of almost 5400 species, including 1300 species reported for the first time in Poland. This monograph was for over 50 years the main reference for all faunistic investigations in this region. Marian Lomnicki also studied Orthoptera (reported 43 species new to Galicia), Heteroptera and Homoptera (including 148 species new to this area). He conducted faunistic and physiographic studies for nearly 50 years, and published 55 works in which he also took into account the conditions of insect occurrence in different habitats.

Jaroslaw Lomnicki (1873-1931) was director of the Dzieduszycki Museum after death of his father. During 1893-1930 he co-operated with the Physiographic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. At the beginning of his professional activity he conducted faunistic investigations, mainly on ground beetles (Ca-rabidae) and weevils (Curculionidae), and since 1919 the studies on taxonomy and bionomics of ants. He published faunistic papers on ants of Lithuania, the Balearic Islands, Lviv, and the Tatra Mountains. While working on the collection of the Dzieduszycki Museum he described a weevil - Liparus integer (1924 a) and a click beetle - Athous mokrzecki, the species new to science. A taxonomic and faunistic review of ants of the genus Formica occurring in Poland (1925) is particularly worthy of notice. He also made a list of ants of Lviv and its surroundings (1928) including 40 species.

Aleksander Kozikowski (1879-1956) was professor and head of the Department of Forest Protection and Entomology of the Polytechnic University of Lviv, and after World War II head of the Department of Forest Protection of the University of Poznan, and later of the Agricultural University of Poznan. He was a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a honorary member of the Polish Forestry Society. Professor Kozikowski conducted studies on the occurrence, bionomics and damages caused by cockchafers - Melolontha melolontha and M. hip-pocastani (1925, 1926), and bark beetles (Kozikowski 1922; Kozikowski and Kuntze 1925; Kozikowski and Nunberg 1925). He published over 80 works, including books "Weevils and bark beetles" (1922) and "Forest entomology" (1952).

Jan Romaniszyn (1881-1945) was educated as a mechanical engineer, but his hobby were butterflies and moths. He published 23 works about these insects. He was co-author of the publication on lepidopterans of Lviv together with

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Hirschler (1909), and co-author of the "Lepidopteran fauna of Poland", together with F. Schille (1929, 1930).

Jan Kinel (1886-1950) studied biology at the Jan Kazimierz University of Lviv. He was a student of outstanding biologists - B. Dybowski and J Nusbaum-Hilarowicz. In 1922 he began to work at the Dzieduszycki Museum, and in 1931, after death of Jaroslaw Lomnicki, he became its director. In 1923 he obtained his doctorate, and in 1947 he qualified as assistant professor in Wroclaw. His main scientific interests concerned faunistic and physiographic studies of insects. He was occupied with distribution and occurrence of little known terrestial beetles of the families: Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Trogidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Phalacri-dae, Ciidae, Coccinellidae, Meloidae, Alleculidae, Tenebrionidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Anthibidae, Attelabidae, and Curculionidae, discovering 13 species new to the fauna of Poland. His work concerning longhorn beetles (1919), comprising 198 species and the keys for their identification was a very valuable reference. Also very valuable were his works concerning aquatic beetles of the families: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae, Hydrobiidae, and Gyrinidae. The results of his investigations on the fauna of Dytiscidae he presented in several papers under one title " Hydradephaga of Poland" (1934, 1936 a, b). While the treatise entitled "Hydradephaga of Poland and neighbouring countries" (1949), including 167 species, is a summary of his studies on aquatic beetles. The scientific achievements of J. Kinel include papers on dipterans of the family Mycetophilidae and hymenopterans of the family Ichneumonidae, the parasites of spiders, and zooge-ographic studies on the entomofauna of Podolia and Volhynia (Kinel and Noskiewicz 1931 a). He was also the editor and co-author of the keys for identification of insects (1927, 1931).

Adam Krasucki (1887-1951) was a student of distinguished biologists Professor Kazimierz Kwietniewski and Professor J. Nubaum-Hilarowicz. In 1912 he obtained his doctorate. He was employed as adjunct in the State Botanical and Agricultural Station in Lviv. During his early scientific work he was concerned with Heteroptera and Homoptera taking into account their habitats and ranges of their distribution (1922). In the list of Heteroptera he gave 59 species, including five new to the fauna of Poland, while in the list of Homoptera 10 species, including eight new to Poland. He payed a special attention to heteropterans occuring in water habitats (1916). Later A. Krasucki was committed to agricultural entomology. Among many publications in this field there were works concerning the appearance of insect pests of crop plants, especially of sugar-beets.

