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Ключевые слова
ecology / preschool children / culture / understanding / education / upbringing / preschool education system / ecological upbringing

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zakhro Yuldashevna Shanasirova

The main goal of environmental education is to develop in preschool children a conscious attitude to the environment and its problems, as well as the knowledge, skills and competencies to find optimal solutions to them. In this sense, the article analyzes the purpose of environmental education in preschool education

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Zakhro Yuldashevna Shanasirova

Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


The main goal of environmental education is to develop in preschool children a conscious attitude to the environment and its problems, as well as the knowledge, skills and competencies to find optimal solutions to them. In this sense, the article analyzes the purpose of environmental education in preschool education.

Keywords: ecology, preschool children, culture, understanding, education, upbringing, preschool education system, ecological upbringing.


The appearance of our planet is changing as a result of human overuse of natural resources. Green forests are declining, plant and animal species are declining, and mineral resources are depleting. As a result of pollution of water bodies and air, increasing emissions, the problems of food security, energy and fresh water are becoming more and more complicated. As a result, it is undermining the natural state that has been stable for millions of years.

Ecological knowledge is the structure, development, change of living nature, the state of living things on earth, their relationship with each other and the environment, the quantity and quality, size, variety and conservation of natural resources and their preservation. is to master the ways of economical use.

Man must change his attitude towards nature, the environment around him, know and study the laws of nature and develop his life based on them. We need to develop ways of life that conform to the laws of nature. Otherwise, man and society will be the cause of great natural disasters and will perish from them.

The essence of environmental education and training is the study and application of the permanent unity between nature and society and the natural and social laws that evaporate them.

Ecological education and upbringing is the conscious use of nature throughout one's life from the moment a person steps into nature, the upbringing of the customs and traditions of our people who respect and care for nature psychologically and

morally, the increase of natural resources to encourage the establishment of gardens, flowerbeds, to awaken good qualities in his heart.

The goal of ecological education is to cultivate an educated person who knows the natural environment and its resources, uses them sparingly, preserves them, adds to the richness and beauty of nature, and knows the social and natural laws.


1. To teach our preschool children to save their habitat (nature) and resources, to consciously protect them in environmental education.

2. Formation of ecological culture. It should start with the family. This is explained in the first paragraph of this chapter.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of ecological culture in preschool children:

> Pollution can be a source of disease for humans;

> Training to be aware of the damage caused by fires to the environment and

fire prevention measures;

> to know the essence of the call "do not spit on water, do not pollute it";

> not to break the branch of a flowering fruit tree, to form knowledge, skills

and abilities that human use of its fruit is a vital necessity, and so on.

Formation of environmental literacy. It is good to use real-life examples to

teach students.

• To form in the minds of preschool children the consequences of the destruction of grass when going on vacation and the impact of broken glass on society, nature and human health;

• inculcate in preschool children the harmful effects of intolerance on trees, plants and animals;

• Achieve the development of information and communication technologies to raise awareness of the impact of hazardous waste in factories and plants on human development and its consequences for preschool children;

• environmental education in the teaching of all disciplines in the training of future professionals;

• environmental education in extracurricular activities and excursions and trips;

• Develop the knowledge, skills and competencies to teach preschool children about environmental issues and the wise use of natural resources by teaching them about environmental issues.

There are three different approaches to early childhood about ecological environment (1-8 years) education (Bruce, 1997). One of these, called the empiricist approach, views the child as an 'empty vessel' to be filled with knowledge, information and skills, or as a 'lump of clay' to be molded into shape, meaning that in adulthood he or she will have imbibed the value-system, attitudes and behavior specific to his or her society and culture. The objective is to guide the development of the child to adulthood in accordance with the moral values and nuances specific to his or her society and culture. In this approach, derived from the philosophy of John Locke (1632-1704) and later promoted by psychologist Watson (1878-1958) and others, children are taught life-skills in a step-by-step fashion by ensuring that they become creatures of habit as it were.

At the other extreme, what is called the nativist approach views the child as one biologically pre-programmed to behave in certain ways (presumably determined by his or her genetic inheritance). In other words, knowledge is innate. This view, influenced by the ideas of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (17121778), does not adequately acknowledge the impact of external factors (such as socio-cultural, climatic and other factors) on the development of children. Interestingly, this view resonates with that of René Descartes (1596-1650), himself a nativist, that all lesser animals are 'automata' in the sense that they are biologically pre-programmed to behave in the way they do.

There have been periods when the empiricist approach was dominant, mainly in the USA, while the nativist approach gained favor at different periods primarily in Europe.

However, both these approaches are obviously constructs advanced as approximations to what the true nature of education in early childhood is or ought to be, and, not surprisingly, both have been the subject of well-founded criticism. Typically, Gardner (1983) takes the view that it would be wrong, if not dangerous, to adopt either of these approaches exclusively or ideologically, not least because this could deter or even prevent the search for more effective approaches to early childhood education and modalities for their implementation.


As a result, environmental education has become more diverse. Here are some of them:

1. To teach preschool children to take care of the natural resources of the place where they live.

2. To teach preschool children to plant and beautify their educational institutions and their surroundings, to plant fruit and ornamental trees.

3. To develop the skills of preschool children to keep parks and ponds clean.

4. Raising the environmental awareness.

5. Formation of ecological culture.

6. Improving environmental literacy.

7. To form in the minds of preschool children ideas about the environment and its impact on the spiritual world of the individual.

8. To form in the minds of preschool children ideas about nature and its role in the development of society.

9. Generality and specificity between the educational institution and the family in the environmental education of preschool children.

10. To form an idea in the minds of preschool children about the role of children in environmental protection.

11. To form in the minds of preschool children ideas about parental example in nature protection.

12. To teach preschool children to respect the flora and fauna of the family, educational institution, to increase knowledge and skills in the care of animals and birds.

13. Focus on the restoration of national traditions and customs in the environmental education of preschool children.

14. The use of clubs in the ecological education of preschool children and the use of "Nature and man", "Ecology and man", "The island asks for help", "Let's respect nature", "Let's consider water sacred" and so on. holding roundtables on topics.


This means that air is the most important and necessary element of nature for the human body. Polluted dust, which is constantly in the air, has a negative effect on gas exchange in the lungs. It can damage a person's health and cause a variety of illnesses. Nature is such a just miracle that it balances the environment. For example, carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and converted into oxygen, which means that plant jujube is, in a sense, an invaluable means of purifying the air from dust and carbon dioxide. This leads to the conclusion that man should not only preserve the nature around him, its flora, but also enrich it, plant as many trees as possible, and strive for landscaping. That's why our ancestors considered it a good deed to plant

trees and gardens. It is said that a person who plants a fruit tree will prosper in both worlds.


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