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Ключевые слова
Ecology / environmental problems / primary school / ethnopedagogy / ethnography / Central Asian thinkers / green space.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Rustam Sayfiddinovich Xurramov, Javohir Gaybullo Ogli Zokirov, Muhammadsiddiq Sayfiddinovich Xurramov

This article uses the heritage of Central Asian thinkers in shaping the ethnopedagogical and ethnographic views of primary school students. The ecological views of the thinkers reflected the issue of rational use of land, water, air and other natural resources, and they gave students an idea of their understanding of ecology.

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Rustam Sayfiddinovich Javohir G'aybullo o'g'li Muhammadsiddiq

Xurramov Zokirov Sayfiddinovich Xurramov

Termez State University


This article uses the heritage of Central Asian thinkers in shaping the ethnopedagogical and ethnographic views of primary school students. The ecological views of the thinkers reflected the issue of rational use of land, water, air and other natural resources, and they gave students an idea of their understanding of ecology.

Keywords: Ecology, environmental problems, primary school, ethnopedagogy, ethnography, Central Asian thinkers, green space.

Elementary students should have the knowledge, skills, and competencies related to science. These skills are closely linked to environmental thinking. Elementary students are required to have a knowledge of nature and a scientific source on the relationship between human activity and nature. In all grades of primary education, patriotism and patriotism are instilled in students with a sense of patriotism. The natural connection between plants and animals is revealed, just as air, water and sun are necessary for human life.

Changes in the state of the natural environment under the influence of man during the organization of science lessons in primary school, the emergence of environmental problems due to strong anthropogenic impact of man on living and inanimate components, the ecological crisis in the coastal region It is necessary to explain to students that the pollution of the atmosphere from industrial products has caused environmental problems, a sharp increase in the number of ecologically critical areas on Earth, the real threat of a global environmental crisis.

Students need to understand that conservation is the wise use of natural resources and the preservation of the environment, taking into account the needs of present and future generations. In this regard, students will be introduced to ecology and environmental concepts.

In particular, ecology is an independent science that studies life processes in its own way. Areas of ecology that are directly related to social life are also developing. At the same time, aspects of environmental issues are studied in various disciplines. "Ecology" is the study of the laws of life of organisms (in all their forms, at all levels),

taking into account the influence of the human factor in the natural environment in which they live.

Therefore, the balance of the laws of nature should not be disturbed. So, young people, the next generation, need to be instilled with a sense of compassion for nature from childhood.

Environmental education - the main purpose of education is to form a conscious attitude to the environment in the younger generation. Ecological concepts teach students to care for nature, to love it, to treat it wisely, to keep their school, family, neighborhood, village and city clean, to plant greenery, to create orchards. to contribute, to care for the animal world, to teach - to respect the environment, the whole plant world, in the example of achieving the purity of the land, water, air. This, in turn, requires not only the education and upbringing of children, but also the formation of their ecological culture. Ecological understanding of the young generation, in general, the rational use of natural resources by man, as well as the improvement of the situation, environmental security, the study and implementation of national and universal practices on the harmonious relationship between man and nature, to beautify, to flourish. The prelude to this activity begins in childhood.

Using the heritage of Central Asian thinkers in accordance with the content of the subject taught in elementary school science classes provides students with a systematic and complete structure of environmental concepts. In general, the process of environmental education in secondary schools should be carried out in two directions, based on the essence of the topics related to the ecological content of all subjects taught in schools:

According to the description of environmental problems, it is possible to express the stages of logical stratification in accordance with the structure of the teaching of ecology in the primary school science classes. The above shows that environmental problems are the product of human socio-historical development and a pedagogically based approximate structure, content and sequence of stages of environmental education related to the formation and development of students' environmental thinking (environmental education).

The problem of pedagogical conditions for acquainting primary school students with the ecological heritage of Central Asian thinkers is partially reflected in the scientific and pedagogical literature, in general, because the formation of ecological thinking in primary school students in the current social situation is important.

An examination of the available research shows that Central Asian thinkers have played an important role in inculcating ecological ideas in young people. Even in the Middle Ages, the relationship between nature and man was constantly on the agenda. The ecological views of thinkers reflect the rational use of land, water, air and other

natural resources, which have pedagogical potential as one of the key indicators in the formation of ecological concepts in students.

In the process of studying the theoretical views of Central Asian thinkers on ecology, primary school students develop an understanding of the need to preserve nature and pass on natural resources to future generations. The effective use of modern educational technologies in introducing primary school students to the ecological heritage of Central Asian thinkers can guarantee the expected results.

By inculcating the ideas of Central Asian thinkers on ecology in primary school students, the formation of a national outlook is also achieved. In the course of the research, special attention was paid to the formation of a set of ecological views of Central Asian thinkers that can be effectively adopted by primary school students. Among the peoples of Central Asia, the ecological upbringing of the Uzbek people, passed down from generation to generation, is commendable. During this time, our ancestors taught their children from the moment of birth in the family the qualities of thrift, non-waste, and the use of water and soil, which are elements of nature, only in productive work. In order to improve the content of environmental education, increase its quality and effectiveness, it is important to incorporate into this process the ideas of national values, including the environmental heritage of Central Asian thinkers.

Thus, acquaintance with the content of the ecological heritage of Central Asian thinkers showed that they could be used in elementary school science lessons. The effective use of available resources depends on the level of awareness of primary school teachers and their ability to apply them in the classroom. The next section deals with the current state of the use of the ecological heritage of Central Asian thinkers in science lessons by primary school teachers.

