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Primary education / didactic games / didactic game technologies / didactic game lessons / pedagogical task / innovative educational technologies / multimedia.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rustam Sayfiddinovich Xurramov, Javohir Gaybullo Ogli Zokirov, Matluba Karim Qizi Temirova

This article discusses students' interest in nature, especially its aesthetics. This problem is not in demand in the schools of the country, but a number of normative documents emphasize the need to create new approaches, optimal forms, methods, tools, techniques for students to form an interest in nature, especially its conservation.

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Rustam Sayfiddinovich Javohir G'aybullo o'g'li Matluba Karim qizi Xurramov Zokirov Temirova

Termez State University


This article discusses students' interest in nature, especially its aesthetics. This problem is not in demand in the schools of the country, but a number of normative documents emphasize the need to create new approaches, optimal forms, methods, tools, techniques for students to form an interest in nature, especially its conservation.

Keywords: Primary education, didactic games, didactic game technologies, didactic game lessons, pedagogical task, innovative educational technologies, multimedia.

Although various aspects of the aesthetic education of primary school students have been studied to some extent, the problem of developing students' interest in the aesthetics of nature in the classroom has not been studied in detail. Everything that belongs to the nature of the motherland, not only national, but also universal, of course, has a high priority in the harmonious, aesthetic view of nature. Therefore, it is important to instill in the younger generation a high sense of responsibility for the conservation and reproduction of natural resources.

In a certain system of aesthetic education process associated with nature, students not only develop an interest in the beauty of the environment, but also the ability to feel, see, appreciate this beauty, as well as reflect it in any type of creation the aesthetics of nature, which has set itself the task of making, is a powerful environmental education factor[1].

Aesthetic education of young people through the beauty of nature, the sharpness of perception, the perception of the beauty of nature through its diversity is closely linked with the spiritual and environmental education, in which the aesthetic education of students in the spiritual and ecological direction It would be appropriate to talk about Aesthetic harmony and harmony in nature, pride in the beauty of the motherland, the principles of use of natural resources, the need for and conservation of natural beauty, the need to cultivate a humane attitude to it.

An important pedagogical factor in the young generation is the formation of a spiritual attitude to nature, the environment, its beauty, diversity, based on the advanced moral principles and legal norms of society.

However, this problem is not reflected in the scientific, pedagogical, methodological literature and research. This negatively affects students' ability to see nature aesthetically, to have a spiritual attitude towards it, and to shape their environmental culture. At the same time, the current state of nature and the environment has created problems for the preservation of the endangered beauty of flora and fauna.

Indeed, nature is an aesthetic value that is especially important in times of ecological crisis. Developing an aesthetic attitude towards nature in the minds of young people strengthens a conscious and creative attitude towards it.

Nature, which is recognized as an aesthetic phenomenon, first of all embodies the factor of formation and development of aesthetic feeling. Although the level of opportunity depends on the intellect, in the context of the "man-nature" relationship, an aesthetic feeling rich in positive emotions about spiritual culture emerges. In this case, nature is understood in an aesthetic sense. In its perception, one can distinguish a number of levels and layers that make nature an aesthetic value.

When we understand the beauty of nature from an aesthetic point of view, we discover its inner riches and laws scientifically, we discover new mastered nature through our knowledge and experience of its beauty.

"Nature has a direct interest in the beauty of nature, which embodies spiritual values." It also has social value. Before studying an event or process, it is important to know the terms that make it up. For this reason, concepts such as "nature", "objective beauty in nature", and "laws of beauty" should be considered.

"Nature" - the whole earth has existed since ancient times. Nature is matter that moves in space and time. Nature is a whole universe of macro and micro worlds. And the flower of nature is man. Nature, with its beauty, laws, and appearances, is an ever-evolving matter, it is multifaceted, and its beauty is a special objective quality inherent in its composition[2].

In particular, our ancestors in the past created the doctrine of the beauty of nature as the basis for the aesthetic study of nature. They insisted on the infinity of the beauty of nature, the harmony of colors, the set of colors, the colors, the structure, the harmony, the rhythm, the balance, the proportion, the purpose[3].

It invites beauty to be sought, seen, and understood with love, and the methodological foundations of understanding the real world shape its cognitive character, from living observation to abstract thinking and from practice to practice. This fills the aesthetic cognitive activity in nature with new content, introduces it into an emotional-practical, active creative approach.

However, the main feature of beauty in nature is the high level of beauty, which is embodied in the norms of this form and we perceive it in relation to the content. At this point, I.F. It would be appropriate to quote Smolyaninov as follows. He said so; "Beauty is a necessity of nature, the aesthetic resource and richness of the real world."

The content and essence of aesthetics in nature are:

- the laws of development, characterized by elegant and perfect movements, from the movement of matter;

- the harmony and richness of shapes, colors, lines and the diversity, the perfection of compositional structures, the unity of content and form.

In the aesthetics of nature, first of all, there is the category of beauty, which reflects the perfection of form and its aesthetic properties. This happens when a natural phenomenon reaches maturity, when its qualities and properties (according to the laws of nature) are revealed.

The beauty of nature is the highest beauty that can be achieved in the perfect unity of form and content, namely:

- The rainbow after the rain is always a source of joy, excitement, the beauty of nature, the generalized law of nature;

- Infinite events that occur when the sun rises around its axis;

- Aesthetics of the beauty of nature, the rising of the sun, the celebration of the new day, bright, joyful, always exciting;

"The setting of the sun is a symbol of another great, mysterious day."

