Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 10
educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
d 10.24412/2181 -1784-2021 -10-763-769
Eshboeva Surayyo Kahramon kizi
Teacher of Termez State University , Uzbekistan
The purpose of this article is to teach primary school students ecological concepts on the basis of creativity, environmental protection, environmental culture, environmental education, to improve the creative approach to environmental education in primary school, to determine universal moral and environmental values in environmental responsibility, the moral essence and modern content of ecology, innovative thinking and application of new approaches to the educational process, special attention is paid to ensuring the effectiveness of environmental education.
Keywords: ecology, creativity, ethical activity, environment, conservation, ecological knowledge, examples of folklore, creative approach, ecological education, primary school students, proverbs, quick sayings
Мазкур мацолада бошлангич синф уцувчиларига экологик тушунчаларни креативлик асосида уцитиш мацсади, атроф мууит мууофазаси, экологик маданият, экологик таълим-тарбия, унда бошлангич синфларда уцувчиларга экологик билимлар беришда креатив ёндашувни такомиллаштириш, атроф-мууитга масъуллик муносабатини тарбиялашда умуминсоний ахлоций-экологик цадриятларни царор топтириш, экологиянинг ахлоций моуияти ва замонавий мазмуни, инновацион тафаккур юритиш ва янгича ёндашувларни таълим жараёнига татбиц этиш, экологик таълим самарадорлигини таъминлашга алоуида эътибор царатилганлиги баён этилган.
Калит сузлар: экология, креативлик, ахлоций фаолият, атроф - мууит, мууофаза, экологик билим, халц огзаки ижоди намуналари, креатив ёндашув, экологик таълим, бошлангич синф уцувчилари, мацол, тез айтиш.
Целью данной статьи является обучение школьников начальных классов экологическим концепциям на основе творчества, защиты окружающей среды, экологической культуры, экологического просвещения, совершенствование
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творческого подхода к экологическому просвещению в начальной школе, определение общечеловеческих нравственных и экологических ценностей. В экологической ответственности, нравственной сущности и современном содержании экологии, новаторском мышлении и применении новых подходов в образовательном процессе особое внимание уделяется обеспечению эффективности экологического образования.
Ключевые слова: экология, творчество, нравственная деятельность, окружающая среда, сохранение, экологические знания, образцы фольклора, творческий подход, экологическое воспитание, младшие школьники, пословицы, быстрые изречения.
"Man interacts with nature on the basis of certain laws. Violation of these laws leads to irreparable environmental disasters ... "The first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The main and main task of modern primary education is to focus on the acquisition, creation and inspiration of new knowledge by improving the intellectual level, creativity, ingenuity of the student.
The purpose of teaching creative concepts to primary school students on the basis of creativity is to form concepts of environmental education in the teaching process. Achieving this goal is a complex and multifaceted process that will be addressed through the abandonment of consumer relations with nature, and the inculcation in the younger generation of responsibility for the natural and artificially created environment around them.
Creative - has a research character and rapidly develops goal-oriented creative thinking in students.
"Creato" is a Latin word meaning creativity, creativity. "Creato" - the meaning of the word, creative thinking, technical design, creativity, responsibility in the learning process, creativity. Learning to create creative pedagogical-creative and creative methods[1].
A creative approach to the formation of ecological concepts in primary school students emerges and develops in his creative activity. Creativity is seen in a students creative aspirations, creative ability, creative purpose, direction, and self-control in their creative activities. It means that he is becoming a mature, growing person with self-activity, self-control.
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Creativity is often seen as an important indicator of ability as a creative thinking ability. At present, there are no generally accepted guidelines on how to recognize creativity in young children and even the existence of creativity. For example, someone can be very creative and original in formulating and solving mathematical problems, but cannot be a writer. Also, someone can be creative in one or more areas, but only at certain times in their lives.
Creativity plays an important role in defining perfection. This form of talent always manifests itself in a particular field. No one can be creative or talented in everything. Studies show that most artists can be considered talented, but not all talented people are creative[5].
The formation of concepts of environmental education in the process of teaching subjects to primary school students is a dialectical knowledge that interprets the harmony of nature and society (man) as a natural-historical, evolutionary, social problem. Man not only relocates different species of plants and animals, factories and plants, but also radically changes the climate and ecology of the place where he lives. But at the current stage of development of society, environmental problems are interpreted as a topical social problem that does not depend on the system[2].
Therefore, the formation of concepts of environmental education in the teaching of natural sciences in primary school important. For example, if a person plants a seedling or a crop and people, birds and animals enjoy its fruits, it is also a charity for that person, writes Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari. This fertilizer emphasizes that students can help take care of every seedling planted in the school without breaking it.
The methodological basis for the formation of concepts of environmental education in the teaching of natural sciences to primary school students includes the following content:
- The essence of the student's personality is reflected in the complex of interactions of nature, society and technology;
- The attitude of the student to nature depends on the universal value of morality - the hadiths of Al-Bukhari, Abu Isa al-Tirmidhi;
- The formation of a responsible attitude to nature and the environment is an important goal of primary education, which shows the full development of the student's personality;
- Responsibility to nature is based on the harmonious development of its various aspects: social, economic, spiritual, educational, ideological, political, legal.