Gustaw Poluszynski (1887-1959) obtained his doctorate at the Jan Kazimierz University in 1922, and in 1928 he qualified as assistant professor. He was professor of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv. Professor Poluszynski was the author of several papers concerning cytology and embryology of Coccoidea, Diptera, and Mecoptera, and the co-author, together with J. Noskiewicz, of 10 publications about the embryonic development and new species of Strepsiptera. He described Stylops nitidiusculae Polusz.(Strepsiptera), a species new to science.

Jan Noskiewicz (1890-1963) after graduating in biology in Lviv became a high school teacher, and then a librarian in the Dzieduszycki Museum. In 1927 he


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obtained his doctorate, and in 1937 he qualified as assistant professor. He was an outstanding entomologist and the author of about 100 scientific works in taxonomy of Hymenoptera, and zoogeography, including the work on bees (Apidae) (1922 a) and the fauna of Chrysididae of the vicinity of Lviv. He also wrote about Palearctic species of the genus Colletes, and together with R. Kuntze published the work entitled "An outline of zoogeography of Podolia" (1938), and with J. Kinel and A. Krasucki (1927) a key for identification of insects of Poland.

Roman Kuntze (1902-1944) graduated in biology at the faculty of philosophy, and then obtained his doctorate and qualified as assistant professor at the Jan Kazimierz University of Lviv. He was professor and head of the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural University of Warsaw. During his early scientific work he conducted faunistic and zoogeographic studies on selected groups of insects of the orders: Orthoptera (Locustidae, Acridiidae, Grylli-dae), Coleoptera (Elateridae, Chrysomelidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Curculi-onidae), Hymenoptera (mainly Apidae, Sphecidae, Vespidae, Formicidae), and Diptera (Syrphidae, Asiliidae, Conopidae, Bombyliidae). This work resulted in 45 papers published during 1923-1939 in domestic as well as foreign journals. He was an outstanding specialist in beetles of the subfamily Halticinae (Col., Chryso-melidae) publishing several papers in this respect. The main work of his life were comparative studies on xerotermic faunas of Podolia, Brandenburg, Austria, and Switzerland (1931), and a comprehensive work written with J. Noskiewicz: "An outline of zoogeography of Podolia" (1938). In his papers he was concerned with problems of the role of agricultural management in changes taking place in natural environment. He was also interested in an applied entomology, trying to explain the causes of insect outbreaks. He pointed out the future tasks of scientific research in forecasting of outbreaks of insect pests in forests, orchards and fields, as well as their prevention. He was the author of a critical review of coleopteran pests in agriculture, horticulture, and forestry (1936 a). he was also the author of papers concerning bark beetles (Kozikowski and Kuntze 1925), outbreaks of Melolontha me-lolontha and M. hippocastani (1925), and hymenopterans and dipterans damaging fir seeds. A key for the identification of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera (1931), worked out together with J. Kinel, is particularly worth to be mentioned. The results of his investigations also contributed to the methods of faunistic, physiographic, and zoogeographic studies, including those connected with nature conservation.

Stanislaw Kapuscinski (1910-1991) completed the forestry course at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Polytechnic University of Lviv. As a student he worked as a voluntary assistant, and after graduation he became a senior assistant in the Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, headed by Professor A. Kozikowski. Both A. Kozikowski and R. Kuntze played an important role in development of scientific interests of Stanislaw Kapuscinski. At the Department he was involved in teaching and research work conducted by A. Kozikowski in the estate of Zamojski Family in Roztocze. He also conducted his own investigations concerning parasitoids of insects and gall midges (Cecidomyiidae). He also took part in team biological studies carried out in a northern part of Podolia organized by the N. Copernicus Society of Biologists, studying gall midges. In 1936 he was

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transferred to Warsaw where till World War II he was employed as assistant in the Forest Protection Branch of the Research Institute of State Forests. After the war he moved to Krakow where he was professor and head of the Department of Forest Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the Jagiellonian University, and later in the Faculty of Forestry of the Agricultural University of Krakow. The main scientific interests of Professor Kapuscinski included taxonomy, faunistics, morphology, and bionomics of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), buprestid beetles (Bupres-tidae), and sawflies (Cimbicidae and Siricidae). He was also concerned with pests of cones, fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs. In total he published 118 works, including five published during his stay in Lviv before the war. A particularly worth to be mentioned is a comprehensive monograph on insect pests of seeds of forest trees. Some materials for this book were collected during his employment in the Department of Forest Protection and Entomology of the Polytechnic University of Lviv.

