Primkul Melikuziyevich Kulmatov Muxiddin Abdurashidovich Tajibayev
Teachers department of "Social Sciences" of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
There are a number of tools that shape, strengthen, and harmonize environmental, ethical, and aesthetic education. They decide on the basis of a creative approach, which is inextricably linked with the moral and aesthetic educational foundations of nature. The level of moral or aesthetic attitude to nature is also reflected in human behavior and attitudes. Morality is the greatest wealth in the treasury of the human heart.
Keywords: Ecological education, moral education, aesthetic education, spiritual heritage, perfect man, kindness, perfection, education.
While some of the environmental, moral, and aesthetic means of education are traditional means of education, others are modern means.
Today, the need to strengthen the national moral and aesthetic education of young people plays an important role in strengthening the process of informatization in society. Accordingly, the formation of national ecological culture among young people is a range of current theoretical, methodological, practical tasks of moral and aesthetic education, the scientific study of the role of spiritual heritage, the problems of creative development of inheritance relations.
Based on the paradoxical principle that "the farther we go from history, the closer we get to it, the more we know and need to use it," we realize that the legacy of our oldest historical moral and aesthetic values is vital to us today. In this regard, solving the problems and future tasks of studying the dialectical relationship of the history of national ecological culture with moral and aesthetic education in accordance with the requirements of the current ecological situation, organizing our practical activities accordingly, is an important condition for not repeating mistakes.
The formation of an individual's ecological culture is a process directly related to educational issues. It is known that the main task of education is to perfect the human being. After all, the human problem lies in all forms of education, such as moral, aesthetic, enlightenment, legal, economic, political. Each of them has its own impact on human education, depending on the subject of their research. And the ecological culture of man is connected with his moral and aesthetic upbringing.
ISSN: 2181-1601
Moral education is a continuous process that ensures the development of a person as a person, which serves to enrich a person's qualities and rid him of vices. It is well known that qualities are the spiritual wealth not only of a person but also of a society. The increase in the number of virtuous people in society affects the development of ecological culture, accelerates the development of knowledge in the field of ecology.
Moral and ethical norms are formed on the basis of social relations, education. For this reason, the influence of sociality and upbringing on nature is strong. Education, the formation and development of social relations, increasingly diverts human behavior, the relationship between them from the boundaries of natural needs and opportunities that are not connected with spirituality.
Therefore, moral education mainly defines the following tasks:
- Ensuring that people are committed to high moral ideals and understand that the preservation of honor and dignity are the highest moral qualities;
- cultivate people who are morally pure, spiritually rich, conscientious, independent-minded;
- to have a high moral culture, to strengthen ecological consciousness and feelings of expression of ecological culture.
Human maturity is multifaceted. His greatness, his wisdom, is first and foremost determined by the degree of spiritual maturity. Only a person with a mature spirituality tries to solve the problems of society and nature with his mind and intellect, and approaches nature rationally. Because man matures under the influence of the people around him. After all, man is a part of nature and cannot stay away from the problems in it.
The ecological and moral norms inherent in human beings, its criteria, change under the influence of changing, intensifying and vital needs of nature. Education, the formation and development of social relations, are increasingly moving away from the limits of natural needs and possibilities, if they do not connect human behavior and the relationship between them with morality and sophistication.
Abdullah Avloni describes morality as follows: "Morality is a set of morals. Behavior, on the other hand, is a form of goodness or displeasure manifested in a certain person. Consequently, every behavior is a symbol of goodness and piety of a noble gentleman or a villain. In this respect they are divided into good and evil. But they do not appear spontaneously in a person. For their formation requires certain conditions, upbringing. People are not born worse than they are born. Certain conditions make them bad. So, everything depends on upbringing. Education is a matter of life, death, salvation, destruction, happiness or disaster. "
Understanding the ecological culture of the younger generation on the basis of new ideas, based on moral and aesthetic education, a simple desire is not enough to be based on it, but also requires a certain spiritual level. The formation of this level is aimed at mobilizing people to fight for the future, to be active, not by adapting people to the existing conditions and situations. The goal of any upbringing is broader in scope, more important in importance.
The formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation is associated with its moral and aesthetic upbringing. Indeed, moral and aesthetic education is one of the continuous processes that ensure the development of a person as a person. Beautiful qualities are human, not just his property. A good quality is the wealth of a society, which has a general human meaning. People with positive qualities contribute to the beauty of nature, accelerate the development of environmental knowledge. The human child does not just come into this light world. According to the philosopher Erkin Yusupov: "It is easy to fall in morality, but it is difficult to rise, it is easier to prevent than to fight a moral crisis. Anyone who realizes that it is difficult to get back on their feet will try not to fall.
"Man does not simply come into this world of light. In the words of Hazrat Navoi, man comes to the world to reach perfection. So the path to perfection means going directly to spirituality. At this point, we consider it appropriate to dwell on the concept of "perfection".