Aesthetics of nature in the broadest sense. No one can spoil this aesthetic world. From its aesthetics one can find joy, excitement, delight, prosperity. It is impossible not to be excited about the beauty of the mountains, which are majestic, powerful, evocative of the stability of nature, a symbol of eternal power.

The concept of "beauty" in nature includes events such as destruction, tragedy, supernaturalism, and nonsense. Destruction is the sudden destruction of the beauty of nature.

Tragedy is the transformation of beauty into perfection. Natural disasters (storms, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods) are also catastrophic. But even from these phenomena of nature there is an aesthetic content, a great and magnificent elemental power, a stable dialectic of activity, movement, and change.

The aesthetic value of nature is undoubtedly invaluable, from microorganisms to vast landscapes. It is important to remember that every creation of nature is a "work" that cannot be repeated, and if it disappears, it cannot be replenished. When we break the natural state of nature's creation, its symmetry, we deprive ourselves of beauty, we endanger our own lives.

The most beautiful creature in nature is man. His body structure is the highest stage of the development of matter. Unfortunately, man has never been the subject of research as an aesthetic phenomenon of nature. The physical beauty of a person is very diverse and rich (for example, racial, national, ethnic types, individual characteristics of appearance). But this beauty is a manifestation of life, and without the actions of life, spiritually and spiritually; The optimization of this process requires consideration and

strengthening of the foundations, essence, mechanism and model of the formation of interest in the aesthetics of nature, its ecology and its relation to the spiritual and moral attitude of man.

The individual should also take into account his or her research interests, in particular the individual personal factor. As the great Navoi said; "Although human beings are equal in nature, they are endowed with different qualities."

It is important to study the initial level of students' interest in the aesthetics of nature, as well as the final results that are expected to be achieved during the research. In the process of solving the problem in practice, it is necessary to monitor the growth of this interest. Developing students' interest in the aesthetics of nature is not a strategic goal. The main thing is to create an active position in relation to nature, a motivated conscious awakening to the world, emotional attachment to the object of "own" interest, maximum interest in it, new knowledge and impressions in the field of environment, interaction with nature, environmental factors, first in turn, arousing a desire and aspiration to be enriched with aesthetic knowledge and impressions[4].

The main thing is to form a stable emotional interest in nature as a whole, depending on the ecological conditions of nature, its individual species, events, objects.

In the next system: a positive attitude needs a sustained interest to deepen and strengthen interest. Forming a need for independent emotional cognitive activity, mastering different ways of mastering the material.

The aesthetics of nature, the creative experience associated with it, and the students' options for a variety of themes, shapes, and types that are familiar with observing the moral culture of those around them. It is important that students incorporate the knowledge, skills, and competencies they have acquired in natural aesthetics and environmental education into their lives and use them in a variety of alternative situations[5].

It is important to teach students to improve their knowledge of natural aesthetics and environmental education, and certain skills and competencies independently. Optimal content, form, style, method, means, conditions, and techniques are needed to support this process [8-14]. Of course, such attention:

The psychological factor should be focused on the characteristics of adolescence, the emotional load of cognitive material, emotional perception of nature, the emotional environment of training, an important factor in the acquisition of knowledge - feelings. Here it would be appropriate to quote the famous pedagogical scholar of the East, Farobi: "Emotion is a tool that helps the human soul to acquire knowledge" (from the introduction to the treatise on logic).

To present the nature and aesthetics of our country to students as a national and universal value in need of environmental protection [15-19]. It is important that nature is perceived by students as a spiritual aesthetic value, an emotional creative individual,

and that man is perceived as the highest aesthetic phenomenon in nature[7]. It is worth remembering Navoi's view of man that "man is the highest and most precious gift of the Creator, the most perfect creation of nature."

In this process, students need to be guided to think, draw conclusions, and judge that the beauty of nature depends not only on environmental phenomena, but also on man himself. In this case, the object's "Man! You were born a horn of nature, but you celebrated every step with your savagery. The globe groans. Man is beauty, the giant of goodness is the number one enemy. "

The interest of primary school students in nature is an important factor in their knowledge of nature, its individual phenomena, types, objects, in particular, the formation of their aesthetic interests [20-24]. The formation of students' interest in the aesthetics of nature, its ecological dependence and human-moral attitude to it is an important socio-pedagogical problem related to the spiritual-aesthetic and spiritualmoral requirements of society.

This interest plays an important role in the interests of primary school students, because it has a socio-educational orientation, is divided into important qualities and attributes of the person necessary for active life, spiritual - aesthetic. the front develops, the aesthetic values of nature, the conscious need to get acquainted with nature in general, the ecological problem, which is an important condition for the prosperity of nature, the need for a spiritual and moral attitude to nature[6].

However, students' interest in nature, especially its aesthetics, has not been studied. No research has been done on the formation of interest in the aesthetics of nature in relation to its ecology and its spiritual and moral attitude [25-28]. This problem is not in demand in the schools of the country, but in a number of normative documents emphasizes the need to create new approaches, optimal forms, methods, tools, methods for the formation of students' interest in nature, especially its conservation, ecology. 'it is being given [29-31].

Schools have all the opportunities and the necessary conditions can be created to solve this problem. This requires a system-oriented, science-based process with a content, form, methods, appropriate methodology, psychological and pedagogical theory, and school practice.


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