The main achievements of entomologists of Lviv, which played a great role in the progress of science, and most of which are still important at the present time are as follows:

• publishing of "Catalogue of beetles of Polish territory" by M. Lomnicki (1913),

• monograph of dragonflies of Galicia (Dzi^dzielewicz 1902),

• work in two volumes "Fauna of butterflies and moths of Poland" by Romaniszyn and Schille (1929, 1930) which served and still serves as a basic work in comparative studies on faunas of different regions,

• publishing by M. Sila-Nowicki of "The list of butterflies and moths of Galicia" (1860) and "Butterflies and moths of Galicia" (1865),

• monograph of Palearctic hymenopterans of the genus Colletes Latr. Comprising 125 species, including 61 species new to science (Noskiewicz 1936),

• describing by M. Sila-Nowicki (1864) of four species of lepidopterans, new to science, of the families Gelechiidae and Yponomeutidae, and a new genus Kessleria Now.,

• describing by J. Dzi^dzielewicz (1889, 1908, 1911, 1912) of five species of caddis-flies (Trichoptera), new to science,

• taxonomic and faunistic works of J. Kinel on aquatic beetles, especially a monograph "Hydradephaga of Poland" (1934, 1936 a, b),

• taxonomic and faunistic works of J. Lomnicki concerning ants (1928)

• works of J. Noskiewicz and G. Poluszynski concerning embriology of stylops (Strepsiptera), including discovery of the phenomenon of polyembryony and description of embyonic development of this group of insects (1926, 1935).,

• describing by J. Noskiewicz and G. Poluszynski (1925) of five stylop species new to science,

• monograph entitled "Outline of zoogeography of Polish Podolia" (Kuntze and Noskiewicz 1938),

• investigations of fauna of eastern Lesser Poland, Podolia, the Gorgany Mts., and Czarnohora, and also the Tatra Mts. comprising different taxonomic groups of insects (J. Dzi^dzielewicz - Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Copeognatha, Megaloptera, Rhaphidi-optera, Plennipennia, Trichoptera, Mecoptera; S. Kapuscinski - gall midges; J. Kinel - Coleoptera, mainly aquatic ones, Cerambycidae; A. Krasicki - Heteroptera, Ho-moptera; R. Kuntze - Chrysomelidae; J. Lomnicki - Formicidae, Curculionidae; M. Lomnicki - Orthoptera, Heteroptera, Coleoptera; J. Noskiewicz - Hymenoptera, Diptera; J. Romaniszyn - Lepidoptera: F. Scille and M. Swi^tkiewicz - Lepidoptera; M. Sila-Nowicki - Lepidoptera).


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HiivKOBiiii bíchhk, 2004, BHn. 14.8

• works in forest entomology dealing with biology and economic importance of bark beetles - Scolytidae abd weevils - Pissodini, and outbreaks of cockchafers (Kozikowski 1922, 1925, 1926; Kozikowski and Kuntze 1925; Kozikowski and Nunberg 1925),

• works concerning pests of fields and orchards (Sitona spp., Oscinella frit, Chlorops pumilionis, Eriosoma lanigerum) (Krasucki 1916, 1922),

• two volume key for the identification of orders, families, genera, and selected species of insects (Kinel, Krasucki, Noskiewicz 1927; Kinel and Kuntze 1931).

Most of the research work and publications of entomologists, mentioned above, were of a faunistic and physiographic character. But at the same time they formed the basis for valorization of valuable natural areas requiring special forms of conservation. They are still of importance at the present time since on their basis the changes in entomofauna taking place with time, due to various abiotic, biotic and human factors, may be observed. This is particularly important when new nature reserves and national parks are created. It should be kept in mind that in the management and protection plans of most natural reserves and national parks there is a lack of a wider information on a local entomofauna. The entomological school of Lviv has at the present moment excellent continuators, especially among workers of the State Museum of Natural History.