It is known that the concept of "perfection" has different interpretations. In religious teachings, truth is meant as a symbol of perfection. Man's perfection is his striving for the Truth. Hujjat al-Islam Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali writes in his book Kimyai Saadat: "Man is a creature between an angel and an animal. The animal does not develop because it does not have the power to mature. The angel does not develop either, because he is a pure divine light, because only human beings have the character of development, spiritual maturity. This means that it is possible to educate a person, eliminate material and animal desires, and increase the divine-compassionate qualities. The perfect man is the truth of all human beings, that is, human beings are human beings. As Najmiddin Kamilov said, "A perfect man is an ideal, possessing all worldly and divine knowledge.
Aziz al-Din al-Nasafi describes a perfect man as follows: , good character, good morals and education. "
Aziziddin Nasafi took two things as a sign of perfection. One is morality, the other is self-knowledge. He divided people into three categories based on the presence or absence of these two bases.
The first part is people - people who are not at least adorned with moral qualities and who do not know themselves. The second are people who are at least adorned with moral qualities, but who do not know themselves. The third category of people are people who are at least adorned with moral qualities and know themselves.
Thus, a specific rule of morality of the perfect man has been developed, and the possession of these qualities can be seen as the moral attitude of every human being towards nature. It should also be noted that the notions of good morals, the perfect man in the Middle Ages are of a relative nature. But no matter how the issue is raised, ideas about a person with ecological, ethical-aesthetic knowledge will have great socio-ethical significance.
When left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path. As Hazrat Mirza Abdulkadir Bedil said, "If an architect does not burn the first brick correctly, the wall will remain crooked even if it hits the stars." It is obvious that the solution of all problems that arise in nature is based on the selfless, honest work, cooperation, faith of spiritually mature people.
There are a number of tools that shape, strengthen, and harmonize environmental, ethical, and aesthetic education. They decide on the basis of a creative approach, which is inextricably linked with the moral and aesthetic educational foundations of nature. While some of the environmental, moral, and aesthetic means of education are traditional means of education, others are modern means. Usually both types of tools are used. For example, in pre-school environmental moral education, traditional environmental education through toys and games is successfully applied with traditional education through fairy tales and legends; in this way the child is encouraged to take a good look at the environment, not to pollute the water, not to tear the grass, not to break the branches of the trees with the help of games. Television, radio, computers, the Internet, puppetry, and cinema play an important role in the ecological, moral, and aesthetic education of children.
At the heart of educational work lies the goals associated with certain interests at all times. Enlightenment is a system of activities related to the study and promotion of the essence and significance of spirituality, the implementation of educational work. In any case, the spiritual maturity of society, the formation of people's ecological culture is achieved through enlightenment activities associated with certain goals.
As the undiscovered aspects of nature are discovered, it brings new aspects of spiritual, moral and aesthetic consciousness and education. Lack of awareness of the need to improve ethics is a sign of the decline of environmental knowledge.
Another important vital factor that directly affects the formation of ecological culture is closely related to the education system. The first President IA Karimov also said in his works about education: "Of course, education is a product of consciousness, but at the same time it is the most important factor that determines the level of
consciousness and its development, that is, the formation and enrichment of people's spirituality. Therefore, it is impossible to develop spirituality without changing the education system and the basic consciousness. "
Today, 60% of the population of Uzbekistan is young. Therefore, in order to educate the next generation in ecological, moral and aesthetic terms and to further develop the rational attitude of young people to nature, we must focus on 60% of the total activities carried out in our country to young people. Our great president said, "In order to achieve a great state, a great future, we must bring up intelligent, enlightened people who are proud of their past, great values, nation and believe in the future." should be based on the firm and unique words.
We have to cultivate in the spirit of ecological culture of our youth, those who will always maintain their place in the world - those who deeply understand these sacred feelings, in short, their personal interests, the interests of the people and the country. If today we are determined to raise our youth as worthy individuals in the way of conservation of Mother Nature, our great independence, our place in the world system of global ecological and political relations will always be in our hands. It would not be wrong to say that this is our highest goal.
People who do not have good moral qualities are not encouraged to study environmental knowledge, to have a rational attitude towards nature, or to pursue a profession that benefits people. Therefore, at all stages of the development of ecological culture, first of all, one of the main tasks of the state is to educate and educate the younger generation morally and aesthetically.
The first President IA Karimov also said: "Education is inseparable from upbringing, and upbringing is inseparable from education - this is an Eastern view, an Eastern philosophy of life."
In short, "science is both directly and indirectly related to morality, and it is this connection that serves the humanization of the natural and technical sciences" 9. Therefore, spirituality, formed on the basis of knowledge, science, talent, experience, gives a unique direction to the moral attitude and activity to nature.
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