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In the current period of accelerated development of science, in the process of coordinating the interaction and interaction of nature and society, such environmental problems have emerged that are interpreted as a pressing social, economic, spiritual, enlightenment, ideological, political, legal problem of our time.
In today's education system, the formation of concepts of environmental education in primary school students has become an urgent need. The growing ecological crisis is having a negative impact on the development of our country. For example, the establishment of agriculture and animal husbandry is becoming more difficult due to unfavorable natural factors, deteriorating living conditions due to the deterioration of the environment and drinking water quality, and the incidence of various diseases is increasing.
Achieving environmental awareness is an important step in solving environmental problems[4].
The fact that the development of both physical and mental is closely related to age was understood already in ancient times. For proper management of development processes, teachers have already in the distant past made attempts to classify periods of human life, the knowledge of which carries important information for initiates[8]. There are a number of developments of periodization of development. Periodization is based on the allocation of age characteristics. Age-related features are called anatomical, physiological and mental qualities characteristic of a certain period of life[10]. Since the biological and spiritual development of a person is closely related to each other, age-appropriate changes occur in the mental sphere. There is, although not in such a strict order as biological, social maturation, the age dynamics of personality development is manifested. This serves as a natural basis for the identification of successive stages of human development and the compilation of age periodization[3].
Innovative learning technologies are a systematic way to create, apply and define technical and human resources and their interrelationships, with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of forms of learning throughout the learning and learning process. Widespread access to modern knowledge is one of the most important requirements of today[7].
Environmental education is an educational process aimed at imparting theoretical environmental knowledge to the student in a purposeful, consistent, systematic and continuous manner[6].
The following tasks should be addressed in the process of creative approach and organization of the formation of environmental concepts in primary school students:
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1. Further increase of ecological knowledge acquired by students in the educational process.
2. Enrich their understanding of nature and environmental ecology.
3. To form in students the belief that the protection of nature and the environment is a social necessity.
4. To develop students' skills and abilities in environmental activities and to ensure their active participation in the process of nature and environmental protection.
The following are examples of the use of examples of folklore in the formation of ecological concepts of primary school students[9]: They say fast
1. Jamila put the jidan in place.
2. Salim put the carrots in the basket.
3. Did Gulnara spread the floral carpet, did Gulnara spread the floral carpet?
4. Sow the crop freely.
5. The total number of chickens in the herd.
6. Javlon sent to the world jiida.
7. Tuygun caught four parrots in the morning.
9. The Almighty slipped in the snow in the winter.
10. My lamb is a bell, a bell with a bell. Proverbs
1. If you touch a beehive, it will break into the middle.
2. Do not put straw in the ant's nest.
3. One pomegranate cures a thousand patients.
4. A spike — a basket of bread.
5. If you cut one, add ten.
6. Bulbul navosi-mood air.
7. The cloud weeps, the flower laughs.
8. At the beginning of the wheat crop, at the bottom of the carrot crop.
9. The tree is green somewhere.
10. The chicken is counted in the fall.
11. It will be cold in summer and cold in winter.
12. Deer Mountain-Beloved Mountain.
13. Non-original don.
14. He who builds will prosper.
15. Sweat-soaked.
16. My grandfather planted willows - he planted a name for himself.
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17. The good leaves a garden, the bad leaves a stain.
18. From a beautiful gardener.
Examples of such folklore not only form ecological concepts, but also provide effective results in improving their connected oral speech, quick and correct pronunciation, as well as creativity. In addition, the use of tests also shapes their logical thinking and responsiveness skills.
1. The first flower to open in spring. A) tulip B) boycheak C) chuchmoma
2. Which birds spend the winter in our country? A) nightingale B) sparrow C) crane, stork
3. What is a baby camel called? A) calf B) lamb C) lamb
4. Viz-viz, viz-viz we fly, we land.
We move from flower to flower, drinking flower juice. Viz-viz, viz-viz, Where to find, who are we? A) mosquito B) bees C) pumpkin
5. Which bird is the ambassador of spring? A) nightingale B) swallow C) music
6. Find a pet.
A) wolf B) cow C) tiger
7. Find the wild animal. A) horse B) bear C) camel
8. In a blue dress in winter and summer. A) willow B) spruce S) almond
9. Which tree does not bear fruit? A) peach B) poplar C) apple
10.Find the birds.
A) chicken B) nightingale C) rooster
11. Find the melon crop.
A) carrots B) pomegranates S) pistachios
In short, the main purpose of science lessons in primary education is to teach students to observe nature, to acquire work skills, and to form a conscious attitude towards nature[9]. In order to accomplish this task, it is necessary to consciously shape the knowledge acquired in the process of teaching natural science by
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 10
educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
connecting it with life. Only then will the unity of ideological, political, labor, moral, aesthetic and physical education of students be ensured. REFERENCES
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