1. Brzçk G. 1994. Muzeum im. Dzieduszyckich we Lwowie i jego twórca. Wyd. Lubelskie Nowe, 200 ss.

2. Dziçdzielewicz J. 1902. Wazki Galicyi i przyleglych krajów polskich. Muz. im. Dzi-eduszyckich, Lviv, 176 ss.

3. Dziçdzielewicz J. 1919-1920. Owady siatkoskrzydlowate ziem Polski. Rozpr. i Wiad. Muz. Dzieduszyckich. Lviv, 3, 3-4: 105-168; 4, 1-4: 1-72.

4. Hirschler J., Romaniszyn J. 1909. Motyle wiçksze (Macrolepidoptera) z okolic Lwo-wa. Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr., Kraków, 43: 80-155.

5. Kinel J. 1919. Kózki Polski (Cerambycidae Poloniae). Przegl^d kózek krajowych na podstawie zbioru Muzeum im. Dzieduszyckich sposobem analitycznym. Rozpr. i Wiad. Muz. Dzieduszyckich. Lviv, 3: 37-101.

6. Kinel J. 1934. Hydradephaga Polski. I. Coelambus Thomson. Kosmos, Lviv, A, 58: 198-208.

7. Kinel J. 1936 a. Hydradephaga Polski. II. Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr., Kraków, 68-69: 67-71.

8. Kinel J. 1936 b. Hydradephaga Polski. III. Deronectes Sharp - Zimmermann. Pol. Pismo Ent. 13: 198-214.

9. Kinel J., Krasucki A., Noskiewicz J. 1927. Owady krajowe. Przewodnik do okreslania rz^dów, rodzin i rodzajów. Zaki. Nar. im. Ossoliñskich, Lviv.

10. Kinel J., Kuntze R. 1931. Chrz^szcze i motyle krajowe. Przewodnik do okreslania rodzin i rodzajów. Komitet Wyd. Podrçczn. Akad., Warszawa.

11. Kozikowski A. 1922. Smoliki i korniki. Podrçcznik dla lesników. Lviv. 80 ss.

12. Kozikowski A. 1925. Niektóre zagadnienia z biologii chrab^szcza. Pol. Pismo Ent. 4: 3-14.

13. Kozikowski A. 1926. Chrab^szcz majowy w Polsce. Sylwan, Lviv, 44: 190-198, 233-247.

14. Kozikowski A., Kuntze R. 1925. Notatki ipidologiczne z Polski. Pol. Pismo Ent. 4: 18-23.

15. Kozikowski A., Nunberg M. 1925. Z biologii kornika Phloeosinus thujae Perris. Pol. Pismo Ent. 3: 134-137.

16. Krasucki A. 1916. Zestawienie wyników dotychczasowych badañ w grupie pluskwi-aków róznoskrzydiych (Hemiptera - Heteroptera) znalezionych do roku 1915 w Galicji. Rozpr. i Wiad. Muz. Dzieduszyckich, Lviv, 2: 183-212.

17. Krasucki A. 1922. Przyczynek do poznania fauny pluskwiaków (Hemiptera L.) krajowych. Rozpr. i Wiad. Muz. Dzieduszyckich, Lviv, 5-6: 26-46.

18. Kuntze R. 1925. O zjawisku periodycznej rójki chrab^szczy. Przyr. Techn. 4: 213-219.

19. Kuntze R. 1931. Studia porównawcze nad faun^ kserotermiczn^ na Podolu, w Bran-denburgii, Austrii i Szwajcarii. Arch. Tow. Nauk. we Lwowie, Dz. III, 5: 265-344.

Украшський державний лкотехшчний унiверситет

20. Kuntze R. 1936. Krytyczny przegl^d szkodnikôw z rzçdu chrz^szczy zarejestrowanych w Polsce w latach 1919-1933. Rocz. Ochr. Rosl. 3, 2: 1-116.

21. Kuntze R., Noskiewicz J. 1938. Zarys zoogeografii polskiego Podola. Prace nauk., Tow. Nauk. we Lwowie, Dz. II, 4: VII + 538 ss.