In our country, special attention is paid to the development of national values, national spirituality based on a rich cultural heritage, in which the upbringing of the younger generation is one of the urgent tasks of today. Among these tasks, equipping students with knowledge that will enable them to cope with one of the most important challenges of the globalization era - environmental threats - is of particular importance. There are two important ways in which Central Asian thinkers use environmental ideas to impart environmental knowledge to students:

- get acquainted with examples of national values that express environmental ideas;

- They acquire knowledge and skills to take responsibility for improving the environment, conservation.

Since the second half of the last century, the consequences of human impact on nature have become a matter of concern to the general public, and it has been decided to take large-scale measures to eliminate such negative conditions and prevent them. It focuses on the development of endangered plant and animal species and measures to

protect them. The creation of "Red Books" in different regions of the world is one of these measures. Unauthorized use of rare plants and animals named in such books is prohibited by law. Reserves have been established and special "green areas" have been established to preserve and reproduce endangered and endangered plants and animals.

Such actions are part of the efforts to preserve nature, to preserve the ecosystem, a large part of which is to draw the attention of all mankind to this problem, to encourage them to protect nature together, in harmony with each other. The explanation gives the expected results.

Environmental education of primary school students is a problem of national importance, the solution of which depends on a scientific and pedagogical approach to the problem and the identification of effective ways. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to ensuring the systematic and continuous provision of environmental education to students in secondary schools.

The research initially focused on assessing the level of theoretical development of the selected problem. The results of the study show that since the 70s of the last century, the state of the environment and nature in the world, the negative impact of socioeconomic development on the ecosystem, their prevention and mitigation of environmental risks. began to be put on the agenda as one of the most pressing issues. Therefore, to date, dozens of studies have been conducted in the field of natural sciences to ensure environmental sustainability, conservation of nature, and environmental cleanliness, and they have achieved positive results.

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, one of the leading thinkers of the Eastern Renaissance, wrote works on mathematics, geography, and history, and supervised the measurement of the one-degree length of the Earth's meridian arc. The thinker has created more than 20 scientific works, most of which cover the ecological state of the environment and human attitudes towards it. In particular, the thinker's "Indian account", "Earth map", "History book", "Astronomical tables", "On the sundial", "Book on the construction of the pillar", "Booklet on the eras and holidays of the Jews" and others. ecological ideas are reflected in the works.

Created by Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in 847, Kitab surat il-ard (The Picture of the Earth) describes the land and water areas of the globe, continents, oceans, forests, flora and fauna, as well as Detailed information on natural resources, countries and peoples is provided. The play contains a number of comments, maps and a picture of the Aral Sea. The play also features 637 landmarks and the geographical details of 209 mountains. According to the scientist, the river water can dry up, become polluted and cause various activities per capita.

It is suitable to inform primary school students about Muhammad al-Khwarizmi's problems of land registration, ways to solve them and his views on land use. It should

also be noted that in science classes, the works of scientists mention the names of 2402 geographical objects, including cities, mountains, seas, islands and rivers[10].

The rich cultural heritage of the great scholar Imam Ismail al-Bukhari, who has a special place in Islamic culture, still has practical significance today. The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan IA Karamov said: "Imam al-Bukhari is the pride not only of the Uzbek people, but also of the entire Muslim world. The life of this saint is a symbol of true scientific and human courage, indomitable will and inexhaustible faith"

Imam Ismail al-Bukhari's book Al-Jame 'as-Sahih plays an important role in the spiritual and moral education of primary school students. The work fully covers the positive qualities of a person - honesty, purity, honesty, the formation of them in a person, the ideas put forward in it lead a person to goodness, good deeds, a good name. encourages you to leave. In addition to the issues of moral education, the content of the work includes views on the environmental conditions that play a leading role in human daily life, that is, the content and conditions of his relationship with nature as a consumer[9].

The scholar's work "Al-adab al-mufrat" ("Masterpieces of Literature") also analyzes in detail the issues of human ecology [6-12]. For example, in the play, "Child, if one mountain oppresses another, this oppressive mountain will be crushed." That is, oppression is so bad that it cannot be forgiven [13-19]. This is not only for humans and animals, but even if a mountain-like community (inanimate object) attacks each other, it will certainly be avenged "[1]; It is said, "If a Muslim plants a tree or a crop and eats a human, bird or animal from its fruit, he will be rewarded for it." [1]

The great scholar Imam Isa al-Termizi [6] also addressed the issue of environmental education. His Sunnah (Collection of Hadiths), The Book of Defects, The Book of History, The Book of the Prophet's Morals, The Book of Names and Nicknames, The Book of Asceticism His works are very popular [20-26].

In his works, Imam Isa al-Termizi wrote about the protection of nature, living things,

It is important to take care of plants and trees, to preserve the natural beauty of the environment. Such views are clearly reflected in the following hadiths in the Sunnah of the scholar [27-31]. That is, "Putting away a stone, a thorn, or a bone that is obstructing the earth is charity." "Giving water from your bucket to other people's vessels is also charity"; "Whoever plants a tree or sows a crop, and enjoys its fruits, people, birds and animals, it is charity for that person"; "It is a charity for you to smile at your brother"; "Your kindness to people is your charity": "It is your charity to encourage people to do good deeds and turn them away from oppression." [6] It is understood that these hadiths express the eastern aspects of human ecology.

The famous scholar Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Farghani's book on the causes of celestial bodies, the book on the methods of astronomy, the book on the construction of

the Usturlab, the Al-Farghani tables, the calculation of the seven climates, The ecological views expressed in such works as "Falakiyot" and "The Book on the Making of the Sundial" have not lost their important scientific significance for centuries.


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