USING ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL MENTALITY OF EDUCATION ETHICAL-SPIRITUAL OF YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mirzaholov H.

In this article spirituality, ethics of morality, especially the education of spiritual-ethical education of youth and cohesion in education, and the practice of action is underdeveloped.

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UDK 37.02

Mirzaholov H. senior teacher

Namangan Engineering - Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan


Annotation: In this article spirituality, ethics of morality, especially the education of spiritual-ethical education of youth and cohesion in education, and the practice of action is underdeveloped.

Key words: ethics, spirituality, national mentality, education, youth, intelligence.

The need to achieve development in all spheres of the social life of our country is inherent in the mentality of the Uzbek people, but in a situation where Democratic civil society relations are formed, it is forbidden to abandon certain features that are hindering the achievement of social activity, or rather to form positive qualities. Relying on the positive aspects of our national mentality in all educational institutions due to this necessity, upbringing of young people from moral and moral character, increasing their social activity is put on the agenda as a topical social issue.

The need to strengthen the spiritual foundations of the independent development of our country dictates the preservation and enrichment of our national spirituality. In turn, it can not have a solid place in the world community unless any society has its own national spiritual image. For the further development of national spirituality, first of all, it is necessary to perfect persons with high spirituality.

The essence of spirituality in a person has always been the subject of a serious scientific-theoretical debate. Of course, "we can cite many definitions of the concept of spirituality, expressed in scientific, philosophical, literary or simple language.In general, it is natural for any enlightened person to give different definitions and descriptions based on his philosophical approach, his political views and beliefs, his mind, which embodies a very deep and comprehensive meaning-meaning". In fact, "spirituality is as versatile as a diamond stone, which is considered unique in nature.Watching from which side you hold the Diamond will surprise a person with its brilliance, from which side you approach spirituality as if it does not show endless beauty and luster". Spirituality is a concept inherent only to man among all beings. "Man is endowed with the ability to think, act with reason, which by Allah almighty sends him to eternal bliss. If he does not take advantage of this divine grace, he will walk lifelong without being different from the animal breed for a lifetime".

Morality, which is part of our national heritage, is an important tool for the upbringing of a harmonious generation at the present stage of our country, which has started to build a legal, democratic, civil society. From this tool it is desirable to educate spiritually rich, jismonan energetic, harmonious, hardworking, high-minded, morally pure people in the current period. Since the moral education that comes to the goal is of social importance, it plays an important role in bringing it from kindergarten to school, college, academic lyceums and higher educational institutions. The purpose of moral education carried out in higher educational institutions is an expression from the armament of young people with a high spirit of spirituality. Our young people, brought up in the spirit of high spirituality, respect the laws of our country, law and order, our policy. They are capable of active work in all spheres of economic and socio-cultural construction, actively participate in social activities.The activity of our youth on the basis of elements of our national mentality is based on the upbringing of him spiritually and morally.

Acquaintance with the content of philosophical, historical, psychological, sociological and pedagogical studies, based on the generalization of the ideas put forward in them, is especially effective in the upbringing of qualities characteristic of national mentality in young people:

1.Increase their activity on the basis of social influence (family, neighborhood, educational institutions, public places, etc.);

2.Enrich their outlook on the basis of the organization of active activities by them;

3. Responsibly approach to his work, profession, etc.

Also, a number of factors have a serious impact on the process of formation of national mental properties in young people.To them it is possible to give an example::

- national traditions, traditions;

- national holidays, ceremonies;

- oral creativity of the people, national spiritual heritage;

- national lifestyle, national culture;

- masterpieces of art and literature.

The education of young people in terms of moral and moral values and the approach taking into account the peculiarities of the National Mental system is carried out directly through the system of continuous education.In particular, attention should be paid to the following aspects of the use of national mental capacity in youth activism:

In the formation of young people, the idea based on their outlook and our national mentality is to look new in social reality, to find new healthy thinking;

To highlight the necessary aspects of the use of universal and national factors in the formation of the youth of the period of independence;

Creation of pedagogical and psychological bases of use of opportunities of national mentality in ensuring its active participation in socio-spiritual renewal processes;

At the present stage of development, feelings of patriotism, love and loyalty to the native land are becoming increasingly based on such concepts as national spirituality, national consciousness, national spirituality, national spirituality, among all members of our society, and all these are the main qualities that form the highest spiritual and moral qualities. Most importantly, such sacred concepts are absorbed into the minds of people together with the changes and updates carried out in different spheres in our republic. In particular, it should be noted that spiritual and ideological work is carried out on the basis of a single system, with a clear goal.Bunda has a great place in harmony and consistency in family, neighborhood and educational institutions. "We can say without exaggeration that Sira is in the field of spiritual wellness of

the people.....in the big work, our intellectuals should take the main decisive

role. The mind of the people who question the intelligentsia-it resonates always in the minds and hearts".

It is also possible to take advantage of the following opportunities of our national mentality in the education of young people in educational institutions:

l.The principle of the priority of universal values in the integration of the ideas of national independence into the minds of young people in the implementation of educational processes, the effective use of the peculiarities of the mentality inherent in the Uzbek nation;

2.Integration of national, eastern traditions of morality and spiritual education into the consciousness of youth;

3.The use of a system of creating problematic situations in the upbringing of young people. Independent mastering of educational materials, self-awareness, education of feelings of self-sacrifice and patriotism, helps to increase efficiency;

4.The effectiveness of the organization of young people in a systematic and holistic direction increases if a continuous monitoring of the use and effectiveness of non-traditional forms, methods and means is established in the course of lessons and extracurricular activities.This means that the above factors in educating young people in educational institutions can be used appropriately and purposefully, in order to help them acquire national mental characteristics.


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