22. Lomnicki J. 1924. Spis ryjkowcôw rodzaju rozpucza (Liparus Olivier) Muzeum im. Dzieduszyckich. Rozpr. i Wiad. z Muz. im. Dzieduszyckich. Lviv, 9: 1-5.

23. Lomnicki J. 1925. Przegl^d polskich gatunkôw rodzaju mrôwka (Formica Linné). Pol. Pismo Entomol., Lviv 3, 4: 151-162.

24. Lomnicki J. 1928. Spis mrowek Lwowa i okolicy. Ksiçga pam. 50-lecia Gimnazjum IV im. Jana Dlugosza we Lwowie, 11 ss.

25. Lomnicki M. 1884. Catalogus coleopterorum Haliciae. Leopoli, 44 ss.

26. Lomnicki M. 1886. Chrz^szcze czyli tçgopokrywe (Coleoptera) w zbiorach Muzeum im. Dzieduszyckich we Lwowie. Wyd. Muz. im. Dzieduszyckich. Lviv, t. II, XXXI + 308 ss.

27. Lomnicki M. 1913. Wykaz chrz^szczôw czyli tçgopokrywych (Coleoptera) ziem polskich (Catalogus coleopterorum Poloniae). Kosmos, Lviv, 38: 21-155.

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28. Noskiewicz J. 1922 a. Pszczolowate (Apidae) okolic Lwowa. Spraw. Kom. Fizjogr., Krakow, 55-56: 157-179.

29. Noskiewicz J. 1922 b. Fauna owadôw okolic Lwowa, Chrysididae (Hym.). Pol. Pismo Ent. 1: 44-48.

30. Noskiewicz J. 1936. Die paläarktischen Colletes - Arten. Prace nauk., Tow. Nauk. we Lwowie, Dz. II, 3, 531 ss.

31. Noskiewicz J., Poluszynski G. 1925. Neue Arten der Strepsipterengattung Halictoxe-nos Pierce. Pol. Pismo Ent. 3: 182-188.

32. Noskiewicz J., Poluszynski G. 1926. O zarodkowym rozwoju u owadôw wachlar-zoskrzydlych (Strepsiptera) w rodzaju Stylops Kirby. Spraw. Tow. Nauk. we Lwowie, 6: 148-153.

33. Noskiewicz J., Poluszynski G. 1935. Embryologische Untersuchungen an Strepsipte-ren. II. Teil. Polyembryonie. Zool. Pol. 1: 53-94.

34. Nowicki M. Sila 1860. Enumeratio lepidopterorum Haliciae Orientalis. Leopol. XXX - 269 ss.

35. Nowicki M. Sila. 1864. Microlepidopterorum species novae. Cracoviae, 32 ss.

36. Nowicki M. Sila 1865. Motyle Galicyi. Lviv. LXX + 152 ss.

37. Nunberg M. 1937. O wplywie rôznych czynnikôw na wystçpowanie i populacjç strzygoni choinôwki (Panolis flammea Schiff.). Rozpr. i Spraw. Ins. Bad. Les. A, 22, Warszawa.

38. Popiawski Z. 1992. Dzieje Politechniki Lwowskiej 1844-1945. Zakl. Nar. im. Osso-linskich, Wroclaw, Warszawa, Krakôw. 363 ss.

39. Riedl T. 1992. Polska entomologia we Lwowie. Wiad. entomol., 11, 4: 235-252.

40. Romaniszyn J., Schille F. 1929-1930. Fauna motyli Polski (Fauna Lepidopterorum Poloniae). Prace Monogr. Kom. Fizjogr., Krakôw, 6; t. 1, 552 ss.; t. 2, 358 ss.

УДК [502/4:7](075.8) Д13 Г.В. Парчук, канд. бюл. наук - Державна служба

заnовiдноi справи Мтктерства природи Украти, м. Кшв


Ощнено стан та перспективи участ Украши у створенш Пан-€вропейсько'1 еко-мереж^ насамперед, через розширення перелшв водно-болотних угщь мiжнародного значення (Рамсарська конвенщя), кшькосп територш у складi Смарагдово! мережi Свропи (Бернська конвенщя) i Св^ово! мережi бюсферних резерватiв ЮНЕСКО. Особлива увага звертасться на формування транскордонних природоохоронних територiй.

Ключов1 слова: природно-заповщний фонд, екомережа, водно-болотнi упддя, бiосфернi резервати.


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